When Zhu Jing'an heard this, the expression on his face suddenly changed.

The original calmness and indifference disappeared.

Instead, there was confusion and disbelief.

What the hell?

Whoever is a good man can fight in a war, but he can't, just tear up the embankment of the Yellow River!

Is this something that humans can do?

Taking a deep breath, Zhu Jing'an spoke.

"Bring the detailed military report to me!"

Zhang Jin nodded, took out a military newspaper from his arms, and handed it to Zhu Jing'an.

"Please take a look at it, Your Highness!"

Zhu Jing'an took the military report and started reading it.

Since the Ming Dynasty gained momentum in the decisive battle of Huguang two years ago, everyone in the world has realized that the Manchu and Qing edifices will collapse.

Careers everywhere are emerging one after another, unwilling to lag behind others.

Although Henan is the heart of the Central Plains, since the Qing government did not have many troops stationed in Henan, uprisings would naturally break out.

When the Ming army attacked Jiangnan last year, the uprising in Henan was also very dramatic.

The rebel army once occupied Xuzhou Prefecture, Runing Prefecture and other places.

After this year's war started, the Qing government transferred part of the garrison in Henan in order to increase its troops in Hubei and Huainan.

Then, the rebels in Henan saw an opportunity.

Trying to take advantage of the situation and capture a big city like Kaifeng to build up their own momentum.

It is a pity that Yu Xiangwu, the Henan admiral of the Qing Dynasty, was a veteran general who knew how to fight. He led his troops to defend Kaifeng. After the reinforcements from Shanxi Green Camp arrived, they went out of the city to launch a counterattack, and they cooperated internally and externally to defeat the rebel army.

Then, what Zhu Jing'an now knows is that after the rebel army was defeated, they dug up the Yellow River embankment in an attempt to use water to replace the troops and block the Qing army's pursuit.

According to the content reported in the military newspaper, Zhu Jing'an knew that after the rebels dug a gap in the Yellow River embankment, the Yellow River embankment collapsed. The gap expanded from a few meters or tens of meters at the beginning to hundreds or even thousands of meters. .

The Yellow River, a river hanging above the ground, turned into an angry dragon, devouring everything it encountered along the way.

Towns, villages, farmland, hills, woods...

In front of the bursting Yellow River, everything seems so insignificant.

The entire Kaifeng Mansion has turned into a vast land.

And the flood is still spreading crazily towards other prefectures in Henan...

Zhu Jing'an knew that life in Henan would be difficult in the next few years.

Taking a deep breath, he closed the military newspaper in his hand, his expression cold and scary.

Everyone can see that Zhu Jing'an is in a very bad mood now!

The atmosphere on the Yangzhou city wall became solemn and cold, and the people around Zhu Jing'an did not even dare to make a loud sound while breathing.

He was afraid that Zhu Jing'an would be offended by this.

Finally, Zhang Jin summoned up the courage to ask.

"Your Highness, how should I deal with this matter?"

Although the burst Yellow River is now raging in Henan, and Henan is under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, this incident does not seem to have much to do with the Ming Dynasty.

However, this is not the case!

This was because this rebel army from Henan, which had the audacity to dig up the Yellow River embankment, had been recruited by the Ming Dynasty and was then awarded an official position by the Ming Dynasty.

In other words, this rebel army can be regarded as a member of the Ming army to a certain extent.

In this case, the Ming Dynasty was actually inseparable from the digging of the Yellow River embankment.

If the Qing army publicizes it properly, they can put this shit basin on Ming's head.

After Zhang Jin finished speaking, Zhu Jing'an's face remained gloomy.

But after thinking for a while, he said in a faint tone.

"It seems that I, Ming Dynasty, have to do justice this time..."

Zhu Jing'an's meaning is very clear. Don't wait for the Qing Dynasty to take the blame. The Ming Dynasty must get rid of this scapegoat first.

Even if the culprit who dug up the Yellow River cannot be taken down and punished now, we must show off our horses and horses and make a clean break with the Henan rebel army who dug up the levee of the Yellow River.

Zhu Jing'an would rather bear the name of treachery than bear the blame for allowing his subordinates to dig up the Yellow River embankment.

After figuring this out, Zhu Jing'an suddenly realized.

This time the Yellow River embankment was dug up, it was not completely without benefits for Ming Dynasty.

How should I put it, after Hubei was completely captured by the Ming army, the Qing court fell into a food shortage dilemma.

Now, with the Yellow River embankment being dug, most of Henan has been turned into a marsh, and millions of people have lost their homes and become homeless victims.

Within a few years, Henan will not be able to recover.

Henan could not recover its vitality, so it was naturally impossible to continue to provide food to the Qing court.

If Henan, a major grain-producing province, could no longer continue to provide food to the Qing court, the food shortage problem the Qing court would face would become even more severe.

Coupled with the millions of victims caused by the Yellow River burst...

The Qing court was much more uncomfortable than the Ming Dynasty.

How should I put it? Millions of victims lost their homes, had no food and clothing, and were crying for food. The Qing government would definitely not be able to provide relief.

If millions of victims want to survive, dividing their land from local tyrants may be their only option.

At that time, these millions of victims who are waiting for food will become millions of volunteers.

The Qing court will have a headache!

Of course, Ming Dynasty can also provide some help within its capacity to the millions of disaster victims.

Well, for example, provide disaster victims with a batch of production tools so that they can be self-reliant (knives, spears, guns, and cannons).

For example, help disaster victims organize themselves so that they can help each other (recruiting rebels and conferring official positions).

Another example is providing professional technical support to disaster victims and sending professionals to guide them on how to make a living (providing military instructors).

It's fun to help others, this is Zhu Jing'an's favorite thing!


Qing army camp!

Not long after Zhu Jing'an received the news that the Yellow River embankment had been dug, Fengsheng'e outside Yangzhou City also received the news.

Then, Feng Sheng'e felt bad all over.

If the Yellow River bursts, it has both advantages and disadvantages for Ming Dynasty, and the advantages even outweigh the disadvantages.

But for the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, it was really all bad and had no benefit at all.

Before the Yellow River burst, Henan was the most important source of food for the Qing Dynasty after losing Huguang.

Not even one of them!

This is good, snap, the source of food is gone again.

Also, although rebellions occurred one after another in Henan Prefecture before this, the overall situation was still barely under the control of the Qing Dynasty.

But now?

The millions of victims who appear out of thin air will be the biggest catalyst and the biggest factor of instability in Henan.

Next, the situation in Henan may be completely ruined.

If the Qing Dynasty wants to control the situation in Henan again, it will have to kill all the millions of victims, otherwise it will be absolutely impossible.

Once the situation in Henan completely deteriorates, the first person to be affected will be Fengsheng himself who is currently in Jiangbei.

Because the food and grass for Fengsheng'e's headquarters are now provided jointly by Henan and Shandong. The situation in Henan is now deteriorating, and Shandong Province alone cannot guarantee that there will be no problems with the supply of grain and grass for Fengsheng's headquarters.

Fengsheng'e's troops were currently fighting a fierce battle with the Ming army outside Yangzhou City, but at this time there was a problem with the army's food and grass supply.

That consequence was something Feng Sheng'e never dared to imagine...

You know, what Feng Sheng'e is holding now is the last main force of the Qing court.

If this main force is also lost on the battlefield, then the countdown to the Qing court's demise can begin.

This is something that is absolutely unacceptable to Fengshengquan.

Thinking about this, Fengsheng gritted his teeth and said.

"Send an order to Chatai and ask him to speed up the trench digging and dig the trenches needed for our army to attack Yangzhou City as soon as possible."

"Then let all the troops attack Yangzhou City and capture Yangzhou City."

Things have come to this, and everything that should have happened and should not have happened has already happened.

The situation in Henan is irreversible.

All Fengsheng'e can do now is to capture Yangzhou City and obtain the grain, grass and baggage stored in Yangzhou City by the Ming army before the bad news from Henan spreads.

Only in this way can the current predicament faced by the Qing Dynasty be somewhat restored.

Otherwise, it is estimated that it won't take long for the main force of the Qing Dynasty in his hand, Fengsheng'e, to collapse without a fight due to lack of food.

Taking another deep breath, Feng Sheng's face was full of solemn expression.


Beijing, the Forbidden City!

In the Yangxin Hall, Qianlong angrily threw an emerald cabbage on his hand to the ground.

With a thud, a jadeite cabbage worth thousands of gold was thrown onto the gold bricks in the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart, making a crisp sound of gold and iron.

Immediately, the jade cabbage turned into a pile of fragments.

Immediately afterwards, there were exquisite vases, porcelain, and antique ornaments...

In front of Qianlong, Li Shiyao, Liang Guozhi, Yuan Shoudong, Qinggui and other military ministers knelt down and trembled in front of Qianlong to plead guilty.

Among them, Qinggui was born in Manchuria with a yellow flag. He was promoted by Qianlong to fill his position in the military aircraft department after Feng Sheng'e, He Shen and other military ministers were sent abroad.

After a while, Qianlong's anger was finally vented, and then he let out a heavy breath and asked everyone.

"The Yellow River embankment was destroyed, and several prefectures in Henan Province were reduced to a state of emptiness."

"Everyone, please tell me, how should I, the Qing Dynasty, respond to this?"

The destruction of the Yellow River embankment simply made matters worse for the Qing Dynasty, a leaky ship.

The Qing Dynasty is now in a hurry to deal with the war with the Ming thieves and the rebellions that are happening all over the world.

Now that such a disaster happened again, Qianlong really felt mentally and physically exhausted.

Upon hearing this, Qinggui, Minister of the Ministry of War, considered his words, stood up and spoke.

"Your Majesty, I feel that although the destruction of the Yellow River embankment is of great importance, for me, the Qing Dynasty, the most important thing at the moment is the war in Jiangbei."

"With the Yellow River embankment destroyed, it will be difficult for Henan to continue delivering grain and grass to Jiangbei."

"The main force of the Qing Dynasty commanded by Master Fengsheng'e is in danger of running out of food!"

As the Minister of the Ministry of War, Qinggui naturally knows that the Jiangbei side now mainly relies on grain transportation from Henan and Shandong provinces.

Nowadays, Henan has suffered from floods, and it is definitely unable to continue transporting grain to Jiangbei.

If we rely solely on Shandong Province to transport food, the Jiangbei front line will definitely be short of food.

Once the army is short of food, there is a risk of collapse.

The Qing army commanded by Fengsheng'e is now the last main force of the Qing Dynasty.

Once this main force collapses due to lack of food, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, the most important thing for the current Qing court is not how to properly deal with the disaster in Henan, but how to ensure the supply of food and grass on the Jiangbei front line.

When Qianlong heard this, his expression became uncertain.

Obviously he has realized the seriousness of this matter.

It doesn't matter on the Henan side. The Yellow River bursting will just drown some people and starve to death. The Qing Dynasty will still be the Qing Dynasty.

But if the main force of the Qing army in Jiangbei collapsed due to lack of food, the Qing Dynasty would be destroyed.

After pondering for a while, Qianlong asked Qing Guidao.

"Qinggui, how do you think the Qing Dynasty can ensure the supply of food and grass for the Jiangbei army?"

Qinggui heard this and spoke.

"To report to the Emperor, I have three strategies for your reference."

"The first step is to transport grain from North Zhili and Shandong, and then send it southward through the Grand Canal directly to the army."

"This policy is an emergency measure, which can temporarily ensure that there will be no problems with the supply of grain and grass in Jiangbei."

Qinggui's meaning is very clear. Shandong will continue to transport grain, and the extra gap will first mobilize the capital's grain reserves for emergency response.

In order to ensure the food supply of the capital and to ensure that the hundreds of thousands of bannermen in the capital would not go hungry, the Manchu Qing Dynasty built many Changpingcang around the capital.

Specially used for grain storage!

Although these grains are generally not called.

But the current situation is critical, and there is no need to worry about so much for emergency purposes.

After Qianlong heard this, he thought for a while and felt that it was feasible, then nodded slightly and said.

"What about the second strategy?"

Qinggui was not polite and spoke directly.

"Your Majesty, the minister's second plan is to bring grain from North Korea."

"Now that the Qing Dynasty has moved a large number of Korean people to Liaodong for reclamation, the population of North Korea has been greatly reduced, and naturally there is room for food."

"If our Qing Dynasty can transfer all the excess food to Jiangbei, it will definitely be able to meet the needs of the army."

Qinggui pulled the calf seriously.

It seems that the Koreans who were moved to Liaodong by the Manchu Qing Dynasty did not need to eat food.

However, Qianlong still understood Qinggui's meaning.

That is squeezing North Korea!

Qianlong heard this and nodded in agreement.

How should I put it? The Qing Dynasty finally won the big blood bag of North Korea, so naturally it has to use it.

Qinggui's two strategies were both reasonable, and Qianlong continued to ask.

"What about the third strategy?"

Qinggui was also unambiguous and spoke directly.

"Start playing to the Emperor,"

"The gentry and common people in Jiangbei and Jiangbei are mostly rebels and bandits who are loyal to the Ming Dynasty. I believe that if the army is really short of food, it is also a good idea to feed the enemy."

"The big deal is that the people are suffering!" (End of Chapter)

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