No matter how stupid the Qing army was, they would not lose their memory at all.

Not long ago, the forward cavalry of the Qing army suffered a loss because the Ming army lured the enemy deeper.

How long has it been for me to forget my lesson so quickly and make the same mistakes again?

Seeing this, Sangzi Zabu could only lead his troops to withdraw again.

Feng Sheng'e looked at the situation on the battlefield, his expression sank involuntarily, and he spoke.

"From the current point of view, the artillery fire of the Ming thieves is fierce and the camp fortifications are strong. If our army wants to attack Yangzhou City, it will not be easy."

Feng Sheng'e's face was very calm, thinking about the current situation of the Yangzhou Battle and how he could break the situation.

Chatai on the side heard this and suggested.

"Sir, when I was fighting against the Ming thieves in the south of the Yangtze River, the Ming thieves always attacked fortresses, except for using heavy artillery as fire cover."

"They also like to dig trenches to avoid artillery fire, and project troops to the front line through zigzag trenches to reduce the casualties the army needs to endure during the advance."

"The general thinks that I, the Qing Dynasty, might be able to give it a try!"

Facing a fortified city, although the Qing army did not have a way to attack it, the Ming army did.

Again, if you can’t write the homework, can you still copy it?

Chatai has fought against the Ming army so many times before and after, even if it was a one-sided beating, it can be regarded as gaining experience now.

Therefore, facing the fortified city of Yangzhou in front of him, Chatai quickly came up with a practical way to attack the city based on his own experience of being beaten.

Well, that's how the Ming army beat him back then!

He is now learning and applying it!

After hearing this, Feng Sheng'e thought for a while, then nodded and said.

"also may!"

"This matter will be left to you, Chatai. I will temporarily hand over the command of the Korean soldiers to you. Next, you will command the Korean soldiers to dig trenches and prepare to attack Yangzhou City."

When Chatai heard this, he clasped his fists with joy and said.

"Don't worry, sir, we will ensure that the mission is completed."

After hearing this, Feng Sheng'e just spoke.

"We must speed up the progress as much as possible."

"We don't have much time left..."

The reason why Feng Sheng'e said this was because he knew that the main troops deployed by the Ming army in Hubei were passing through the Yangtze River channel non-stop and rushing downstream to Jiangbei for reinforcements.

Moreover, he also received a secret message from the Qing Dynasty's spies at Niangan in the south of the Yangtze River. The Ming thieves were gathering troops from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and Anhui provinces and were ready to cross the river to reinforce Jiangbei.

Once reinforcements from both aspects of the Ming army arrive, the Qing army's war in Jiangbei will no longer be able to continue!

If Feng Sheng'e wanted to change the current predicament faced by the Qing Dynasty, he would have to conquer Yangzhou with the arrival of Ming army reinforcements, severely damage or even completely annihilate the Ming army in Yangzhou.

Of course, it would be even better if the Ming thief prince could be killed in Yangzhou City.

Although the possibility is unlikely, it does not prevent Fengshengquan from thinking about it, just in case it comes true...

That's why Fengsheng'e said that there wasn't much time left for them.

Upon hearing this, Chatai also understood the seriousness of the current situation and nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry, sir, the general will understand!"


"Your Highness, the Qing army has learned the Ming Dynasty's trench-digging siege method. They are now digging trenches outside the west gate and advancing towards our army's forward position."

"How our army should respond is up to Your Highness to decide!"

Zhang Jin, who returned to Jiangbei, reported in front of Zhu Jing'an with a solemn expression.

Zhu Jing'an's face darkened when he heard this, but he was not panicked.

Because, after he used the tactic of digging trenches to attack the city for the first time on the battlefield, he understood that this trick would be learned by the Qing army sooner or later.

Just like the sandbag fortifications used by the Ming army, the Qing army is now very familiar with them. The reason why the Qing army had not used the strategy of digging trenches to attack the city before was because before that, the Ming army had been on the offensive and the Qing army was on the defensive.

Therefore, for the Qing army, the practicality of sandbag fortification far exceeded that of trench warfare.

But things are different now. The Qing army finally took the strategic initiative, and the trench-digging method was naturally used.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Jing'an spoke.

"Let the riflemen of our army be dispatched."

"In addition, deploy a batch of grenades, thirty mortars and corresponding explosive shells to the west gate direction to prepare them to engage the enemy."

Facing the Qing army's trench-digging tactics, Zhu Jing'an's response was also very simple.

Since artillery cannot stop the enemy, precise strikes from rifled guns are needed to hinder the Qing army's tactics of digging trenches.

Of course, even if the Ming army used rifled guns, it would only hinder the Qing army's progress in digging trenches.

As long as the Qing army was willing to die, the trenches would be dug sooner or later.

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an's second order is the focus, grenades and mortars that can open flower shells.

The common feature between grenades and mortars is that they can shoot in a straight direction and cause large-scale damage to enemies hiding in trenches.

Once the Qing army's trenches were dug and then launched an attack through the trenches, this was the day when the Ming army's firearms came into play.


As time passed, the Yangzhou battlefield where the gunfire roared like thunder suddenly became quiet.

Apart from the sound of shovels digging, there was only the sound of sporadic musket shooting.

The rifle shooters of the Ming Army came to the forward position with their rifles, loading, aiming, and shooting in one go.

Snapped! Bang bang!

From time to time, North Korean soldiers who emerged were hit by projectiles, their Tianling Caps were blown away, and they died tragically on the spot.

In order to boost morale, Jin Dazhi personally went to the front line and started digging with a shovel.

While digging, Jin Dazhi said.

"Be careful, be careful, don't show your head, don't show your head."

"The Ming army's guns are too accurate. If someone shows his head, he will die."

"When spreading soil, just extend your arms, but don't expose your head..."

After hearing the words, everyone nodded, each one more obedient than the other.

His movements were even more cautious, and he was determined not to show off.

Because those stubborn people who don’t believe in evil have already pulled the corpses out of several carts...

Feng Sheng'e looked at the progress of digging his own trenches on the front line, and the expression on his face was one of genuine relief.

It had been so long since they arrived outside Yangzhou City, and they finally saw some progress in the siege.


At the top of Yangzhou City, Zhu Jing'an was sitting on a Taishi chair, looking at the battle situation on the front line, his face not changing at all.

In him, there is a kind of indifference that the changes in the battlefield are under control!

And this is indeed the case. Zhu Jing'an now has a complete understanding of the Yangzhou war situation.

But at this moment, Zhang Jin came to Zhu Jing'an eagerly and leaned over to report.

"Your Highness, urgent report from Henan."

"The situation in Henan changed. Yu Xiangwu, the governor of Henan in the Qing Dynasty, fought with the anti-Qing rebels in Henan on the outskirts of Kaifeng. The rebels were defeated. When they were defeated, they dug up the Yellow River dam at Liuyuankou..." (End of this chapter)

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