Feng Sheng'e heard the words and nodded.

"Slave understands!"

After saying this, he took his leave again.

Qianlong was interrupted again and completely lost interest in continuing fishing.

After returning to the Yangxin Hall, he began to think about Feng Sheng'e's previous suggestion - the feasibility of sending a prince to lead the war.

Qianlong now really realized the danger of the situation facing the Qing Dynasty.

You can’t put all your eggs in one basket…

Qianlong knew that he might really need to plan for the future in advance.

The Qing Dynasty cannot die at the hands of Qianlong!


Punishment Department, Tianlao!

Li Zuo was huddled in the corner, wearing a dirty prison uniform whose original color could not be seen. Under his buttocks was a pile of "hay" that could be squeezed out of water.

Now Li Zuo has lost the high-spiritedness he had when he was in North Korea.

The whole person looked very depressed.

His cheeks were thin and covered with stubble, and his hair was as dry as dead grass in winter.

His eyes were dull and dull, and the only emotions in his eyes were numbness and despair.

The destruction of his country and his family is the best description of him at this time!

Ever since he was escorted to the capital and thrown into a prison without care for a long time, Li Zuo knew that he was going to die.

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for the Manchu and Qing Dynasties to let go of themselves, the king of Korea.

This kind of helplessness, knowing that you are going to die, but you can only close your eyes and wait for death. If you have not experienced it, you will never be able to imagine how painful it is.

At this moment, there was a sound of grinding chains.

The prison door was opened from the outside!

A beam of sunlight passed through the prison door, like a sharp arrow piercing the darkness, shining directly on Li Zuo's face.

The dazzling sunlight made Li Zuo temporarily blind. He could not see anything, but even so, he still looked towards the open prison door.

After a while, when his eyes adjusted to the light, Li Zuo saw several chamberlains walking in.

The leader covered his face with his sleeves to cover the stench in the cell, and then walked up to Li Zuo.

Xiao Anzi walked up to Li Zuo and looked at the North Korean king with a stern look in his eyes. He was once aloof, but now he was low in the dust, and his life and death were controlled by a little eunuch like himself.

He said with a playful look in his eyes.

"King Li Zhen of Korea colluded with Ming thieves, rebelled against the Qing Dynasty, resisted the invasion of heavenly troops, and committed countless crimes."

"Master Wang will challenge him and capture him under the palace. He should be questioned about his crime!"

"Li Zuo, can you plead guilty?"

Xiao Anzi came to deal with Li Zou today on Qianlong's order.

The reason why he talked so much nonsense before taking action was not because the villain died from talking too much, but because of Qianlong's arrangement.

Otherwise, with Xiao Anzi's cleverness, he would definitely not do such a meaningless thing.

When Li Zuo heard this, he knew that he was probably going to die.

He thought, since he was going to die anyway, why not die with dignity?

He didn't mean to give in at all, he just sneered.

"The Hulu and Tartar chieftains are traitors and thieves, how can they have the dignity to speak against me?"

"His Aixinjueluo family was favored by the Ming Dynasty, and he was made rich by the hereditary commander of the Jianzhou Guards."

"But that traitor Nurhachi didn't know the kindness of the Ming Dynasty. He used the so-called seven hatreds as an excuse to raise an army against the Ming Dynasty and rebel against the court. He is really ambitious and unforgivable!"

"It's hard to find a person with such a wolf-hearted person even if I search through the history books."

"If it weren't for the fact that before Jiashen, you Tatars invaded our country several times, killed our people, captured our soldiers and civilians, and forced our country to surrender, how could our country have surrendered to your unfaithful, unjust, and ruthless Tatars?"

"Now that the Ming Dynasty has been restored, Korea will naturally return to the vassal state of Shangguo."

"Otherwise, what's the difference between our Li family of Korea and your ungrateful Aixinjueluo family?"

After Li Zuo said this, he closed his eyes and waited for death.

But his heart was full of joy!

When Xiao Anzi heard this, the expression on his face twitched.

Because he knew what answer Qianlong wanted to hear.

The answer Qianlong wanted from Li Zuo was nothing more than that Li Zuo realized his mistake and cried bitterly and begged the Qing emperor for forgiveness.

Then, Qianlong would be so aloof that he didn't even bother to meet Li Zou, and then, his little Anzi would consign Li Zou to death.

This kind of thing just hit Qianlong's sweet spot.

Instead of wanting to be poked in the lungs!

But now...

Qianlong couldn't get the answer he wanted, and the person in charge, Xiao Anzi, might also be implicated.

What the hell is this?

If he had known this earlier, Xiao Anzi would not have asked his godfather for this mission.

I thought this would be an opportunity to show my face in front of the emperor.

Now it’s time to show off your face!

After thinking for a while, Xiao Anzi gritted his teeth and said immediately in order to avoid further complications.

"The emperor has decreed that the king of North Korea, Li Zuo, colluded with Ming thieves and rebelled against the Qing Dynasty. His crime is unforgivable and he should be sentenced to death."

"Appreciate this!"

After saying this, Xiao Anzi continued to grit his teeth and said to Li Zuo.

"Poison wine, bowstring, self-immolation."

"Your Majesty, choose your own!"

As a member of the feudal ruling class, Qianlong still abided by the basic rule that emperors should not use weapons.

For example, now, although Qianlong wants to kill Li Zuo, he will not drag him to the execution platform to kill him. Instead, he will use insidious methods to secretly execute him in the sky prison.

How can I put it, the Sima family is really the only one who has been able to do such weird things as being a man in the street.

Compared with the Sima family, even the Mongols and Manchus have a certain respect for themselves.

When Li Zuo heard this, his expression froze obviously.

Originally, he thought he could face death calmly and decently!

But when death really came, Li Zuo realized that he couldn't do this yet.

He still has a deep fear of death.

Seeing this, Xiao Anzi sneered and said.

"Does your Majesty really think that you can survive this way?"

"Since the king himself doesn't choose, then let me choose for the king!"

Turning his head and glancing at the three trays behind him, Xiao Anzi picked up the bow string, pressed it hard with both hands, and then strode towards Li Zuo with a sinister smile.

Just as Li Zheng wanted to dodge, he was immediately restrained by several eunuchs following Xiao Anzi.

The bowstring was put around his neck, and as Xiao Anzi exerted force on his hand, the bowstring began to cut into Li Zuo's neck.

The skin is torn, the flesh and blood are extruded...

Li Zuo opened his mouth and let out a scream, but his mouth was blocked with a rag.

Soon, Li Zuo lost his breath.

Xiao Anzi narrowed his eyes, feeling quite happy when he saw a former king die in his hands, so he just waved and said.

"Let's go back and recover!"


As time went by, the situation on the Huainan front line began to become more and more tense.

After Zhu Jing'an arrived in Yangzhou, he made several public appearances and held a grand military parade outside Yangzhou City.

In the following period, a large number of ferries plied both sides of the Yangtze River.

Constantly transporting troops to the north of the Yangtze River, as well as the supplies and supplies needed for military operations.

The calls for the Northern Expedition are getting louder and louder!

Zhu Jing'an showed off his muscles unscrupulously in Jiangbei, attracting everyone's attention to Jiangbei in a short time. It seems to be saying, hit me if you dare!

After misjudging the strategic direction of the Ming Dynasty, the Qing court also continued to mobilize troops to the Huainan area.

A large number of new Eight Banners troops began to gather in Fengyang Mansion!

Confronted with Yaoyao, the Ming army in the north of the Yangtze River.

Since the main attack direction was not here, the Ming army stood still and did not take the initiative to launch an attack.

The Qing army also did not dare to take the initiative to go south out of fear of Zhu Jing'an.

In a short period of time, the battle situation in Huainan direction came to a stalemate!

At the same time, the Ming army assembled heavy troops in Anlu Prefecture, Hubei Province, and marched along the Han River towards Xiangyang Prefecture, which was empty of troops.

Well, this Han River is not that Han River!

Bangzi’s Hanjiang River actually stole its name from China.

And Bangzi is not the only one in East Asia who likes to steal Chinese place names.

Taiyuan Prefecture in Vietnam and Kyushu Island of the Japanese are all examples.

This was the dominance of Chinese culture in East Asia before modern times.

The Kingdom of Heaven is not something the ancestors claimed for themselves, but is recognized by the entire Confucian cultural circle.


On the third day of April in the third year of Xuanwu in the Ming Dynasty, the Ming army defeated Yicheng.

On the seventh day of April, the Ming army's vanguard had arrived outside Xiangyang City.

On that day, the Ming army officially launched an attack on Xiangyang City.

boom! Boom boom!

The roar of heavy artillery resounded through the sky.

Shells poured towards the head of Xiangyang City one after another.

But it is obvious that the Ming army's artillery accuracy and firepower density have been significantly improved compared to before.

The reason is also very simple. Most of the Ming army's artillery barrels have been rifled.

And carried out Suifa transformation!

Different from the technical threshold for the production of rifled guns, the production of rifled guns is much simpler.

One after another, artillery shells were poured on the head of Xiangyang City. The shells hit the city wall, and cracks spread rapidly like spider webs.

After the heavy artillery suppressed the Qing army's city defense artillery, the Ming army's siege mortars also began to advance forward.

Siege mortars were pushed to the front line one after another, and then began to deliver firepower.

A round of explosive bombs was delivered to the head of Xiangyang City, and explosions sounded one after another.

Boom! Boom!

Under the cover of artillery bombardment, the Ming army began to launch a general attack on Xiangyang City.

In front of the magistrate's office in Xiangyang City, Fang Guangen, the newly appointed governor of Hubei Province by the Qing government, was pacing with anxiety on his face.

In front of him, Zhu Gui, the new commander-in-chief of Xiangyang, also had a solemn look on his face.

"How could this be so! How could this be so!"

"Didn't the court explain that the thieves' main attack direction is Huainan? Where did the Ming thieves outside Xiangyang City come from?!"

Fang Guangen was very anxious.

The rumbling sound of artillery shelling coming from the direction of the city wall seemed to hit his heart every time.

Zhu Gui on the side also had the same expression.

Not long after he took over as the commander-in-chief of Xiangyang, Xiangyang City faced such a crisis.

This makes him look like he's taking the blame!

Suddenly, Fang Guangen, who was pacing in place, stopped moving, as if he had realized something, and the expression on his face changed from solemn to gritted teeth.

"What a thief, what a thief!"

"If Xiangyang City falls into the hands of Ming thieves, the fundamental reason is because of the spies in the city!"

When Zhu Gui heard this, he couldn't help but look surprised.

"Why do you say this, sir?"

Fang Guangen gritted his teeth and said.

"The imperial court has just mobilized troops from Xiangyang to reinforce the war in Huainan, but the thieves have invaded Xiangyang City with a large number of troops."

"How can there be such a coincidence in this world!"

"At first glance, it turned out that there was a spy who tipped off the Ming thief and told the Ming thief about our army's movements."

"Otherwise, the Ming thief's raid would never have come so quickly!"

When Zhu Gui heard this, his face showed surprise, and he couldn't help but cursed the spy along with Fang Guangen.

After scolding the spies for a while and venting some emotions, the two regained their senses and regained the high ground.

Suddenly he realized that the biggest problem in Xiangyang City currently was not catching spies, but how to repel the enemy.

If they can't repel the intruders, even if they can catch the spies, it won't help.

"Sir, the most important thing for us now is how to defend Xiangyang City."

"If Xiangyang City is destroyed, everything will be over!"

Zhu Gui suggested.

Fang Guangen on the side took a deep breath after hearing this.

"The imperial court has just transferred the main force away from Xiangyang City. Most of the remaining defenders in Xiangyang are old, weak, sick and disabled."

"It's hard for these old and weak people to resist the Ming thief's offensive!"

The city defense of Xiangyang City is actually quite strong.

Since the last time the White Lotus Sect attacked Xiangyang City, Xiangyang has been strengthening the city's defenses.

After such a long time, Xiangyang's city defenses can be said to be impregnable.

However, for a fortified city, it is useless just to have strong defenses. You must have enough troops to defend the city.

The current problem of Xiangyang City is that there are not enough troops to defend the city.

Just as the two were thinking hard and thinking about strategies to defend the city.

Suddenly, there was a commotion from the south of Xiangyang City.

General Niu Fen of the Xiangyang Patrol Battalion led the team to open the south gate of Xiangyang and chose to surrender to the Ming army.

How should I put it, as one of the city defense generals of Xiangyang City, he knows how empty Xiangyang City is now.

He even understood that the current Xiangyang City could never stop the Ming army's attack!

If that's the case, why would he risk his life and fortune in Xiangyang for the sake of the Qing Dynasty?

Wouldn't it be nice for him to simply use Xiangyang as a surrender certificate and surrender to the Ming Dynasty?

After Niu Fen led his men to surrender the south gate of Xiangyang, the Ming army's siege troops swarmed into Xiangyang City.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty picked up their muskets with bayonets and launched a bayonet charge.

At this point, the countdown to Xiangyang's fall has begun...


Jiangbei, Yangzhou!

Zhu Jing'an was stationed in a salt merchant's manor outside Yangzhou City.

Both the inside and outside of the manor were guarded by his guards.

In the study, Zhu Jing'an was looking at a map and studying strategies.

Beside him were Zhang Jin, Xie Gao, Pan Dazhu, Tian Wenchang and other Ming army generals.

In front of the map, Zhu Jing'an touched his chin and said in a deep voice.

"Counting the time, the battle situation in Hubei should be decided by now!"

"The defenses of Xiangyang City are empty, and they are prepared for attack but not prepared for attack. It should not be a big problem for our army to capture Xiangyang City."

You know, the Ming army concentrated three reorganized divisions on the battlefield in Hubei.

There will never be any problems with the war situation in Hubei!

As for how Zhu Jing'an managed to hide the Qing government's eyes and ears in Jiangnan and quietly send three reorganizers to Hubei...

In fact, it is very simple. It can be summed up in four words: "change the day by stealing the sky"! (End of chapter)

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