When Zhu Jing'an heard this, the expression on his face was obvious surprise, but after the surprise, he felt joy from the bottom of his heart.

His hard work over this period of time has paid off, his tree has finally blossomed and bear fruit!

In fact, Zhu Jing'an thought that Huang Yingying would be pregnant first, because he stayed in Huang Yingying's room the longest and watered Huang Yingying the most.

Unexpectedly, He Yuxiu would be the first to become pregnant!

But that doesn't matter.

All Zhu Jing'an needed was a pregnant woman to prove his fertility, and an heir to stabilize people's hearts.

As for who this woman is and who gave birth to the heir, that doesn't matter.

Not only Zhu Jing'an looked happy, but even Zhu Jianzhuo, who was sitting at the top, laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, the prince's concubine is finally pregnant. This can be regarded as a solution to my worries!"

Seeing this, the civil and military ministers in the study spoke one after another.

"I would like to congratulate His Highness the Crown Prince..."

After learning that Zhu Jing'an's wife and concubine were pregnant, these people also breathed a sigh of relief.

A big stone that had been accumulating in my heart was instantly lifted!

For a feudal dynasty, orderly inheritance is a major matter related to the foundation of the country and the rise and fall of the country.

No one can care less!

Zhu Jing'an was just about to wave Song Shigeng to step aside so that he could continue to explain the strategy to everyone.

Zhu Jianzhuo waved his hand and said.

"It won't be too late to hold the strategic meeting later. Jing'an, please come with me to see my daughter-in-law first!"

Zhu Jing'an also nodded when he heard this.

"Listen to your father!"

After saying this, the father and son headed towards the Prince's Mansion together.


It was early spring in the forty-fifth year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty.

The grass grows and warblers fly, the flowers and plants in the imperial garden exude the fragrance of vegetation, and exotic flowers and plants are in full bloom.

A gentle spring breeze blew, and the tender green grass swayed in the wind.

A flying bird flew across the lake, and its feathers touched the surface of the lake, causing ripples.

Qianlong was sitting in a pavilion by the lake, holding a fishing rod in his hand, and the floats floating on the lake were rising and falling.

Judging from the empty dessert plate next to him, he must have been sitting here for a long time.

It's a pity that the fish basket next to Qianlong is still empty.

Not a single one!

Obviously, a certain fishing guy wants the air force today.

This is really a huge blow to a fisherman.

It is precisely because of this that the air pressure around Qianlong is now very low, and even Li Yu, a close eunuch, does not dare to make a sound.

I was afraid that because of a trivial matter, I would offend the fisherman from the Air Force and be chopped into pieces and thrown into a lake to make a nest.

However, at this moment, there was a noise outside the pavilion.

After the report, a chamberlain hurriedly ran to Qianlong's side and spoke.

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent military situation at the Military Aircraft Department!"

When Qianlong heard this, the expression on his face changed. He put down the fishing rod in relief and asked.

"What's going on? Where did the emergency military information come from?"

When the little eunuch heard this, he didn't dare to hide it and spoke directly.

"When I return to the emperor, it's urgent military information sent back from Huainan!"

"The prince of the Ming Dynasty led his troops to cross the river and stationed in Yangzhou. The Ming Dynasty's Northern Expedition is about to begin..."

When Qianlong heard this, he couldn't help but gasp, and the expression on his face became quite solemn.

Since the prince of the Ming Dynasty personally crossed the river to the north of the Yangtze River, it means that the Ming Dynasty will probably launch the Northern Expedition soon.

Thinking about this, Qianlong said with a cold face.

"Send the order and ask several military ministers from the Military Aircraft Department to go to Yangxin Palace to meet and discuss matters..."

Qianlong was in a very solemn mood now.

Because the psychological pressure Zhu Jing'an put on him was really too great.

The Ming Dynasty sent Zhu Jing'an, just like the Chu army sent the overlord Xiang Yu, the Han Dynasty sent the champion Hou Huo Qubing, and Li Tang sent General Tiance.

Even just a name can scare the enemy!

So far, the Qing Dynasty has lost almost the entire south to Zhu Jing'an, and has brought in dozens of governor-general-level officials.

The number of soldiers and generals lost reached hundreds of thousands!

However, even so, the Qing Dynasty never defeated Zhu Jing'an's offensive on the battlefield, even once.

Facing such an invincible enemy, who can not be afraid?

Zhu Jing'an's name alone was enough to make everyone in the Qing court tremble.

Qianlong also felt solemn from the bottom of his heart.

Now that Zhu Jing'an has arrived in Jiangbei in person, the situation in Huainan will be really dangerous...

Qianlong now had no confidence at all whether the Qing Dynasty could withstand the attack of the Ming thieves.

The only thing he can hope for now is that the new Eight Banners Army, which the Qing Dynasty spent so much manpower and material resources training, can compete with the Ming thieves on the battlefield and restore a certain situation.


Forbidden City, Hall of Nourishing Heart!

Qianlong sat upright in his seat, his eyes slightly narrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

In front of him, Feng Sheng'e, Li Shiyao, Liang Guozhi and others knelt neatly, waiting for Qianlong's instructions.

Qianlong glanced around and spoke.

"The current situation is already obvious. The Ming prince crossed the river and arrived in Jiangbei. If this is the case, the Ming thief's next move will definitely be on the Huainan front line."

"Huai'an, Xuzhou, and Fengyang are all likely to be the main attack directions of the Ming thieves."

"Let's all discuss it!"

"How should we, the Qing Dynasty, respond to the Ming thieves' offensive next?"

Qianlong squinted his eyes, a cold light reflected in his eyes.

From the perspective of the Qing court, since Zhu Jing'an has arrived in Jiangbei, the Ming thieves' general attack direction is definitely in Jiangbei.

They did not realize that Zhu Jing'an's personal movements might be a strategic fraud.

In front of him, Feng Sheng'e, Li Shiyao and others looked at each other, and Feng Sheng'e stood up and said.

"Your Majesty, if you want me to tell you, the main battlefield will most likely be in Fengyang!"

"If the Ming thieves were to launch a northern expedition, the probability of taking Fengyang first would be much higher than Huai'an and Xuzhou."

"Because Fengyang was once the central capital of Ming thieves."

"To me, the Qing Dynasty, Fengyang is nothing, but to the Ming thieves, Fengyang is of extremely great political significance."

"That's why I suggest that we, the Qing Dynasty, concentrate the main force of the Eight Banners' new army in Fengyang to deploy defenses to thwart the Ming thieves' Northern Expedition."

Feng Sheng'e wanted to rely on the Eight Banners New Army in the hands of the Qing Dynasty to have a decisive battle with the Ming thieves in Fengyang.

This was used to restore the Qing Dynasty's unfavorable situation on the battlefield.

Upon hearing this, Qianlong nodded slightly, looked at Li Shiyao, and asked.

"Shi Yao, what do you think about this matter?"

When Li Shiyao heard this, he also spoke.

"I agree with Master Fengsheng'e's opinion, but I think the eggs should not be put in the same basket."

"For the sake of caution, my slave's opinion is that our Qing forces in Huainan can be divided into three, stationed in Huai'an, Xuzhou, and Fengyang respectively, forming a triangle to support and reinforce each other."

"To deal with the threat of Ming thieves coming north!"

Huai'an, Xuzhou, and Fengyang form a triangle, so it is actually very good to deploy defenses here. Hearing this, Qianlong nodded again.

But before Qianlong could say anything, Feng Sheng'e stood up and said.

"Your Majesty, this servant has something to say!"

Qianlong nodded slightly, indicating that Feng Sheng'an would go ahead and say it.

Seeing this, Feng Sheng'e opened his mouth and said.

"The current situation in Huainan is that the prince of the Ming Dynasty crossed the river in person and has arrived in Yangzhou."

"Since the prince of the Ming Dynasty has crossed the river, it means that the main force of the Ming Dynasty must be in the north of the river."

"If our army cannot concentrate its superior forces, how can it withstand the attack of the main force of the Ming thieves?"

"What the Qing Dynasty needs now is a victory, a hearty victory against the Ming thieves, rather than barely maintaining the situation."

Since almost the entire south was captured by the Ming army, there have been quite a few problems within the Qing court.

The most serious problem was that the landlords and gentry began to lose confidence in the rule of the Qing court.

Although the gentry in the north has not surrendered directly, they have already begun to fool the Qing Dynasty in taxation.

Last year, several provinces still under the control of the Qing Dynasty generally encountered difficulties in collecting taxes.

Tax arrears are not uncommon!

It was obvious that the wealthy gentry had begun to ignore the Qing Dynasty.

If someone dared to owe taxes to the Qing Dynasty in the past, it goes without saying that the Qing Dynasty would not even hesitate when we punished him and confiscated his family and exterminated his clan.

But things are different now. Ming thieves are eyeing the south and may launch the Northern Expedition at any time.

The Qing Dynasty did not dare to really push those big gentry families into panic!

If we really have to corner those wealthy gentry families and force them to surrender, then it will be too late for our Qing Dynasty to regret it.

Therefore, now we in the Qing Dynasty can only adopt gentle methods to deal with those gentry who evade taxes and default on their taxes.

But the problem is that many times, the more gentle you are, the more people don't take you seriously.

The Qing court was gentle and caring, but now the tax problem is getting bigger and bigger...

So much so that tax collection in the Qing Dynasty has become a big problem now!

The method to solve this problem is actually very simple.

The Qing court must achieve a decisive victory on the battlefield against the Ming army.

This is to prove to the world that we, the Qing Dynasty, are still capable of ruling the world.

Only in this way will it be possible for the gentry who evade taxes to pay their taxes honestly.

This is why Feng Sheng'e is so eager to have a decisive battle with the Ming army!

Now the Qing Dynasty needs a war to restore the confidence of the people in the Qing Dynasty.

Qianlong obviously understood this.

He squinted his eyes and said to Fengsheng.

"Let's arrange this matter according to Feng Sheng'e's suggestion. Concentrate the main force of our Qing Dynasty in Fengyang and prepare for a decisive battle with the Ming thief prince."

"This battle can only be won, not defeated!"

When Feng Sheng'e heard the words, he knelt down and kowtowed.

"Your Majesty is wise."

Qianlong nodded slightly, and then continued.

"With this order, I will confer Feng Sheng'e as the Imperial Envoy and go south to Fengyang to preside over the decisive battle with the Ming thieves!"

In order to ensure victory on the front line, Qianlong was going to send an imperial envoy to supervise the battle.

In fact, if the situation in North Korea was really inseparable from Fukang'an, Qianlong was prepared to let Fukang'an take charge of this battle.

But having said that, the bonus is actually not bad.

Fengsheng'e could be regarded as a veteran general who had experienced many battles. Qianlong could rest assured that he would be in charge of the war.

Seeing this, Li Shiyao couldn't help but object, so he just said from the side.

"What if after the Ming Dynasty's Northern Expedition, Fengyang was not the target of attack?"

Hearing this, Feng Sheng'e said confidently.

"Fengyang is the central capital of the Ming thieves and the location of the ancestral tombs of the Ming thieves. Are we, the Qing Dynasty, still afraid that the Ming thieves will not attack Fengyang?"

Feng Sheng'e's intention was very clear. He was going to have his mind set on Fengyang Emperor's Mausoleum of the Ming Dynasty.

He didn't believe it. He was digging and digging the Fengyang Emperor's Mausoleum, but the Ming thief could remain indifferent!

Qianlong, Li Shiyao, Liang Guozhi, Yuan Shoudong and others subconsciously raised their brows when they heard this.

Good guy, this guy Fengsheng’e has some ideas!

However, this idea is immoral and smoky!

Qianlong heard this and just said.

"The deceased is the most important person. How can we attack the imperial mausoleum unless it is absolutely necessary?"

"This must never be done!"

Qianlong still wanted to lose face.

His subordinates could do this kind of thing, but Qianlong could not know about it.

Therefore, Qianlong said here that Fengsheng'e could not take action against the Fengyang Imperial Mausoleum unless it was absolutely necessary.

However, he did not say what the last resort standard was.

The meaning is very clear, it is up to you to decide this matter.

If it's done well, the emperor is wise and has commanded well!

If you can't do it well, then you, Fengsheng'e, are the one who makes the right decisions and deserve death!

Seeing this, Feng Sheng'e immediately understood what Qianlong meant, nodded and spoke.

"I know my mistake!"

When Qianlong saw this, he nodded slightly and signaled everyone to step back.

After everyone resigned, Qianlong happily prepared to continue fishing and take off his air force hat.

But just as he left the Yangxin Hall, he saw Feng Sheng'e return.

He looked anxious, as if he had something important to report to Qianlong.

Qianlong stood still and asked with squinted eyes.

"Feng Sheng'e? What's wrong? What's going on?"

Feng Sheng stood in front of Qianlong, then knelt down and saluted.

"Your Majesty, this servant has just received the information."

"The secret agents in Nanjing City reported that the Ming thieves are preparing to send troops to participate in the war in Korea!"

Ming Dynasty's intention to aid North Korea was actually a matter of course.

In other words, it was the rumor that Ming Dynasty deliberately let out!

Because Ming Dynasty wanted to use this news to prevent the Qing army from easily mobilizing North Korean troops to return reinforcements.

This will pave the way for the decisive battle between the Ming Army and the Qing Army on the frontal battlefield!

Therefore, with Zhu Jing'an's deliberate connivance, although the Ming army's aid to North Korea was only a plan that had not yet been implemented, it had been spread throughout the world.

Naturally, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties can also get corresponding news!

Qianlong heard this, thought for a while and said.

"Let's speed up the progress on North Korea!"

"Send the order and the King of Korea, Li Zuo, who is being escorted to Beijing, will be put to death immediately."

"Then send an imperial envoy to canonize the new Korean king..."

Li Zuo had actually been escorted to Beijing for some time, and Qianlong originally planned to wait until autumn before executing him.

But now it seems that I can’t wait until then! (End of chapter)

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