Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 283 The Nature of Social Development

Chapter 283 The Nature of Social Development

When Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, the expression on his face changed, his brows furrowed slightly, and he asked.

"What's wrong? What's the news? What happened?"

Wang Shun took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, breathed evenly, and then spoke.

"In response to Your Majesty, this is what happened!"

"My Ming Dynasty Jin Yiwei's spies in Beijing got a piece of news about North Korea some time ago."

"The Fuyuan General Fukang'an of the Qing army led his troops to capture Hancheng and Nanhan Mountain City. Almost everyone in Li's Korea, from top to bottom, from the king to the important ministers, became prisoners of the Manchus."

"In other words, North Korea has perished!"

When Zhu Jiazhuo heard this, he couldn't help but take a breath of air and almost stood up from his chair in shock.

The expression on his face became quite solemn.

Did North Korea collapse like this?

Although he doesn't want to send troops to aid North Korea now, that's just because Ming Dynasty really can't do anything.

This does not mean that he wants North Korea to perish!

You know, North Korea is now on the side of the Ming Dynasty.

Although North Korea's military was weak, mosquito legs were still pieces of meat no matter how small they were. No matter how weak the North Korean soldiers were, it would not be a problem to contain the flanks of the Qing army and help the Ming army share the pressure a little.

Zhu Jianzhuo originally planned to wait for the Ming Dynasty to withdraw its hands from the main battlefield in Jiangnan to reinforce the Korean War.

But who would have thought that before the Ming Dynasty had time to reinforce North Korea, North Korea had already perished.

Who should I talk to to reason with this?

Zhu Jianzhuo's heart was filled with solemnity now, and he asked Wang Shundao.

"Wang Shoufu, how do you think our Ming Dynasty should deal with the current changes in North Korea?"

When Wang Shun heard this, he couldn't help but look thoughtful, and then he spoke.

"Replying to your majesty, according to the news from Jin Yiwei from Beijing, the Qing court plans to execute the current king of North Korea, Li Zuo, and then select someone from the distant clan of North Korea to support him to become the king of North Korea."

"Then, we can use it to control North Korea."

"Perhaps our Ming Dynasty can follow this example and select a Korean clan member and canonize him as the king of Korea to fight against the Manchu Qing Dynasty."

When Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, he couldn't help but look thoughtful, thinking about the pros and cons of this matter.

However, in the end, he still couldn't make up his mind, so he spoke.

"This matter is of great importance. I don't want to be expert in it, so I'd better discuss it with the cabinet first, then send a horse to ask the prince's opinion, and then make a final decision."

Actually, the cabinet discussion was just an excuse. Zhu Jianzhuo's real idea was to ask his son's opinion.

He knew that he was somewhat inadequate in controlling grand strategy.

For such an important matter, Zhu Jianzhuo felt that his son's opinion should be the main one.

Thinking of his son, Zhu Jiazhuo suddenly remembered something else.

That's about moving the capital to Nanjing!

Shortly after the Battle of Fuzhou ended, Zhu Jing'an realized that the overall situation in Jiangnan had been decided.

Therefore, he once again wrote to Guangzhou, requesting the Ming Dynasty to move the capital to Nanjing.

Zhu Jianzhuo received Zhu Jing'an's request some time ago, but he had not yet made a decision for a while.

It's not that he didn't want to move the capital to Nanjing. After all, Nanjing was the old capital of the Ming Dynasty and the place where Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

It has extremely important political implications!

If the Ming Dynasty could move its capital to Nanjing, it would definitely cheer up the people of the world, which would be beneficial but not harmful.

The reason why Zhu Jiazhuo hesitated was actually just because he didn't know when to leave.

Therefore, Zhu Jianzhuo asked.

"Chief Minister, the prince sent a memorial from Jiangnan a few days ago, requesting the court to move Xing Zai to Nanjing. When do you think it is best for Xing Zai to leave here?"

Zhu Jianzhuo was going to ask Wang Shun for his opinion.

Wang Shun heard this and thought for a while.

"Your Majesty, the Guangzhou branch has a large number of people here, and all departments are busy with work, and a large amount of documents have accumulated."

"If we want to migrate, it will definitely not be possible in a short time. We need a certain amount of time to make preparations."

"That's why Wei Chen's opinion is that it would be best to move the capital to Nanjing after this year."

Zhu Jiazhuo heard this, thought for a while, nodded and said.

"That's fine too."

"Just reply to the prince like this!"

“Living here does take time to prepare before you can migrate.”

Wang Shun nodded to express his understanding, then resigned and prepared to leave.

But Zhu Jiazhuo stopped Wang Shun again and gave instructions.

"By the way, send someone to appease the North Korean envoys to prevent them from doing anything stupid because of the changes in North Korea."

"If Ming Dynasty wants to intervene in the situation in North Korea next, it will still need them."

Zhu Jianzhuo was really frightened by the North Korean mission recently.

In his view, since the deputy envoy of the North Korean mission wanted to force the Ming Dynasty to send troops to aid the North, he had to hang up his ambitions.

It is not impossible that all members of the North Korean mission would commit suicide and die for the country after receiving the news of North Korea's subjugation.

Therefore, he deliberately sent someone to appease the North Korean envoy.

Who said they are still useful?


Since the Ming Dynasty had no intention of deliberately keeping it secret, the news that the Manchu Qing Dynasty captured the capital of Korea and captured the king of Korea and many important officials in the court spread quickly throughout the entire city of Guangzhou as if it had wings.

Naturally, the North Korean mission also received relevant news.

The moment Wang Minhao received the news, he felt what it meant to be so damn heartbroken.

He was still working tirelessly on Ming's side, working hard to get Ming to send troops to aid North Korea.

As a result, North Korea has already perished!

This is so fucking fucked up!

If North Korea has already perished, wouldn't what he did in the Ming Dynasty be in vain?

What the hell is this thing called?

After feeling despair, what came up was waves of confusion.

Now that North Korea is subjugated, their status as a mission is very embarrassing!

What should they do next?

Wang Minhao's heart was full of solemnity and confusion.

Fortunately, at this time, Wang Minhao was summoned by the chief minister of the Ming Dynasty cabinet. The chief minister of the Ming Dynasty gave him a promise that the Ming Dynasty could help North Korea recover at the right time.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Minhao has something in mind.

After being received by Wang Shun, Wang Minhao immediately summoned his subordinates to discuss matters in the post house, preparing to appease people's hearts.

In the post house, there is a flower hall.

After everyone arrived, Wang Minhao glanced around.

Seeing everyone's serious expressions, he spoke.

"Everyone must be aware of the changes in Seoul." "Here today, I want to tell you some sad news. My country, North Korea... has perished!"

Seeing that after hearing this, everyone confirmed that the rumors they heard before were true, and their faces became more solemn, Wang Minhao continued.

"But that's not what I want to say. It's that although North Korea has perished, it is only temporary."

"I have received a promise from the chief minister of the Ming Dynasty that the Ming Dynasty will help North Korea recover at the right time."

"When North Korea is restored in the future, you and I will be heroes of the restoration, and our names will remain in history."

"Therefore, we must brace ourselves now and be ready at any time for North Korea's restoration."

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up.

Wang Minhao's words gave them all hope, and what people fear most is the lack of hope.

"Master Judgment, what should we do next?"

One person asked.

Wang Minhao pursed his lips and said.

"Before Ming Dynasty officially sends troops to help North Korea recover, there are three things we need to do."

"The first is to continue to insist on seeking to see the Ming Emperor outside the industry and win the Ming Emperor's sympathy and support."

"Second, it is necessary to increase efforts to promote North Korea's loyalty and memory to the Ming Dynasty in Guangzhou, so as to win the sympathy of all walks of life in the Ming Dynasty."

"Third, we must do a good job in socializing and have good relations with officials at all levels in the Ming Dynasty, so that more Ming Dynasty officials will be willing to speak for our country in the court..."

When everyone heard this, they all clasped their fists in response.


Nanjing City!

Prince's Mansion!

After Zhu Jing'an led his troops back to Nanjing, he ordered the army to rest and reorganize.

And he also returned to the Prince's Mansion, and immediately took his wives and concubines to sleep with them on a big quilt, so as to relieve the anger he had been holding back during this period.

Well, he was really depressed!

The next day, Zhu Jing'an got up early from a piece of warm-smelling soft jade.

Then I dressed and washed myself under the service of the maid, and got ready to go for a morning jog to exercise.

The medical technology these days is just like this. Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine each have their own pitfalls. If Zhu Jing'an doesn't want to die young, he can only keep practicing.

After finishing his morning jog, Zhu Jing'an went to have breakfast.

While drinking the sweet soy milk, he looked through the backlog of government affairs that had been accumulated in the recent period.

There are mainly two aspects. One is the opening and closing of Songjiang Mansion.

The second is the appointment, removal and replacement of local officials.

The three provinces of Zhejiang, Fujian, and Jiangxi were all newly surrendered to the Ming Dynasty. Due to the Ming Dynasty's active recruitment and recruitment of rebels, they almost completely accepted the Qing government's official system.

So much so that there are now quite a few officials who have been retained in their original posts after surrendering.

In a short period of time, this kind of scraping by can be used to maintain the local situation.

But in the long run, the hidden dangers of keeping all the surrendered Qing officials in their original posts are huge.

For the sake of caution, it is very necessary to transfer these surrendered officials to the same level, or to promote, remove and transfer them from their original positions.

And all of these need Zhu Jing'an to worry about.

Fortunately, with the active cooperation of the local gentry, both of these things are progressing well.

We are actively preparing for the opening and closing of Songjiang Mansion, and it is expected to be officially opened in the coming year. The appointment and dismissal of officials are also progressing smoothly without causing any major troubles.

However, it is precisely because of this that Zhu Jing'an is not in a good mood now.

Because he is now really wary of the gentry class, and he is sincerely afraid of the energy that the gentry class possesses.

With the support of the gentry, Damingneng completed actual control of the territory in three provinces in just a few months.

Without the support of the gentry, even if the Ming Dynasty could defeat the Qing army on the frontal battlefield, without enough talents, it would not be possible to actually control the place, let alone months, or even years.

If one day, the gentry no longer stands with Ming Dynasty, but stands opposite to Ming Dynasty.

How should Zhu Jing'an respond?

Thinking about this, Zhu Jing'an would inevitably feel a little gloomy.

Fortunately, Zhu Jing'an actually had a way to deal with the gentry class.

How to say, the method is actually very simple.

The first is to promote the industrial revolution and industrial and commercial development, and cultivate an emerging capital class to balance the power of the gentry class.

The second is to promote education and broaden people's wisdom.

The former treats the symptoms, while the latter treats the root cause.

Because if everyone in the world could read and write, Ming Dynasty would no longer need to compromise with the gentry in exchange for the support of talents from the gentry class.

Rather, the gentry class needed to compromise with the court in exchange for official positions.

Naturally, the court can also get rid of the high degree of control of the gentry class over the court!

Only if this is achieved can reforms that touch the interests of vested interests be implemented.

Before that, the reforms carried out by Zhu Jing'an were without exception, and almost all of them were of the kind that vested interests could benefit from.

This enabled his reforms to be implemented smoothly!

To put it bluntly, class monopoly since ancient times is essentially a monopoly on knowledge and education.

Once knowledge declines, the barriers between classes will become quite weak.

With a slight change, or a trigger, social change will occur.

For example, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, due to the backwardness of productivity, reading, literacy and education were a very luxury thing.

Only the aristocratic class with a large number of slaves had the opportunity to receive education.

This also caused knowledge to be monopolized by the aristocratic class, so the politics at that time were all aristocratic politics.

However, due to the idea of ​​Confucius and Confucianism, as well as the development of productivity, knowledge began to decline.

As more and more non-aristocratic people acquire the knowledge to govern the country, aristocracy will no longer be able to survive!

Power began to transition downwards, and the aristocratic families that dominated the Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Sui and Tang Dynasties began to appear on the stage of history.

The trigger was the war between Qin and the Six Kingdoms, and the subsequent struggle between Chu and Han for hegemony, which resulted in the humane destruction of the aristocracy.

Then, with the continued development of productivity, the invention and popularization of papermaking and printing, the cost of education continued to decrease, and knowledge continued to decline.

Then, the gentry class emerged, and the aristocratic families withdrew from the stage of history.

The fuse was Huang Chao's irritable old brother who started the Huang Chao uprising.

During the Huang Chao uprising, Datang and the aristocratic families were buried together.

After that, although there were still remnants of the aristocratic family, they were just hanging on.

They can no longer suppress the rise of the gentry class!

From now on, it will be a hundred years of decline and the rise of Rabbit.

With the development of productive forces, the gentry class also withdrew from the stage of history.


PS: A big chapter of 4,000 words. As usual, the next chapter will be at night.

Also, it’s the last day of the month, so I’ll continue to beg for monthly tickets...

(End of this chapter)

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