Chapter 282 Opening a Fan Town?

After everyone arrived, the discussion began.

Qianlong said directly.

"Everyone in the Qing family must be aware of the current situation."

"I am summoning all of you to come here today just to discuss with you our Qing Dynasty's next strategy to suppress thieves."

"Don't be constrained, let's express our opinions!"

Qianlong waved his hand, signaling everyone to speak.

As the foreman of the military aircraft, Fengsheng'e was the first to speak.

"Your Majesty, I believe that we, the Qing Dynasty, should adopt a defensive and counterattack strategy when facing the Ming thieves."

"Nowadays, the Ming thieves are very sharp. It would be unwise for us, the Qing Dynasty, to fight against them."

"It would be better to set up front-line defenses in Huaibei and Hubei to resist the Ming thief's offensive."

"When the Ming thieves' offensive is blocked in front of our Qing Dynasty's defense and our troops are exhausted, it won't be too late for our Qing Dynasty to open up and fight back."

Feng Sheng'e knew that the Ming army was now fighting consecutive battles and victorious, and its vigor was at its peak. The army's combat effectiveness was still at its peak, and the front was unstoppable.

With the current combat power of the Qing army, if they take the initiative to go south to fight the Ming thieves, they are looking for death.

In order to maintain the current situation, all the Qing Dynasty can do now is to defend passively and then wait for opportunities to counterattack.

Qianlong must have known this too.

However, as the emperor, Qianlong wanted to be ashamed, and it was impossible for him to clarify such an aggrieved matter.

Therefore, Feng Sheng'e took the initiative to stand up and make the matter clear.

As a minister, you still need to have such a look and awareness!

As expected, Qianlong spoke after listening to Feng Sheng'e's reply.

"What Fengsheng'e said makes sense!"

"Everyone, let's talk about how we, the Qing Dynasty, should defend and counterattack!"

When Yi Er He Shen saw this, he rolled his eyes and said.

"Your Majesty, didn't General Fukang'an capture many prisoners of war in Korea?"

"I think it may be feasible to transfer those prisoners of war from North Korea to Hubei and Huaibei to increase the strength of these two areas."

Qianlong heard this and fell into thinking.

He Shen's suggestion could be said to have served multiple purposes for the Qing Dynasty.

The first is that after the Korean prisoners of war were transferred to Hubei and Huaibei to participate in the war, they could greatly make up for the lack of Qing troops.

The second is that all North Korean troops can be transferred from North Korea to ensure that North Korea cannot backstab the Qing Dynasty.

Third, it can be used to sow the relationship between the Ming thief and North Korea, and cut off the Ming thief.

For the Qing Dynasty, there is really no harm.

After a moment, Qianlong nodded in agreement.

"He Shen's suggestion is good and can be implemented."

"Besides this, do you have any other suggestions?"

Li Shiyao on the side said.

"Your Majesty, I suggest that we, the Qing Dynasty, use the excuse of liaison with a thief to execute the King of Korea, Li Zuo."

"Then he supported a North Korean clan to succeed to the throne and declared war on the Ming thieves in his name, thereby further driving a wedge between the Ming thieves and North Korea."

"Moreover, our Qing Dynasty can also control North Korea in the name of the King of Korea, so as to reduce the resistance that our Qing Dynasty needs to face in controlling North Korea."

Regarding the war situation, Li Shiyao really had nothing to say.

It is a reality that the Qing army cannot defeat the Ming army!

Therefore, he can only use his brains in politics like Heshen.

Although the Manchu Qing Dynasty has now captured North Korea and captured the King of North Korea, the situation in North Korea has been stabilized.

But the Lee dynasty has ruled North Korea for hundreds of years, and some people still care about it.

Nowadays, North Korea has organized itself locally, and there are many anti-Qing rebels resisting the rule of the Qing Dynasty.

Although these rebels did not threaten the foundation of the Qing army, they made it impossible for the Qing army to actually control North Korea in a short period of time.

A big city like Pyongyang and Seoul is okay. The Qing Dynasty has troops stationed here, and no one dares to bomb it.

However, due to the influence of those anti-Qing rebels, the vast rural areas of North Korea were unable to be actually controlled by the Qing army in a short period of time.

At this time, if the Qing Dynasty can choose a Korean clan to support it as the new Korean king.

Then indirectly controlling North Korea by controlling the puppet regime to complete the purpose of draining North Korea and developing Liaodong is actually a good choice.

At the very least, doing so can reduce the resistance of North Korean civilians to the greatest extent.

As for driving a wedge between North Korea and the Ming Dynasty, it was actually just a casual move.

Because North Korea has a weak military and a poor country, even if North Korea is completely loyal to the Ming Dynasty, it is actually of no use.

It can't change the overall situation!

When Qianlong heard this, he nodded and said it was feasible.

"Just follow your ideas, Shi Yao!"

"Execute the Korean King Li Zuo, and then select a distant branch of the Korean clan from the Korean clans captured by the Qing Dynasty and support them to inherit the throne of Korea..."

The reason why a distant branch of the clan is chosen is because the farther away the clan's blood relationship is, the more unfair its inheritance rights will be.

The more unfair the name of inheritance is, the more the Qing Dynasty needs to endorse it!

The Qing Dynasty will be able to control him more easily!

Li Shiyao heard this and bowed down.

"Slave understands!"

At this moment, the foreman Junji Feng Sheng'e on the side spoke.

"Your Majesty, I think that if our Qing Dynasty wants to deal with the Ming thieves' attack, Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan may be the key."

"If the Qing Dynasty can send troops from Yunnan, Guizhou or Sichuan to attack the flanks of the Ming rebels, Guangxi and Hunan provinces, then the Ming rebels will have to deploy troops from the frontal battlefield to stabilize the situation in Guangxi and Hunan."

"Naturally, it will not be able to devote all its strength to launching the Northern Expedition."

"If this is the case, the pressure our Qing Dynasty will have to bear on the frontal battlefield will be much smaller."

When Qianlong heard this, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

I have to say that the idea of ​​increasing the quota is a good one.

From a grand strategic point of view, it is indeed a good idea to contain the Ming army from the direction of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan to prevent the Ming army from using its main force on the frontal battlefield.

But the problem is that the Qing Dynasty has limited troops in Yunnan and Guizhou.

However, the situation in Sichuan is that the White Lotus Rebellion continues, and the Qing garrison seesaws back and forth. The Qing army in Sichuan also cannot mobilize many troops.

Under such circumstances, even if the Qing Dynasty had the intention, it might not be able to use troops against the Ming army from the southwest. Thinking about whether these were present or not, Qianlong asked.

"The method is good, but who should preside over the southwest war?"

Since Li Shiyao was transferred from Yunnan, neither Tuside, the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, Li Zhian, the governor of Yunnan, or Pei Zongxi, the governor of Guizhou, lacked the ability to convince the public.

Therefore, if the Qing Dynasty wanted to attack the flanks of the Ming rebels from the southwest, even if the problem of shortage of troops was ignored, at least the people would be unified.

Hearing this, Feng Sheng'e just opened his mouth to test.

"Reporting to your Majesty, I think that we, the Qing Dynasty, may be able to send a prince to the southwest to coordinate and preside over the war situation in the southwest..."

Qianlong couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

Let a prince take full charge of the southwest war?

Isn't this Kaifan Town?

Isn't this the beginning of a split?

Has the Qing Dynasty now reached the point where it needs to open vassal towns in order to maintain the situation?

If that was the case, how could he have the dignity to meet his ancestors underground after Qianlong's death?

Therefore, Qianlong did not immediately agree to Feng Sheng'e's proposal, but just said.

"I still need to think about this matter, so don't rush!"

"Let's finalize the North Korean affairs first!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.


Although August has entered autumn, the weather in Guangzhou is still hot.

The heat is steaming, and from a distance, the air is fluctuating with the heat waves.

Zhu Jianzhuo sat on the Grand Master's chair, holding a tea cup in his hand and taking a sip with a soothing expression.

The weather outside is as hot as a furnace, but the temperature inside is cooler.

Because there are water pipes buried in the walls and underground of Zhu Jianzhuo's study.

There is cold water flowing in the water pipes all the time!

Brings coolness indoors and takes away the heat.

It can be regarded as an ancient earth air conditioner.

Although this earth air conditioner requires someone to keep adding water to the water tower at a high place to operate normally, it is a bit labor-intensive.

But then again, as the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Jiazhuo could not afford to waste so much manpower.

There are so many young eunuchs in the palace, and it's not like they have to be fed.

Zhu Jianzhuo drank herbal tea while reviewing the memorial.

The weird-tasting herbal tea is actually pretty good if you get used to it. Zhu Jianzhuo really likes the taste of herbal tea now.

Recently, because good news has been coming from Fujian and Jiangxi, Zhu Jianzhuo is in a very good mood.

Even the complicated government affairs in front of him seemed cute in his eyes.

However, at this moment, there was a knock on the door of the study.

Immediately, Yang He's voice sounded.

"Your Majesty, the North Korean envoy wants to see you!"

When Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, his original good mood disappeared instantly.

How should I put it, like Zhu Jing'an, Zhu Jianzhuo has been annoyed by the North Korean mission recently.

If he hadn't known that his son was now presiding over the war on the front line, Zhu Jianzhuo would have really wanted to send the North Korean mission back to his son.

Who knows, my family, these Koreans are so stubborn.

When the North Korean mission first arrived in Guangzhou, Zhu Jianzhuo warmly entertained everyone in the mission as he was excited to receive a mission from the feudal state for the first time.

He even came to meet him in person!

However, Zhu Jiazhuo did not agree to the North Korean mission's request for Ming Dynasty to send troops to rescue North Korea.

Because the current Ming Dynasty is also in short supply of troops in all aspects, and at that time the main force of the Ming army was still fighting fiercely with the Qing army in Fujian.

Almost everyone in the Ming government and the public opposed sending troops to reinforce North Korea.

Then, the matter will be settled!

However, it is obvious that the North Korean mission did not give up asking for help from Ming Dynasty because of Ming Dynasty's refusal.

After the deputy envoy of the mission was hanged, Wang Minhao, the envoy of the mission, once again asked Zhu Jianzhuo to order the dispatch of troops to North Korea.

Zhu Jianzhuo was very helpless about this. The death of the deputy envoy of the North Korean mission actually caused an uproar in Guangzhou.

Most people in the Ming Dynasty were sympathetic to the situation in North Korea.

Under the pressure of public opinion, Zhu Jianzhuo could no longer continue to bluntly reject the request of the North Korean mission.

He could only pretend to be ill and refuse to meet the mission.

But unexpectedly, even if Wang Minhao knew that Zhu Jiazhuo was shirking, he still insisted on asking for a meeting every day.

From nine to five every day, he would kneel outside the palace of the Ming Emperor and ask for an summons.

It’s like clocking in and out!

Even with Zhu Jianzhuo's good temper, he was almost annoyed to death.

Therefore, Zhu Jianzhuo now has a severe headache when he hears the words North Korean mission.

Yang He saw that Zhu Jiazhuo's face was not good-looking, so he mustered up the courage to speak.

"Your Majesty, why don't I send someone to send the North Korean envoy away, so that they won't be an eyesore to you?"

When saying this, Yang He's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Obviously, what he meant by sending away was not just simply driving people away.

There will be some blood on it!

When Zhu Jianzhuo heard this, the expression on his face was stagnant. Although he was a little moved, he finally waved his hand and said.


"If the matter is revealed, it will be harmful to my face tomorrow!"

Seeing this, Yang He said nothing more.

However, at this moment, a notification sounded again outside.

After a while, Wang Shun, the chief minister of the Ming Dynasty cabinet, came to Zhu Jianzhuo's study.

Wang Shun, led by a young eunuch, pushed open the door and entered.

Wang Shun was sweating profusely and said.

"Your Majesty, Jinyiwei has sent back an urgent report from Beijing..."


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket, please kneel down and ask for a monthly ticket!

There are only a few dozen votes left to reach a thousand, so the author is begging for help! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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