After Kuilun's order was issued, the Qing army forts inside and outside Fuzhou City began to prepare to open fire.

Load, aim, adjust shooting elements...

The dark muzzles of a coastal defense heavy gun were aimed at the Ming fleet on the Min River.

On the forts inside and outside Fuzhou, in almost every Qing gun crew, there was a foreign gunner directing the Qing gunners to adjust the firing points of the artillery, load the artillery, and prepare for firing.

After the situation in Jiangnan deteriorated, Kuilun took the initiative to make his own decisions and opened a business in Fuzhou. While increasing Fuzhou's fiscal revenue, he also took the opportunity to purchase a large number of foreign guns and cannons from foreign merchants.

In addition to foreign guns and cannons, Kuilun also hired several experienced gunners from foreigners to teach the Qing army how to operate the foreign cannons they purchased.

But now, Fuzhou is in urgent need. These foreign gunners who have received generous rewards from the Qing Dynasty naturally have to work hard to serve the Qing Dynasty. It is impossible for Kuilun to let them sit on the sidelines.

"Adjust the muzzle direction, fire the first calibration shot, fire!"

As Quillun's order was issued, the Qing gunners lit the match.

Following the sound of burning fuses, the next moment, a huge roar resounded through a fort outside Fuzhou City, and the entire fort was instantly engulfed in gunpowder smoke.

A hot red arson bomb was fired directly at the Ming fleet floating on the Min River.


Zhu Jing'an stood on the deck of the ship. The sudden roar of heavy artillery from the direction of Fuzhou City startled him.

He subconsciously looked in the direction where the sound of shelling came from.

Under the gaze of countless people, a red arson bomb flew towards him.

A bang landed on the river not far from Zhu Jing'an's ship.

Suddenly, a water column shot up on the river.

The mist spread instantly, and Zhu Jing'an subconsciously reached out to cover his face, but he was still splashed with water.

Zhu Jing'an shook off the water drops on his body and ordered with a dark face.

"Send the order for our naval guns to fire immediately and launch suppressive fire on the Qing army's fort in Fuzhou!"

"Fuck those tartars!"

Zhu Jing'an couldn't help but cursed.

Zhang He on the side saw this and suggested.

"Your Highness, the range of the Qing's artillery is currently unknown. Your ship is located too far forward, and there may be a risk of being concentrated by the Qing's artillery."

"How can your Highness, with his wealth of gold, take such a risk? Please order the ship to retreat and withdraw from the Qing army's artillery range before continuing to command the battle."

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he nodded very seriously.

"Well, let Gu's ship retreat..."

After saying this, Zhu Jing'an returned to the cabin surrounded by his personal guards.

Now that his ship was still within the bombardment range of the Qing army, it was still too dangerous to stand on the deck.

Zhu Jing'an has always been afraid of death, and he never puts himself in danger.

The reason why he let his ship enter the Qing army's artillery range just now was because Zhu Jing'an failed to figure out the Qing army's artillery range.

He thought the Qing army's artillery range was still the same as before.

Hundreds of meters to the sky!

Unexpectedly, the artillery in the Qing army's fort has now become foreign artillery!

The range is almost doubled!

As a result, it became apparent that Zhu Jing'an's ship was too far forward.

Now that he has reacted, it is naturally impossible for his ship to stay in place and withstand the bombardment of the Qing army's fort.

Zhu Jing'an was a commander-in-chief, not an ordinary general.

His biggest role on the battlefield is to sit in the middle of the army, direct the battle and stabilize the morale of the army.

The proportion of the latter is even heavier!

As for how to stabilize military morale?

Of course, the safer he is, the more stable his military morale will be!

As for leading by example and boosting morale?

This is the responsibility of the general, not the commander-in-chief.

However, Zhu Jing'an's order had just been issued, and before his ship had time to retreat far, the Qing army's fort completed the first round of calibrated firing, and the second round of firing started again.

Accompanied by a deafening roar, shells pierced the sky one after another, gathering fire towards Zhu Jing'an's ship...

The next moment, shells landed one after another around Zhu Jing'an's ship.

Pillars of water rose up.

The surface of the Minjiang River was filled with mist. Even some fish and shrimps were affected by the falling shells and lost their vitality. They floated from the bottom of the water and floated on the river surface.

Two shells even hit the hull of the ship.

A shell hit the side of the ship, making a large hole in the side of the ship and then smashed into the cabin.

A cannonball hit the deck of the ship, rolling and hitting a Ming soldier. In an instant, broken limbs and broken arms were flying everywhere...

The smell of flesh and blood being burned by the high temperature carried by arson bombs is also quite pungent!

The sailors of the Ming army quickly rushed forward with buckets of water and set out to put out the fire caused by the arson bombs.

At the same time, the Ming army's artillery also began to target the Qing army's forts and began to deliver firepower.

Boom! Boom!

On the broad Minjiang River, the deafening sound of shelling resounded.

The surface of the river was covered with ripples caused by the recoil produced by artillery fire. Cannonballs were fired at the Qing army's fort as if they were free of charge.

The heavy artillery shells hit the Qing army's fort, and their kinetic energy was absorbed by the sandbag fortifications. Apart from splashing up a large amount of dust and sand, the killing effect was not obvious.

The Ming army's naval guns and the Qing army's forts were also firing fiercely at each other.

In the sky, dense shells flew back and forth, making bursts of sound.

The artillery battle was quite intense!

Although the Ming army has a larger number of artillery and the performance of the artillery is also more outstanding, the Qing army is full of forts and is protected by sandbag fortifications.

Therefore, in this artillery battle, the Ming army was not able to take advantage!

Under the current background that there is no generational difference in the performance of the artillery between the two sides, if naval guns and forts are used for bombardment, the naval guns will definitely suffer some losses.

After all, that fort was not built in vain!

boom! Boom boom! Boom boom boom!

The deafening sound of shelling continued.

Zhu Jing'an stood by the porthole, holding a telescope to observe the battle situation.

"Our army won't gain much advantage by using naval guns and forts to bombard each other."

"In a short period of time, it is estimated that it will not be able to suppress the Qing army's fort firepower."

Zhu Jing'an said with a serious expression.

He held the telescope in one hand and stroked the porthole with the other, tapping the frame of the porthole rhythmically with his fingers, obviously thinking about something.

Beside him, Zhang He and other Ming army generals said nothing, waiting for Zhu Jing'an's decision.

After a while, Zhu Jing'an spoke again.

"In this case, it will be in vain if our warships continue to bombard the Qing army's forts."

"Send the order and let our fleet retreat temporarily..."

The harsh sound of ringing gold resounded across the battlefield, and the command flag on Zhu Jing'an's ship waved.

After receiving the order, the Ming fleet began to stop the bombardment, slowly retreated, and headed downstream of the Min River.

Seeing that the Ming army was defeated and retreated, the Qing troops defending Fuzhou City couldn't help but raise their arms and shout in unison, and everyone was very excited.

Quillun even more excitedly patted the crenellations of the city wall and said loudly.

"Hahaha, it all shows that the thieves are very sharp, and they are invincible in every attack. But from a glance today, this is nothing more than that!"

"Didn't the Ming thieves get repelled by our Qing Dynasty?"

When everyone around him saw this scene, they all started to compliment him respectfully.


After retreating for two or three miles, the Ming army's fleet finally left the shooting range of the Qing army's fort.

Out of contact with the Qing army!

After the Ming fleet broke away from contact, Zhu Jing'an also made up his mind and then ordered.

"Send an order to our landing troops, asking them to find a beach to complete the landing, and then cooperate with our navy's naval guns to capture Fuzhou City..."

Zhu Jing'an's current thinking is very simple. Since naval guns alone cannot defeat the Qing army's forts, then they can defeat them with infantry and artillery coordination.

No problem!

Historically, during the Duck War, when the British army attacked the Qing forts along the coast of Guangdong, things did not go well at first.

Although the Qing army's grandpa cannon couldn't hit the British army's sail battleships, the British army's naval guns couldn't actually hit the Qing army's forts.

Although most of the forts of the Qing army at that time were open-air forts, they were also built with rammed earth on the inside and reinforced with blue bricks on the outside.

The earthwork measurements are just there.

Unlike tall and thin city walls, low forts can be easily destroyed by front-loaded artillery with solid bullets?

The British army could not defeat the Qing army's fort with its naval guns. In the end, it was only by relying on the infantry to land and make a surprise attack from behind, with the coordination of infantry and artillery, and the bayonet charge that they captured the Qing army's fort.

The situation faced by the Ming army now is almost the same as that faced by the British army during the Duck War.

The naval guns cannot hit the fort!

In this case, Zhu Jing'an wouldn't mind learning from the British army's methods!

Just let the infantry choose the opportunity to land, and then cooperate with the Ming army's naval guns to capture Fuzhou City.

Isn't the infantry-artillery coordination just for use now?

After Zhu Jing'an's order was issued, the Ming army's landing troops began to look for beaches to land on.

Seeing this, the Qing army wanted to send troops to stop the Ming army and attacked halfway across the river.

But the Fuzhou garrison had just left the city and marched to the landing point of the Ming army. Before they had time to deploy their troops, they were beaten back by the concentrated fire of the Ming army's naval guns.

The Ming army's landing troops also completed the landing under the cover of naval gunfire!

Although the Ming army's naval guns could not hit the Qing army's forts.

But it’s no problem to clean up the Qing army’s infantry!

Especially the infantry without cover, it is quite easy to fight.

After the Ming Army's landing force completed the landing, they deployed their troops and released observation balloons.

At the same time, large-caliber mortars and the supporting ammunition for the mortars were also transported to the north bank of the Min River via ferry.

The Ming Army's landing troops began to build camps on the north bank of the Min River and began preparations for the war.

To put it bluntly, it is actually preparing to dig trenches, send the Ming army's mortars to the front line of the battlefield through the trenches, and then launch an attack on Fuzhou City under the cover of firepower from the mortars that can shoot curved trajectories. (End of chapter)

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