Shi Degao waved the bloody sword in his hand randomly, trying to force the Ming army to retreat.

However, all he received in response were eyes full of murderous intent.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were still holding bayonets and slowly moved forward, compressing the encirclement little by little.

The reason for this was not that these Ming soldiers were afraid of the clumsy fat man in front of them, but because they wanted to capture Shi Degao alive.

When the Ming army records merits on the battlefield, capturing the enemy general alive will get greater credit than killing the enemy general in formation!

Because on the battlefield, it is much more difficult to capture an enemy alive than to kill an enemy.

Especially when this enemy is still a general!

The difficulty of catching it alive has increased exponentially.

Facing the Ming soldiers who were attacking from all sides, Shi Degao couldn't help but look desperate.

He waved the sword in his hand desperately, trying to push back the Ming soldiers who were attacking from all sides.

However, this had no effect at all. Shi Degao didn't know much about martial arts, and his movements of swinging the sword were quite clumsy. The soldier Ming only flicked the musket in his hand and pushed Shi Degao's saber aside.

When Shi Degao saw that the encirclement of the Ming army was getting tighter and tighter, the expression on his face became ferocious and twisted. He gritted his teeth, put the sword on his neck, and roared.

"Today, the country is in danger and the country is in danger. My Shi family has been blessed by the Qing Dynasty and is now rich and noble. Now I am trapped in a tight siege. I should fight and die to repay the Qing Dynasty. How can I be content..."

But before Shi Degao could finish his words, the Ming soldiers around him took action.

They all rushed forward, hugging his waist and hugging his legs, and pushed Shi Degao to the ground.

The saber in Shi Degao's hand was also taken away, and there was nothing more than a bloody mark on his neck.

Shi Degao felt the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty pressing on him, his eyes full of despair and sorrow.

Not willing, he was really not willing to become a prisoner of war of the Ming army!



"I would like to report to Your Highness the Crown Prince that our soldiers have captured the Qing army's water stronghold on Langqi Island and captured Fujian Navy Commander Shi Degao alive. All the remaining Qing army sailors have surrendered."

"How our army should march next, please leave it to His Highness the Crown Prince to decide!"

A messenger rushed all the way to Zhu Jing'an and opened his mouth to report.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment and then gave the order.

"Send the order and send some soldiers to immediately enter the Langqiyu Water Village and control the waterways in and out of the Minjiang River through the Langqiyu Water Village."

"And immediately began to count the number of warships in the Qing army's water stronghold, check the specific conditions of the ships, and incorporate the suitable ships into our army's battle order as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Jing'an continued.

"I will send another order for the main force of our army to continue to advance along the west of the Yangtze River and to attack Changle County upstream."

An ordering soldier heard this, responded with clasped fists, and immediately went to convey the order.

Soon, the Ming army fleet began to move along Jiangxi, heading towards Changle County.

In the huge fleet, the ships are connected from front to back, and the head and tail can't be seen at all. Big flags are fluttering in the wind, and they are connected together.

At this time, the sky was already bright!


Just as the Ming army successfully captured Langqi Island and continued to march towards Changle County, a fast horse also galloped all the way outside Fuzhou City.

Prepare to report the bad news to Fuzhou about the Ming army's attack!

How should I put it? When the Ming army attacked Meihua Station at night, they did not use artillery. At most, the soldiers picked up their muskets with bayonets and fired two shots when they launched a charge.

Not much movement!

In addition, the garrison in Meihuasuo was basically wiped out by the Ming army.

Therefore, the news of the Ming army's night attack on Meihua Institute could still be concealed.

But when the Ming army attacked the Qing navy's naval camp on Langqi Island, they used naval guns to deliver firepower to the Qing navy's navy camp.

Just with the earth-shattering roar when the naval guns fired, it was impossible to conceal the news of the Ming army's raid on Langqi Island.

As soon as the Ming army attacked Langqi Island, the Qing army in Changle County received the news.

Then, Changle County immediately dispatched a fast horse to report to Fuzhou.

At dawn, the fast horse reporting the news finally arrived outside Fuzhou City.

After reporting the news to the Fuzhou garrison, they quickly entered Fuzhou City and ran towards the Fuzhou General's Mansion.

Kuilun, who was having breakfast with his wife and concubines, immediately ordered the messenger to be brought to him for questioning after hearing the urgent report from Changle County.

Soon, the messenger was brought to Kuilun, and Kuilun also received the bad news that the Ming army invaded Fuzhou, Meihuasuo, Langqiyu and other important coastal defense places by sea and fell successively.

When Quilun heard this, although the expression on his face could still be maintained, the rapidly accelerating heartbeat in his chest could not be deceived.

Quillon panicked!

At this moment, his head was a little confused.

Impossible, this is impossible. Isn't the Ming army currently sending troops from both the north and south fronts at the same time?

Where did the troops come from to raid Fuzhou City by sea?

Quillen was really caught off guard now.

Emotions such as confusion and confusion were brewing in his heart.

But soon, Kuilun, who forced himself to calm down, thought that Fuzhou City might really be in danger now.

Fuzhou City's city defense force is already limited!

And he had just transferred troops from Fuzhou to reinforce the frontline war.

In this case, Fuzhou's city defense will be even more empty!

The empty Fuzhou City faced the main force of the Ming army that suddenly came from across the sea.

This is really difficult to give him a sufficient sense of security!

On the side, Kuilun's wife, an old lady from the Guarjia clan who was born in the Zhengbai Banner of Manchuria, also looked like she was mourning for her heir.

"How could this be so, how could this be so!"    "Our Qing Dynasty was still a prosperous and prosperous period when the Holy Lord came to the throne two years ago. The emperor also went to conquer the east and west again and again to show off his martial arts. He compiled the Sikuquanshu to promote the martial arts, and even made a big show of it. I’m going to visit the south of the Yangtze River..."

"How long has it been? How come the country has become like this?"

The old lady of Guarjia family has enjoyed a lifetime of prosperity and wealth.

From the time she can remember, the Qing Dynasty has been a glorious and prosperous time, with flowers blooming and brocades burning, and fire cooking oil.

But now that she is old, the Qing Dynasty is no longer good!

A massive rebellion started by the former Ming Dynasty clan directly brought the Qing Dynasty off its altar.

The power of the Qing Dynasty has plummeted, and now it is almost losing the entire southeastern essence.

The old lady really couldn't accept such a thing.

Qui Lun's expression on the side looked uncertain for a while, and he immediately spoke.

"Go down with the order, convene the generals to discuss matters, and be prepared to meet the invading thieves in Fuzhou City!"

"Let all troops and horses gather urgently and prepare for battle!"

The matter has come to this, and all Kuilun can do now is to prepare the Fuzhou garrison to face the Ming army.

As for the transfer of garrison troops from the northern and southern fronts back to Fuzhou, even if Kuilun wanted to do so, it would be too late!

Because now the Ming army not only raided Fuzhou by sea, but also put pressure on the Qing army on the north and south fronts at the same time.

Once Kuilun ordered the garrisons on the northern and southern fronts to return for reinforcements, the Ming army would be very likely to take advantage of the situation and break through the Qing army's defense line from the front.

Then they covered up the defeated Qing troops all the way.

The Qing garrison on the north and south front lines were afraid that they would be annihilated by the Ming army's pursuers on the way before they could return to Fuzhou to aid.

Therefore, all Kuilun can do now is to defend Fuzhou City as much as possible with the troops he has at hand.

Waiting for the situation to change!


Fuzhou is fully preparing for war!

On the other side, the Ming army also successfully captured Changle County and once again annihilated hundreds of Qing defenders.

After capturing Changle County, the Ming army's naval fleet continued its mighty march westward up the Yangtze River and headed straight for Fuzhou City.

In just the afternoon of that day, the Ming fleet arrived outside Fuzhou City.

Zhu Jing'an stood on the deck of the ship, looking at the Fuzhou City Wall not far away with a faint look in his eyes.

Fuzhou City is built along the river. The city wall is tall and easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The wall was first built with rammed earth and then covered with several layers of blue bricks.

The defensive measures that should be on the city wall such as forts, arrow towers, and horse faces are all available.

Trenches were dug outside the city walls, and sandbag bunkers were placed inside and outside the trenches.

In addition, almost all of the forts above and below the city wall were surrounded by sandbag bunkers.

Outside the Fuzhou city wall, there are several small bastions made of sandbags and rammed earth.

If it were not possible to build a layer of sandbags outside the Fuzhou City Wall, the amount of work required would be too great. I think Kuilun would not mind reinforcing the Fuzhou City Wall...

Under the leadership of Kuilun, the Fuzhou general, the current city defenses of Fuzhou City can be said to be impregnable.

If the Fuzhou garrison defended effectively, it would not be an easy task for the Ming army to capture Fuzhou City.

The only thing that made Zhu Jing'an feel fortunate was that Fuzhou City was currently empty of troops, with a total strength of only six to seven thousand people.

Just as Zhu Jing'an was looking at Fuzhou City, on top of Fuzhou City, Kuilun, Se Lengtu, Fugang and others were also looking at the Ming army fleet on the Minjiang River.

"With such a large fleet, the water divisions of the Ming Thieves are probably going to be all over the place, right?"

Se Leng Tu spoke with solemnity in his words.

His hand with bulging veins in charge of the city wall's stacks showed just how unpeaceful he was feeling now.

Huang Shijian also spoke.

"My Lord General, I suspect that the information we received some time ago that Ming thieves have gathered a large number of troops in Songjiang Mansion and are planning to launch a Northern Expedition to capture Huainan is false news."

"Perhaps the real purpose of the Ming thieves was not to go to Huainan, but to take the sea route and cross the sea to capture Fujian..."

After hearing this, Kuilun also reacted.

He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, and spoke with a gloomy face.

"What a plan!"

"Haha, the Ming thief is really good at planning!"

Wearing armor and holding a helmet in his arms, Shi Bingren walked over from a distance and spoke in a furious voice.

"General, our army's forts are ready to fire. As long as you give the order, our army's city defense forts can launch firepower at any time against the Ming army's fleet on the river."

"Let the Ming thieves see the power of our Qing artillery!"

When Quillun heard this, his eyes lit up and he spoke.

"Well, okay, very good, immediately send the order to our army's fort, let them prepare to open fire..."


PS: There is another chapter in the evening. (End of chapter)

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