At the gate of Hangzhou Mancheng, Seth Ah shouted loudly with a look of grief on his face.

"Hold it up! You must stand it!"

"The Qing Dynasty has been raising soldiers for one hundred and forty years. Now it is time for me and the bannermen to serve the Qing Dynasty!"

"My dear sons, fight to the death for our families! Fight to the death!"

The expression on Seth's face became more and more distorted, and he roared angrily, at the top of his lungs.

Moreover, he is not just talking.

While shouting to kill, he also clenched the weapon in his hand and wanted to rush forward.

If his personal guards hadn't grabbed him tightly and dragged him back, he would have rushed to the front line.

Facts have proved that although Seth is a stubborn person who does not listen to advice, he is still responsible at critical moments.

However, his responsibility alone cannot change the increasingly corrupt war situation in Hangzhou at this time!

Accompanied by bursts of shouts of killing, more and more Ming troops poured into the city of Hangzhou.

The living space of the Eight Banners in Hangzhou is constantly being squeezed.

Even the walls of Mancheng were breached by the Ming army, and the black soldiers of the Ming army began to enter Mancheng, Hangzhou.

In an instant, many Eight Banners women, children, old and weak people were killed all over the city.

Seeing this scene, the Eight Banners soldiers of the Eight Banners in Hangzhou took advantage of each other and risked their lives to fight the Ming army.

But the Battle of Hangzhou has now progressed, and for the Qing army defending the city, the building is about to collapse.

Defeat has become a reality!

No matter how hard they try, they can't change the overall situation of the battle in Hangzhou.

Seth'a led the last resistance force in Hangzhou and retreated to the General's Mansion in Hangzhou.

Listening to the increasingly louder sounds of fighting outside the general's mansion, his face was filled with despair.

"Heaven will kill me, and it is not a crime of war!"

"I will die on this day..."

Seth slumped down on a chair and murmured.

The whole person seemed to have been drained of energy and energy, and just collapsed into a ball.

"General, the matter has come to this, and nothing can be done about Hangzhou!"

"I'll escort you to break out!"

A Goshhar came to Seth'a and whispered in his ear.

When Seth A heard this, he shook his head vigorously.

"At this point, the war situation in Hangzhou is in a bad state, and the tens of thousands of old and weak people from the Eight Banners in Hangzhou will fall into the hands of Ming thieves."

"How can I, the general, have the dignity to meet my master? How can I face the elders of the Eight Banners?"

Now Seth'a has a life-or-death intention, and has the idea of ​​​​coexisting with the city of Hangzhou.

But after hearing this, the soldier beside him, Goshiha, continued to persuade him.

"General, you can keep the green hills without worrying about having firewood!"

"As long as you can save your life, there is still hope for everything..."

Seth'a heard this, but he didn't reply, he just waved his hand and said.

"Let's go! Let's all go!"

"You have been able to accompany me and fight till this point. You are already worthy of me and the Qing Dynasty!"

"Those who want to survive must break out individually!"

"If I'm not here, the general will have a smaller target, and the probability of a successful breakout will be higher..."

Seth's face was full of loneliness, and at this time, he had a death wish in his heart.

However, after Seth's words fell, the guards around him said in unison.

"We are willing to live and die with the city of Hangzhou!"

Seth and these Goshhars were basically from the Eight Banners in Hangzhou.

Now, Hangzhou has fallen, and the Eight Banners in Hangzhou are about to be destroyed. Even if they can successfully break through, where can they go after breaking out?

Rather than living an ignoble existence and living in self-blame and guilt for the rest of my life, it would be better to fight to the death with the Ming army today and live and die with the city of Hangzhou.

As soon as everyone finished speaking, they saw a burst of cheers outside the general's mansion.

Just a few cannon shots!

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who entered the city dragged several Type 90 field guns outside the General's Mansion in Hangzhou, and aimed the muzzles of the artillery at the closed gate of the General's Mansion.

Then the match was lit!


After several gunshots were fired in succession, the door of the general's mansion was blasted open by shells, and sawdust flew.

At the Eight Banners in Hangzhou, who was hiding behind the door and trying to put up a stubborn resistance, someone was struck by a cannonball that penetrated the door. His body was broken into two parts, blood was splashed, and colorful internal organs flowed out of the cavity. It looked like he was dead.

Others were stabbed in the body by flying sawdust and turned into a big hedgehog. They covered the place where blood was constantly seeping out and screamed in agony.

Facing the stubborn resistance of the Qing army's strongholds, the Ming army had no intention of killing people inside.

Instead, he chose the simplest and crudest, but also the most effective method.

Blast with cannon!

Didn’t the Qing army want to defend key areas and resist?

Then the Ming army used artillery to destroy the so-called important place!

Let’s see how the Qing army can resist?

After the gate of the General's Mansion was blasted open by artillery, the Ming army rushed towards the General's Mansion in Hangzhou.

But before the Ming army could rush to the main hall of the General's Mansion, they saw a burst of fire suddenly coming from the direction of the main hall of the General's Mansion.

Black smoke billowed into the sky!

The air was filled with the stench of burned corpses.

With Seth's self-immolation, the Qing army in Hangzhou also lost the courage to resist. More and more Ming troops entered the city and began to capture the remnants of the Qing army who still tried to resist in Hangzhou.

An Eight Banners soldier named Hangzhou Eight Banners was captured by the Ming army and imprisoned in the school grounds in Hangzhou City.

A fast horse went straight out of Hangzhou City and arrived at the Ming Army camp outside Hangzhou City.

The messenger got off his horse, came to Liu Mingyou's side, and asked.

"Reporting to the Master, Hangzhou General Seth'a set himself on fire, Zhejiang Admiral Wu Changshi was randomly shot to death, Zhejiang Governor Su Mingsheng committed suicide by taking poison, and the overall situation in Hangzhou has been decided."

"Our army is working on clearing out the remaining Qing soldiers in Hangzhou City. I would like to ask the commander to tell you how to deal with the remaining Qing soldiers."

Hearing this, Liu Mingyou couldn't help but lower his head and ponder.

After a moment he looked up and said.

"Give me the order to screen the prisoners of war."

"Those who stubbornly resist will be killed!"

"The remaining people were taken to prisoner of war camps and prepared to undergo labor camps!"

As for how to identify those who are recalcitrant?

The method is actually very simple and crude. Check whether there are any injuries on the body and whether there is blood on the knife.

If there are wounds on the body and blood on the knife, it goes without saying that he must have fought with the Ming army.

These people must be killed without leaving any trace behind!

Be an example!

Although this is a bit too rough, some people may be wronged, but no one will care about this.

War is always cruel!

It's just a few people who died in vain, and they can only blame them for their own bad lives.


On the seventh day of February in the second year of Xuanwu in the Ming Dynasty, the Battle of Hangzhou came to an end, and Hangzhou came under the rule of the Ming Dynasty.

On the ninth day of February, after a day of recuperation in Hangzhou, the Ming army headed south again, heading towards Shaoxing, Jinhua and other places.

On February 14th, Shaoxing Prefecture surrendered.

On February 19, Jinhua Mansion surrendered.

In the next period of time, Yanzhou, Quzhou, Wenzhou, Taizhou, Chuzhou and other places surrendered one after another.

By late March, the entire Zhejiang Province had come under the rule of the Ming Dynasty, and there was no clear flag in the entire Zhejiang Province.

But just as the Ming army was preparing to continue moving south, it was blocked by the Fujian Qing army at Xianxia Pass, and the offensive was temporarily frustrated.

The news was sent by fast horse all the way to Nanjing.


Nanjing, Prince's Mansion!

Zhu Jing'an has been in a good mood recently.

First, because the Ming army's war in Zhejiang was progressing relatively smoothly, the army continued to attack cities and fortresses and achieved results.

Now the entire Zhejiang Province has been completely controlled by the Ming Dynasty.

The second reason is that some time ago, He Yuxiu and others also came to Nanjing from Guangzhou.

Zhu Jing'an now has a few caring people around him.

Being able to constantly receive good news from the front line during the day, and being able to hug his wife and concubines tenderly at night, for a man, this is the greatest enjoyment.

Zhu Jing'an was sitting in his study reviewing military affairs. Recently, various departments of the Ming army were undergoing military reforms, and there were many matters that required Zhu Jing'an to personally review.

Naturally, more and more military affairs were handed to him.

Zhu Jing'an has to be busy until almost early every day to finish the work at hand.

The night outside the study is getting darker, but the inside of the study is illuminated by lights as bright as day.

When Zhu Jing'an reviewed military affairs at night, he never saved money on lights.

Because if you have bad eyesight these days, it will be a big trouble.

Zhu Jing'an continued to be busy with the matter at hand, signing and sealing a military newspaper.

After a while, Zhu Jing'an put down the brush in his hand and raised his hand to rub his eyebrows to relieve his fatigue.

Slowly exhaling a breath, he continued to concentrate on military affairs.

The military report in his hand described the specific battle report sent back from the Guizhou front by the Ming army.

After the Chinese New Year, He Jin and Zhang Yong from Guizhou led their troops to attack Guiyang again in an attempt to capture Guiyang Prefecture and open up the situation in Guizhou.

After the war, there was good news and bad news from Guizhou.

The good news is that the Ming army successfully captured Guiyang and occupied the capital of Guizhou.

The bad news is that the Qing army suffered limited losses and retreated into the mountains around Anshun Prefecture to continue the confrontation with the Ming army.

It is precisely because the main force of the Qing army was not damaged. Therefore, even though the Ming army seemed to have captured Guiyang Prefecture, the situation in Guizhou still did not improve.

The Ming army's troops in Guizhou still cannot be moved lightly. They must stay in Guizhou and continue to confront the Qing army.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Jing'an wrote and replied.

"In the Battle of Guiyang, I successfully regained the government of Guizhou and severely damaged the Qing army in Guizhou. I am very relieved. Now I am ordering Guizhou to immediately submit a list of meritorious soldiers in this battle. The imperial court likes to discuss merit and reward..."

Although the Ming army failed to achieve its planned strategic goals in the Battle of Guiyang, it suffered heavy losses and even completely annihilated the main force of the Qing army in Guizhou.

However, they finally succeeded in regaining Guizhou Prefecture!

This is also a real achievement!

Naturally, the imperial court had to reward people based on their merits.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the morale of the military will be unstable!

After all, a soldier risked his life to help the imperial court regain the capital of a province, but the imperial court did not receive any reward.

Who can not feel chilled by this matter?

If the soldiers below were cold-hearted, then there would be no need to fight this battle.

While reviewing military affairs, Zhu Jing'an was thinking about how to break the deadlock in Guizhou... (End of this chapter)

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