Chapter 260 Hangzhou changes hands

Under the impact of the siege vehicles driven by the forward battalion of the Ming Army, the city gate of Hangzhou was about to be breached.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"


Finally, with a neat chant, a big hole was knocked out of the city gate of Hangzhou by the siege vehicle.

A loud bang sounded, and the broken city gate was pushed down by countless Ming soldiers.

The next moment, the dark forward battalion of the Ming Army began to surge towards the city of Hangzhou.

"The city is broken! The city is broken!"

"Hurry up, everyone!"


Seeing this scene, Chang Kang became excited and led his bodyguards to rush forward and poured into Hangzhou City.

Then lead people and rush to the gate of Wengcheng!

However, the Ming army's forward battalion led by Chang Kang had just entered Wengcheng.

Then I saw heads protruding from the walls around the Wengcheng. A famous Qing soldier either bent his bow and set an arrow, or raised his musket, aiming at the Ming army's forward battalion in the Wengcheng and began to project firepower.

For a time, the density of firepower was even three points denser than during the battle for the city gate just now.

Rolling logs and rocks, mixed with sky-shaking thunder, also continued to fall.

But when the Ming army finally pushed the siege truck to the gate of Wengcheng, facing a hail of bullets and huge casualties, they found out.

The gate of Wengcheng has been blocked by the Qing army!

For a time, in the crowded and narrow space in Wengcheng, there was a situation of catching turtles in the urn.

The casualties of the Ming army's forward battalion that rushed into Wengcheng began to rise steadily.

Seth'a stood at the top of Hangzhou City, looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, the thief fell into the trap!"

"Our army will win this battle!"

That's right, this time the Qing army did not block the gates of the outer city of Hangzhou, but only blocked the gates of the Wengcheng, put the Ming army into the Wengcheng, and then caught the turtles in the urn. It was Seth's plan.

Although Seth'a is a stubborn person, he is a scholar who doesn't know how to fight.

But after all, he had read so many military books, and it was not incomprehensible for him to occasionally have a flash of inspiration and formulate a more reliable plan.

In order to make himself less conspicuous on the battlefield, Chang Kang got off his horse as soon as he entered Wengcheng. He was surrounded by his guards and blended in with the crowd.

Seeing that the war situation was becoming more and more unfavorable, and the number of casualties among his brothers was rising steadily, Chang Kang was inevitably a little anxious.

After looking around for a week, Chang Kang finally made up his mind and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"The barbican is blocked and we won't be able to get in for a while!"

"I can no longer stay in Wengcheng and serve as a target for the Tatars. Withdraw our troops, withdraw our troops immediately!"

"Get out first before talking about anything else!"

However, before his shout could even end, he felt his eyes go dark.

It was like a burst of heartbreaking pain!

An arrow falling from the sky hit Chang Kang's left eye directly, and the arrowhead disappeared into the eye socket.

Blood kept pouring out from the wound!

Chang Kang's face turned pale instantly, and he suddenly turned purple due to the severe pain.


"My eyes, my eyes!"


When Chang Kang's personal guards saw this scene, their expressions changed greatly, and they did not dare to hesitate at all. They hurriedly supported Chang Kang and walked outside the urn city.

As Chang Kang was injured by an arrow, the Ming army's fortifications in Hangzhou once again failed.

Of course, because those who died in the battle were all from the forward battalion.

Therefore, for the Ming army, the failure of this attack was not considered a traumatic event.


Seeing that the Ming army suffered heavy losses, they withdrew!

Seth'a stroked the beard on his chest and laughed very proudly.

"Hahaha, it is said that thieves are brave and invincible. From my perspective, this is nothing more than that!"

"Didn't this mean I was repulsed by the Qing Dynasty?"

"The city of Hangzhou is impregnable!"

Seeing this, Wu Changshi and Su Mingsheng said in unison.

"The general is wise!"

However, what they said about Seth A Yingming this time was a little more sincere than before.

Because Seth's tactics of luring the enemy deep this time were really good!


Liu Mingyou looked at the battle situation on the front line with an extremely complicated expression on his face.

The setback of the Ming army's offensive was beyond his expectation!

However, fortunately, only the forward battalion suffered a setback, which did not affect the overall situation.

"I'm still a little anxious about this battle!"

Zhang Hu on the side sighed.

As he spoke, he was thinking, if the Ming army had launched an attack after the heavy artillery destroyed the walls of Hangzhou, perhaps the casualties could have been avoided, right?

When Liu Mingyou heard this, he did not refute, but just nodded slightly.

"That's a good statement!" "It's true that we were a little impatient. We originally thought that with a field battle outside Hangzhou, the Qing army in Hangzhou would be panicked, and Hangzhou's city defenses should be able to be knocked down in one go."

"Unexpectedly, the Qing army in Hangzhou could be so resilient. The war situation has reached this point, and it can still continue to fight."

"This battle is frustrated, and the responsibility lies with me!"

Originally, Liu Mingyou was thinking that if the city of Hangzhou could be destroyed in one fell swoop, he would try not to use heavy artillery to blow down the walls of Hangzhou.

Otherwise, the Ming army will have to repair the Hangzhou city wall after the war!

A waste of manpower and material resources!

Unexpectedly, the Qing army's resistance in Hangzhou could still be so resolute.

If this is the case, then all the Ming army can do now is to use heavy artillery to destroy the city wall of Hangzhou!

As long as the city wall of Hangzhou collapses, then relying on the Ming army's current strength advantage, if they want to capture the city of Hangzhou, it will only be a matter of searching for something.

Soon, Liu Mingyou's order to attack the city was issued.

The Ming army's heavy artillery groups continued to target the Hangzhou city wall, pouring out firepower.


The roar of heavy artillery was heard.

Artillery shells poured out firepower unbridledly towards the city wall of Hangzhou.

Artillery shells hit the walls of Hangzhou one after another, and the bricks and stones on the walls of Hangzhou fell rustlingly.

Smoke is everywhere!

As the bombardment continued, the tall Hangzhou city wall even began to tremble slightly, being flattened bit by bit starting from the top.

When the Qing troops in Hangzhou saw this scene, their faces turned pale.

In front of the Ming army's heavy artillery group, their determination to resist to the end was melting like ice and snow.

Even Seth'a couldn't help but look ugly, and his heart was solemn. He couldn't help but doubt his decision to insist on resisting in Hangzhou until the last moment.

If I take people to evacuate to Fujian, would it be a better choice?


The sun gradually sets in the west, and the artillery is still roaring.

That section of the city wall, which had been heavily protected by the Ming army's heavy artillery and bombarded with concentrated fire, was already crumbling and on the verge of collapse.

"Two generals, our army's heavy artillery will be able to blast a gap in the wall of Hangzhou tomorrow morning at the latest."

Wen Chaoyuan stood beside Liu Mingyou and Zhang Hu and spoke very confidently.

Wen Chaoyuan was full of confidence in the power of the Ming army's heavy artillery.

Liu Mingyou nodded, then looked at Chang Kang whose head was wrapped in a rice dumpling and blood was still seeping out of the gauze.

"Tomorrow, when the heavy artillery blasts a gap in the wall of Hangzhou City, our army will launch another attack on Hangzhou City!"

"In the last battle, General Chang was seriously injured, and his soldiers suffered heavy losses. There is no need to participate this time. Let's stay in the camp to repair."

Chang Kang had just lost an eye on the battlefield today, and had killed at least a thousand people under his command. He had finally handed in the certificate of surrender.

Besides, none of the sheep was caught until they were dead. Since Chang Kang's troops had suffered heavy losses, they naturally had to be given time to recover.

He won't have to participate in the next war!

When Chang Kang heard this, he looked a little unwilling, but the twitching expression on his face caused the wound, and a sharp pain came. In the end, Chang Kang nodded helplessly.

"Listen to the general!"

The Ming army's heavy artillery fired intermittently for a while, and shells continued to fall on the walls of Hangzhou.

By noon the next day, the city wall of Hangzhou finally collapsed with a roar.

A gap was opened in the tall and solid Hangzhou city wall by a cannonball!

The city wall collapsed instantly like a toppled building block.

The smoke and dust filled the air, and the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty took advantage of the situation and launched another attack on Hangzhou City.

Deafening shouts of killing resounded throughout the battlefield, and countless soldiers from the Ming Army's forward battalion were like a wave, killing toward the gap in the Hangzhou city wall.


"The Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"


Amid the shouts of killing, the Ming army's forward battalion poured in from the gap in the city wall.

Seeing this, Seth's eyes turned red instantly and ordered the Qing army to counterattack the Ming army's offensive.

Soldiers from both sides fought together, fighting back and forth for the gap in the wall of Hangzhou that had been blasted out by heavy artillery.

The Eight Banners of Hangzhou knew that if the city of Hangzhou was destroyed, they, the bannermen, would have absolutely no way to survive.

Therefore, they are all risking their lives to fight!

He gritted his teeth and refused to let the Ming army rush into Hangzhou.

The vanguard battalion of the Ming army had just surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, and they were all holding back their energy to submit a certificate of surrender. Therefore, they were fighting desperately.

The gap opened by the blast in the wall of Hangzhou has turned into a flesh and blood mill.

Countless people are spilling their blood here!

As time went by, the Qing army's losses became more and more heavy, and the Ming army's superiority in strength ultimately played a decisive role.

The Qing army was dragged to collapse by forcefully relying on the various departments to fight in turns.

After the Qing garrison collapsed, a large number of Ming soldiers began to pour into Hangzhou.

The big flag with clear characters in Hangzhou was lowered, and a big flag with clear characters was flying high in the sky!

Announcing the change of hands of Hangzhou City...

(End of this chapter)

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