Of course, this is also related to the fact that Fukangan did not bother to control the military discipline of the Qing army after entering the city.

After Fukang'an entered the city, he went straight to the Yizhou Prefecture, where he summoned the generals and held a military meeting.

Discuss the next move of the Qing army!

After everyone arrived, Fukangan stood up and said.

"After the Battle of Yiju, our Qing Heavenly Soldiers have officially entered North Korea."

"The Korean War has also begun!"

Looking around, Fukangan then asked.

"Generals, do you have any suggestions for the next step of using our heavenly troops?"

On a table in front of everyone, a map was placed like this.

The map details the important cities in North Korea's northern border area, as well as the garrison status of troops in each city.

After Fukangan finished speaking, Chatai stood up and said.

"Returning to the general, in the general's opinion, the first step in our Qing Dynasty's war in North Korea should be to capture Pyongyang."

"Because Pyongyang is currently the core of northern North Korea. As long as our Qing Dynasty can capture Pyongyang, the initiative in the war will be controlled by our Qing Dynasty. The Pingan Road, Hamgyong Road, and Hwanghae Road in northern North Korea will all be Become my hunting ground in the Qing Dynasty.”

Pyongyang was once the capital of Wang's Korea, and even in the Lee Dynasty's Joseon era, Pyongyang still played a decisive role.

If the Qing army could capture Pyongyang, it would be able to use Pyongyang as its base to seize control of the entire North Korea.

And then complete the strategic purpose of the Qing army's invasion of Korea!

The other people on the side also nodded in agreement after hearing this.

They all feel that the Qing army should take Pyongyang first in this battle!
  After hearing this, Fukang'an lowered his head and thought for a while, then pointed at a few points on the map and spoke.

"The main force of our army can rest in Uiju for a while longer, while the vanguard of the army should continue to move forward, seize the front lines of Turtle City and Anju, open up the channel for the army to attack Pyongyang, and be prepared to meet the main force of the army."

Fukangan quickly made arrangements.

As he spoke, he looked at the people in front of him, as if he was choosing who would be the vanguard.

Chatai, who was eager to make contributions, saw this scene and stood up and said.

"General, I will continue to serve as the vanguard of this battle!"

"The general is willing to issue a military order here. If we cannot capture Turtle City and Anzhou and open up a channel for the army to march into Pyongyang, I will come and see you!"

However, when Fukang'an heard this, he did not agree to Chatai's request.

Instead, he continued to look at the others.

Because Chatai has already played as a forward once, the credit cannot be given to him alone and let others do it.

If Fukang'an wants to secure his position as commander-in-chief, a bowl of water must be balanced.

Finally, the prince Sangzi Zabu of Doro County of Horqin tribe stood up and said.

"General, in this battle, please let the warriors from my Horqin tribe be the vanguard!"

"The warriors of my Horqin tribe have one man and two horses, and they can move like the wind. They will definitely have miraculous effects when used in forward surprise attacks."

Qianlong wanted to mobilize Mongolian soldiers from foreign vassals to help in the war. Naturally, the Horqin tribe, a die-hard ally of the Qing Dynasty, had to express his wishes.

Therefore, Zimmert Dorji, King of Horqin County of Horqin Tribe, sent his eldest son Sangzi Zabu and brought [-] Horqin cavalry into the pass.

After arriving in the pass, these three thousand Horqin cavalry were also dispatched to participate in the Qing Dynasty's war against North Korea.

After hearing this, Fukangan thought for a while, nodded and said.


"Sangzizabu will be the vanguard in this battle!"

"I will send another thousand Sauron soldiers and a thousand Zhili Green Camp cavalry to you. There must be no surprises in this battle."

Hearing this, Sangzi Zabu nodded vigorously.

"General, don't worry!"


Sanzizhabu received the military order and went to order the troops.

Immediately, he took [-] Horqin Waifan Mongolian cavalry, [-] Sauron soldiers, and [-] North Zhili Green Camp cavalry, heading south towards Turtle City.

Countless cavalry galloped across the vast wilderness.

The hoofs of war horses trampled across farmland and official roads, and smoke billowed.

Black Crow Crow's cavalry galloped all the way, maneuvering at a very fast speed.


With the fall of Yiju, Guicheng, Anju and other places fell one after another.

The news of the Qing army's invasion of Korea spread rapidly to Seoul as if it had wings.

Wherever the news passed, North Korea was filled with excitement and horror.

Many people feel like their hearts are trembling!

Okay, why did the Qing Dynasty send troops to North Korea?
  County governors, governors, and generals from all over the city received urgent documents one after another.

Moreover, envoys were sent to Seoul to report the news.

One after another, fast horses galloped on the official roads leading from various roads to Seoul.

Wherever the fast horse passing the message passed, everyone in North Korea fell into panic!

Seoul, Gyeongbokgung Palace!

Li Zong, the emperor of Korea, was pacing back and forth in the golden palace, his face full of anxiety and sorrow from the bottom of his heart. In front of him, the left and right leaders of North Korea were discussing political affairs, two groups of ministers, and the judges of the Six Dynasties gathered together, and their faces were all visible to the naked eye.

"Everyone, please tell me, why did the Qing Dynasty invade Korea?"

"Nowadays, Uiju, Guseong, Anju and other places have fallen successively. Pyongyang is in emergency, and several roads in the north are in emergency. How should North Korea respond?"

This year is the forty-fourth year of Qianlong's reign, 1779 AD, and it has only been three years since the death of King Yeongjo, the famous King Yeongjo in Korean history.

The new king Li Zuo had only succeeded to the throne for a short time and his prestige in the court was limited.

Faced with the sudden invasion of the Qing Dynasty, he would inevitably be a little confused.

Faced with Li Zou's inquiry, North Korea's right-wing political advisor Cui Yingzheng stood up and said.

"Your Majesty, I think the reason why the Donglu Hu soldiers invaded Korea may be because of the restoration of the Ming Dynasty in the Central Plains."

Even though North Korea is usually very respectful to the Manchus and Qing Dynasties, North Korea actually looks down on the Manchus and Qing Dynasties.

The private names for the Manchus are often pejorative names such as Donglu and Jianyi that were inherited from the Ming Dynasty.

In North Korea's court, from the monarch to the ministers, there were many people who missed the Ming Dynasty's homeland.

The same is naturally true for Choi Young Jung.

Zhao Siguang, Zuo Yizheng on the side, also spoke.

"Replying to the king, Wei Chen also agrees with what Mr. Cui said."

How to put it, when the Ming Dynasty had already perished, even if the Manchus and Qing Dynasties knew that North Korea was missing the former Ming Dynasty, they were too lazy to pay attention to them.

However, now that the Ming Dynasty has been restored, in the eyes of the Manchus and Qing Dynasties, North Korea's nostalgia for the former Ming Dynasty is a bit glaring.

It is also possible that the Manchu Qing Dynasty used troops against North Korea because of this!
  Li Zuo couldn't help but frowned when he heard this.

"If that's the case, what should North Korea do?"

"Tear down the big newspaper to apologize to the Qing Dynasty?"

Although Li Zhen also looked down on the Manchu barbarians, as the leader of North Korea, he would not talk nonsense in the court.

Because, although most people in the North Korean court miss Qian Ming.

But there are also many people who are completely willing to be a dog of the Qing Dynasty.

Li Zuo had just ascended the throne and his foundation was not yet stable, so he naturally had to be cautious in his words and deeds.

However, what Li Zuo didn't expect was that he had just proposed to dismantle the newspaper and apologize to the Qing Dynasty, which caused an uproar in the court.

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely unacceptable!"

"Your Majesty, the press platform must not be demolished. During the Japanese Rebellion in Imjin, Korea lost both its capitals and most of its territory. If Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty had not sent heavenly troops to help Korea expel the Japanese pirates and restore the ancestral temple of Korea, Korea would have been destroyed. The country has perished! How can we, North Korea, forget this kindness of rebuilding?"

"Your Majesty, you should think twice!"


Almost everyone in the entire North Korean court opposed the demolition of the big newspaper.

The reason for this is, firstly, that North Korea has a high degree of Sinicization and has a high sense of identification with the Ming Dynasty.

The second reason is that North Korea is indeed deeply indebted to the Ming Dynasty, and this cannot be forgotten.

The third reason is that the Ming Dynasty has now regained its power in the Central Plains. It has occupied the best places in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangnan and other provinces, and is already showing signs of revival.

In the future, there is a high chance that the Central Plains can be completely restored, the land of China can be restored, and the country can once again become the celestial kingdom that dominates the entire East Asia.

North Korea is now dismantling its major newspapers. What’s the difference between that and inserting a knife into Ming Dynasty’s heart?
  If North Korea dismantles the big press now, after the Ming Dynasty is restored in the future, North Korea will definitely deal with this disobedient little brother.

Besides, the Manchu Qing invasion of North Korea is now a done deal.

Even if North Korea dismantled the big press, the Manchu Qing Dynasty would not be able to retreat because of this.

North Korea is not full of fools!

They don't do this kind of thankless thing.

When Li Zhen heard this, his face couldn't help but froze, but he still asked.

"Then, how do you think North Korea should respond to Hu's invasion of the south?"

"Pyongyang is in a panic now!"

After Li Zuo finished speaking, North Korea's Li Cao Judge Wang Minhao spoke.

"Your Majesty, I think we, North Korea, may be able to ask for help from the Ming Dynasty!"

What should I do if my younger brother gets beaten?
  Needless to say, I must immediately go to my eldest brother to stand up for myself!

After Wang Minhao finished speaking, before Li Zhen could speak, Liu Zhian, the military judge, spoke.

"It's too late!"

"Now that Hu soldiers have reached Pyongyang, Pyongyang is in a hurry and it is estimated that it will not be able to hold on for long."

"If the city of Pyongyang is defeated, the Hu soldiers will soon be able to take advantage of the situation and go south to kill Seoul!"

"At that time, the entire North Korea will probably fall under the iron heel of the Hu soldiers. It will be difficult for us in North Korea to hold on until the Ming Dynasty sends troops to help!"

As North Korea's military commander, Liu Zhi'an can also be said to be the top military leader in North Korea. He is well aware of North Korea's armament situation.

I don't think that the current Korean soldiers can withstand the Qing army's attack.

How should I put it? If North Korea wants to weaken its armaments, the combat effectiveness of its army may not be as good as that of the green battalions.

Wang Minhao heard this and spoke.

"So, we still have to send more troops to Pyongyang and defend Pyongyang City to stabilize the war situation in the north."

"As long as Pyongyang is still in the hands of North Korea, the Hu soldiers will not be able to move south in large numbers, and North Korea will be able to persist until the Ming Dynasty sends troops to help." (End of this chapter)

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