Seeing that the two knew each other and surrendered quickly without shouting, several Sauron soldiers who boarded the city did not kill them, but tied them up with ropes.

A sharp dagger was pressed against Cui Yongxiu's chest. Most of his face was covered by a black cloth, with only two eyes exposed. The Qing army's Sauron soldier shouted and asked.

"Tell me, where is the gate that opens and closes the city gate?"

This Sauron soldier spoke Korean.

The reason why he understands Korean is because he is of Korean origin.

The soldiers of our Sauron army in the Qing Dynasty are actually not only those from the Sauron tribe, but also basically all ethnic minorities outside the customs.

Koreans are naturally no exception.

Since these Korean Sauron soldiers knew Korean, they were dispatched as vanguards to attack Yiju City.

When Cui Yongxiu heard this, he didn't dare to hide it at all. He pointed in one direction with his trembling fingers and spoke.

"That...over there!"

"The gate the city gate tower!"

Seeing this, several Sauron soldiers mentioned the two of them without any nonsense and headed towards the city gate tower.

However, as soon as the door of the city gate tower was pushed open, a piercing scream sounded from inside the city gate tower.

A naked woman was huddled on a bed in the city gate building, with most of her body exposed, her expression full of horror.

Looking at the woman's plump figure, Cui Yongxiu and Jin Dazhi swallowed subconsciously.

But before the two of them could do anything else, a Sauron soldier stepped forward and wiped the woman's neck with a knife.

Blood sprayed everywhere!
  The woman covered the wound on her neck, her body twitched unconsciously for a moment, and then completely stopped moving.

The reason why these Sauron soldiers killed people was not because they didn't like women.

, but the woman was screaming. They were afraid that the woman's scream would attract the attention of the defenders, so they had no choice but to kill her.

If this woman had the same understanding as Cui Yongxiu and Kim Dae-chi, she would not necessarily die.

After all, women are quite a sought-after resource these days!

Soon, the group of people found the gate in the city gate tower. With a crunching and heart-breaking sound of machine operation, the city gate was opened...


Fuyuan General Fukang'an stood on a hill and looked at Yizhou City in the distance.

After seeing a signal coming from the direction of Yizhou City, Fukang'an waved his hand and ordered.

"Pass my military order, the whole army will attack!"

"Capture Uiju City!"

The flag was waved, and a rumble of horse hooves sounded from behind the hill.

I saw a group of elite cavalry galloping out from behind the hill and heading straight for Yiju City.

The knights on horseback were riding fast, their faces full of excitement.

"Brothers, kill!"

"The Heavenly Soldiers of the Qing Dynasty are determined to destroy the enemy!"

"General Fuyuan has an order to attack Yizhou City. We will not seal the sword for three days!"


Jin Dazhi and Cui Yongxiu were tied with ropes and tied to the flagpole at the top of Yiju City. The two watched helplessly as teams of cavalry roared outside Yiju City.

I watched helplessly as the dark crowd of cavalry passed through the city gate and rushed into Yiju City.

Both of their faces were filled with shock.

Looking at each other, both of them realized that North Korea might be doomed this time...

Before that, they thought it was just a group of thieves who invaded Yizhou.

Opening the city gate is just to make it easier to grab things.

Only now did either of them realize it.

The intruders are definitely not thieves, but serious heavenly soldiers!
  Because ordinary robbers don't have such a large number of cavalry...

In this part of East Asia, the only one who can produce such a large-scale cavalry is the Qing Dynasty.

And if such a large number of Heavenly Soldiers from the Kingdom of Heaven came to North Korea, they couldn't come for tourism, right?
  He must be here to destroy the country!
  Therefore, this war will most likely be a life-and-death war for North Korea!


A large number of Qing cavalry poured into Yizhou City.

After the cavalry took control of the Yizhou city defense, more Qing troops followed and poured into Yizhou city.

It wasn't until the Qing troops started killing people and setting fires in Yiju City that the Korean defenders in Yiju realized that an enemy was invading.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"An enemy is coming, prepare for battle!"

"Hurry up and inform the governor that there is a thief coming!"


Chaotic shouts reached the Yiju County Sheriff's Office.

Park Guochang, the governor of Yiju County, was dragged up from his concubine's bed. Before he could wake up, he heard the sad news that Yiju City had been destroyed.

"Lord Sheriff, there is an enemy attack, and the gate of Yizhou City has been breached!"

"Lord Sheriff, let's run!"

"Master Sheriff, fight or run, please make up your mind quickly!"


When Pu Guochang heard this, he was instantly startled and broke into a cold sweat.

My mind, which was still a little confused, suddenly became alert.

"what is the problem?"

Park Guochang asked with a solemn expression.

A man wearing military attaché robes heard this and just shook his head.

"As for adults, I don't even know!"

"As soon as I received the news that the North Gate of Yizhou had fallen, I rushed to report to you."

When Park Guochang heard this, his expression turned gloomy.

However, he still spoke.

"Give me the order to have the guards of the County Sheriff's Mansion assemble and prepare to meet the enemy!"

"I then ordered that the garrison in the city be summoned and come to the county governor's mansion, ready to cooperate with the guards to kill the enemy and help me annihilate those little thieves who dare to invade Yizhou."

Pu Guochang also did not expect that the Qing Dynasty would suddenly send troops to conquer North Korea, thinking that the intruders were some small thieves.

Therefore, he did not choose to escape as soon as he received the emergency report.

But prepare to face the enemy!
  However, if he knew that the Qing Dynasty's heavenly soldiers were attacking Yizhou, he would probably not have the guts to resist.

As the Sheriff's Mansion issued an order to gather troops, more and more North Korean soldiers began to gather towards the Sheriff's Mansion.

However, as more and more troops gathered, Park Guochang began to feel uncertain.

Because he suddenly discovered that the number of thieves attacking Yizhou seemed to be too much.

So far, the number of thieves who have entered Yizhou City is at least several thousand.

This number is even much greater than the number of North Korean defenders in Yiju!

However, troops have been gathered and the situation is already at a critical point.

Park Guochang could only order the Yiju garrison to launch a counterattack and prepare to retake the city gate of Yiju.

However, after he ordered his troops to prepare for a counterattack, he turned around and ordered his guards to prepare to escort him out of the city and evacuate to Seoul.

Boom!dong dong!

The drums of war sounded loudly, and the assembled North Korean defenders began to advance towards the gate of Yiju.

In the dark night, Korean soldiers wearing tattered cotton-padded clothes carried long spears, holding hands one by one, and walked towards the gate of Uicheng in a shrinking manner.

Among North Korean soldiers, there are many who suffer from night blindness.

In order to prevent anyone from getting separated in the dark night, we can only walk one by one.

However, these North Korean soldiers had just reached the halfway point when they heard the rumble of horse hooves coming from the end of the street.

In the dark night, tall horses galloped towards them.

The knight on horseback was wearing thick cotton armor, his back was straight, and the head of the spear in his hand reflected the cold light.

Chatai, who wanted to atone for his crimes, went to the front line in person in the first battle after entering the court and led a team to raid Yizhou City. After the city gate was opened, he was the first to rush into the city. During this battle, Chatai always charged forward with his own bodyguards.

Seeing the array of North Korean soldiers in front getting closer and closer, Chatai gritted his teeth, tightened his grip on the carbine in his hand, and spoke.

"Brothers, come with me!"


"The Great Qing Dynasty wins!"


Chatai took the lead, and in just a blink of an eye, he led the Qing cavalry roaring towards them.

Then without any hesitation, he led the cavalry directly into the formation of Korean soldiers.

The sharp carbine in Chatai's hand, supported by the speed of the galloping horse, could easily penetrate the bodies of several people.

String several North Korean soldiers into candied haws!

The horse's hooves stepped over and the bones and flesh turned into mud in an instant.

The Qing army's cavalry was like a burning red blade cutting through butter, easily tearing apart the array of Korean soldiers.

In an instant, there were screams and wails!
  Seeing this shocking scene in front of them, each Korean soldier was so frightened that he collapsed, completely lost the courage to resist, dropped his weapon, turned around and ran away.


"Murder, run away!"

"I surrender, I surrender, don't kill me!"


The shouts of killing continued, and the cavalry roared and killed.

After the Qing cavalry defeated the Korean soldiers, they showed no mercy.

Instead, he continued to gallop on his horse, waving his saber, and wanted to expand the results of the battle.

On the streets of Yiju City, the Qing army quickly killed a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood...

Soon, the governor of Yizhou received news of the defeat of the defenders.

He made a prompt decision and ordered his guards to protect him out of the city, and then headed all the way to Seoul.

However, if the governor of Yizhou wants to run away, it is not that easy.

The governor of Yiju County had just left Yiju City when he ran into the Qing army's elite cavalry scattered in all directions of Yiju City to blockade Yiju City.

"If there is an enemy who wants to escape, hurry up, bite him and kill him!"

"Damn it, someone is out of the city, chase him quickly!"

"Stop, don't run!"

After the elite cavalry of the Qing army discovered Pu Guochang and his party, they immediately launched a pursuit.

Outside Yiju City, there was the sound of horse hooves.

The two teams, one behind the other, chased and the other fled, quickly heading south.

But it is very obvious that the speed of the Qing army's elite cavalry is much faster than that of Park Guochang and his party.

Because the horses ridden by both parties are not of the same grade.

The war horses ridden by the Qing army's elite cavalry were either Mongolian horses carefully selected from the grasslands, or strong horses from Liaodong and Hexi, and even some good horses from Central Asia, which were explosive and durable. The power is quite good.

However, most of the horses that Park Guochang and his party rode were native horses from North Korea.

The shoulder height, explosive power, endurance, and speed are far inferior to the Qing army's war horses.

As time goes by, it is visible to the naked eye that the distance between the two parties is constantly shrinking.

Listening to the sound of horse hooves getting closer and closer behind him, fine beads of sweat began to appear on Park Guochang's forehead.

The eagerness on his face became more and more obvious. All he could do now was to wave his riding whip constantly to urge the horse under his crotch to speed up.

"Quick! Quick!"

"Hurry up, the thief will catch up!"


Park Guochang now hates his fat body very much.

If I could be a little thinner now, I might have been able to get rid of the enemy's pursuers.

Suddenly, the front hooves of the war horse under Park Guochang's crotch were knocked out, and there was only a click. The horse's front hooves were unbalanced, and it suddenly jumped forward.

Even he himself was thrown off the horse, landed on his face, and rolled several times on the ground before he stopped.

But after he stopped, he discovered that his neck was bent at a large reverse angle, and he was no longer moving.

When several guards around him saw this scene, some stopped their horses and prepared to collect his body, while others did not know how to move and continued to run wildly for fear of being caught up by the Qing army.


The sound of a bowstring exploding like cotton was heard, and arrows shot through the air. Several of the guards surrounding Park Guochang were shot into hedgehogs.

The horse passed by, and several heads were thrown away...


Its daybreak!
  The fighting in Yiju City has also come to an end.

The Qing army successfully captured Yizhou City in a night attack.

The Korean soldiers in Yiju City were dying and surrendering, and no one dared to resist anymore.

The city gates, city walls and other important city defense areas of Yiju City have all been controlled by the Qing army.

Fukang'an sat high on the horse's back and rode to the gate of Yizhou City.

When Chatai and other Qing generals saw this scene, they all saluted Qian'er.

"Finally, I will see you, General!"

Seeing this, Fukang'an did not dismount, but nodded slightly.

"Get up!"

"Chatai was the vanguard in this battle and led his troops to capture Yizhou City lightly, which is indispensable."

"This general will then write to the imperial court, requesting that the imperial court reward him based on his merits!"

"I believe that the imperial court will not treat you meritoriously. The merits of Feng Wuyinzi are waiting for you. In the Korean War, everyone, please continue to work hard!"

Seeing that Chatai's man was a blood man and his horse was a blood horse, Fukang'an knew that Chatai was really going all out in this battle.

Fukangan is naturally satisfied with this.

After hearing this, Chatai just spoke.

"General, this is what a general should do!"

Fukangan nodded slightly and then spoke.

"Send the order and the entire army enters the city."

With the sound of freezing temperatures in Fukang'an, the main force of the Qing army began to slowly enter Yizhou City.

After entering Yiju City, the military discipline of the Qing army completely broke.

Countless Qing soldiers looted and killed in Yiju City.

The military discipline of the Qing army was already poor. On their own domestic territory, they often committed murder and looting. Wherever the army went, there was a lot of complaints.

Now that they have come to North Korea, they still enter the North Korean city as victors. It can only be imagined what these Qing rebels will do.

At the beginning, the Qing troops who entered the city mainly focused on looting. They only stole things, raped women, and vented their animal desires. They rarely deliberately killed people.

However, the little oil and water in Yizhou was plundered by the Qing army who advanced into the city.

The Qing troops who entered the city later could not grab anything, so they began to deliberately kill people and set fires. Groups of raped women vented their animalistic desires and forced the Korean people in Yiju to use their finances to save their lives.

However, as the killing continued, more and more people were stimulated by the blood to become animalistic, and then the Qing army began to consciously kill for fun.

They even drove the Korean people in Yiju City together and carried out concentrated entrapment and killing.

Or they deliberately set fire to destroy the buildings in the city for fun.

Inside Yiju City, black smoke began to billow into the sky.

The air was filled with the smell of blood and the stench of burning flesh.

The screams, howls, begging for mercy in Korean, and the laughter of the Qing soldiers resounded throughout Yiju and beyond...


PS: Eight thousand words!

I finally figured it out!
  Please give me a monthly pass and subscribe! (End of chapter)

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