North Korea killed the Han envoys and immediately killed them! Vietnam killed Han envoys and slaughtered them into nine counties! Dawan killed the Han envoy and hung his head on the North Tower!
  The messenger of the Ming Dynasty must not die in vain!
  The Qing army in Hangzhou had to pay a bloody price for this.

Zhu Jing'an wanted the whole world to know the fate of anyone who dared to kill the Ming envoy.

When the tsunami-like shouts in the school grounds stopped, Zhu Jing'an waved his hand and gave the order.

"Let's go!"

When his voice fell, the flags and drums on the command stage began to change.

Soon, the various Ming troops in the school grounds began to slowly move out of the school grounds and headed towards Hangzhou.

In addition to two integrated infantry divisions, the Ming army sent by Zhu Jing'an to conquer Hangzhou this time also had a cavalry brigade and an artillery regiment.

The cavalry brigade is smaller than the infantry brigade.

A cavalry brigade, probably numbering three thousand men.

But in terms of cost, the cost of raising a cavalry brigade is almost as much as raising two infantry divisions...

The cavalry has been expensive since ancient times.

Especially in the south of the Yangtze River, the cost of raising cavalry is rising.

The establishment of the artillery regiment is not calculated based on the number of people, but the number of artillery pieces.

An artillery regiment has one hundred and twenty artillery pieces of various types, including thirty Type 90 field guns, thirty Type 120 field guns, thirty 120 siege guns, twenty 150 siege guns, and ten 165 heavy guns. .

Here, the Type 90 field artillery crew is composed of 6 people. One gunner is responsible for command, one observer is responsible for observing and calculating the shooting elements, and three loaders are responsible for loading and adjusting the artillery's shooting elements. and a substitute.

The observer here is usually the deputy gunner. If the gunner is unexpectedly attrited, the deputy gunner will take over and continue to direct the battle.

There are six people in a gun crew, and thirty gun crews are one hundred and eighty people!

The gun crew of the 120 field gun is eight people. The gunner and observer are still one person. However, because the 120 field gun is heavier, the loader is increased by two people to five people, and the substitute is still one person.

There are eight people in a gun crew!
  Thirty 120 field artillery batteries, with a total manpower of [-] people.

A gun crew of the 120 siege gun is manned by 10 people.

Among them, there is one gunner, one observer, six loaders, and two substitutes.

Thirty artillery crews are [-] people.

The gun crew of the 150 siege gun is 15 people. The gunner is still one person, the observer is increased to two people, the loader is increased to ten people, and the substitute is still two people.

Twenty 150-meter siege gun crews totaled [-] people.

The 165 heavy artillery crew was manned by twenty people.

There was one gunner, two observers, fifteen loaders, and two substitutes.

Ten artillery groups, that is, two hundred people!
  The total number is more than [-] people, and these more than [-] people constitute a complete artillery regiment.

The firepower composed of more than a hundred large and small artillery pieces is definitely a force that can stand alone in this era.

Among the artillery regiments of the Ming Army, the smallest caliber artillery was the Type 90 field gun.

As for the Type 65 field guns that were equipped in large quantities in the army in the past, they were demoted to the platoon level.

A platoon is equipped with a Type 65 field gun, which is used to provide fire cover for the troops when the platoon-level unit performs separate tasks.


After watching the Ming army go out to battle, Zhu Jing'an also left the campus.

Returned to Nanjing in a carriage.

When he returned to the Prince's Mansion, it was almost noon.

Zhu Jing'an had been running around all morning and was already a little hungry, so he chose to meet at the dinner table with the Songjiang prefect who came to Nanjing to report on his duties.

Having a simple meal with him is considered a feast!

Zhu Jing'an first washed his hands, then wiped his face with a hot towel to wipe off the dust on his face and relieve his fatigue, then walked to the dining table and sat down.

After Zhu Jing'an sat down, the attendant poured him a cup of hot tea and then ordered the food to be served.

If it's not a formal occasion, Zhu Jing'an usually eats very simply.

It mainly serves home-cooked dishes that are generous in quantity and filling, and does not pursue extravagant enjoyment.

The same goes for his lunch today, a simple meal of two meat and two vegetables, four dishes and one soup.

One portion of braised pork ribs, one portion of donkey meat in cold sauce, one portion of stir-fried shredded potatoes, one portion of mapo tofu, and one portion of soybean and crucian carp soup.

They are all very homely dishes!

The food is hot and fragrant, quite tempting.

To be honest, in Zhu Jing'an's opinion, it's okay to eat big fish, meat and delicacies from the mountains and seas occasionally, but if you eat them every day, you'll get tired of them in a few days.

The only thing you can really eat every day without getting tired of it is home-cooked food!
  Four dishes and one soup were served. Zhu Jing'an did not move his chopsticks in a hurry, but drank hot tea while waiting for Cai Xueqin, the prefect of Songjiang.

Since he had made up his mind to give Cai Xueqin a banquet and have lunch together, he would not use his chopsticks before the person arrived.

Although Zhu Jing'an is the superior, even if he eats it first, Cai Xueqin will definitely not dare to have any objection.

However, before the guests arrive, the host cannot move the chopsticks. This is the most basic etiquette and upbringing.

If you use your chopsticks in advance, it is disrespectful.

As a qualified ruler, taking care of the face of his subordinates, giving his ministers the respect they deserve, and giving them spiritual satisfaction are actually compulsory courses.

A very simple truth.

Since ancient times, rulers' courtesy and virtuous subordinates have often had miraculous effects.

The most typical example is when Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times, and Corporal Li Xian invited Zhuge Liang out. Zhuge Liang worked hard to continue the ancestral temple and the country for decades for the Shu Han.

Zhu Jing'an naturally understands this truth!

Zhu Jing'an didn't have to wait long before he saw Cai Xueqin walking in from outside. As soon as he entered the flower hall, Cai Xueqin knelt down and saluted.

"I am here to see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, may His Majesty be blessed with peace and prosperity!"

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an stood up from his seat, walked to Cai Xueqin, stretched out his hand to help him up, and laughed.

"Haha, the Qing family please get up quickly!"

"It's cold on the ground, so there's no need to be polite! Just take your seat!"

Cai Xueqin was helped up from the ground by Zhu Jing'an, and sat down on his seat with a somewhat frightened expression.

He could feel His Royal Highness's respect and concern for him from His Highness's movements and tone, and from the food on the table in front of him that had clearly not been touched with chopsticks.

This feeling made Cai Xueqin feel warm in his heart.

You know, when he was an official for the Qing Dynasty, not to mention a big shot like a prince, even a Shangguan with a higher official position than him would never have such respect for him.

The attendant beside Zhu Jing'an poured drinks for the two of them.

Zhu Jing'an picked up the wine glass and motioned for Cai Xueqin to raise a glass too. The two drank a glass together, and Zhu Jing'an asked.

"How has the work related to Songjiang Prefecture been carried out since the Cai Qing family succeeded Songjiang Prefecture?"

Upon hearing this, Cai Xueqin calmed down and spoke.

"Returning to Your Highness, since I took over as the magistrate of Songjiang, I have completed the work of clearing the Dingkou and farmland in Songjiang Prefecture."

"We conducted a collective assessment and examination of the relevant government officials, and eliminated a group of ignorant and incompetent people through the examination method to ensure the integrity and efficiency of the Songjiang government agencies."

"The past backlog of case files in Songjiang Prefecture were intensively processed, unjust, false and wrong cases were re-investigated and evidence collected, and new trials were carried out in accordance with the Ming Dynasty Law..."

After saying this, Cai Xueqin took out a policy report from his arms and presented it to Zhu Jing'an with both hands.

I want to ask Zhu Jing’an to take a look!

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad!"

"The Qing family's work is very satisfying!"

While talking, he took Cai Xueqin's report, then opened it and read it.

"At the beginning of the second year of Xuanwu in the Ming Dynasty, Songjiang Prefecture had a total of [-] hectares of fertile land, of which Shangtian..."

The new dynasty should have a new atmosphere!

Although Ming Dynasty took over the place peacefully, this does not mean that Ming Dynasty can allow the local area to continue to remain the same.

There are still three things to do when a new official takes office, let alone a change of dynasty.

These current policy measures taken by Cai Xueqin are the three fires that Ming Dynasty has set on the local government.

The purpose of clearing Zhangmu and Dingkou was to obtain the detailed quantity of population and land under the Ming Dynasty.

In order to facilitate the government's administration!
  Needless to say, all dynasties had to do this after the founding of the country.

Without exception!

As for the evaluation and elimination of old officials, in fact, the purpose is not to eliminate incompetent and corrupt officials. The real purpose is to tighten the skin of those officials who have not been eliminated.

Let them know that Ming Dynasty is not dependent on you.

The ultimate purpose was to deter those officials who had surrendered in large numbers so that they would not dare to defy the imperial court in order to ensure administrative efficiency.

It’s hard to say how effective it will be, but it will be to some extent.

Cleaning up the backlog of case files and re-examining unjust, false and wrong cases was the Ming Dynasty's attempt to appease the local people.

With these three axes down, Ming Dynasty can be said to have taken root in the place.

Zhu Jing'an read the report, closed it, and then spoke.

"Yes, yes, the governor of the Qing family in Songjiang Mansion is quite satisfied. I believe the people of Songjiang are also satisfied."

"I am here today to offer a toast to Cai Qing's family on behalf of the people of Songjiang!"

"I hope the Qing family can be a good Cai Qingtian for the people of Songjiang!"

After saying this, Zhu Jing'an raised his glass again.

Seeing this, Cai Xueqin raised his glass in fear and drank the wine in one gulp.

And secretly vowed that he must be a good official and strive to be less greedy and do more practical things for the people. Otherwise, he will not be able to live up to the encouragement of His Highness the Crown Prince "Cai Qingtian".

"Today Gu Chuanqing's family came to Nanjing for an audience. I just want to have a chat with the Qing family. If the imperial court opens and closes Songjiang Mansion to develop maritime trade, will there be any problems with Songjiang Mansion?"

"Can you complete the switch successfully?"

Upon hearing this, Cai Xueqin thought for a while and then spoke.

"Returning to Your Highness, if the imperial court wants to open and close the palace in Songjiang Mansion, that would be the best."

"With the precedent of the Guangzhou switch, the Songjiang switch should also be beneficial to the country and the people."

"However, regarding the switch in Songjiang Mansion, the official is mainly worried about three issues."

"First, if the imperial court opens and closes in Songjiang Prefecture, a large number of Chinese and foreign merchants will gather in Songjiang, and the security management of Songjiang Prefecture will be more difficult."

"Secondly, after Songjiang Prefecture is opened and closed, a large number of people may be attracted by the huge profits of industry and commerce, and thus abandon the traditional life of men farming and women weaving, and go into business."

"If this is the case, food prices in Songjiang Prefecture may soar, which may be harmful to people's livelihood."

"The third is the land use issue in Songjiang Prefecture. Most of the land in Songjiang Prefecture is now civilian farmland. If the court wants to open a business in Songjiang Prefecture, it must acquire land for the construction of docks, commercial stations, warehouses and other facilities."

"If the imperial court forcibly expropriates land, it will probably arouse public outrage!"

"When the time comes, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain to the court." (End of Chapter)

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