Nanjing, Prince's Mansion!

On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, Zhu Jing'an got up early, leaned over and kissed the beauty on the side.

Seeing the beauty Haitang's lazy expression as if sleeping in spring, Zhu Jing'an felt inexplicably satisfied.

The charm of last night rang in my mind involuntarily!

Since the Northern Expedition, he has not eaten meat for more than half a year. He finally had meat last night, and what he ate was the Qinhuai River Oiran. It was inevitable that he was a little greedy.

The tossing was so intense that Liu Ruyan, who was fragile, could not wake up yet.

Zhu Jing'an reached out and gently rubbed away the beauty's slightly frowned brow, then turned and walked out.

Arriving outside the dormitory, Zhang Jin was already waiting.

Zhu Jing'an strode forward, and Zhang Jin quickly followed.

Zhu Jing'an asked as he walked.

"What's the schedule for today?"

Zhang Jin knew Zhu Jing'an's scheduled itinerary for today. Therefore, when Zhu Jing'an asked, he didn't even need to think about it and spoke directly.

"If you go back to Your Highness, according to the scheduled schedule, you will first go to the school field outside the city this morning to review the troops sent to conquer Hangzhou. At noon, you will meet with the prefect of Songjiang Prefecture to discuss and finalize the matter of opening and closing in Songjiang Prefecture."

"In the afternoon, I will go to the newly built Nanjing Arsenal for inspection. In the evening, I will give a banquet to the officials from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces who came to Nanjing to report on their work. Your Highness needs to have dinner with them..."

After Zhang Jin talked about the day's itinerary, Zhu Jing'an couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Damn it, I can’t even expect to rest for the whole day!
  However, these things were all very important and none of them could be avoided. Zhu Jing'an could only grit his teeth and persist.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Jing'an spoke.

"Okay, I understand!"

"Order someone to prepare a car and get ready to go to the school grounds outside the city!"

Since the last time he was assassinated while riding a horse, Zhu Jing'an has almost never traveled on a horse again.

Every time I go out, I mainly take a horse-drawn carriage!

Moreover, in order to confuse the assassin's sight, there will be at least three identical carriages accompanying the team, or even more.

As for which car to take, Zhu Jing'an would make a last-minute decision just before departure.

I will never give the assassin any chance to kill again!

Seeing this, Zhang Jin quickly spoke.

"Your Highness, you haven't had breakfast yet..."

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he continued to move forward without looking back, he just waved his hands and said.

"Eat on the carriage, hurry up!"

Seeing this, Zhang Jin could only follow quickly, and then ordered someone to bring Zhu Jing'an's breakfast.

Arriving outside the Prince's Mansion, there were three identical carriages parked in front of the door.

Zhu Jing'an chose a car at random and got on it directly.

Immediately, the team began to move forward.

Zhu Jing'an sat in the carriage, squinting his eyes and falling asleep, thinking about today's events.

The interior of the carriage he was sitting in was quite luxurious and spacious.

There are sofas, coffee tables, desks, bathrooms, and even small couches for temporary rest.

It is completely a small movable room.

What's more important is that the six walls of this carriage are embedded with one-centimeter-thick steel plates. Even the doors and windows that can be opened and closed are also embedded with steel plates to ensure the safety of the carriage.

Such a carriage has quite good protective properties.

Not to mention bows and arrows and muskets, even artillery with a smaller caliber may not be able to hit this iron can.

The only price is that the carriage is relatively heavy. Even if it is four-wheeled, it requires four strong horses to pull it.

In other words, if Zhu Jing'an usually travels with three identical carriages every time, he will need at least twelve horses to meet his needs.

Including the spare horses, there must be at least twenty horses.

Zhu Jing'an narrowed his eyes for a while and saw Zhang Jin helping him pass the food in from outside the carriage.

And laid it out on the coffee table in front of him.

"Your Highness, it's time to eat!"

Zhu Jing'an opened his eyes after hearing this.

Then he took the wet towel handed by the attendant, wiped his hands, and started eating.

The lunch boxes in front of him contained a portion of duck blood and vermicelli soup, a portion of pan-fried pancake, a portion of meatloaf, and an egg.

Zhu Jing'an picked up a fried one and took a bite, leaving a fragrant aroma in his mouth.

He picked up the duck blood vermicelli soup and took a sip. The delicious taste made his eyes light up.

After eating a piece of meat pie in two mouthfuls, he stuffed the shelled eggs into his mouth, chewed them hard, and finally took a sip of duck blood and vermicelli soup to avoid choking. Zhu Jing'an ate his breakfast with big mouthfuls.

After a while, several lunch boxes in front of him were emptied.

Zhu Jing'an put down his chopsticks, stretched, and said to Zhang Jin beside him.

"Go and get the documents related to the switch of Songjiang Mansion, and take a look at it again..."


The team marched all the way to the university field outside Nanjing.

After arriving outside the school grounds, Zhu Jing'an got off the carriage and rode on horseback.

In the school grounds at this time, a famous sergeant stood in formation with a straight military uniform.

They all carried their muskets, raised their chests and raised their heads, preparing to welcome Zhu Jing'an's review.

Zhu Jing'an galloped all the way into the school grounds, galloped past the Ming army's phalanx, and ran all the way to the generals' stage in the school grounds.

The figure is handsome and heroic! He turned over and dismounted in front of the general platform, and then took a few guards and strode onto the general platform.

Looking around, Zhu Jing'an spoke.

"let's start!"

Zhang Jin on the side heard this and turned around to give the order.

As the flags on the general stage were waved and war drums beat, the Ming troops below the stage began to move with the flags.

A well-known sergeant began to organize the queue and close the formation under the orders of the junior officers.

Battalions are used as units to form small square formations of [-] people.

That's right, the troops selected by Zhu Jing'an this time and sent to capture Hangzhou have all completed military reforms.

The reason why Zhu Jing'an wanted to send troops who had completed the military reform was to capture Hangzhou.

It was because he needed to use actual results to test how effective the Ming army's military reforms were.

And judge whether to immediately implement military reforms within the entire army!

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

Amidst the deafening shouts of Wansheng, small square formations began to line up, walking in goose step, and walked past the generals' stage one by one.

The muzzles of the muskets slung on their shoulders were pointed at the sky, and the bayonets on the muzzles shone with cold light, forming a bright forest of bayonets.

The red armor was worn on the body, and as the array moved, it was like a beating sea of ​​fire moving forward on the ground.

Along with the chant, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty vigorously shook their arms and kicked their legs, the sound of friction of cloth, and the loud sound of cowhide boots hitting the ground came together, making a roar like a cannonball falling to the ground.

A wave of mighty military power and murderous aura rushed towards his face!

Because this is not just a simple military parade, but a pre-war review.

After completing this review, this war-tested unit will immediately go to the battlefield.

Go and fulfill the oath they made in front of the military flag to protect their homeland and regain their homeland!

When passing the general's platform, the junior officers in the phalanx shouted loudly.


In an instant, the entire phalanx hammered their chests with their right hands and performed a military salute. At the same time, they turned to look at the general stand and paid attention to Zhu Jing'an.

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an also beat his chest with his right hand in return and shouted loudly.

"The Ming army is mighty!"

Seeing this, the generals on the general stage also followed Zhu Jing'an's actions, beating their chests with their right hands and shouting loudly.

"The Ming army is mighty!"

The Ming army in the audience saw this scene and responded in unison.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

At the same time, the military band next to the general stage also started singing.

"The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, fame and fortune, dust and soil!"

"Looking at Shenzhou, the people are suffering, and thousands of miles of fertile land are barren!"

"Look at the world, there are no barbarians, and only one man can make up for what is missing in the way of heaven..."


"I am so angry that I lean on the railing! The rain has stopped. I look up, look up to the sky and roar, my ambition is fierce, thirty years of fame and dust, eight thousand miles of clouds and moon... I am hungry and eat the meat of Huns, I am laughing and talking, thirsty for the blood of the Huns, wait Start from scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and move towards Tianque..."

The majestic military songs resounded throughout the school grounds, and the morale of the Ming army was boiling.

The infantry phalanx and the cavalry phalanx walked past the general stage one by one, and then returned to their positions in the school field to stand.


Gun salutes also sounded continuously, and the school grounds were filled with smoke, as if they were on a real battlefield.

By around ten o'clock in the morning, the two reorganized divisions that were about to go to Hangzhou, the First Division of the Ming Dynasty Royal Army and the Second Division of the Ming Dynasty Royal Army, had already been inspected and marched past the generals' platform in formation.

After the first division and the second division stood in the school field, Zhu Jing'an also stood on the general stage and said loudly.

"Destiny is impermanent, but there are changes in Jiashen!"

"We were exhausted both internally and externally, Manchu captives entered the Pass, and they sacrificed their lives for their country. As a result, the world collapsed, the country was in danger, the land of China was brutally poisoned, and the world was plunged into chaos. It has been one hundred and forty years now."

"Fortunately, my destiny will never end, and I will rise again in Guangdong and Guangxi, reestablish the Ming Dynasty, and rebuild the Han Dynasty. Then all the people of the world will return to their hearts, and those who respond will follow..."

"But there are thieves in Hangzhou who do not know the destiny of heaven, disobey the destiny of heaven, resist the heavenly soldiers, and slaughter angels. Their crimes cannot be punished."

"Order, the First Division and the Second Division of the Ming Dynasty Royal Army, send troops to fight against it!"

After reading the eloquent appeal against thieves, Zhu Jing'an looked around and shouted loudly.

"Let those dog Tatars in Hangzhou know what it means to be a king's teacher! What it means to punish the people and punish them!"

After Zhu Jing'an finished speaking, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty under the high platform shouted in unison.



"The king's teacher, punish the people and punish them!"

"The king's teacher, punish the people and punish them!"


In fact, the Battle of Hangzhou should have started long ago, but because the Ming army needed to be repaired years ago, and Zhu Jing'an was thinking about persuading the Qing army in Hangzhou to surrender, there was no rush to start the Battle of Hangzhou.

But what Zhu Jing'an didn't expect was that the Qing army in Hangzhou was so brave that they just refused to accept the Ming Dynasty's persuasion to surrender!

How dare you kill the envoy of the Ming Dynasty!
  Isn't this just a slap in Zhu Jing'an's face? (End of chapter)

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