Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 233 It’s all the capitalists’ fault

When Lu Qi heard this, he also showed hesitation, but finally spoke.

"To be honest, Brother Feng, I want to give it a try!"

"The money given by the boss is too much."

"Also, I'm thinking that if we go to sea together, we can take care of each other and be safer..."

Seeing that the expression on Jiang Feng's face did not change at all, Lu Qi couldn't help but persuade him.

"Brother Feng, if I remember correctly, your eldest son is almost old enough to enter school!"

"With just the money you earn on the construction site, you can't afford his education."

"Can you bear to let your own baby become blind?"

Studying is a luxury these days. Pens, ink, paper and inkstones are a big expense, not to mention the tuition for the teacher, the tuition for the academy, and the usual need to participate in literary and poetry meetings, which are all very expensive. overhead.

Ordinary middle-class families simply cannot afford it.

At the very least, you have to be at the level of a small landowner to support a scholar who can study full-time.

Therefore, despite the fact that Jiang Feng earns a lot of money from carpentry work.

But there is still a big gap between providing education for your own children.

Lu Qi knew that Jiang Feng was very obsessed with this matter and had been thinking about sending his son to school.

Therefore, I couldn't help but tempt Jiang Feng with this matter.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Qi said this, the expression on Jiang Feng's face clearly changed to one of emotion.

He lowered his head and thought for a while before speaking.

“Wait until next year!”

"Wait until the Chinese New Year is over and the work on the construction site is finished before we talk about the sea running ship."

Seeing Jiang Feng relent, Lu Qi stopped asking questions and nodded.

"Okay, okay, okay, it all depends on Brother Feng!"



Outside Guangzhou, Li Mansion!
Although the financial resources of the Li family are not as good as those of the Thirteenth Line, they are still one of the most wealthy families in Guangzhou.

The Li family built a manor covering an area of ​​more than ten acres outside Guangzhou as the ancestral residence of their clan.

People living around the ancestral home are all members of the same clan.

It is a characteristic of the south that the same clans gather together to live together.

After dinner, Li Muchi, the head of the Li family, came to the ancestral hall, twisted three incense sticks, came to the ancestor's tablet, and respectfully offered incense and kowtowed to his ancestor.

After inserting the incense stick into the incense burner, Li Mu straightened up while holding it.

Beside him, the eldest son Li Yun, dressed in brocade clothes, stood respectfully, waiting for his father to ask questions.

After Li Mu finished putting on the incense, he turned to look at his eldest son and asked.

"How is the construction going at the construction site in the new city?"

Li Yun heard this and spoke.

"Replying to my father, I took people to the new city construction site during the day today and inspected it. As of now, the construction of the new city has begun to take shape, and various construction projects are progressing in an orderly manner." "I, Li The construction of our No. [-] textile factory has been completed, and the foundations for the shops have begun..."

"I think the imperial court should be able to hand over the apartment as planned!"

Since there are not many high-rise buildings these days, the work of laying foundations is naturally much simpler. Therefore, the construction speed is actually very fast.

Hearing this, Li Muchi nodded and said.

"By the way, how are the preparations for the textile workers and looms needed for the factory?"

The Li family's No. A-[-] factory in the new city is intended to be used to build a textile factory.

The textile industry these days is truly a blue ocean industry. As long as you can produce cloth, you won't have to worry about selling it.

Li Yun said.

"Don't worry, dad, I'm keeping an eye on you!"

"The textile machines are all ordered from the Royal Merchant House. There are a total of 150 spinning machines and [-] looms. It is estimated that these textile machines will be delivered after the factory is handed over."

Now the main business of Ming Dynasty's imperial merchants is the procurement of materials and the sale of corresponding mechanical products.

The textile machine is one of the key products of the Royal Merchant Company!

The original design came from the teachings of foreign craftsmen!
But after Zhu Jing'an, a time traveler, made improvements himself, the working efficiency of Ming Dynasty's spinning machines and looms is now much higher than that of their Western counterparts at the same time.

As for why Zhu Jing'an knows textile machines and looms?
Don't ask, just ask because your ex-girlfriend taught you!
Li Yun finished talking about the textile machinery and then continued.

"As for the workers, I give priority to hiring our own people from the Li family!"

"With food and accommodation included, male workers are given a monthly salary of one or two yuan, and female workers are given a monthly salary of [-] yuan."

"So far, more than 200 people have signed up with me. I believe that the required personnel for the textile factory will be recruited soon."

To be honest, the wages offered by the Li family's textile factory are a bit shady.

A male worker earns one or two cents, while a female worker earns eight hundred cents. Based on purchasing power, this is probably just enough to support a family.

However, the premise of the Li family's salary is that food and housing are included!

Calculating it this way, it's actually not bad.

This treatment is at least higher than the wages paid to workers by our European counterparts at the same time.

How should I put it, in the primary stage of capitalism, everyone is basically the same!
Regardless of the East or the West, factories are all sweatshops. Big brother, don’t laugh at the second brother!

However, the Ming Dynasty prefers to use people from the same clan and clan for recruiting workers in factories.

Considering the importance that Chinese people attach to clans in this era, no matter how greedy factory owners are, they will not go too far and squeeze people to death.

Otherwise, you will lose your reputation in the clan!

Think about it, every year during ancestor worship, a bunch of people sue you in front of your ancestors. Who can bear the price?
Therefore, the treatment of Chinese workers is definitely much better than that of their European counterparts.

As for why male workers are paid one or two yuan and female workers are paid [-] yuan, there is such a big difference in wages?

Because equal pay equals equal work!

Hearing this, Li Muchi nodded slightly to express satisfaction, but still spoke.

"Let me mention the wages a little more. After all, we are all members of the Li family, so we can't treat them too badly!" (End of Chapter)

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