Chapter 232 Real Estate Economy

As the sun sets in the west, Jiang Feng, who has worked hard all day at the construction site, packs up his things and prepares to go home.

Looking at the setting sun gradually setting in the sky and the red sunset that reflected the earth, Jiang Feng couldn't help but stretch.

Jiang Feng weighed the heavy money bag in his hand and felt that all the suffering was worth it.

He is not an ordinary worker, but a skilled carpenter, and his monthly salary is almost two taels of silver.

He is completely able to take care of his family’s food and drink!
"Brother Feng, Brother Feng!"

"Your wages are paid today. Do you want to go have a drink with us?"

A honest-looking man trotted up to Jiang Feng and asked.

This man's name is Lu Qi, he is Jiang Feng's coworker and a carpenter.

But this boy is not married yet. If one person is full, the whole family will not be hungry.

Therefore, when you have money on hand, you just want to spend it, eat, drink, gamble and enjoy life, without any thought of saving money.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng lowered his head and thought about it, then shook his head and said.

"That's all, your sister-in-law has been ill recently. The elderly and children at home need me to take care of them, so I won't go drinking today."

"Another day!"

When Lu Qi heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he spoke.

"In this case, I won't go to drink anymore. I'll go home with Brother Feng to take care of my sister-in-law!"

When Jiang Feng heard this, he subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

But he didn't think much, he just nodded and said.

"That's alright, let's just get some wine, buy some barbecued meats, and drink at my house!"

Lu Qi nodded.

"Okay, okay. Drinking at home is much more pleasant than drinking in a pub outside."

While talking, the two left the construction site together and walked towards Guangzhou City.

The construction site where they were working was a new city built under the leadership of the Ming Dynasty government and jointly funded by the gentry and merchants of Guangzhou City.

In the government's construction plan, this new city will be an industrial city, a commercial city, an open city, and a city of the future.

When Zhu Jing'an was planning the new city, his specific design ideas were based on the urban construction plans of later generations.

This new city will be divided into different areas such as commercial urban area, industrial park, educational park, entertainment area, etc., each with their own functions.

The commercial district will build corresponding shopping malls and shops, the industrial district will carry out overall planning and build factories and corresponding supporting facilities, and the educational park will build several new schools to cultivate talents in industry, commerce and science...

The specific construction method is that the government provides planning and land use rights, and businessmen and gentry provide money.

After the government received the money, it organized and hired workers to start construction.

After the city construction is completed, the Ming Dynasty will get a brand-new new city, and the merchants and gentry will also get houses, shops and even factories and malls in the new city in return.

Of course, the houses, shops, etc. that merchants and gentry could obtain were only a small part of it.

The big head belongs to the government!

Every shop and house in the new town has a clearly marked price.

But the price tag is very high, and you will definitely not be able to build a shop or house at the price tag.

In addition to the money spent by the gentry and businessmen being used to build shops and houses, the rest will be used by the government to build roads, factories, schools and other supporting facilities.

To put it bluntly, this is the most typical way of playing the real estate economy.

Use land and policies to attract capital, thereby leveraging economic and social development.

Zhu Jing'an had seen the effect of this move with his own eyes.

Then, he copied it directly.

Of course, the reason for doing this is ultimately because the Ming Dynasty currently wants to focus its main energy and resources on competing with the Manchus for hegemony.

There are no extra resources available to support industrial and commercial development!

If this is the case, this kind of real estate economy, which is beneficial and free of charge, is the best choice at present.

The construction site where Jiang Feng and Lu Qi worked was also part of the new city construction project.

What they participated in building was a cotton textile factory.

In the construction plan, this cotton textile factory will be a large factory that can accommodate thousands of workers and hundreds of large looms.

Although Zhu Jing'an also knew the benefits of developing heavy industry.

But for now, the best choice is to drag half of Ming Dynasty out of agricultural society and into industrial society by developing labor-intensive light industry such as textile industry.

Because light industry can be invested and developed by private capital!
However, the resources and investment required to develop heavy industry are by no means what private capital can afford.

Now, although the Ming Dynasty also invested in the development of heavy industry, it basically invested in the military.

At present, the entire Ming Dynasty's policy focus is still on the military.

For the current Ming Dynasty, the war for hegemony with the Manchu Qing Dynasty is still the undisputed top priority.

For the time being, there are not that many resources available to invest in supporting industrial and commercial development!
At present, we can only support and encourage the development of light industry through policies, but actual capital investment is really powerless.

Jiang Feng and Lu Qi left the new city construction site and returned to Guangzhou City.After returning to Guangzhou City, the two bought some wine and barbecued meats from a passing shop and walked towards Jiang Feng's house.

Along the way, the two talked and laughed.

Soon they returned to Jiang Feng's home. As soon as they entered the door, they saw a woman busy in front of the stove.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng hurriedly took a few steps forward and spoke.

"My wife, since you are sick, you can just lie down and rest in bed. Why bother working inside and outside?"

Seeing this, Jiang Feng's wife just smiled gently and said.

"Master, my health is much better. It's not a problem."

"You and the Lu brothers will sit down first, and I'll cook for you!"

Lu Qi on the side heard this and quickly spoke.

"Sister-in-law, please have a rest. Brother Feng and I bought some food on the way back. You can just eat it without cooking."

Jiang Feng's wife heard this and spoke quickly.

" could this happen!"

"No, no, absolutely no. If outsiders find out, won't they say I'm neglecting my guests?"

When Jiang Feng heard this, he just spoke forcefully.

"Just go and have a rest. I, Lu Qi, have something to discuss and I don't have time to quarrel with you, a bitch."

After saying that, he pushed his wife into the back room.

Although his words were rough, his actions were very gentle, and his starting point was also his concern for his wife.

Jiang Feng is stupid and can't speak, but he knows how to be nice to his mother-in-law.

Then he sat back at the dining table, sitting opposite Lu Qi.

The two sat down, placed the roast meat on the table, and each poured wine.

Jiang Feng picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then asked.

"Lu Qi, didn't you say you had something important to discuss with me on the way? What is it?"

Lu Qi scratched his head and said.

"Brother Feng, I heard someone said that the Li Dong family wants to recruit sailors to go out to sea and run ships. They will pay a lot of wages. As long as they work with the ships for a month, that is three taels of silver a month."

"Skilled carpenters like us can even get five taels of silver a month's salary on the ship."

"I thought, since we are working in Guangzhou anyway, why not go to sea with the ship."

"If you go boating, you can make much more money in a month than on land!"

"I really can't make up my mind, so I came here to discuss it with you, Brother Feng."

These days, sailors' wages are very generous.

Because, with the technical conditions of this era, going to sea would be a life-and-death endeavor.

It's easy to go out, let's see if we can come back!

If the wages are not enough, who will go out to sea with you to risk your life?
The same goes for carpenters. These days, there are always carpenters on sea ships, so that if the ship is damaged, it can be repaired in time.

To avoid accidents!

Although ordinary carpenters and carpenters on ships are two different things, they still have some background in carpentry work.

It is definitely much easier to train an ordinary carpenter to be a carpenter on a ship than to train an ordinary person to be a carpenter on a ship.

In the current situation where the whole of China is under a long-term maritime ban due to the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, there is an acute shortage of carpenters on board ships.

When a shipowner wants to hire manpower, he will definitely choose carpenters first.

Lu Qi received an offer from Li Dong’s family!

It's just that he couldn't make up his mind, so he wanted to discuss it with Jiang Feng.

When Jiang Feng heard this, his expression was obviously moved after hearing the monthly salary of five taels of silver.

However, he soon suppressed his thoughts and spoke with hesitation on his face.

"This salary is indeed quite a lot."

"But running a boat is really dangerous! I heard that a boat owned by Mr. Wang's family was loaded with porcelain and tea to go to Vietnam. It sank just after it went to sea. There were dozens of people on the boat and no one survived..."

Jiang Feng is passionate about wages and vigilant about dangers.

Lu Qi is not married, and one person has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry. Because of his high salary, he can choose to go to sea to seek wealth without any scruples.

But Jiang Feng couldn't do it. He still had his wife, children and parents to take care of at home, so he would inevitably have some concerns.

In fact, many of the ships that went out to sea these days did not sink because of encountering wind and waves, but because they encountered fellow travelers...

Because maritime merchants these days are not just maritime merchants.

Most of them also have a part-time job as a pirate.

He can be considered a multi-professional player.

(End of this chapter)
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