On the battlefield, there was the sound of horse hooves.

Accompanied by a crashing sound of bowstrings trembling, the Ming army cavalry galloped on horseback, bent their bows and set arrows, unilaterally suppressing the Qing army.

Arrows flew and fell in the Qing army's formation, and the clanging sound of metal clashes continued.

Although most of the Eight Banners soldiers of the Qing army wore cotton armor, the cotton armor worn by these Eight Banners soldiers was either jerry-rigged goods produced in the past two years, or old items left behind by their ancestors more than 100 years ago.

Basically it belongs to the level of cultural relics!

The quality can be imagined!

Although the protective ability is still there, it is definitely not as good as before.

From time to time, arrows would penetrate the gaps in the armor of the Eight Banners soldiers, causing effective damage to the Qing army.

However, while the Ming army launched its cavalry and shooting, the Qing army was also fighting back.

The arrows were like locusts, and the sound of shotguns was as dense as exploding beans.

The arrows fired by the Qing army using foot bows were much more lethal than the arrows fired by the Ming army using mounted bows.

Most of the walking bows are hard bows, and the bow power is much stronger than the riding bow.

The Eight Banners soldiers of Jiangning Eight Banners beside Chang Shun bent their bows and set arrows, shooting with great enthusiasm.

From time to time, Ming cavalrymen were hit by arrows and fell off their horses.

However, looking at the situation on the battlefield, the expression on Chang Shun's face was still solemn.

Because he always felt that things today were not that simple.

Sure enough, after a moment, the expression on Chang Shun's face changed from solemn to as ugly as his dead parents.

I saw the Ming army's cavalry galloping and driving, using mounted archery to delay the Qing army's formation.

The Ming army relied on people to pull the horses and dragged the field artillery to the battlefield.

And began to aim artillery at the Qing army's array, preparing to fire.

When he saw those field artillery pieces, the expression on Chang Shun's face was distorted.

There were also big drops of cold sweat on my forehead!
Because he seems to know the Ming thief's plan!
Is this because they want to use artillery to bombard their infantry array?

At this moment, Chang Shun almost suffocated.

He knew the consequences of a dense infantry array being bombarded by artillery.

No matter how elite the army is, it can't withstand the array being bombarded by artillery!

Chang Shun's expression changed drastically, and he subconsciously wanted to pull his horse and run away, but at this moment, he only heard a rumble!Boom!

Bursts of deafening shelling sounded, and shells shot straight towards the Qing army's array.

With a pop, the shells penetrated the bodies of several people one after another, tearing apart flesh and blood, cutting off bones, and blood sprayed everywhere.

The killing effect of solid shells on dense arrays is quite obvious!

It's not just a matter of saying that a shell passing by can penetrate the array directly.

The Ming army's shelling continued.

Cannonballs flew across the battlefield recklessly.

Chang Shun watched helplessly as artillery shells flew one after another, tearing gaps in the Qing army's array. There was chaos all around, and the war horse under his crotch was frightened and out of control.

It's already too late to escape!

The smell of blood and internal organs in the air is quite pungent!

At this moment, a cannonball roared in and hit the horse directly under Chang Shun's crotch.

The war horse just let out a painful neigh, and then its body was smashed by the cannonball.

A big hole was opened in the abdomen, and the internal organs and bones were smashed to pieces.

In an instant, the war horse fell to death. Chang Shun was also thrown off the horse and was beaten to pieces.

After a long time, Chang Shun regained consciousness and tried to stand up with his palms on the ground, but when he touched it, he felt a pool of blood.

The stench of the horse's entrails leaves you!

On the ground, the fragments of human corpses and horse corpses were mixed together, indistinguishable from each other.

Chang Shun's heart was beating so hard that his legs and feet were so weak that he couldn't stand up at all.

His face was as white as if he had been pasted with flour...

Artillery shells flew one after another, and soon the Qing army's array was torn to pieces.

The Jiangning Eight Banners, who had originally vowed to defeat the Ming army, were now almost crying.

They really didn't expect that the Ming thief would be so devoid of martial ethics!
Using artillery to bombard infantry arrays, isn't this bullying?

The Ming army's field artillery fired more than ten rounds in succession, and then the Qing army collapsed.

The next moment, the Ming army cavalry moved.

The roaring horses rushed towards the collapsed Qing infantry.

In the absence of a strict formation, the cavalry versus the infantry can be described as a one-sided massacre.

Only the roaring of horse hooves was heard, and the Ming army's cavalry quickly overwhelmed the Qing army's defeated troops.

The saber chopped and the heads were thrown away.

The spear can stab several people into candied haws.

Pan Dazhu led the charge on the front line, with the saber in his hand lying sideways, enjoying the pleasure of the cavalry rushing past and killing the enemy with the saber.

Chatai stood on Niushou Mountain, watching the reinforcements he sent being defeated by the Ming army, with an expression on his face full of despair.

Lost!Lost again!

The connection between Niushoushan and Fangshan was cut off by the Ming thieves, who are expected to capture Fangshan soon.

By then, Jiangning City may not be safe!
The great Qing Dynasty, why is it like this!

Chatai's heart was filled with pain now. He could sense the deterioration of the war situation and the building was about to collapse, but nothing could be changed.

This kind of pain is really tormenting one’s spirit!
Now Chatai only hopes that the Qing Dynasty will perform exceptionally well in the northern war situation in the future, otherwise, the Qing Dynasty will really perish. …

Zhu Jing'an stood in front of a sand table, listening to the reports from the Ming army sentries, and he kept moving the small flag on the sand table.


"Your Highness, the Crown Prince, our cavalry successfully defeated the reinforcements sent by Niushoushan and is expanding the results!"


"Your Highness, the Crown Prince, our infantry successfully captured the first camp of the Qing army on Fangshan Mountain. The Qing army retreated to the second camp and resisted stubbornly. Our army is continuing to advance."

"Informing His Highness the Crown Prince, General Ma Debang's soldiers defeated the Qing army's headquarters of the Governor of Minzhe and Zhejiang outside Baohua Town, and took advantage of the situation to capture Qixia Mountain..."


Victories are constantly being reported on all fronts.

The joy between Zhu Jing'an's brows cannot be faked.

After a while, Zhu Jing'an put down the baton in his hand, put his hands on his hips, and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, good, good!"

"Breakthroughs have been made on all fronts, and our Ming Dynasty will regain Nanjing, which is just around the corner!"

Zhu Jing'an narrowed his eyes slightly, pointed his finger at Fang Shan, and said.

"Send the order and ask our army's reserve team to increase troops in the direction of Fangshan and seize control of Fangshan as soon as possible."

"Then, prepare to uproot Niushou Mountain!"

After Zhu Jing'an finished speaking, the generals of the Ming army responded with clasped fists and praised Zhu Jing'an for his wisdom.


It's night, the moon and stars are scarce!

The cold moonlight spread across the ground, and the most important battlefields outside Nanjing were filled with corpses.

And in Nanjing!
Jiangning City Defense Camp is a different scene.

Deputy General Zuo Guoliang held a banquet in his tent and invited the remaining Banner and Han officers from the city defense camp to the banquet.

While inviting everyone to the banquet, he also arranged sword and ax hands outside his big tent.

He was prepared to break the cup as a signal if he failed to persuade him to surrender later, and the swordsmen and axe-hands swarmed forward and killed all those who refused.

Facing Zuo Guoliang's banquet, all the officers in the city defense battalion came to the banquet because they knew that there were bannermen watching around him, so they had no precautions.

As the night gradually fades, people gradually arrive.

Outside the big tent, in the darkness, Geluhun and other bannermen were sharpening their knives.

Later, as long as Zuo Guoliang throws a cup as a signal, the banner men will swarm in and kill all the loyal and loyal people of the Qing Dynasty in the big tent.

It's also ironic!

Some of the generals who came to the banquet spotted Gelehun and other bannermen sharpening their knives, but because of their status as bannermen, they didn't take it seriously.

Little did they know that they were the ones Geluhun and others were sharpening their knives to kill.

Seeing that everyone around him looked a little lonely and listless, Geluhun couldn't help but speak.

"Please cheer up!"

"Don't shake your hands when you kill someone later!"

A man squatting on the ground sharpening a knife heard this and raised his head and said.

"Gelhun, I feel like I am nothing."

"When the future comes underground, it will be really shameless to see our ancestors!"

The expression on his face was one of visible dejection.

Gelu took a deep breath and spoke.

"Da Muhai, I know you feel bad, and I feel bad too."

"But we have no choice."

"You all know the battle situation outside Jiangning City today. I believe everyone can realize that it will be a matter of time before Jiangning falls."

"We Jiangning bannermen must make a way for ourselves."

"If I remember correctly, Damu Hai, your wife has just given birth and the baby is not yet one month old, right?"

"It doesn't matter if you die, but can you bear to have your child thrown into a labor camp as soon as he is born, and then spend his whole life in the labor camp? You are willing to have your wife snatched away and separated from the child just after giving birth. ?"

When Damu Hai heard this, his face twitched, he took a deep breath and spoke.

"Gelhun, you are right. It doesn't matter to me, but I have to make a living for my wife and children!"

"I don't want to be rich and powerful, I just want them to live like ordinary people..."

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone around him gradually became firm.

Grehun was right, people like them had no choice.

At this moment, another person on the side asked.

"Gelhun, did the Ming prince really promise to give us a way to survive? He can't keep his word, right?"

After all, it is about their own wealth and life.

It’s natural to have doubts.

Hearing this, Geluhun nodded and said.

"I personally went out of the city to negotiate with His Highness the Crown Prince of the Ming Dynasty on this condition, to give those of us banner men who have contributed to the city a way to survive, so that we and our families can live under the rule of the Ming Dynasty like ordinary people. This is the condition of the Crown Prince of the Ming Dynasty. His Highness personally promised it."

"I think with a status like His Highness the Crown Prince, he shouldn't be able to deceive minor characters like me."

"Also, we actually have no choice. We can only bet that the Ming prince will keep his word. Otherwise, what can we do?" (End of Chapter)

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