Liu Qi buried his head and continued to rush forward.

After a while, he was hit by several more arrows.

There was a clanging sound on the chest and helmet.

That was the sound made by the iron sand shot from the shotgun hitting him!
Fortunately, the shotguns used by the Qing army had insufficient lethality, and the iron sand shot could not break armor.

Liu Qi buried his head and rushed to the foot of the village wall. He leaned against the wall, feeling weak all over his body and breathing heavily.

Take a deep breath and adjust your breathing.

Liu Qi fixed the explosive bag on his back to the wall of the village, then took out the fire bag, lit the match rope, then turned around and ran away.

He didn't get far before he could escape.

Only a roar was heard behind him, and immediately the air wave surged, and Liu Qi's body was overturned again and thrown away.

There is blood oozing out from between the mouth!

Lying on the ground, only his chest was still rising slightly.

At the same time, bursts of explosions were heard on the walls of the Qing army's stronghold.

Smoke and dust were rising into the sky, fire was blazing, and broken wood chips and sand were flying everywhere.

After the gunpowder smoke was blown away by the wind, the Qing army's wall was revealed.

Several gaps were torn open by explosive charges in its tall and solid wall.

And it also caused a large-scale collapse!
The next moment, before the Qing army could send troops to block or try to repair the gap, a piercing sound of charging horns was heard.

Immediately, the Ming army launched a fierce attack towards the gap in the wall.


"Kill the Tartars and restore Ming Dynasty!"

"Recapture Nanjing and the Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"


The piercing charge horns, deafening war drums, and loud shouts of killing resounded throughout the battlefield.

The Ming army's offensive was like a tide, rushing towards the gap that was blown up in the wall of the village.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

Countless people were raising their arms and shouting.

The morale of the Ming army is really very high now.

Like a mighty torrent, it swept into the Qing army camp.

"Hold on! Hold on, you must hold on!"

"My sons, for the sake of the Qing Dynasty, kill!"

"Let these bright thieves see the power of our Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers. Come on, don't embarrass our ancestors."


Although there are cowards among the Eight Banners soldiers in Jiangning who want to surrender to the Ming Dynasty to save their lives, there are also warriors who are willing to be loyal to the Qing Dynasty.

Facing the swarming Ming army, the Eight Banners soldiers of the Qing army also pushed forward.

The two sides fought together!
In an instant, it was like two waves colliding head-on, making a loud bang.

What splashed out was not water, but blood and life.

Soldiers from both sides fought desperately on the front line.

He Gui once again led people to the front line. Wearing heavy armor, he and his personal guards served as the vanguard of the army.


"Brothers, conquer Nanjing and divide the fields!"

"Drive out the Tartars, restore China, and the Ming Dynasty will be victorious!"


He Gui's brave performance greatly inspired the already high morale of the Ming army.

The Ming army was different from the Qing army. As an army that had just been established and was still on the rise, its accumulated shortcomings were relatively limited, and the overall atmosphere was high-spirited.

It often happens that officers lead a charge.

And officers leading the charge can indeed boost morale.

He Gui led the team and poured into the Qing army camp through the gap created by the explosive package.

At the first moment, several Eight Banners soldiers came to kill them with swords.

The two sides collided head-on, with swords directed at them, and people continued to fall to the ground.

A sharp spear came towards him, He Gui dodged sideways, and the spear tip grazed his chest and stabbed him.

Fortunately, he was wearing heavy armor, otherwise, this shot would have killed him.

He Gui used his arms to grab the spear that was stabbing him under his armpits, and then pulled it back hard.

The Qing Eight Banners soldier was dragged so hard that he almost fell to the ground.

Seeing this, several soldiers around He Gui pierced the opponent with their spears without hesitation.

Before this Eight Banners soldier of the Qing Army had time to react, he was stabbed into a hedgehog by several spears.

His body trembled and fell to the ground.

But what He Gui didn't expect was that this Eight Banners soldier performed very bravely.

His body was pierced by a spear, but he still persisted in fighting. He gritted his teeth and grabbed the spear that pierced his body, creating a fighting opportunity for his companions behind him.

In just this moment, two of He Gui's soldiers were hit by spears because they failed to draw their rifles.

On the battlefield in Fangshan Camp, you can see everywhere the Eight Banners soldiers of the Qing army who fought bravely with the Ming army and even died together.

Often, even if the Eight Banners soldiers were seriously injured, they would fight with the Ming army, or even exchange their lives with the Ming army.An Eight Banners soldier of the Qing army had his arm cut off. He strode forward and hugged the Ming soldier with his one arm, allowing his companion's spear to pierce him and the enemy.

An Eight Banners soldier threw away the weapon in his hand and simply rushed forward, using his fists, teeth, and head to try his best to kill the enemy.

There were even Eight Banners soldiers holding explosive packs, sacrificing themselves into the Ming army's array, and then lighting match ropes.

There was a loud explosion, flames shot into the sky, smoke filled the air, and broken limbs flew all over the sky.

The scene is shocking!

As more and more Eight Banners soldiers rushed forward to fight, the battle situation in Fangshan fell into anxiety.

The casualties on the Ming army's side are also gradually appearing!

The fighting became more and more tragic.

But even so, it was the Ming army that still had the upper hand on the battlefield.

At the same time, as the battle between Fangshan and Baohua Town became more and more intense, the Qing army gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Shu Hede could only give orders to the Qing garrison at Niushou Mountain to reinforce the battle at Fangshan.

In Shuhed's view, instead of watching the Fangshan battle situation gradually deteriorate, it is better to let Chatai lead troops and reinforcements in case the situation can be reversed.

Anyway, if Fangshan falls, Niushou Mountain will be lost sooner or later.

How about giving it a try!
However, Chatai had just sent out troops.

As soon as the reinforcements of the Qing army descended from Niushou Mountain, they saw that Liu Mingyou's troops, who were responsible for containing Niushou Mountain, launched an attack on Niushou Mountain.

As a result, Niushou Mountain could only send a small number of troops to reinforce Fang Shan.

The reinforcements of the Qing army encountered an ambush from the Ming army without any surprise after reaching the halfway point.

Chang Shun was wearing heavy armor and carrying a musket, and was preparing to accompany the army to reinforce the Fangshan battle.

The expression on his face was obviously apprehensive.

Chang Shun was not a member of the Jiangning Eight Banners. He was born outside the customs and was a member of the Xishan Jianrui Camp.

As the commander-in-chief Tai went south to participate in the southern war, there was a huge defeat in Changsha and then a shocking defeat in Yuezhou.

Chang Shun was a little frightened when he saw the Ming army now, but he had no choice. The military orders had been issued. Even if he was frightened again, he could only go up.

However, although Chang Shun was frightened, the Eight Banners soldiers from Jiangning Eight Banners who were temporarily supplemented by him were not afraid of the Ming thieves.

On the contrary, in order to protect the family and the country, every one of them was like a chicken blood, fighting against the Ming thieves desperately.

Chang Shun really couldn't understand this. Are these guys from the Eight Banners in Jiangning really not afraid of death?
The group of people were walking halfway when suddenly, the expression on Chang Shun's face changed significantly.

There was a loud rumble at the end of the horizon, and then smoke filled the air.

Seeing this scene, Chang Shun's expression changed obviously.

Because he could tell that this was the momentum generated by the galloping of a large number of cavalry.

At this time, the only ones who can appear around the battlefield are the Ming thief's cavalry!
A big flag suddenly appeared at the end of his sight. The red flag was waving, and countless cavalry were galloping over.

The majestic war horses galloped and drove, and the ground they stepped on was shaking.

Seeing this scene, Chang Shun confirmed La Kua's suspicion. The expression on his face was distorted, and he was filled with fear.

Subconsciously, I want to pull out my horse and run away!

But at this moment, a military order suddenly came from the Chinese army, ordering them to form a formation on the spot and prepare to resist the attack of the Ming cavalry.

Seeing this, Chang Shun had no choice but to suppress his inner thoughts and order his subordinates to form formations.

Soon, the Ming thief's cavalry came galloping over.

But what surprised Chang Shun was that the Ming cavalry slowed down their horses after galloping a few hundred meters in front of the Qing army's formation.

It was just dragging upstream a few hundred meters away from the Qing army's array, and did not charge directly towards them.

Chang Shun, who was riding on horseback, saw this scene, but instead of saying anything, his face became even more solemn.

Because he knew that the reason why the Ming thief cavalry did not charge forward was not because they were afraid of fighting, but most likely because they had other plans.

And this is definitely not a good thing for the Qing army!

"The Ming thief cavalry stationed their horses at such a close distance instead of charging forward. It seems that they are too timid to fight."

An officer from Jiangning Eight Banners spoke up.

His expression was full of disdain and disdain. In his opinion, the quality of the Ming thief was actually just like this.

The reputation of being invincible is definitely exaggerated!
No, in the face of their strict infantry array, didn't the Ming thief cavalry still dare not charge forward?
What is the difference between this and the cavalry of the Qing Dynasty? !

When Chang Shun heard this, he shook his head and retorted with a solemn expression.

"Absolutely not!"

"I have witnessed the bravery and toughness of the Ming thief cavalry on the battlefield. They are by no means timid."

In the Battle of Changsha, the Ming cavalry directly charged through the heavy infantry array formed by the Sauron soldiers.

Although Chang Shun had not personally experienced that battle, he was extremely proud after that battle. Every time the Sauron soldiers lay flat on their backs, they started paddling openly on the battlefield.

You can see how brutal that battle was.

Counting from the Battle of Changsha, it has only been a few months.

Chang Shun didn't believe that the Ming army would degrade so quickly!

I, the Heavenly Soldier of the Eight Banners, have fallen quickly, right?
But it was only after entering the customs that it took a few good years for him to completely deteriorate.

In the first few years after entering the customs, the combat effectiveness of the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers was still good.

An elite unit, no matter how badly it is laid out, will not be damaged in a few months.

The atmosphere on the battlefield became increasingly tense. The Ming army's cavalry galloped around the Qing army's cavalry array, deliberately squeezing the Qing army's living space.

The Qing army had no choice but to continuously shrink its formation.

I want to use this to resist the threat of Ming cavalry... (End of this chapter)

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