Chapter 216
Shu Hede took a deep breath, looked at Chattai, the commander of Xishan Jianrui Camp, and began to assign tasks.

"Chatai, the situation in Jiangning is critical now, and I need someone to take charge."

"In the next offensive and defensive battle in Jiangning City, the most critical thing is the battle in the west of the city where we face the enemy. The battle there will be left to you."

"You will lead the troops to set up defenses at Niushou Mountain in the west of the city to resist the attack of the Ming thieves!"

From Huguang to Jiangnan, the Ming Dynasty went eastward along the Yangtze River, that is, from west to east.

In this case, the west of Jiangning City is the front line facing the Ming army.

It is also the most critical direction of the battle!

Niushou Mountain was the key point of city defense that the Qing army focused on during this period.

It is also the first line of the Qing army facing the enemy!
This position can be said to be quite important.

Therefore, Shuhede handed over the task to Chatai.

Upon hearing this, Chatai nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry, sir, the general will understand!"

"I will definitely lead my brothers and use the blood of Ming thieves to wash away the shame of Yuezhou!"

In the Battle of Yuezhou, the main force of the Qing army was almost completely wiped out.

Naturally, the Xishan Jianrui Camp under Chatai was not immune.

Even though they tried their best to break through, their organization was broken up and they barely escaped from the battlefield.

But even so, of the three thousand Xishan Jianrui Camp, only about five hundred are left now!
This is why Xishan Jianrui's camp escaped earlier. As soon as the war situation in Yuezhou began to deteriorate, Agui arranged for Xishan Jianrui's camp to break out from the east of the city.

At that time, the Ming army did not really pursue the Chatai Division with all its strength in order to surround the three and lack one.

Instead, he deliberately indulged his escape!

Otherwise, it would be difficult for 50 people to escape from Xishan Jianrui Camp, let alone [-] people.

However, the more so, the more humiliating the Battle of Yuezhou is for Chatai.

Relying on the enemy letting him go before escaping from the battlefield, Chatai felt that he had no face to meet the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty.

The face of the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty will be completely disgraced by him.

Hearing this, Shu Hede turned around and said to Jiangning General Chongchun.

"General Chongchun, Fangshan in the south of the city will be entrusted to you to lead the troops to garrison!"

"Gao Jin, you will dispatch an army now to reinforce the defense in the south of the city at any time."

Immediately, Shu Hede said to Chang Qing, the governor of Mining and Zhejiang.

"Chang Qing, you will be responsible for the defense of the east side of the city. You will lead your troops to garrison Tangshan and Qixia Mountains."

"We must ensure that the thieves cannot threaten the safety of the east side of the city even if they take a detour."

The Qing army's defense of Jiangning this time was mainly divided into three aspects.

They are the west of the city, the south of the city, and the east of the city!
Because Jiangning's city wall was too long, more than 100 miles long, no matter how many troops the Qing army had, they would not be able to properly arrange defense for such a long line of defense.

It is easy for the Ming army to concentrate its forces and directly tear apart the defense line.

This is the reason why big cities have not been defended since ancient times.

Therefore, the Qing army simply decided not to focus on defending the city wall in this battle.

Instead, they deployed their troops on several peaks around Jiangning City, preparing to use the geographical advantages of the peaks to resist the Ming army's attack.

Anyway, as long as the Ming army cannot remove the defenses placed by the Qing army on several peaks outside Jiangning City, they will certainly not be able to directly attack Jiangning.

If this is the case, why did the Qing army disperse its limited troops on the city walls of Jiangning for more than 100 miles?

Besides, if the Qing army relies on the city walls to hold on, then no matter how strong the city walls in Jiangning are, sooner or later they will be destroyed by the heavy artillery of the Ming army.

However, no matter how fierce the heavy artillery firepower of the Ming army was, it would definitely be unable to defeat the hills.

It will definitely not go wrong to use the geographical advantages of several mountains outside Jiangning City to arrange defense!
The reason why the Qing army did not deploy troops in the north of the city was because the north of the city was the Yangtze River and it was impossible to deploy troops.

This strategy was formulated by Agui, a veteran!
Unfortunately, not long after Agui formulated the strategy, he was captured by the imperial envoy sent from the capital and brought back to the capital for questioning.

Otherwise, it would not be Shuhed's turn to lead this battle.

Whenever he thinks about this, Shu Hede's mood is quite complicated.

Although Agui led to the ruin of the Huguang war situation, from a purely military perspective, Agui's operation actually did not have much of a problem.

The deterioration of the Huguang war situation was mostly due to the general trend!
If it weren't for Agui and someone else, the situation in Huguang would have collapsed even faster.

To be honest, Agui was actually quite innocent when he was arrested and questioned this time.

However, Qianlong didn't care whether Agui was innocent or not.

He only knew that the war situation in Huguang was ruined and that all the Eight Banners in Jingzhou had fallen into the hands of Ming thieves. Someone needed to take responsibility for this.

Sanbao, the governor of Huguang, and Ersu, the general of Jingzhou, and others have all been killed in the battle. In this way, Agui, the general, has been blamed for this.

Schuhde also understands this.


Outside Nanjing, the Ming army camp!
The Ming army camped outside Nanjing, facing Niushou Mountain.

Chatai stood on Niushou Mountain and had an unobstructed view of the entire Ming army camp.

"The layout of the Ming thief camp is still very organized!"

"The camps are layered on top of each other, with both open and hidden sentries in place. The military is in great shape."

"Unexpectedly, this series of great victories since Yuezhou failed to make the Ming thief become arrogant and lazy."

Chatai couldn't help but let out a breath, the expression on his face was full of heaviness and loneliness.

However, at this moment when Chatai was looking at the Ming army camp, feeling sad for the spring and sad for the autumn.

Zhu Jing'an was also looking at the Qing army camp on Niushou Mountain. "From the current point of view, the Qing army has been operating Niushou Mountain for quite some time."

"The camp and fortifications are very strong. It will not be easy for our army to conquer the Niushou Mountain camp."

Of course, even though he said that, Zhu Jing'an's face did not look solemn.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple.

He has confidence in the current Ming army!

The current Ming army is holding its breath, and wants to conquer the south of the Yangtze River to divide the fields.

At this time, not even the King of Heaven can stop them!

Let alone the Qing army.

No matter how well-built the Qing military camp was, as long as the army did not dare to fight, the camp was just a decoration.

As soon as Zhu Jing'an finished speaking, Tian Wenchang on the side spoke.

"His Royal Highness, the last general invites you to fight!"

This battle was the first battle for the Ming Dynasty to regain Nanjing City, and Tian Wenchang couldn't wait to show off himself.

After Tian Wenchang finished speaking, Liu Mingyou, Ma Debang and others on the side also asked for a fight.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he shook his head and said.

"No rush, no rush!"

"Everyone has a share in the battle to regain Nanjing."

"It won't be too late to arrange combat missions after our army's sentry cavalry has completed investigating the battlefield situation and determining the Qing army's troop deployment."

"Know yourself and the enemy and you can win every battle!"

"Nanjing is about to be captured. We must not cause any accidents in the battle due to recklessness."

The closer he got to Nanjing City, the calmer Zhu Jing'an became.

The city of Nanjing is right in front of us, and the difficulty of learning from the Western Heavens is just this last tremor. Zhu Jing'an cannot allow any mistakes to occur in this battle.

The political significance of Nanjing City is really too important.

Upon hearing this, all the generals responded with fists in their hands and said nothing more.

However, one after another's eyes are still fighting each other, as if they are competing for the command of the first battle.

Not long after, the Ming army's sentry cavalry returned.

The sentry rider ran all the way to Zhu Jing'an, then turned over and dismounted.

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince, our army's sentinel cavalry has figured out the Qing army's troop deployment for this battle."

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he nodded slightly.


The sentry knight heard this and spoke.

"Reporting to Your Highness the Crown Prince, according to the reconnaissance of our army's sentinel cavalry, the Qing army's troop deployment in this battle is mainly divided into three parts."

"One part is in Niushou Mountain in the west of the city, the second part is in Fangshan in the south of the city, and the third part is in Tangshan and Qixia Mountain in the east of the city."

"Here, facing the front of our army, Niushou Mountain is where the main force of the Qing army is deployed. The remnants of the Xishan Jianrui Battalion, part of the Jiangning Eight Banners, and the elites of the Anhui and Jiangxi Green Battalions are all deployed here."

"In the direction of Fangshan, there are the supervision signs of the governors of Liangjiang and Jiangning, as well as the Eight Banners of Jiangning, plus the elite green battalions of Jiangsu Province."

"As for Tangshan and Qixia Mountains in the east of the city, they are supervised by Chang Qing, the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, and the Zhejiang Green Camp is stationed..."

After the Ming army captured Yuezhou, it was not without reason that they advanced rapidly on their way east.

Apart from the fact that after the Yuezhou War, the southerners' mentality changed.

The main reason is that Shu Hede listened to Agui's advice and deliberately gathered troops.

Gathered all the elite green battalions from Anhui and Jiangxi to Jiangning, preparing for a decisive battle with the Ming Dynasty in Jiangning.

In this way, the Ming army will naturally not encounter any obstacles when moving eastward along the river!

However, correspondingly, when the main force of the Ming army arrived outside Nanjing, the resistance they had to face would naturally not be small.

Almost all the Qing forces in the south were gathered in Nanjing!

In other words, the battle in Nanjing will be the last large-scale battle of the Ming Dynasty in the south.

It’s also a decisive battle!
After hearing the news reported by the sentry knight, Zhu Jing'an couldn't help but look thoughtful as he spoke.

"Go down with the order and raise the account to discuss matters!"

After saying this, he turned his horse's head and headed towards the Chinese army's tent.

The generals of the Ming army followed suit.

Not long after, everyone gathered in the Chinese army's tent.

Zhu Jing'an sat at the top, and the generals in the army sat down in order according to their military rank and position.

In the center of the big tent, there is a sand table.

The terrain around Nanjing and the Qing army's troop deployment are marked on the sand table.

Zhu Jing'an said calmly.

"Niushou Mountain, Fangshan, Tangshan, Qixia Mountain..."

"This is the focus of the Qing army's current troop deployment. Among them, Niushou Mountain has the largest troop deployment, followed by Fangshan, while Tangshan and Qixia Mountain have the smallest troop deployment."

"Among these four hills, Niushou Mountain and Fangshan are the focus of the Qing army's defense. The two hills echo each other to defend the west and south of Nanjing and resist the Ming Dynasty's attack!"

"Tangshan and Qixia Mountains are slightly inferior, and they are not where the main force of the Qing army is..."

(End of this chapter)
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