Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 215 Heading east!The troops arrived in Nanjing!

Chapter 215 Heading east!The troops arrived in Nanjing!
Qianlong sat up with the help of Yungui people, blinked his sleepy eyes, and asked.

"Tell me, what happened?"

An Yude took a deep breath and explained with a solemn expression.

"Reply to the Emperor."

"Some thieves raided the Forbidden City at night and set fire to it. While attracting the attention of the palace guards, they killed the military aircraft department and boldly assassinated several adults in the military aircraft department."

"Under the sudden attack, Lord Liu Yong died tragically, Lord He Shen and Lord were seriously injured, and the palace was in chaos..."

The expression on Qianlong's face suddenly changed, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said.


"What a thief, he actually dares to break into the palace of our Qing Dynasty, and dares to assassinate our military minister of Qing Dynasty. Are you really not afraid of death?"

Taking a deep breath, Qianlong spoke.

"I'm sending you an order to investigate this matter thoroughly. I want to know where the thief came from, how bold he is!"

When he said this, the expression on Qianlong's face was obviously gnashing his teeth.

Fortunately, he was not in the palace this time, so it was Liu Yong and He Shen who suffered.

If Qianlong was in the palace, wouldn't it be him who would suffer this time?

When An Yude heard this, he responded to the chatter and said.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I will order someone to investigate..."

When Qianlong saw this, he nodded slightly with satisfaction.

Under Qianlong's will, in just the second day, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties found out the identity of the thief who broke into the palace and assassinated the Qing military minister.

It is exactly the detailed work that Ming Dynasty arranged in the capital!
However, after the identities of these thieves were found out, the first one to suffer was not the Ming Dynasty's other spies in the capital, but the traitor Li Fu.

Because Li Fu is the first person responsible for hunting down the big details in the capital.

It was also under his arrest that Ming's secret agent sneaked into the palace and assassinated the Qing's military minister.

Qianlong was annoyed and wanted to hold him accountable for this matter. Li Fu, who had just surrendered and had no backer, was the first to suffer.

He was deprived of his official position, and then was imprisoned and imprisoned in a sky prison, ready to be executed by the Queen of Autumn.


Lin Yan was lying on a pile of hay that could be squeezed out of water.

The pain all over his body had already made him numb.

There was no sparkle in his eyes.

If his chest wasn't still rising and falling slightly, it would be almost the same as a corpse.

Next to him, there was a black bowl with a cracked mouth. The black bowl contained more than half of the bowl of multi-grain porridge that had cooled down.

In addition, there was a dry and hard wowotou lying on the ground.

This is the food given to Lin Yan by the jailer in Tianlao.

The food was not bad in an environment like Tianyao. If it were not for the jailer's fear that Lin Yan would not be able to endure the punishment, the higher-ups would take it out on them.

Even if prisoners spend money, they may not be able to eat such food.

However, Lin Yan did not open his mouth at all when faced with these foods.

Because he knew that his life was short.

I would rather go on a hunger strike and starve to death than suffer any more pain.

Lin Yan was lying on the haystack, looking up at the tiles above his head. Looking at the cobwebs and moss on the tiles, he unconsciously recalled his family.

However, just after that, there was a noise outside.

Then there was a clatter of chains.

When Lin Yan heard this voice, the expression on his face changed obviously, and his heart sank, thinking that another Pao Ze had been arrested and was successfully captured by the Qing army.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, trying to see which unlucky guy it was.

Then, Lin Yan fell into shock.

Because the person who was shackled and thrown into the prison this time was not one of Ming Dynasty’s own people.

But Li Fu, the traitor...

Looking at the shackles and signs of torture on Li Fu's body, Lin Yan unconsciously had a smile on his face.

It's really satisfying that this traitor will end up like this.

Lin Yan watched Li Fu being thrown into a cell next to him and couldn't help but taunted him.

"Haha...hehe, you Li Fu...don't you...want to be a dog for the Tatars? What...what, before we catch the cunning rabbits, your loyal dog will be killed by the Tatars for meat." Already?"

When Li Fu heard this, he lowered his head, his face full of gloom and despair.

But he didn't pay attention to Lin Yan's ridicule!

He was so heartbroken that he had no intention of arguing with Lin Yan, a dying man.

Oh, by the way, he is actually a dying person too!
The palace was attacked by the Ming army and the military minister was assassinated. Someone needed to bear Qianlong's anger.

Li Fu, the unlucky guy, was the first person responsible for the incident, so the blame was dumped squarely on his forehead!

I think I will go to Caishikou with Lin Yan in the next two days.

Lin Yan was killed, and it can be said that he was loyal to the country and the nation. It is hard to say whether it will leave a name in history.

But in the local county annals of his hometown, it is definitely a highlight.

His family's genealogy begins with him.

Every year when worshiping ancestors, the first incense belongs to him.

Future generations will be proud of him!

But Li Fu is a bit ironic.

For the sake of glory and wealth, he betrayed his father and became a traitor, but in the end he was killed by the Tatars.

He was so frustrated when he died!


In the first year of Xuanwu in the Ming Dynasty, after the Battle of Yuezhou, the Ming army took a short rest in Yuezhou City and then continued to move eastward.The army advanced eastward along the Yangtze River in a mighty manner.

Wherever you go, the state government will send you a message.

The gentry and the common people took the initiative to eat pots of pulp to welcome the king.

A war to expand territory suddenly turned into an armed parade.

It's still the kind of armed march on their own territory.

The Ming army advanced along the river, and basically did not need rear transportation of food and grass along the way. The donations of the gentry could fully meet the needs of the army.

Even wealthy!

Zhu Jing'an was not reluctant to part with the food and grass donated by the gentry. He took the initiative to distribute the rich part of the food and grass to the people along the way.

It can be regarded as a way to win people's hearts for Ming Dynasty!
Overall, the effect is pretty good.

After all, the mouth of the cannibal is short and the hands of the taker are soft.

After accepting the porridge provided by the Ming army, most of the people along the way welcomed the Ming Dynasty's fight back.

The interests of officials and gentry are not harmed, and the common people can also get certain benefits.

The only ones who suffered were the Eight Banners, which represented the Manchu and Qing court.

In this way, everyone is willing to accept the change of political power.

What is this called?
This is called what people want!
On July 25, the Ming army arrived in Wuchang, and immediately Wuchang surrendered.

On July 29, Huangzhou Prefecture also sent a lowered form.

The Ming army divided its troops to garrison in Wuchang and Huangzhou Prefecture, and the main force of the army continued to move eastward.

On the ninth day of August, the Ming army came to Jiujiang Prefecture.

Jiangxi governor Zhao Yun led his troops to resist.

Two days later, the city of Jiujiang was captured, Jiangxi governor Zhao Yun was beheaded, and [-]% of the defenders who chose to resist were killed as a warning.

Immediately, the defenders in Hukou, Pengze, Madang Town, Taipingguan and other places surrendered.

Zhu Jing'an still divided his troops, leaving some veterans of the forward battalion to defend key areas, and then the main force of the army continued to move eastward with the newly surrendered forward battalion.

Those veterans of the forward battalion had already proven their loyalty to the Ming Dynasty on the battlefield, so Zhu Jing'an could naturally leave the rear area to them for garrison.

The newly transferred forward battalion still needs to be tempered before they can gain Zhu Jing'an's trust.

On August [-], the main force of the Ming army arrived at Anqing City.

Li Kemao, governor of Anhui, presented the city and surrendered.

On August 22, the Ming army arrived in Chizhou, and Chizhou surrendered.

At the end of August, the Ming army broke through Tongling, passed Taiping Mansion, and entered Jiangsu...

"Report to His Highness the Crown Prince, our forward is still less than fifty miles away from Nanjing City!"

A Ming army sentry rider ran straight to Zhu Jing'an, dismounted, and opened his mouth to report.

Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an took a deep breath, with a slightly excited expression on his face.

Nanjing, he finally arrived!

And this day was the tenth day of September in the first year of Xuanwu.

After the Battle of Yuezhou, it only took the Ming army two months to reach the gates of Nanjing from Yuezhou!

The world shakes!

Zhu Jing'an took a deep breath and then spoke.

"Second order, the vanguard of the army must not advance rashly and camp outside Nanjing."

"Wait for the main force of our army to arrive before launching an attack on Nanjing City!"


In Jiangning City!

Liangjiang Governor's Mansion!
"Report! Sir, the vanguard of the Ming thieves has arrived outside Jiangning City, less than fifty miles away from Jiangning City!"

A messenger trotted into the lobby and said.

Hearing the news of the messenger's report, all the Manchu and Qing officials in the Liangjiang Governor's Mansion looked solemn.

"The Ming thieves invaded, Jiujiang, Anqing and other strong cities fell one after another, Jiangning is in danger!"

"Everyone, let's talk about what to do next!"

Shu Hede asked, the expression on his face was quite solemn.

Gao Jin, the governor of Liangjiang on the side, heard this and said.

"Without him, it's just a fight to the death!"

"We, the Eight Banners nation, have been deeply benefactored by the Qing Dynasty. Now that we are facing a national crisis, we cannot let the Qing Dynasty be sorry under any circumstances!"

"Besides, even if it is for our own family, we, the Eight Banners of Jiangning, can only fight to the end."

"I, the warrior of the Eight Banners, will let the thieves see the bloody nature of my men of the Eight Banners!"

When Gao Jin said this, his attitude was quite firm.

In fact, after the Battle of Yuezhou, the Eight Banners in Jiangning City had already begun to flee.

Some fled to Mancheng in Hangzhou and Fuzhou, while others simply crossed the river and headed north, returning to the capital, hoping to stay as far away from the frontline battlefields as possible between the Ming and Qing dynasties.

However, there are only a few who can run away!

The Eight Banners have the responsibility to defend their territory, not that they can run away if they want.

If the emperor's imperial edict remains unchanged, the Eight Banners of Jiangning can only continue to stay in Jiangning City and coexist with Jiangning City.

Besides, if the Eight Banners run away, then Jiang Ning won't have to defend them.

To put it bluntly, if all the Eight Banners were gone, why would the Han people continue to fight tooth and nail to help the Qing Dynasty defend the city?
As for leaving only the Eight Banners soldiers to defend the city and letting the women and children escape first, it actually doesn't work.

Because, if all the family members run away, will the remaining Eight Banners soldiers still have the fighting spirit to face the Ming thieves?
If even the Eight Banners had no fighting spirit, how could Jiang Ning defend it?
In order to protect the city of Jiangning as much as possible and Jiangnan for the Qing Dynasty, bannermen such as Shu Hede and Gao Jin chose to use the Eight Banners of Jiangning as the final bargaining chip and put it on the gambling table...

Well, their families are not in Jiangning anyway!

(End of this chapter)
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