The screams were short and shrill!

In the darkness, sword flashes flashed and blood splattered.

Under the moonlight, the faces of the killed Qing soldiers were frighteningly white.

Judging from the scene, it was completely Zhou Xingzong and his party who suppressed the Qing army's patrol team and killed them.

Facing Zhou Xingzong and his party, who were working hard, the Qing army's patrol performed quite poorly.

Not long after, except for a few fast runners who managed to escape, the rest of the patrol had been killed by Zhou Xingzong and others.

There were many corpses lying scattered on the ground!
There were soldiers from the Qing Dynasty, but there were also soldiers from the Ming army.

Zhou Xingzong stepped forward, took off the identity plate hanging from the neck of Pao Ze who died in the battle, and stuffed it into his arms.

Then, Zhou Xingzong stood up from the ground, looked around, and was about to tell everyone to disperse and run away.

Wu Jiang on the side suddenly spoke.

"Shopkeeper, clothes!"

He pointed at the uniforms on the killed Qing soldiers, and his meaning was very clear.

Wear this!
Zhou Xingzong's eyes flashed when he heard this. After thinking for a while, he finally nodded and said.

"it is good!"

"Everyone listen, change your clothes immediately!"

"After we change our clothes, we can escape!"

If they can wear a layer of Qing army's skin, the probability of escaping will definitely be greatly increased.

When everyone heard the words, they nodded in agreement.

Then they started to drag the body into the house where they came out, and then started to change clothes.

After the group finished changing their clothes, they walked out of the house again, each holding a weapon and heading away from Fengwei Building.

In order to attract the attention of the Qing army, they ran and shouted.

"Work carefully!"

"Stop and don't run!"

"Come here, hurry up and work carefully!"


The anxious shouts, coupled with the blood stains on their bodies, made them no different from the Qing army patrols that had been reduced in number after encountering a detailed attack.

Moreover, while the group was escaping, they also set fire to the places they passed along the way, constantly expanding the chaos.

The group of people encountered several patrol teams along the way, but Zhou Xingzong dealt with them all accordingly.

There were even a few patrols inside who followed Zhou Xingzong's instructions and took a detour to outflank the Ming thief Xi Zuo who was right in front of them.

In this way, Zhou Xingzong and his party escaped from the Qing army's encirclement of Fengwei Building and Bada Hutong with the help of their clothes.


After half an hour of fighting, the fire in Fengwei Building was finally put out.

The air was filled with the smell of smoke left after burning wood, and sparks flickered brightly and dimly in the corners of the building's remains.

Li Fu, surrounded by several Qing soldiers, strode into the dilapidated Fengwei Building.

In front of him was a half-open secret door.

"The Ming thief's secret work escaped?"

"Didn't you say that Fengwei Building has been surrounded by everyone, and it's hard for thieves to escape even if they work carefully?"

"Why did you ask someone to run away?"

Li Fu asked without any emotion in his voice.

However, his hand holding the handle of the saber was trembling slightly.

It can be seen that his mood is not calm now!

General Zheng heard the blame in Li Fu's words and said with an ugly expression.

"As far as Mr. Li is concerned, the general has already sent people into the secret passage to pursue him. I believe there will be results soon."

Li Fu sneered and said.

"I hope so!"

"If the Ming thief's secret work really escapes today, neither you nor I will be able to escape our involvement."

Zheng Shenjiang nodded, twitching the corners of his mouth and said.

"I will understand at the end!"

Li Fu just stood at the entrance of the secret passage and waited.

Not long after, a Qing soldier emerged from the secret passage and reported with a slightly panicked expression.

"Master Li, the exit of the secret passage leads to a private house. We found many corpses in the house. After inspection, we can confirm that they are soldiers from our patrol team."

"Moreover, the uniforms on these people have also been stripped off..."

Li Fu's face visibly darkened and he spoke.

"It seems that after escaping from the secret passage, Ming thief Xizuo attacked a patrol of our army, then changed into the clothes of the patrol and sneaked out of our encirclement."

When General Zheng Shen heard this, the expression on his face was very obvious anger, and he laughed.

"How brave! This clever thief is really brave!"

"We are already trapped in a tight siege, and you still dare to kill my brothers!"

"Hurry up and send people to chase, and then send an order to the team defending the city, asking them to be careful and not let the thieves and spies escape."

"Otherwise, I will take them for granted!"


After completely leaving the encirclement of the Qing army, Zhou Xingzong and his party took refuge in a dark alley.

Wu Jiang stood at the entrance of the alley, looking warily at the street outside, for fear that the Qing army would pursue him.

"Fuck, I can finally take off this dog skin. I'm about to be suffocated to death!"

Xiao Wu took off the hat on his head, cursed and began to take off his uniform.

The soldiers in the Qing army's city defense camp were all rough men, and their clothes had not been washed for half a year.

The smell of blood mixed with the smell of pickled sweat was too pungent to wear on the body.

Zhou Xingzong also said while taking off his clothes.

"Now that we have escaped the Tatar encirclement, we have to get out of the city as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, once the Tatars post the fishing documents, it will not be so easy for us to leave the city."

These days, you have to be inspected when entering or exiting the city gates, so it's not easy to sneak out.

Xiao Wu asked.

"Shopkeeper, how should we get out of the city?"

Zhou Xingzong thought for a while and said. "While the Tatars haven't reacted yet, let's get out of the inner city first..."

"By the way, don't throw away the clothes you took off. You might be able to use them later."

The group of people groped in the dark and walked quickly toward the inner city wall.

But when they came to the city wall and could see the location of the city wall from a distance, the expressions on each of their faces suddenly collapsed.

At this time, the inner city wall was brightly lit.

Many Qing soldiers were carrying torches and patrolling the city wall.

The number of patrols has more than doubled compared to usual.

"It's broken, the Tatars have reacted!"

Seeing this, Wu Jiang asked angrily.

"Shopkeeper, what should we do next?"

Zhou Xingzong said with an ugly expression.

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid I won't be able to escape. When the Tatars start searching the whole city, I won't be able to hide..."

When everyone heard this, their faces sank.

There is great terror in front of life and death, but few people can see this.

Zhou Xingzong gave a bitter smile and spoke with a ferocious look on his face.

"Death is heavier than Mount Tai, and lighter than a feather!"

"Since we have no way to survive, if we try our best, we will die vigorously."

"I will die so that the whole world will remember my name!"

"Instead of being like a rat in the gutter, being rounded up and captured by the Tatars, and finally dying in prison without a sound."

When Wu Jiang heard this, he grinned and said.

"Shopkeeper, just tell us what you want us to do!"

Zhou Xingzong grinned, looked in the direction of the imperial city, and said.

"Let's change clothes first."

"Let's go to the Imperial City to congratulate the Tartar Chief Hongli on behalf of the Ming Dynasty and His Royal Highness on the Mid-Autumn Festival!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

They did not expect that Zhou Xingzong would be so bold.

I actually want to go to the Tatar palace to have a fight!
When Xiao Wu heard this, he said excitedly.

"The shopkeeper is right!"

"Anyway, the chances of me escaping from the city to survive are slim. Instead of dying in vain, it's better to give it a try."

"It's just a cheap life, so why not give it a try?"

"The winner is Zhuan Zhu, the loser is Jing Ke!"

"Everyone can be famous forever!"

"In this case, there is no need to hesitate."

Xiaowu's words aroused the sympathy of many people.

Wu Jiang on the side said angrily.

"We can't escape anyway, so let's try our best!"

When everyone saw this, they also made up their minds to fight.

Immediately, they changed into the uniforms of the Green Camp and headed towards the imperial city.


"Master Li, the last general has ordered people to seal off the inner city."

"Those thieves who work carefully will definitely not be able to escape even if they have wings!"

Zheng Shen will come to Li Fu's body again and said with confidence.

When Li Fu heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched. He had a bad feeling in his heart. He always felt that General Zheng Shen was not very reliable.

But he continued.

"Based on the information we know so far, those thieves who are planning to leave the inner city through the west city wall are likely to be blocked by us in this area of ​​​​the west city."

"As long as we search this area door to door, sooner or later we will be able to uncover the details of the thief..."

General Zheng Shen couldn't help but look troubled when he heard this.

"This is not easy to handle!"

"There are many powerful people in the inner city. If we want to conduct door-to-door searches in the inner city, the resistance will be very high."

When Li Fu heard this, he said firmly.

“You have to do it even if the resistance is strong!”

"Otherwise, if we let the evil thief escape, we will all be punished!"

After General Zheng Shen heard this, he nodded and said.

"Hey, that's all there is to it!"

Seeing this, Li Fu added.

"By the way, when starting the search, we will form a team of 50 people, and each team must be familiar with each other."

"Lest traitors and spies get involved and fish in troubled waters!"

Hearing this, General Zheng Shen nodded.

"That's fine too!"


Just when General Li Fu and Zheng Shen were preparing to search Xicheng.

Zhou Xingzong and his party had already reached the outskirts of the imperial city at night.

Hiding in a dense forest and looking at the tall imperial city in front of him, Zhou Xingzong couldn't help but gasped and said solemnly.

"Is this the Imperial City? The city walls are indeed taller!"

"The Tatars are very well guarded. We will definitely not be able to get in through the city gates and walls. Even if we can get in, we will be discovered soon."

On the gates and walls of the imperial city, Eight Banners soldiers and imperial guards can be seen everywhere.

During the Qianlong period, the imperial city of the Qing Dynasty was still relatively heavily guarded.

It would not happen that during the Jiaqing period, the Tianli Sect's rebellion could directly enter the imperial city.

Suddenly, Zhou Xingzong's eyes lit up, he pointed at the moat and said.

"Maybe we can try taking the culvert..." (End of Chapter)

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