Seeing this, Lin Yan still had the same reply to Li Fu.

"Traitors...traitors shall die a good death!"

Seeing this, Li Fu couldn't help but break his guard and said through gritted teeth.

"Fuck, fuck, I must let everyone know that you have also defected to the Qing Dynasty."

"I must let you see with your own eyes that the Ming Dynasty, to which you are loyal, kills all your family members!!"

When Li Fu said this, his expression was unusually ferocious, and what he said was enough to kill someone.

But when Lin Yan saw this, he sneered and said.

" think you and others are...fools?"

"Do you think you... around you and the Tatars... in the stick-stick place... don't... have Ming's manpower?"

Lin Yan spat a mouthful of phlegm at Li Fu with disdain, and then continued to speak.

"I... I am destined to be... famous in history... you... just wait... to be infamy for thousands of years... and be spurned by countless people!"

When Lin Yan said this, his eyes glanced around the deputies around Li Fu intentionally or unintentionally.

Didn't say anything, but seemed to say everything!

Seeing this scene, Li Fu subconsciously looked at his deputies.

But soon he realized that Lin Yan was biting randomly.

You can’t be fooled!
However, Li Fu suddenly thought, could this be Lin Yan using a trick to help clear the suspicion of the spies planted by the Ming thief?
Those who have been engaged in intelligence since ancient times have always had more tricks than the others.

Li Fu really felt his scalp was numb.

At this moment, a close aide ran in from outside, came to Li Fu, and spoke.

"My lord, it is clear that the thief is too careful to bear the punishment."

After saying this, the confidant leaned over Li Fu's ear and whispered something.

When Li Fu heard this, his expression changed.

He looked at Lin Yan and said maliciously.

"Haha, you don't need to explain. Someone has already done so."

"Fengweilou, right?"

When Lin Yan heard this, even though he tried to stay calm, his pupils still shrank uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Li Fu strengthened his judgment and laughed loudly.

“It looks like it’s Fengwei Building!”

"Quick! Send someone to report to the guard, ask for tokens and mobilize troops, and follow me to seize Fengwei Tower."

The leader of Sticking Stick is the first-class bodyguard of the emperor. Li Fu, like everyone else, is used to calling him Lord Bodyguard...

Li Fu originally had several suspects in his mind, but he was not sure.

Until the captured people in Ming Dynasty couldn't bear the torture, it might be Fengweilou.

Only then did Li Fu have a more accurate goal.

The reason why we say it may be Fengweilou is because the person who couldn't bear the punishment's explanation only had a guess about the launch, but was not sure.

In the entire intelligence station, Lin Yan is the only one who can determine who is online!
And Li Fu's last sentence of temptation can be regarded as getting a positive answer from Lin Yan.

After hearing the words "Fengweilou", no matter how sophisticated Lin Yan was, he would inevitably lose his mind.

Then, Li Fu saw the flaw.

Lin Yan knew that he lost this round with Li Fu.

But it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if I lose, as long as Daming wins on the battlefield.

If he loses, he will die. Anyway, he has been prepared to die since he was captured.

But as long as Daming wins on the battlefield, his death will be worth it...


Zhou Xingzong and his party packed up their things, just as they were preparing to evacuate.

Suddenly, a man with a solemn and frightened face came straight down from the second floor.

It was the person who was arranged by Zhou Xingzong to be watched on the roof of the restaurant.

This man came to Zhou Xingzong, pointed his finger outside, and said stumblingly.

"People...many people..."

"Fengwei Tower, Fengwei Tower is surrounded by Tatar soldiers!"

When Zhou Xingzong heard this, his pupils tightened, he took a deep breath and spoke.

"Fuck, hurry up, go to the kitchen to get some oil and a torch..."


It was night and the moon was dark.

There was a tense and solemn atmosphere in the air.

On the streets of Bada Hutong, the streets and alleys were filled with figures.

These people were wearing uniforms and holding swords and guns. They were soldiers from the capital city defense camp.

Each of these Qing soldiers in the capital's city defense camp held a torch, and the little bits of torch light connected together. From a distance, it looked like a river of stars flowing on the ground.

"Master Li, our brothers from the city defense camp have already surrounded the Fengwei Building, making sure that no water can get in."

"The thieves in Fengwei Tower are so careful that they can't escape even if they have wings."

"As long as Mr. Li gives the order, the brothers will start to catch the thief..."

The general leading the city defense battalion rode up to Li Fu and spoke angrily.

His trembling face forced a flattering smile, which looked slightly funny.

Li Fu was wearing a cloak, and most of his face was hidden under the hood, making it difficult to see the expression on his face.

In the dark night, there were only two rows of white teeth, which looked solemn.

Li Fu said coldly. "Let's do it..."

However, just as Li Fu finished speaking, he saw a sudden flash of fire in the direction of Fengwei Building.

Immediately, the fire shot into the sky and engulfed the entire Fengwei Building...

There was a crackling sound of burning, and the smell of burning wood and grease filled the air.

When Li Fu saw this scene, his expression changed drastically.

"No, the thief is going to burn himself if he tries too hard."

"General Zheng, please order people to put out the fire quickly. We must not let the thieves commit suicide, otherwise the thread I managed to catch on the stick will be broken again. No one can bear the consequences."

Seeing what Li Fu said, General Zheng did not dare to talk nonsense, so he spoke with dismay.

"Fight the fire, put out the fire!"

A rather dramatic scene appeared in Bada Hutong.

The Qing soldiers who came to capture the Ming army spies began to risk their lives to put out the fire, just to save the Ming army spies from the fire.


The fire in Fengwei Building was raging.

Because Zhou Xingzong specially poured grease on it, it was not easy to put out the fire.

The entire Bada Hutong area was plunged into chaos.

In the midst of this chaos, a secret door in the firewood shed of a house near Fengwei Building was opened from the inside.

A masked man in black emerged from the secret door.

After confirming that the surrounding area was safe, he called others to come out.

A group of people emerged from the tunnel, each holding a weapon and looking alert.

Zhou Xingzong looked in the direction of Fengwei Building.

Seeing the Fengwei Building that he had worked so hard for so long turn to ashes in a fire, he felt a little complicated.

But that's about it.

Compared with a Fengwei Building, one's own life is more important.

Zhou Xingzong looked around and then spoke.

"The stronghold of Fengwei Tower has been exposed. I will definitely not be able to stay in the capital any longer."

“Everyone came together and the goal was too big.”

"To be on the safe side, after we get out of the encirclement later, everyone should break out individually. Each one who can escape counts..."

After saying this, Zhou Xingzong took out a small cloth bag from his arms. Inside the cloth bag were poison sacs sealed with wax pills.

Zhou Xingzong gave everyone a wax pill and said solemnly.

"There is extremely potent poison in this."

"If you really can't run away, then eat him and kill yourself. You can also have a good time and save yourself from suffering in the hands of the Tatars."

Seeing the different expressions on everyone's faces, Zhou Xingzong reminded them.

"Don't take chances. The ten tortures of the Tatars are difficult to endure. If you really have to go through them one by one, it would be better to kill yourself."

"The Ming Dynasty did not treat us spies badly. It gave us generous treatment and gave us glory and wealth. In this case, we cannot be sorry to the Ming Dynasty."

"Don't forget, our family members are still in Guangzhou. Don't let your imagination run wild and harm your wife, children, and parents in a moment of greed..."

Seeing this, everyone nodded vigorously.

Many people are ready to make sacrifices!
Seeing this, Zhou Xingzong didn't say anything else. He led people to open the door of the house and walked out.

But before they had gone far, they encountered a Qing army patrol.



"The spy is here! Catch the spy!"


Because they were in the capital, Zhou Xingzong and his party could not carry out any large-scale construction even if they tried to build a secret passage in Fengwei Tower.

If nothing else, loose soil alone is a big problem.

Therefore, the private house that the secret passage in Fengwei Building leads to is not far from Fengwei Building, only 300 meters away.

This distance did not completely escape the Qing army's blockade, but only reached the outer edge of the blockade.

Unfortunately, Zhou Xingzong and his party encountered a patrol of the Qing army as soon as they left the house.

But luckily, due to the fire in Fengwei Building, chaos was everywhere around Bada Hutong.

Moreover, most of the soldiers from the capital city defense battalion who were mobilized to encircle and suppress Fengwei Tower were also called to put out the fire.

Therefore, the patrol's shout did not attract more pursuers...

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xingzong shouted decisively.

"Brothers, go ahead and kill this patrol, otherwise we won't be able to escape very far before we will be surrounded and suppressed by heavy Tatar troops!"

Seeing this, the group gritted their teeth and rushed forward.

Holding a knife, he prepared to fight this Qing patrol.

Zhou Xingzong and his party were more than ten people, but the Qing army's patrol team had nearly 30 people.

But as soon as the two sides met, the Qing army's patrol was killed and defeated.

Because Zhou Xingzong and his party were determined to die. They knew that if they and others could not deal with this Qing patrol.

You will definitely die!
That’s why everyone works hard!
But what about the Qing army’s patrol?
A group of bad soldiers raised in the rich and powerful in the capital, let alone desperate, they did not even dare to fight against the Ming army's spies who were outnumbered.

It collapsed as soon as it hit!
Zhou Xingzong forcefully thrust the sharp blade in his hand into the chest of a Qing soldier in front of him, stirred it hard, and the blood gushing out of the wound sprayed directly into his face.

Wu Jiang strode forward, the tall man killed two people in a row, and then threw the long knife in his hand.

The long knife hit the back of a Qing soldier who turned to run away. It penetrated from the back of the heart and stabbed out from the front. The Qing soldier fell to the ground on the spot, and his body was found on the spot... (End of this chapter)

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