Seeing that the battle situation in the camp in the south of the city was getting serious, and the Hailan Cha command was not fighting well.

Agui thought for a long time and could only give an order to the Chengdong Camp to let the Qing troops in the Chengdong Camp go out to support the war in the Chengnan Camp.

I want to use this to save the defeat!

However, the Ming army was already prepared for this.

Tian Wenchang's troops camped in the southeast of Yuezhou City in order to prevent the Qing army's east camp and south camp from cooperating with each other.

After the Qing army sent troops to the east camp of the city, Tian Wenchang's troops also immediately sent out the camp to stop the attack.

A fierce battle broke out between the two sides in the wilderness outside Yuezhou City!
On the battlefield, two armies, one red and one green, were moving towards each other, and the distance between them was getting closer and closer.

After the Qing army entered the artillery range, the field artillery accompanying the Ming army began to roar.

On the battlefield, clouds of smoke rose.

Cannonballs flew in the air one after another, and everything they passed was invincible.

Gaps were torn open in the Qing army's array, and there were many casualties.

The wounded soldiers who were hit by artillery shells and missing arms and legs covered their wounds and lay helplessly on the ground, letting out bursts of shrill screams.

At the moment when the artillery fired, the Ming army also took advantage of the situation and launched a charge.

After the artillery bombardment, the infantry charged, and after the infantry charged, the artillery bombarded!
The Ming army's tactics were quite simple and crude, but facts have proven that the simpler and cruder the tactics, the more effective they are.

The Qing army in the east of the city, which wanted to reinforce the war in the south of the city, could not withstand the charge of the Ming army. The Ming army charged back and forth three times, and the Qing army could not hold on and collapsed.

On the Ming army's side, the charge horn sounded immediately, and a famous soldier raised his spear and sword and began to charge to kill the enemy.

The huge battlefield was full of fleeing Qing soldiers!

And the Ming army chasing troops all over the mountains and plains!
At the same time, Zhu Jing'an also ordered the Ming army's cavalry to attack again to pursue the defeated Qing army and quickly expand the results.

If the Qing army relied on their camps to hold on, it might take a lot of effort for the Ming Dynasty to defeat them.

But now that the Qing army has chosen to go out of the stronghold to fight with the Ming army in the field, that is another matter!
Since the Qing army now took the initiative to leave the camp to die, how could Zhu Jing'an not send them away?
In Zhu Jing'an's view, it would be best to annihilate more Qing troops in field battles!
It is better to inflict heavy losses on the Qing army in a field battle than to put the Qing army back and then attack the Ming army again.

You know, during the offensive and defensive battle against the Qing army camp south of Yuezhou City!
The most important casualties of the Ming army occurred before the wall was breached.

After the Ming army broke through the wall, the resistance of the Qing army dropped significantly.

Following this, the number of casualties of the Ming army also dropped rapidly.

The Ming army's cavalry galloped on the battlefield, cooperating with their own infantry to quickly cover up the defeated troops of the Qing army's east camp.


Arrows flew, and every time the bowstring trembled, a Qing soldier fell to the ground after being struck by an arrow.

Thick rains of arrows continued to fall on the fleeing Qing army, expanding the results of the battle wantonly.

The cavalry bow has no obvious killing effect on armored targets.

But when targeting unarmored targets, the killing effect is still good.

The war horses galloped, and the cavalrymen on horseback held their sabers horizontally at their sides.

Then with the speed of the war horse, the saber was able to cut off the heads of the defeated Qing soldiers with just a flick of the saber.

Blood gushes out like a fountain!
The headless corpse fell to the ground, twitching unconsciously, and was then trampled into a pulp by countless galloping horses.

The spear was clamped under his ribs, with its sharp tip pointing diagonally at the ground.

Following the impact of the horses, the spears in the hands of the Ming cavalry penetrated the chests and abdomens of several people one after another, skewering several Qing soldiers into candied haws.

The Ming army's cavalry galloped wildly, consciously breaking up the Qing army's defeated troops and killing all those Qing troops who still wanted to resist.

Or drive the defeated Qing troops to one place to prevent the Qing troops from escaping, and then cooperate with your own infantry to collect and surrender prisoners of war in large numbers.

The number of casualties among the Qing troops leaving camp in the east of the city continued to rise.

Finally, someone couldn't bear the casualties and chose to kneel down and surrender.

And after one person surrendered, the wave of surrender spread rapidly among the defeated Qing army like a plague...

Gradually, the Qing army began to raise the white flag in an organized manner!

Agui looked at the battle outside Yuezhou City, his chest heaving violently.

"What the hell is he doing, Hailancha?!"

"Is he just watching our infantry being massacred by the Ming cavalry?!"

Agui was really angry now.

He really didn't expect that the Sauron soldiers under Hailancha's command would act so crotch-stretching on the battlefield today.

It’s just that the battle with the Ming Army’s cavalry failed to suppress the Ming Army’s cavalry!

How come you can still watch your own infantry being chased and killed by the Ming army without doing anything? !
The friendly troops are in trouble but remain as strong as a mountain!
What is the difference between the performance of Sauron's soldiers now and that of Guan Ning's soldiers in the late Ming Dynasty?
Agui took a deep breath and ordered.

"Send an order to Hailancha's headquarters, asking them to restrain the Ming cavalry for my general, and cover the soldiers and horses of our army's camp in the east of the city to withdraw into the camp. No mistakes should be made."

"Otherwise, let Hai Lancha come and see you!"

Agui finally couldn't help but issued a death order to Hailancha.

Now that the camp in the south of the city was about to be destroyed, Agui couldn't accept that the camp in the east of the city was also destroyed by Ming thieves.

Once the two camps in the south and east of the city were all captured!
Then Yuezhou will become an isolated city!


Boom!dong dong!

The drum trumpet at the top of Yuezhou City changed obviously, and Hailancha subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction of Yuezhou City.

Then he saw the flag change at the top of Yuezhou City.

In an instant, Hailancha's heart sank.

Because now the meaning of the flag change at the head of Yuezhou City is very clear, allowing him to block the Ming cavalry at all costs and cover the Qing army in the camp in the east of the city to evacuate the battlefield.

When Hailan noticed this scene, he could only grit his teeth and say. "Send the order, the whole army will attack, kill the Ming thieves, and protect the Qing Dynasty!"

After saying this, he chose to take the Sauron soldiers and go straight towards the Ming cavalry who were wantonly chasing the defeated Qing army.


Seeing this scene, Zhu Jing'an just ordered expressionlessly.

"Add more troops to the Qing army's south camp and quickly lock in the battle situation. Don't delay any longer."

"Moreover, the order was sent to our army's cavalry troops to divide into two groups and continue to cooperate with our army's infantry along the way to pursue the Qing army's defeated troops and expand the results of the battle."

"Be prepared to fight against Sauron's soldiers all the way. At all costs, we will completely defeat this dead Sauron's soldiers."

"Also, let Tian Wenchang's troops prepare to provide fire support for our cavalry to fight the Sauron soldiers."

As Zhu Jing'an's order was issued, the situation on the battlefield began to change rapidly.

A large number of Ming army soldiers rushed to the Qing army camp in the south of the city!

Prepare to rely on your superior strength to completely defeat the Qing army in the camp south of the city and seal the victory.

On the other side, the Ming army's cavalry was also divided into two groups.

One way, they continued to pursue the Qing army's defeated troops and expanded the results of the battle. The other way, they turned their horses' heads and prepared to meet the Sauron soldiers under Hailancha's command.

There was a sound of hoofbeats, and the cavalry on both sides were getting closer and closer to each other.

Seeing the Ming army cavalry roaring to stop the attack, Hai Lancha gritted his teeth and said.


"Brothers, come with me, penetrate them, kill the thieves, and protect the Qing Dynasty!"

In order to reinforce the collapsed Qing army in the east of the city as soon as possible, Hailancha chose a frontal attack.

He wanted to use this to disperse the Ming army's cavalry.

The Ming army's cavalry also received Zhu Jing'an's order to completely defeat the Sauron soldiers at all costs.

Without any hesitation, he chose to mount his horse and charge forward.

The cavalry from both sides moved towards each other, preparing for a traditional cavalry confrontation.

Along with the rumble of horse hooves, the wind howled.

Hailancha felt the strong wind blowing across his cheeks, and his heart was filled with throbbing.

Looking at the Ming army cavalry on the opposite side getting closer and closer to him and others, the murderous intent in Hailancha's eyes became more and more obvious.

He tightened his grip on the carbine in his hand, intending to thrust the sharp tip into the Ming thief's body.

However, at this moment, a burst of whizzing sounds suddenly sounded on the battlefield.

In the distance, in the Ming army array under Tian Wenchang's command, rockets flew into the air one after another, shooting straight towards the direction of Hailancha's command.


A sound that broke through the air like a demon's whisper echoed through the battlefield.

The rockets broke through the air, trailing long tail flames, like stars raining down from the sky.

Rockets fell into the Qing army's array one after another.

Immediately afterwards there were bursts of continuous explosions.

Fires were rising, gunpowder smoke was filling the air, and broken limbs were flying all over the sky.

One Sauron soldier's body was torn to pieces by the wildly spreading shock wave.

The heavy armor on their bodies failed to provide any protection against the shock wave generated by the rocket explosion.

Hailancha watched helplessly as a rocket trailed flames and landed not far to his right.

The fire from the explosion caught the mane of the horse he dismounted from.

The war horse was frightened and screamed in pain.

The shock wave followed, and Hailancha was thrown off his horse and his body was thrown away.

The right half of his body instantly lost consciousness, and his whole vision went dark before he lost consciousness.

The Ming army’s rockets rained down!

On the earth, among the array of Sauron soldiers, clusters of death flowers bloomed.

In the rumbling explosion, the array of Sauron soldiers was torn into pieces.

On the battlefield, screams and wails continued to sound.

The next moment, the Ming army's cavalry roared towards them and crashed directly into the array of Sauron soldiers that were torn apart by rockets.

The sharp carbines stood up!
The Ming army cavalry galloped past and stabbed a Sauron soldier off his horse who was stunned by the explosion.

The cavalry on both sides clashed, one side had an array and its morale was as high as a rainbow.

The other side's array was sparse and loose, and the morale of the bombed was low.

The outcome can be imagined!

The Ming cavalry quickly ran through the Qing army's array, expanding the results of the battle unscrupulously.

Zhu Jing'an looked at the battlefield and watched the Ming cavalry, assisted by rockets, crush the Qing cavalry.

He knew that from today on, the era of cavalry was coming to an end!
With their high mobility, light cavalry may still be able to make achievements on the battlefield.

But the heavy cavalry, which was cumbersome and bloated and had no other advantages except frontal impact, was destined to bid farewell to the stage of history.

From now on, even if the Ming Dynasty wants to build cavalry, it will mainly be light cavalry!
The heavy cavalry is, at best, pulled out to serve as a guard of honor during military parades...

Apart from that, there is no other use! (End of chapter)

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