Soon, the Ming army's mortars were in place and began to target the Qing army camp south of Yuezhou City and began to deliver firepower.


The dull sound of artillery fire sounded, and a round of shells drew a beautiful parabola in mid-air, and then fell towards the Qing army camp.

The cannonball landed on the ground, landed in the crowd of Qing troops, and rolled around for several times.

Immediately, as the fuse burned out, the roar of the explosion sounded.

The Qing army's camp was filled with flames and smoke.

Countless limbs and broken arms were lifted into the sky!

Immediately afterwards, the sound of rockets piercing the air was heard.

One rocket after another dragged a long tail flame into the sky, falling to the earth like a meteor, towards the Qing army's camp.

Deafening explosions resounded across the battlefield!
The moment the Ming army's attacking troops heard the roar of the explosion, their morale boiled and they continued to rush forward with loud shouts of killing.

With a whoosh, a flat-firing rocket hit the wall of the village.

There was a loud bang, and the rocket's warhead pierced the wooden wall.

Then the fuse burned out and a roar sounded.

The rocket tore a small gap in the wooden wall, sawdust flew, and sand flew into the sky.


Several more rockets were fired at the wooden wall.

Amid the explosion, the gap in the wooden wall became wider and wider.

Along with this, the Ming army's heavy artillery was also aiming at the gap and firing.

Delivering firepower wantonly!
Solid artillery shells hit one after another, and the wooden shell of the wall was seriously damaged.

At that moment, rockets kept coming one after another!

Amidst the explosion, the fortifications made of sandbags were torn apart, and a hole was opened in the Qing army's wall.

Seeing the gap in the wall of the Qing army's stronghold getting bigger and bigger, everyone in Madebang's offensive troops was also excited.

With such fierce artillery fire in the Ming Dynasty, why not worry about conquering Yuezhou, why not overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and regain the Han Dynasty!

Soon, the Ming army issued an order for a general attack.

The soldiers of the forward battalion pushed the shield cart forward, and the shouts of killing resounded throughout the battlefield.

Deng Hao, a small flag officer, took the lead and led 30 men under his command to rush in through the breach in the wall of the Qing army's stronghold.

As soon as he entered the gap, he saw several Qing soldiers coming towards him with their swords.

He faced him without any fear, the cold light reflected on the blade of the sword in his hand.

The reason for this is because he is covered in heavy armor.

And behind him, there was a Ming soldier holding a spear, adjusting the array.

As long as he can hold on for a moment, the spear-wielding robes will come up to reinforce him.

Although Zhu Jing'an used the forward battalion as cannon fodder, this did not mean that Zhu Jing'an wanted to see the forward battalion suffer heavy casualties.

Therefore, while allowing the forward battalion to assume the forward role, Zhu Jing'an also ordered the forward battalion to be armored.

Each ordinary soldier has a set of breastplates and helmets, which can provide considerable protection for the vital parts of the body.

Officers, on the other hand, can wear heavy armor. In addition to the breastplate, they can also wear a layer of cotton armor. The protective effect is definitely not bad.

In this case, the combat effectiveness of the forward battalion can be guaranteed to the greatest extent!

The long knife in Deng Hao's hand slashed, and the blade directly hit the chest of the enemy in front of him.

His movements were wide open and wide, with almost no defense or dodge.

Relying on his heavy armor, his fighting style is very fierce.

Not long after, several people were killed in a row.

The Qing army that came to block the enemy was killed by him alone.

Immediately, his subordinates also adjusted their array and charged forward with their spears.

With spears pointing straight ahead, the Ming army slowly advanced.

Although the forward battalion of the Ming army was not elite, they were all veterans who had been in the army for many years. It was not difficult for them to line up and move forward.

Facing the forest of spears of the Ming army, the Qing army also began to hesitate in its counterattack.

Without him, the Ming army would have cast a psychological shadow!
Even though they knew that the Ming army on the opposite side was just like them not long ago, they were all green soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, not the main soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

But there are still not many Qing troops who dare to attack!

The current Qing army really feels weak when they see the flag of Ming Dynasty.

As more and more Ming soldiers poured into the Qing army's Chengnan camp, the Qing army's Chengnan camp began to become shaky.

The resistance of the Qing army is getting weaker and weaker!


Agui watched the evolution of the battle on the battlefield, turned to Hailancha and said.

"Hailancha, it's time. You will lead the troops to reinforce the war in the camp south of the city."

"Use our army's superior cavalry to force the Ming army to end its offensive against the camp south of the city..."

Now Agui still sees the Ming army with the same old eyes. He doesn't know that the current Ming army cavalry has undergone transformation, not Wu Xia Ameng.

He did not have a high opinion of the Ming army's cavalry.

According to the usual thinking in the past, I still want to use my own cavalry advantage to deal with the Ming army!

Hearing this, Hai Lancha cupped his fists and accepted the order.

Immediately he turned around and climbed down the city wall.

Accompanied by a crunching and tooth-grinding sound, the Yuezhou City Gate opened wide.Hai Lancha led the Qing cavalry and attacked the Ming army's center.

He wanted to use this to force the Ming army to end its offensive against the camp in the south of the city and return to support the Chinese army.

With the sound of horse hoofbeats, Zhu Jing'an watched a puff of smoke and dust coming straight towards him, narrowed his eyes and spoke.

"Instruct our cavalry to attack and block the Qing cavalry!"

Following Zhu Jing'an's order, the Ming army cavalry jumped out of the formation.

Wearing red armor, they looked like tigers, horses, and dragons. After galloping, the Ming army's cavalry team faced the Qing army's cavalry like a giant dragon with blazing flames all over its body.

Soon, the cavalry from both sides collided head on!


For a moment, there was a continuous sound of bow strings trembling.

The cavalry from both sides released a hail of arrows as soon as they encountered each other.

Arrows flew one after another, piercing the opponent's armor.

The cavalry in the front row were quickly shot into hedgehogs by arrows, and the arrows were extremely piercing.

But that's about it!
Whether they are Ming or Qing cavalry, they are all wearing armor.

The light arrows fired from the cavalry bow are okay against unarmored targets, but their lethality is very limited against armored soldiers.

Although hard bows and armor-piercing heavy arrows can indeed break armor, they cannot be used by cavalry.

The strength of the armor-breaking hard bow is generally more than one stone. When using a proper walking bow, you need to use your waist and horse as one, and use your core strength to draw it.

If the bow power of a riding bow is so high, the cavalry will not be able to pull it apart due to the instability of the lower body on a galloping horse.

The same goes for Sauron's soldiers!
There is no doubt about this!
The cavalry from both sides swept past, firing a hail of arrows at each other, but the casualties were very limited.

Hailan looked at the Ming army opposite, whose riding and shooting skills had suddenly improved to a higher level, with obviously complicated eyes.

He knows that the skill of riding and shooting cannot be mastered in a short time!
Even he, Hai Lancha, has been practicing since he was a child, and he has been practicing for decades before he has the skills he has today.
The cavalry of the Ming Army has improved so much all of a sudden, most likely because someone on their side has surrendered...

Moreover, among the Qing troops who surrendered to the thieves, Sauron soldiers were probably not a minority either!

How can Hailancha not feel complicated?
The cavalry from both sides staggered past, then turned their horses' heads and continued to charge towards the enemy.


There was another burst of arrows piercing the air.

The cavalry roared past.

But there were still no casualties on either side.

Hailan noticed this scene and could only order the withdrawal of troops.

Because, while Hai Lancha led his troops and struggled with the Ming army's cavalry, the Ming army's infantry also began to encircle them from all directions.

Prepare to annihilate all the Hailancha headquarters!
Seeing this, Hailan naturally did not dare to tangle with the Ming army's cavalry anymore, and decisively led his men to withdraw from the battlefield, preparing to return to Yuezhou City.

Although Sauron's soldiers were brave, they were indeed frightened by the Ming army in the battle under Changsha City.

The spirit of daring to fight and fight was gone when they first fought against the Ming army.

Otherwise, they would not have just had a brief confrontation with the Ming army on the battlefield and then withdrew.

The reason why Sauron soldiers dared to fight before was because they knew that they could win if they worked hard.

After winning the battle, the Qing court will reward them!
But after facing the Ming army, Sauron's soldiers suddenly realized that they couldn't win even if they tried their best.

Naturally, everyone started paddling, and no one thought about trying their best anymore!

Seeing the performance of Sauron's soldiers on the battlefield, Zhu Jing'an squinted his eyes and said to the people around him.

"Did you see it? Sauron's soldiers are frightened!"

"Haha, I thought that Sauron's soldiers were really the elite of the Iron Army who couldn't be defeated and overwhelmed. But I didn't expect that, that's all."

"If you have a slight setback, you will lose the courage and energy to fight, but that's all. It's a long way to go to my Ming Dynasty King's army!"

To be honest, the performance of Sauron's soldiers in the Battle of Changsha was very impressive.

The front withstood the charge of the Ming army's heavy cavalry, and was able to withdraw from the battlefield in an orderly manner when surrounded by layers of Ming troops, instead of fleeing.

Such an army can definitely be called the elite among the elite!
But now it’s no longer possible!

Zhu Jing'an can clearly feel that the current Sauron soldiers and the previous Sauron soldiers are in two completely different states.

He knew that the sharp blade of Sauron's soldiers was really broken by him now!
When the generals of the Ming army heard this, they all started to compliment him.

"The king's master is so powerful, how can the Tatars dare to attack him?"

"Sauron's soldiers are indeed brave, but compared with my Ming Dynasty King's army, they are far inferior."

"It is all thanks to the wise leadership of His Highness the Crown Prince that our army was able to defeat Sauron's army and achieve this impressive record of victory in every battle!"


When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he just waved his hands slightly.

"Haha, stop flattering me!"

"Let's look at the performance of the soldiers on the battlefield..."


On the battlefield, the Ming army's offensive troops continued to advance, and the shouts of killing resounded throughout the battlefield.

Countless Ming soldiers rushed into the Qing army's camp in the south of the city.

The Qing army continued to retreat and lost most of its camp.

If the war situation continues according to this trend, the Ming army will soon be able to completely capture the Qing army's south camp and then launch a general attack on Yuezhou City.

Seeing this scene, Agui couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

His eyes were filled with uncertainty as he pondered what he should do next to save the ruined battle situation! (End of chapter)

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