Chapter 176
When Hailan noticed this scene, his face couldn't help but darken.

He gritted his teeth for a while, knowing that Da Qing had met his opponent this time.

Ming thieves are so difficult to deal with!
Fifteen thousand cavalry could not defeat the three thousand infantry of the Ming thieves in one charge.

Hailancha doesn't want to believe this kind of thing!

Because, before this, the Sauron soldiers were the only ones in the world who could achieve such a record.

But after this, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty will also become famous all over the world.

Agui also saw this scene from afar, and his expression was quite ugly.

But he continued to order his cavalry to attack the Ming army array!
The Qing cavalry retreated first, made a circle on the battlefield, and then charged towards the Ming army array again.

The sound of shouting and killing is deafening!
However, this time the Qing army learned its lesson and no longer formed a dense array to withstand the Ming army's firepower.

Instead, they were divided into several clusters, one hundred and ten meters apart, one by one, and they charged towards the Ming army's array.

Even if the first cluster was defeated by the Ming army's heavy artillery and rockets, there were still several clusters behind it.

The Qing army believed that by pressing forward one after another, they would be able to disperse the Ming army's three thousand infantry sooner or later.


At the same time, a burst of smoke and dust also rose on the other side of the battlefield.

The Ming army's cavalry galloped towards Agui's central flag.

The ground rumbled with the sound of horse hooves, and two thousand heavy horses of the Ming army galloped on the battlefield.

The red flag and red armor are running, and from a distance it looks like surging flames!
Keep moving forward!
It seems that anything that dares to stand in their way will be destroyed by them.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

"The Great Ming is victorious, the Ming army is mighty!"


Agui also discovered the Ming army's cavalry. Seeing this scene, the expression on his face changed.

Because his Chinese army is relatively empty now!

All the fighting troops he had on hand were dispatched, and now he only had a 3000-man personal camp and a 5000-man reserve force left.

That adds up to eight thousand!

In addition, there are also a large number of White Lotus Sect prisoners of war.

Although the Qing army's central army now looks huge, it doesn't have many elites.

If the heavy cavalry of the Ming army really rushes over to join the formation, it is really hard to say whether the Qing army's central army can block it.

A Gui did not expect that the Ming army commander did not ask his cavalry to rescue the infantry, but asked their cavalry to go straight to the Qing central army.

The Ming army is very willing to attack!

Agui took one look at the battlefield and was unwilling to let the trap he had set up fail, so he did not let his cavalry return for reinforcements.

Instead, he ordered the Hunan Green Battalion, which was attacking Beishan Town, and the Hubei Green Battalion, which was responsible for containing Huanghua Town, to return to support the Chinese army.

To ensure that the Chinese army is safe!

When Zhu Jing'an saw the Qing army's movements in Beishan Town and Huanghua Town, he immediately ordered the Ming army in Beishan Town and Huanghua Town to attack to contain the Qing army in front of them.

Prevent the Qing army from returning to aid the Chinese army!

Create opportunities for the Ming army's cavalry to charge into the formation.

The Qing army wanted to return for reinforcements, how could the Ming Dynasty allow them to get what they wanted?
You know, on the current battlefield, it is not only the Qing army that is restraining the Ming army, but the Ming army is also restraining the Qing army.

Moreover, the initiative in this war did not lie with the Qing army. The Ming army that occupied camps and towns was the one that could advance, attack, and retreat and defend.

Soon, as the Ming troops from Beishan Town and Huanghua Town took the initiative to attack, both Hunan Green Camp and Hubei Green Camp were held back.

The two sides launched a fierce battle!
"Brothers, kill!"

"Don't let the Tatars escape, kill them all!"


With the roar of field artillery, the Ming army took the initiative to launch an attack.

Although the Ming Army's forward battalion now has a low firearms equipment rate, most people can only fight with swords and spears.

But it is still equipped with some artillery to provide them with fire cover!
The next moment, the forward battalion of the Ming army armed with spears and swords fought with the Qing army armed with shotguns.

It is very obvious that the Ming army is suppressing the Qing army.

Although the forward battalion of the Ming army was not as effective as the main soldiers, under the temptation of dividing the fields, their fighting will was still relatively firm.

When it's time to charge, they are really unambiguous.

But the green soldiers of the Qing court...

You really understand everything about this!
They could just shoot from a distance, but when it came to hand-to-hand combat, the Green Camp soldiers really couldn't stand it.

As soon as the two sides fought, the Qing army fell into a disadvantage and began to retreat.


Seeing that both the Hunan and Hubei Green Camps were restrained by the Ming army, they were unable to reinforce their own Chinese army in the war.

Agui's face inevitably looked a little ugly.

But at this moment, the Ming army's cavalry had already charged forward.

Accompanied by the sound of horse hooves one after another, the Ming army cavalry launched a charge with their spears drawn.

Agui ordered his own soldiers to push the White Lotus prisoners up to serve as human shields.

But the moment the two sides started fighting, the prisoners of the White Lotus Sect began to rout.

The Ming army defeated several formations of the Qing army one after another, and the offensive slowed down slightly.

This kind of thing is actually normal. The prisoners of war of the White Lotus Sect are prisoners of war to begin with.

If you ask them to resist the heavy cavalry charging into the formation, how can they possibly be able to stop it?
Of course, Agui didn't expect those White Lotus prisoners of war to be able to withstand the Ming army's charge. He just wanted those White Lotus prisoners to hold off the Ming army's cavalry.

Buy time for your own cavalry to return reinforcements!
That's right, the moment he saw the Green Camp in Hunan and Hubei being held back by the Ming army, Agui had already ordered Hailancha to lead his troops to return reinforcements.Agui can take risks with Henan Green Camp, because even if Henan Green Camp is defeated, it will not affect the overall situation.

But he will never risk his own army.

Because the Qing Dynasty cannot afford to lose in this battle!
As the Qing army ordered its cavalry to withdraw and return for reinforcements, the Ming army's cavalry also received an order to retreat.

Both sides have a tacit understanding to withdraw their troops and stop fighting!
As the sun sets in the west, today's war can be considered to have come to an end for the time being!

In today's battle, the only actual result achieved by the Ming army was to defeat the Henan Green Camp of the Qing army.

And the Qing army is not as good as the Ming Dynasty!
The losses before and after were not small, but they failed to achieve any strategic purpose.


It's night, and the stars and moon are high in the night sky.

The cold moonlight was spread on the ground, illuminating the earth dimly.

Accompanied by a deliberately low sound of footsteps, the Ming army on Yuelu Mountain quietly moved out of the camp, preparing to attack the Shaanxi Green Camp at the foot of Yuelu Mountain at night.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, wearing breastplates and helmets, holding muskets and bayonets on their waists, walked towards the Qing army camp at the foot of Yuelu Mountain in the dark.

On Yuelu Mountain, the Ming army's artillery group was also ready to fire.

The gunners prepared for the bombardment in the dark based on the shooting elements they had calculated during the day.

During the day, the Qing army's cavalry posed too great a threat to the Ming army.

Therefore, Zhu Jing'an is preparing to break the situation at night!

Through a night attack on Shaanxi Green Camp, Agui was forced to send cavalry reinforcements.

Use this to encircle the point for reinforcements, defeat the Qing cavalry, and complete the victory in this battle!

The deafening sound of shelling sounded, kicking off the night attack.

Amidst the sound of shelling, red-hot shells were fired towards the main camp of Shaanxi Green Camp.

The red cannonballs streaked across the dark night sky, leaving conspicuous traces.

The cannonballs fell into the Qing army's camp, rolled and rotated, and ignited the tent camps one after another.

The Qing army at the foot of Yuelu Mountain was awakened by a sudden bombardment.

But before they could react, they heard a deafening cry of killing coming from all around the camp.

And a whistling sound breaking through the air.

Rockets took off one after another, dragging long tail flames across the night sky.

It looks like a falling star!
The rockets pierced the night sky and landed on the ground, followed by a series of explosions.

Immediately, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty held their muskets and launched a bayonet charge towards the Qing army camp, shouting to kill.


Late at night, Agui couldn't sleep thinking about the battle during the day.

While drinking to soothe his sorrows, he thought about how to fight this battle.

Although Agui was unwilling, he still had to admit that the Ming thief was indeed the most difficult enemy he had ever encountered in his life.

Three thousand infantrymen withstood the charge of more than 1 cavalry in a field battle. If this didn't really happen before their eyes, who would have dared to believe it?
Such an enemy is really difficult.

He really doesn't know how to fight this battle next!
Is it possible that the glorious Qing Dynasty and the national destiny will end here?
Agui couldn't help but worry.

At this moment, there was a roar of heavy artillery and a deafening explosion in the distance.

Agui's face changed, and he was about to ask what was going on.

Then I saw a Goshiha opening the curtain and walking in.

"General, something bad has happened. The Ming thieves launched an artillery attack on the Shaanxi Green Camp at the foot of Yuelu Mountain."

Upon hearing this, Agui's expression changed and he asked.

"What is the specific situation of the battle? Has the Ming army launched an attack despite only shelling? Can Admiral Lin withstand it?"

Hearing this, Goshiha shook his head and said.

"Returning to the General, there is no definite news yet."

Hearing this, Agui knew that he was anxious.

How long had it been since the sound of shelling started? It would be good if I could determine which troop was attacked.

It will probably take a while for the specific news to come!

Agui took a deep breath to calm down, and then spoke.

"Send someone to investigate. This general needs exact information."

After hearing this, Goshiha gave him a thousand blows and sent the order.

Soon, definite news was brought to Agui.

The Ming army has already launched an attack on Shaanxi Green Camp, and the offensive is quite fierce.

The Qing army has been defeated by several camps in succession!
Shaanxi Admiral Lin Sixiang is requesting reinforcements.

Hearing this, Agui's face became uncertain.

Just as Zhu Jing'an was very keenly aware that Henan Luying was A Gui's bait.

Agui also noticed that the Ming army was encircling the encirclement point for reinforcements during this night attack.

But the question is, the Ming army can bear the risk of eating the Qing army's bait, but can the Qing army bear the consequences of Shaanxi Green Camp being defeated by the Ming army?

You know, the main force of the Qing army in this battle was the Shaanxi Green Camp.

Once the Shaanxi Green Camp was defeated, the Qing army in Changsha would definitely lose!

Therefore, Agui is in a dilemma!

(End of this chapter)

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