The cavalry skills of the Qing cavalry were far superior to those of the Ming army. This is an objective fact and there is nothing to deny.

In the previous battle, the Ming cavalry was able to overpower the Sauron soldiers because the Sauron soldiers had exhausted their horsepower before the battle.

The Ming army purely used cavalry to bully the infantry!
Otherwise, if the Ming army's cavalry faced Sauron's soldiers, they would probably be beaten to death!
Therefore, Zhu Jing'an simply ordered the Ming army cavalry to ignore the Ming army cavalry.

Instead, they pulled the trigger and went directly to attack Agui's central army.

The Ming army battalion that Zhu Jing'an could accept to go out to fight the Henan Green Camp was completely wiped out by the Qing cavalry.

But can Agui accept that his Chinese army was crushed by the heavy cavalry of the Ming army?

A battalion of 3000 soldiers and horses was wiped out, and Zhu Jing'an felt heartache at most.

But the main force of the Ming army was not lost!
And if Agui's central army was defeated by the Ming army's cavalry, the Qing army would be defeated in this battle!
Zhu Jing'an's move, to put it bluntly, means to attack the enemy and save Zhao, and to surround Wei and save Zhao, so as to break the situation.


On the battlefield, the sound of horse hooves rumbled!
Just as the Qing army's cavalry went straight to kill the Ming army who had left the camp, the Ming army's cavalry also roared towards Agui's central army.

The sound of horse hooves echoes between heaven and earth!
It even tried to cover up the roar of heavy artillery fire.

The Ming army that went out to fight with the Qing army in the field and defeated the Henan Green Camp also received orders from their own Chinese army and began to adjust their array.

Military orders were issued continuously, and the Ming army who came out of the camp ended their pursuit of the Qing army, and then began to close their formation.

They started by laying out a hollow square with a base unit of one hundred men.

However, the hollow phalanx currently listed by the Ming army is not actually a hollow phalanx in the traditional Western sense, but a variant of the hollow phalanx.

The so-called hollow phalanx of the Ming army was actually composed of small solid phalanxes.

The only difference from the traditional square formation is that between the small formations, there are enough passages for the cavalry to pass.

However, in order to pursue higher firepower density, the Ming army's small formations were solid rather than hollow.

The reason for this, to put it bluntly, is that the artillery power of the Qing army cannot keep up.

Why do Westerners use hollow square formations to deal with cavalry?
Don't they know that the firepower density of a solid phalanx is higher?
of course not!

The reason why a solid square array is not used is, to put it bluntly, because it cannot be used.

At this time in the war in the West, the use of artillery was already perfect.

Once one side of the war uses a solid phalanx, it may cause the enemy to directly penetrate dozens of rows of arrays with one shot, causing dozens of casualties.

If this is the case, the infantry array will not need cavalry to charge, and the artillery can easily destroy them.

Artillery bombardment is the nemesis of all dense infantry arrays!
From the moment the artillery appears on the battlefield, the countdown to the elimination of the dense infantry array has begun.

Therefore, it is not that Westerners do not want to use solid phalanx to deal with cavalry, but that they cannot use it.

But now Ming Dynasty does not need to worry about this.

Because the artillery power of the Qing army is relatively weak.

Moreover, their impressive artillery force is still bombarding the Ming army's artillery groups in Beishan Town.

Unable to pull to the front line to deal with the Ming army's infantry array!

Therefore, the Ming army naturally listed a solid square array that can produce higher firepower density.

There is no certain tactic that works well on the battlefield, only the one that is suitable is the best.

A mature general must know how to analyze specific battle situations and then arrange corresponding tactics.

Instead of just applying tactics without thinking at all.

The Ming army quickly formed an array, and the array was still slowly moving towards their own camp. They wanted to return to the camp as soon as possible while maintaining the array.

However, at this moment, the Qing army's cavalry rushed up.

The first one to rush up was the nearest Ganshan Green Battalion Cavalry.

Accompanied by the sound of horse hoofbeats and smoke filling the air, the cavalry from the Gansu and Shaanxi Green Camps rode towards the Ming army formation and killed them.

"All artillery crews, fire quickly!"


Seeing this, the artillery accompanying the Ming army array began to target the charging Qing cavalry and launched firepower projection.

The sound of shelling from the city gate resounded throughout the battlefield, and shells flew in the air, roaring towards the Qing cavalry.

The cannonballs landed in the Qing cavalry array, rolling and spinning, tearing apart the Qing soldiers and their horses.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the scene was shocking.

A single shell can easily take away the lives of several people.

The continuous roar of artillery shelling suddenly blocked the momentum of the Qing cavalry.

But that's about it.

Because once the cavalry charged, the rear row pressed against the front row, and under the action of inertia and potential energy, they could not stop even if they wanted to.

But soon, the Ming army began to deliver more and more fierce firepower.

The large-caliber heavy artillery in the camp also began to roar.

A cannonball weighing dozens of kilograms was fired, and everything it passed was swept across.

Everyone in charge is shattered!
It can be said that if you touch it, you will die, if you rub it, you will die.

As the Ming army's heavy artillery opened fire, the Qing army's cavalry charge slowed down significantly again.

But it’s still moving forward!

At this time, Sauron soldiers and Xishan Jianrui battalion also entered the battlefield.

They came over from the flank of the Ming army, preparing to penetrate directly into the weak spot of the Ming army's flank.

The rumble of horse hooves resounded across the battlefield!
Facing the group charge of more than [-] Qing cavalry, the Ming army's hollow square formation composed of [-] infantrymen was like a solitary boat in the sea.It is possible to be submerged and swallowed by huge waves at any time!

The Ming army's artillery fired with all its strength, but it could only delay the Qing army's offensive, but could not completely stop it.

The rumbling heavy artillery continued to roar, but the cavalry's maneuver was so fast that the Ming army's artillery could not fire a few rounds, and the Qing army's cavalry was about to get close.

Looking at the large group of cavalry charging towards them, the Ming army couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

But at this moment, there was a sound of whizzing through the air.

The rockets in the Ming army began to fire.

Rockets pierced the air one after another, trailing long tail flames and falling towards the Qing cavalry.

The purpose of the Ming army was very clear. They wanted to defeat the Qing army's cavalry charge by relying on the ultra-high rate of fire of rockets.

The rocket landed among the Qing army's cavalry array, and a rumbling explosion sounded instantly.

Clouds of gunpowder smoke and flames rose up from the Qing army's cavalry array, and fragments and air waves swept around.

Broken limbs and broken arms are flying!

Gaps were blown out of the Qing army's cavalry array.

The Qing cavalry in the front row subconsciously slowed down their horses. The originally neat array of cavalry in the front row became fragmented under the impact of the rocket explosion.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Ming army finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, although the Qing cavalry was still moving forward, the array was finally broken up.

You must know that the array they have listed now is only effective against scattered cavalry. Once faced with a group charge of cavalry, it will definitely not be able to withstand it.

Scattered cavalry from the Qing army rushed over.

The musketeers in the front row of the Ming army began to pull the triggers in unison.

With a burst of gunfire, a large number of Qing cavalry who rushed at the front were killed by both men and horses.

Liu Qiang rode forward, looking at the strict infantry array of the Ming army in front, and at the bayonets that shone with cold light.

He subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, decisively chose to turn his horse's head, and was ready to lead people into the Ming Army's formation through the passage left between the Ming Army's arrays.

Anyway, the cavalry array was dispersed by the Ming thief's cannons, and there was no one to hold them down. It was only because of their stupidity that they left the remaining passage and charged towards the gleaming bayonets.

Do you not care about your own life so much?

"Damn it, what kind of formation is this Ming thief array called?"

"Are you leaving such a big gap because you're afraid we won't be able to get rid of them?"

"Brothers, come with me, follow the passage and fight for me, break up the array of thieves, everyone will get a reward!"

Liu Qiang shouted and charged forward, but before he could get very far, he quietly slowed down his horse and retreated behind the ordinary soldiers.

Liu Qiang and his party poured in smoothly through the passage specially set aside by the Ming army, accompanied by the sound of horse hooves one after another.

However, after pouring into the channel, due to the restricted terrain, the Qing army's cavalry array was significantly stretched.

Before they could find the flaw in the Ming army's array, they saw the Ming soldiers on both sides pull the triggers and fire a volley.

boom!Boom!bang bang bang!

Gunshots rang out, and the Ming army's array was quickly obscured by gunpowder smoke.

The Qing cavalry that poured into the passage began to fall to the ground under the volley of musket fire from both sides.

Liu Qiang watched helplessly as the Ming army musketeers on both sides raised their guns and pulled the triggers.

Balls of fire exploded, and a row of smoke erupted from the muzzle of the gun quickly blocked everyone's sight.

At this moment, Liu Qiang only felt smoke and gunshots everywhere.

It seems that I and others are trapped in a tight siege!
However, it is obvious that we are the attacking party!

Suddenly, Liu Qiang felt as if his thigh had been hit by a hammer. He felt a chill at first, and then felt a heartbreaking pain.


Liu Qiang let out a scream and fell off the horse.

"help me……"

His body had just hit the ground and he hadn't even had time to shout for help.

Then he saw a horse's hooves as big as a bowl running towards his head.

Liu Qiang couldn't dodge, and in an instant, his head was trampled by the horse's hoof.

Suddenly, blood mixed with broken bones and brains were scattered everywhere.

There was only a body still twitching unconsciously.

The Qing army that rushed into the Ming army's array along the passage suffered a huge blow!

The continuous gunshots seemed to them like the King of Hell was asking for his life.

Soon, the passage between the Ming army's small formations was filled with corpses...

The smell of gunpowder smoke and blood fills the sky!

This scene frightened many people.

Many Qing cavalrymen who had not yet had time to rush into the Ming army's formation subconsciously stopped their horses and did not dare to move forward.

Even the Sauron soldiers and Xishan Jianrui battalion who had reached the flank of the Ming army hesitated after seeing this scene.

This, are they going to continue to charge?
If they rush in, what if they are attacked by the Ming troops on both sides? (End of chapter)

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