Chapter 145 A desperate poem?
The rumble of horse hooves!
The Ming army ambushed and came galloping.

After fighting to a position tens of meters away from the Qing army's array, the Ming army suddenly stopped their horses, and then all turned over and dismounted.

The heavily armored Ming army rushed forward with heavy steps, shouting and killing, trying to tear open the Qing army's defense line.

"Soldiers, kill!"

"Kill the Tartars and restore Ming Dynasty!"

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Ming Dynasty Wan Sheng!"


Facing the Ming army that rushed forward with shouts of death, the Qing army's marching array was immediately dispersed.

How could the uniformed green soldiers be a match for the heavy armored infantry of the Ming army?
The Ming army formed heavy formations and charged back and forth, quickly tearing several holes in the Qing army's array.

The Qing army began to collapse almost the moment they engaged in battle.

Weng Zhaolin also wanted to command his Tibiao to fight against the Ming army and save the situation.

However, in the face of the Ming army's heavy armor charge, his resistance was as vulnerable as a mantis trying to use its arms as a chariot.

The Qing army collapsed rapidly, and countless people dropped their weapons, turned around and ran away, not daring to confront the Ming army.

Although Weng Zhaolin, an old traitor, wanted to serve the Qing Dynasty and fight to the death for the Qing Dynasty, the soldiers under him did not think so.

The imperial court only gives out hundreds of military pay every month, but they don't even have enough food to eat, and there are frequent deductions. What are they trying to do with their lives?
In Shaoguan, they had already paid enough for the Qing Dynasty.

All units suffered heavy casualties.

Now that they were attacked again, everyone in the Qing army chose to run away when they could.

Amidst countless people shouting to kill, the Qing army completely collapsed!

The huge battlefield was filled with pursuers of the Ming army and defeated troops of the Qing army.

Seeing the ruined situation on the battlefield, Weng Zhaolin was filled with despair. With the only remaining soldiers under his command, Weng Zhaolin launched a desperate charge towards the Ming army.

The old man was galloping on horseback, and the oncoming breeze with the smell of blood blew away his gray beard.

In a daze, the veteran seemed to have returned to the prosperous days when he followed the imperial army to destroy Hezhuo and Zhuo, pacified Jinchuan and Jinchuan, Dingtian Mountain, and pursued Miao to the north.

He had spent most of his life on the battlefield, and to die on the battlefield today was a well-deserved death.

However, if he dies today, he will die, but what should the court's situation in the south be like?

Weng Zhaolin accidentally fell off his horse in order to avoid an oncoming spear.

He simply directed Ti Tiao to form a formation and fight on foot.

The veteran took off his helmet, twisted his braid around his neck, bit it in his mouth, then shouted "kill" loudly, and charged towards the Ming army in front of him.

"Soldiers, it's time to serve the Qing Dynasty today!"

His soldiers also shouted loudly.

"Protect the military gate!"

"Today, we and the army will die together!"


Pan Dazhu saw Weng Zhaolin surrounded by many Qing soldiers at a glance.

The moment he saw Weng Zhaolin's face, his expression was obviously stunned.

In a daze, he saw Weng Zhaolin's face looking more and more familiar.

This veteran looks like the Qing general who indulged in rebellion and massacred his hometown!
No, it doesn’t seem like it, but it is him!
Pan Dazhu will never forget this face even if he dies.

Suddenly, Pan Dazhu's eyes turned red and he shouted loudly.

"Brothers, the thief is here, follow me and kill him!"

After saying this, he held a long-handled simple knife and killed Weng Zhaolin.

He wants to avenge his family!
The Ming army's morale was boosted when they saw their own Qian Zong fighting bravely and rushing to the front.

He shouted and rushed forward.

"Kill the Tartars!"

"Long live Daming!"

Soon, the two sides collided head-on.

The simple knife in Pan Dazhu's hand struck Weng Zhaolin's face.

With this strike, he almost used up all his strength and did not hold back at all.

Even if his inner door is wide open, he doesn't care.

When Weng Zhaolin saw this, he also shouted coldly.

"A good thief general!"

After saying that, he went up to meet him.

However, Weng Zhaolin is old and frail after all. How can he be the opponent of the young and strong Pan Dazhu despite his strength?

In just one move, the weapon in his hand was knocked away.

Even though the soldiers rescued him in time, Weng Zhaolin was still stabbed heavily in the chest.

The cotton armor on Weng Zhaolin's body was cut open by Pan Dazhu's angry knife. The cotton burst out and the armor deformed.

Seeing this, Pan Dazhu continued to wave the sword in his hand, still aiming directly at Weng Zhaolin's face.

Weng Zhaolin's expression changed slightly, and he wanted to block with his knife, but the severe pain in his chest made him unable to muster the strength at all.

Although Pan Dazhu's sword just failed to break the armor, its force was real. Weng Zhaolin felt that two of his ribs on his chest were broken.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty rushed forward like wolves and tigers, and strangled the Qing army together.

Seeing that the traitor general was so ferocious and the traitor soldiers were so brave, Weng Zhaolin's soldiers did not dare to engage in the battle and could only protect the general and avoid it.

However, soon the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty swarmed up and surrounded Weng Zhaolin and others with swords and spears.

Weng Zhaolin and others had no place to hide.

Soon, the manpower around him began to be continuously reduced.

In the end, only Weng Zhaolin was left in the Ming army's encirclement.

Weng Zhaolin looked around, looking at the layers of Ming troops surrounding him, his eyes filled with despair.

He put the knife on his neck and shouted loudly.

"Rebel, listen up!"

"Mountains and rivers represent the honor of military officials, and years of battles have wiped out the bandits."

"Once the Pingyang Tiger is in trouble, how can we be greedy for life and throw ourselves into the enemy's arms?"

"Today, I will not surrender until I die!"

But before he could pull down the sword in his hand, he slashed his neck.

Then Pan Dazhu shouted loudly, jumped up high with an armor-breaking pumpkin hammer in his hand, and smashed Weng Zhaolin's head.

"Fuck you dog Tatar! Go to hell, I'm not prepared to let you surrender!"

There was a loud bang, and Weng Zhaolin's head was hit by a pumpkin hammer. His brain suddenly burst, and an eyeball was squeezed out of the socket. He fell to the ground and was trampled into pulp by Pan Dazhu.

Weng Zhaolin died immediately, his body collapsed to the ground, and he died tragically on the spot.

Pan Dazhu looked at Weng Zhaolin's body in front of him, breathing heavily, with a bitter smile on his face, and said with a dull expression.

"I...I avenged you!"

"I really avenged you!!"

Pan Dazhu bent down, ready to chop off Weng Zhaolin's head.

While he was beheading people, a Ming soldier asked out of curiosity.

"Brothers, did you just hear what the Tatar said before he died?"

Everyone around shook their heads. "It seems to be a death poem, right? Scholars seem to like to recite a death poem before they die. He may be learning from the literati."

"Bah, a traitor still wants to be remembered in history? He wants to eat shit!"

"Then I'm afraid he's got the wrong idea. We brothers are all illiterate, but no one can understand what he said..."

A group of people were chatting with each other.



The Ming army completely cleared the inside and outside of Shaoguan and began to reorganize the city defense of Shaoguan.

The damaged parts of the Shaoguan city wall were repaired with cement, and plans were also started to build forts and fortresses on several mountains outside Shaoguan.

Zhu Jing'an led people to inspect inside and outside Shaoguan and personally determined the location and construction plan of the fort.

Zhang Jin sent him a detailed battle report on the results achieved by the Ming army in this battle.

Zhu Jing'an took the battle report and started reading it.

Zhang Jin also narrated from the side.

"In the Battle of Shaoguan, the Qing army had a total strength of more than 12. Our army annihilated more than [-] Qing troops before and after."

"Among them, the formation killed more than [-] people and captured more than [-] people. These prisoners included green camp soldiers of the Qing army and civilian husbands."

"In addition, some of the Shaoguan garrison went to clear the food channel. The battle report from there has not been received yet. Therefore, the specific battle situation is unknown, so it is not included."

"Our army's own casualties were 420 and 630, of which [-] were casualties among our army's headquarters soldiers. The remaining [-] or so were all casualties of the forward battalion."

Of course, the statistics here are only the casualties and gains on the Shaoguan battlefield.

Zhu Jing'an still doesn't know the specific battle reports of the ambush in Lechang and the raids by Liu Mingyou's troops on Longhu Pass and Daozhou.

We can only continue to wait for news!

Seeing that Zhu Jing'an had finished reading the battle report, Zhang Jin asked again.

"Grand Governor, what should our army do with those prisoners of war?"

"There are more than 7 people. It is not an option to feed them all the time."

Because most of the prisoners of war in the Shaoguan Battle were surrendered soldiers who followed Gao Sheng and Zhang Yong and took the initiative to surrender.

Rather than the prisoners captured by the Ming army on the battlefield!
Naturally, the handling of these surrendered troops cannot be as simple and crude as before.

After ten draws and one kill, they were all organized into the forward camp!
It is still necessary to give certain preferential treatment to surrendering soldiers who take the initiative to surrender.

Zhu Jing'an thought for a while and then spoke.

"Those prisoners of war must be classified and processed."

"Adhering to the principle of voluntariness, those who are willing to stay as soldiers will be incorporated into the forward battalion, the original establishment will be broken up, food and salary will be reissued and their land will be resettled, training will be reorganized, and officers will be appointed to fight for our Ming Dynasty."

"Those who are unwilling to stay will be given food and travel expenses to allow them to return home on their own."

Of course, since these green battalion soldiers surrendered on their own initiative, although their organization is affiliated with the forward battalion, their treatment is definitely different from the cannon fodder of the ordinary forward battalion.

You know, ordinary forward battalion cannon fodder can only be rewarded with military merit fields after making military exploits.

However, they can directly obtain Anjia Tian, ​​and they will not be used as cannon fodder on the battlefield.

The treatment is almost the same as that of veterans in the forward camp!
In any case, it cannot be regarded as treating them badly.

You know, if you serve as soldiers for the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the Manchu Qing Dynasty will not allocate land to them.

Also, unlike ordinary forward battalion soldiers, Zhu Jing'an also gave these surrendered soldiers a chance to choose.

They can choose to continue serving as soldiers, or they can choose to receive a traveling fee and go home to live a peaceful life.

Instead of being like the ordinary forward battalion, if you don't want to serve as a soldier for the Ming Dynasty, you can only behead your head.

Zhang Yong and Gao Sheng, who were following Zhu Jing'an, heard this and bowed down in great emotion.

"I will thank the Grand Governor for his grace on behalf of the brothers!"

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly.

"Don't worry! Since you have surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, I will definitely not treat you badly."

Zhu Jing'an also arranged for those generals of the Green Camp who surrendered.

Not only were each given a sum of gold, silver and land rewards, but they were also announced to retain their official positions and military ranks.

After the Green Camp troops who returned to the Ming Dynasty are reorganized and trained, they will be allowed to lead troops again.

How many soldiers you led before, how many soldiers you can lead in the future!

Keep your original position!

Of course, although the number of soldiers to lead has not changed, the soldiers are definitely not the same soldiers as before.

It can be regarded as reducing the influence of generals on the army and ensuring that the court can control the army.

Instead of turning the army into the general's private soldiers, the tail will be too big to lose.

In Zhu Jing'an's view, it is normal for mountains to appear in the military. People are social animals and it is instinct to like to stick together.

Can't be changed!
However, the top of the mountain is the top of the mountain, but warlords definitely can't do it!

This is the bottom line!


In the prisoner-of-war camp, the Qing soldiers were lazily basking in the sun.

Since they surrendered on their own initiative, the Ming army did not have many restrictions on them.

It is said to be a prisoner of war camp, but it is actually no different from an ordinary military camp.

The only restriction on them is that they must abide by the military discipline of the Ming Dynasty and are not allowed to leave the camp at will and disturb the people around them.

The Ming Dynasty did not lack them in terms of food, and the food standards of the Ming army were basically consistent.

Over the past few days, these surrendered soldiers have eaten and slept every day, and since they were no longer stressed, all of them have gained weight visibly to the naked eye.

Ma Yuan lowered his head and walked in the open space in the camp.

While missing my family, I was wondering if it was time to start dinner...

Since the last time the Qing army camp roared and he killed Li Qing, Ma Yuan suddenly changed and became a figure in the Qing army.

Many soldiers around him who were accustomed to being bullied began to follow his lead and hugged him for warmth.

Ma Yuan was walking in the camp, with several younger brothers behind him following suit.

The people around him couldn't help but cast their eyes in awe.

Ma Yuan retracted his messy thoughts and enjoyed it quite a lot. In the past, his status was so humble that he really enjoyed the feeling of being awed and feared by others.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the camp.

Many people shouted loudly.

"It's dinner, it's dinner..."

The Ming sergeant responsible for maintaining order held a copper trumpet and shouted loudly.

"Quine up, queue up, you're all fucking waiting for me to queue up for food."

"Anyone who gets too fucking crowded will be dragged out and beaten with military sticks, and don't even eat them!"

With a burst of shouting, the originally bustling surrender soldiers restored order, lined up in front of the cauldron, and began to line up to receive their meals.

These surrendered troops had already been beaten by Ming Dynasty on the battlefield, and they were still easy to manage.

Facing the Ming army, there are basically no thorns among these surrendered troops!
Well, even Thornhead is afraid of death!
After everyone lined up, the Ming army responsible for maintaining order shouted loudly.

"Put the food away!"

Today, the food given to the surrendered soldiers by the Ming army consisted of multigrain rice and fried potato slices. There was a lot of minced meat in the potato slices.

In addition, there is also a bowl of oily fish soup per person, with enough salt and chopped green onions, which tastes very fresh.

(End of this chapter)

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