Chapter 144 Shaoguan Change of Flag
Gao Sheng and Zhang Yong looked at each other and saw the firmness in each other's eyes.

The proportion of troops in Shaoguan City is mainly divided into three parts.

One is the Hunan Green Camp under the command of Hunan Admiral Weng Zhaolin, as well as the soldiers and horses.

The remaining two parts are naturally the Guangxi soldiers and Guizhou soldiers commanded by Gao Sheng, the Guangxi admiral, and Zhang Yong, the Guizhou admiral.

Now, Weng Zhaolin was sent by Fulong'an to open up the Qing army's food route.

In other words, now there are only two young men, Gao Sheng and Zhang Yong, left in Shaoguan City.

In addition, at most Fulongan still has some soldiers on hand.

But no problem!
As long as Zhang Yong and Gao Sheng reach a consensus, the overall situation in Shaoguan City will be decided.

The few personal soldiers Fulongan has on hand cannot make a difference.


That night, Gao Sheng held a banquet in his big tent and invited imperial envoy Fulong'an and Guizhou Admiral Zhang Yong to discuss military affairs.

Fulong'an had no doubts and went directly to the banquet with a small number of followers.

He guessed that Gao Sheng and Zhang Yong might want to run away, but he didn't expect that these two people would be bold enough to surrender.

Unexpectedly, just as Fulongan entered the banquet, he saw swordsmen and axes rising inside and outside the tent.

Gao Sheng overturned the table in front of him and shouted.

"Left and right, come with me to take down this Qingluo dog officer. We'll be back to the Ming Dynasty anyway!"

Zhang Yong followed closely and shouted loudly.

"My sons, drive out the Tartars and restore China today!"

"How can we, the Han family's officers and men, be willing to be driven by the Tartars? Today we will cut off our braids, change our banners, return to the Ming Dynasty, and return to the Han family's tent."

"From today on, we will fight for the people of the Han family and for the common people in this world!"

After saying this, he pulled out the sword from his waist and lightly touched the back of his head, causing a braid to fall to the ground.

When the generals around him saw this, they all raised their arms and shouted.

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"


While chanting, he also cut off the braid on the back of his head.

After this, almost everyone in the Qing army breathed a sigh of relief.

Be glad that you no longer have to be enemies with the Ming army!
Since the Battle of Shaoguan, the Ming army has really shocked the Qing army.

They are really scared!

I really don’t dare to fight against the Ming army!

Fulong'an was pushed to the ground by the swordsman. The soldiers around him tried to resist, but were immediately hacked to death by the green camp generals in the tent.

Although these green camp generals do not dare to draw their swords against the Ming army now, they still have the courage to draw their swords against Fulong'an's soldiers.

Fulong'an's soldiers were mostly dandies from the Eight Banners who were brought from the capital to carry birds in cages.

Normally, wearing the cotton armor of the Eight Banners, relying on the majesty of the ancestors, putting on airs, and scaring people is okay.

But when it comes to fighting on the battlefield and seeing blood with swords and guns, how can these noble men who have been pampered and pampered since childhood be the opponents of the green battalion generals who lick blood with their swords?

With just a face-to-face encounter, the soldiers around Fulongan were killed and injured, and the remaining people were also pushed to the ground.

Beheaded one after another!

When Fulong'an saw this scene, his eyes were about to burst, and he cursed at the generals in the tent.

"Thief! Thief!"

"You are all ungrateful people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. Today you dare to betray the Qing Dynasty, surrender to the Ming thieves, and kill our Eight Banners nation."

"When the imperial court regains its lost territory in the future, it will certainly not spare you lightly!"

Facing Fulongan's yelling, Gao Sheng said with a complicated expression.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fu, we also want to survive!"

After saying this, he walked towards Fulong'an with his knife, ready to chop off Fulong'an's head as a sign of surrender to the Ming Dynasty.

Seeing this, Zhang Yong called out to Gao Shengdao.

"Wait a moment!"

Hearing this, Gao Sheng turned around and asked.

"what happened?"

Zhang Yong shook his head and said.

"Don't kill him. If we capture him alive and hand him over to Ming Dynasty, our reputation will be better."

"Rewards and punishments are based on the principle of superiority. Brother Gao should understand that since you and I have decided to surrender, it is best not to exceed our authority."

"The Grand Governor has the final say whether Fulongan kills or not!"

Hearing this, Gao Sheng had a thoughtful expression on his face.

But in the end he nodded.

"Okay! That's fine too!"

Seeing this, Fulongan's scolding became even more unpleasant.

"Good dog, good dog, you two are really two good dogs!"

But the two of them turned a deaf ear to this.

Compared with the chance of survival, being scolded is actually not painful or itchy.

Soon, after Gao Sheng and Zhang Yong cleaned up Fulong'an's cronies in the army, they ordered the city of Shaoguan to be opened and surrendered to the Ming army.

Looking at the white flag rising above the city of Shaoguan, Zhu Jing'an couldn't help laughing out loud, very happy.


"The Qing troops in Shaoguan City have surrendered. Prepare to send people to take over the prisoners and take over the city defense!"

"If we take Shaoguan City, Guangdong and Guangxi will be safe!"

As long as the Ming army can grasp the key to Guangdong and Guangxi, Shaoguan City, it can be regarded as blocking the Qing army from Lingnan.

If the Qing army wanted to attack the heart of Guangdong and Guangxi, they could only use troops through the mountainous areas of southwest and Fujian.

More than doubling the money and food expenses?
In this way, Ming Dynasty has completely stabilized the Pearl River Delta, the heartland of Guangdong and Guangxi!
With the Pearl River Delta, a prosperous land, providing money and food, and the strong soldiers trained in the mountainous areas of Guangxi, the Ming Dynasty can now be said to have temporarily gained a foothold.

After Zhu Jing'an ordered the Ming army to take over Shaoguan, Gao Sheng and Zhang Yong quickly came to him. They both apologized to Zhu Jing'an for standing on the thorn, kowtowed and saluted to show their surrender.

Zhu Jing'an let out a hearty laugh, stepped forward to help Gao Sheng and Zhang Yong up, and said warmly.

"The two generals suddenly woke up and led their troops to surrender. What crime did they commit?"

"Having the help of two generals is really an added advantage to my cause of restoring the Ming Dynasty!"

Seeing Zhu Jing'an's attitude, Gao Sheng and Zhang Yong knew that their lives would definitely be saved.

Both of them were obviously relieved.

But then Zhu Jing'an said.

"In my opinion, the two generals are not only not guilty, but also meritorious!"

"Later, the governor will present a count to each of the two generals to His Highness the Supervisor as a token of gratitude."

Zhu Jing'an did this, to put it bluntly, it was a horse bone worth a thousand gold coins.

He was so kind to the surrendered generals. To put it bluntly, he wanted them to set an example and strive to make the Qing army generals think of surrendering as long as there was a slight discomfort when fighting the Ming army on the battlefield.

If this goal can really be achieved, the Ming Dynasty's process of pacifying the world will definitely be accelerated a lot.

Gao Sheng and Zhang Yong were quite moved when they heard this.

He pointed at Fulongan who was tied up and had his mouth blocked with a pair of smelly socks.

"Grand Governor, this is the imperial envoy of the Qing court, the leader of thieves, Fulong'an!"

"The two generals have captured him for you. Please forgive him."

Seeing this, Zhu Jing'an smiled and praised.

"Very good. The two generals did a good job on this matter. I am very pleased." After saying this, Zhu Jing'an motioned for someone to take off the smelly socks that blocked Fulong'an's mouth.

Then he asked.

"Fu Long'an? Are you willing to surrender to the Ming Dynasty?"

"If you are willing to surrender to the Ming Dynasty, I will generously reward you."

Although he knew that Fulong'an's surrender was unlikely, Zhu Jing'an still wanted to try to persuade him to surrender.

Unexpectedly, Fulong'an cursed loudly after hearing Zhu Jing'an's persuasion to surrender.

"Rebel, rebel, you don't know the destiny, you are wild and rebellious, you deserve death, the court will never let you go, a remnant of the Ming Dynasty..."

"You Han untouchables dare to resist me, the Qing Dynasty. I, the Qing Dynasty, will definitely make you traitors pay the price. I will kill you all. The Qing Dynasty will definitely kill you all!"


Fulong'an was betrayed by his own generals and became a prisoner. Now he is extremely angry.

He couldn't help but yell at Zhu Jing'an and others.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he smiled instead of getting angry.

"The incompetent rage of a loser only makes me happier!"

"Who let me win?"

When Fulongan heard this, his whole expression was stunned.

After finishing the murder, Zhu Jing'an waved his hands very casually.

"Press the person down and send him back to the labor camp to atone for his sins."

"Do you remember, the governor, that the labor camp is in short supply of a man who can collect excrement? Let him do it!"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Jing'an's soldiers clenched their fists and accepted the order, then blocked the mouth of Fulong'an, who was still cursing, and suppressed it.

Since Zhu Jing'an gave the order, there will be no need for the man who takes out the excrement.

The Ming army also began to accept prisoners of war, take over Guancheng, and clean up the battlefield.

And prepare to report victory to the rear!


Under the starry night, the cavalry troops of the Ming Army traveled a hundred miles a day, and it took less than two days to reach the Lechang area.

And began to set up an ambush in the Lechang area, preparing to ambush the Qing army.

At the same time, the Qing army led by Weng Zhaolin was still nearly a hundred miles away from Lechang.

In terms of mobility, the Ming army far surpassed the Qing army!

After the Ming army arrived at the preset battlefield, they began to repair, took turns sleeping and resting, and quietly waited for the Qing army to enter the battlefield.

A well-known soldier was polishing the weapons in his hands, wiping his armor, and making preparations for the battle.


On the other side, Weng Zhaolin was also constantly urging the army to speed up its march and rush towards Daozhou.

Every time he thought about the army's food route being cut off and that Shaoguan might run out of food at any time, he felt anxious.

Weng Zhaolin saw the current situation in the world and was anxious in his heart. He really had to sigh that "the situation is difficult"!
Who would have thought that in this glorious era of the Qing Dynasty, there would be rebels in the south again!

If they cannot hold Shaoguan this time and allow Ming thieves to flow into Hunan, the situation of the Qing Dynasty in the south will really be completely ruined.

At that time, the world will inevitably be shaken, and there may be another war on the scale of the San Francisco Rebellion.

"Quick! Speed ​​up the march!"

"Hurry to Daozhou as soon as possible to open up food routes for the army."

Weng Zhaolin ran back and forth in the team and gave orders.

A soldier rode up to Weng Zhaolin and reported.

"Report to the army gate, Lechang is not far ahead."

Hearing this, Weng Zhaolin nodded.

"Command the army to continue marching and repair when they arrive in Lechang!"

After hearing this, the soldier Geshiha went down to deliver the order.

The Qing army continued to march, and Weng Zhaolin was riding on horseback, feeling vaguely uneasy for some reason.

However, he looked up and looked around. The terrain was wide, with a few hills at most, but it would not block his view. It really didn't look like a place where he would be ambushed.

He sent another inquiry from his own sentry, and after making sure it was all right, he felt a little relieved.

But just a moment later, there was a sudden rumble on the ground. This was the sound caused by countless horse hooves trampling on the ground.

Weng Zhaolin subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound of horse hooves.

I saw a puff of smoke billowing from the horizon.

What immediately appeared in the eyes of the Qing army was red tides surging forward.

The red armor flag of the Ming army is extremely conspicuous!

There are big flags with clear characters on them, and the sun and the moon shine together and the flags are fluttering in the wind.

Along with it, there were waves of killing sounds like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

"Kill! Kill the Tartars!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"


Looking at the roaring Ming army cavalry, at this moment, Weng Zhaolin was confused, his vision went dark, and he almost fell off his horse.

"How... how could this be?"

"Are our sentries and cavalry all just decorations? The thieves set up an ambush, why didn't anyone report back?"

"Damn it, really damn it!"

The gray beard on Weng Zhaolin's face was trembling, whether because of anger or fear.

In fact, the Qing sentry cavalry cannot be blamed for failing to detect the Ming army's ambush.

Because the Ming army's ambush location was relatively far from the battlefield, it was actually outside the Qing army's sentinel reconnaissance range.

After receiving the news that the Qing army had been found, the Ming army mounted their horses and then rode towards the battlefield.

During this process, the Ming army did not care about horsepower at all, but ran at full speed.

Because the cavalry of the Ming Army are said to be cavalry, but they are essentially infantry on horseback.

After rushing to the battlefield, they had to dismount and fight on foot. What they wanted on horseback was a mobility advantage.

Therefore, there is no need to care about horsepower at all.

As a result, the sentry cavalry of the Qing army may not run as fast as the ambush troops of the Ming army.

Naturally, they had no chance to report the news of the Ming army's ambush.

The Ming army looked up and down at the long marching team of the Qing army on the official road. They were also excited and kept waving their whips to urge the horses to march.

As far as the Qing army is currently marching in a long line, to the Ming army, it is simply a piece of fat that can be swallowed into the belly without chewing a few times.

Once the army is suddenly attacked in such a marching formation, the fate is unknown.

The Ming army's ambush was confident, and a single charge overwhelmed the Qing army's marching array.

Seeing the Ming cavalry getting closer and closer, Weng Zhaolin shouted at the top of his lungs, asking the Qing army to adjust their array.

However, in the face of the Ming army's surprise attack, the Qing army fell into panic. No one obeyed the military orders.

The soldiers of the Qing Dynasty ran away in panic, turning the Qing army's marching array into chaos.

Weng Zhaolin looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes seemed to be filled with despair...


He knew that everything was over!

After being ambushed on his side, Shaoguan was really going to be trapped to death due to lack of food.

The war situation in the south is ruined!
(End of this chapter)

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