Chapter 140 Qing Army's Counterattack

The roar of artillery fire continued, and the Eight Banners prisoners of war were still on the front line.

Behind the Eight Banners prisoners of war was the forward battalion of the Ming army.

Further back, are the main soldiers of the Ming Army!
At this moment, just at that moment!
At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing army often used dead soldiers to suppress Ming army prisoners of war, and then used sharp soldiers to suppress the dead soldiers to charge into the Ming army's array.

Now, it is the Ming army's turn to press the Eight Banners to rush into the Qing army's array!

In any case, it can be regarded as retribution!

"Brothers, kill!"

Countless Ming troops attacked the Qing army camp one after another.

The shouts of killing resounded throughout the battlefield!

Seeing this scene, Fulongan felt his eyes darken and his heart was filled with despair.

"What should we do! What should we do?!"

Seeing the Ming army array getting closer and closer to his side, the expression on Fulongan's face became more and more anxious.

"Sir, why don't you withdraw your troops?"

Guangxi Admiral Gao Sheng suggested.

Looking at the Ming army rushing up like an overwhelming force, his legs became extremely weak.

There are already plans to withdraw the troops!
When Fulongan heard this, he shook his head vigorously.

"No, absolutely not!"

"If our army withdraws at this point, Shaoguan will not be secured. If Shaoguan is not secured, the Ming army will march straight in and invade Hunan."

"If Hunan is involved in the war, neither you nor I can afford the consequences!"

Hunan and Hubei together formed what was once Huguang.

You know, Huguang is now the grain bag of the Qing Dynasty!

Once the grain bag in Huguang was torn open by the Ming army, the consequences would be disastrous for the Qing Dynasty.

I am afraid that compared with the fall of Guangzhou, all the Eight Banners of Guangzhou fell into the hands of Ming thieves, which would be more harmful to the Qing court.

Guangzhou fell and the Eight Banners of Guangzhou fell to the Ming army, although it would make the Qing Dynasty lose face.

But it’s just a matter of appearance!
Thinking about it in a darker way, if the Eight Banners in Guangzhou were defeated by the Ming army, they would still be able to leave an iron crop for the Qing Dynasty and save money.

But if Huguang is defeated by the Ming army, that will be another matter.

Once the food supply from Huguang is lost, Beijing may be starved of food.

The consequences are unimaginable!
At this moment, Weng Zhaolin on the side spoke.

"Sir, there will be a way in the end, maybe you can try it."

When Fulongan heard this, he seemed to have grasped the last straw and nodded hurriedly.


"Weng Junmen, speak quickly, I am all ears."

Weng Zhaolin nodded slightly, and then said his method.

"Aren't the Ming thieves driving our Eight Banners nation in front of the battle now? Our army may be able to use these three camps to lure the enemy deeper."

"Try to extend the Ming army's front line as long as possible and lay ambushes on both sides of the camp."

"When the Ming thief's front army penetrates deeply and enters our army's ambush circle, our army can ambush all over and cut off the connection between the Ming army's rear formation and our Eight Banners nation."

"Let the Ming thieves be separated from each other, and then save our Eight Banners nation!"

"As long as we can save the Eight Banners from the hands of the Ming thief and let my army fight without worries, then this battle can still be fought."

Weng Zhaolin always understood that the biggest bargaining chip in the hands of the Ming army in this battle was not its soldiers, nor the guns and firearms.

But thousands of old and weak Eight Banners were driven in front of the formation!

If it had not been held hostage by the old and weak Eight Banners, the Qing army would never have been defeated so miserably and so quickly.

Just the two artillery formations of Lianhua Mountain and Furong Mountain can give the Ming army a drink!

Hearing this, Fulongan nodded vigorously.

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Weng Junmen has a good plan, let's implement it!"

Fulongan is now thinking in his mind. If he can save thousands of people from the Eight Banners, even if he is defeated in this battle and loses Shaoguan, he can still make atonement for his sins.

The emperor should not punish him too much!

After all, for me, the Qing Dynasty, the nation is above all else!
Of course, this dismissal of merit is based on the premise that the Ming army failed to penetrate into the hinterland of Hunan.

Otherwise, Fulong'an may inevitably be exiled to Ninggu Pagoda!

When Weng Zhaolin heard this, he clasped his fists and prepared to execute.

Before execution, Weng Zhaolin said to Fulongan.

"Sir, this plan requires close cooperation from all ministries and elites like Zhengan soldiers to join the battle."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid we won't be able to set up an ambush to cut off the connection between the Ming thief's front army and the rear army."

Seeing this, Fulongan did not refuse, but nodded hurriedly.

"It's easy to talk, as long as we can save the thousands of people from the Qing Dynasty, everything will be arranged by the military."

"I will order all departments to fully cooperate!"


The overall situation on the battlefield is still evolving.

Like tigers descending from a mountain, the Ming army launched a fierce attack on the Qing army's camp.

Before the Ming army's offensive, the Qing army's camp was like tender tofu, broken with a single poke.

Seeing this, the forward battalion troops of the Ming Army became more morale and continued to attack.

They started to march straight into the long barracks set up by the Qing army between Furong Mountain and Beijiang!

Although the Qing army was vulnerable on the frontal battlefield and dispersed in a hurry, many remaining soldiers did not flee, but attacked the flanks of the Ming army that drove straight in.

Come and force the Ming army to lengthen their front!

It didn't take long for the Ming army's front to be stretched into a long section, even somewhat out of touch with the rear army.

The key is that the forward battalion rushed a little too fiercely, and began to advance forward before even clearing away the remaining enemies.

However, the soldiers of the Ming Army headquarters did not advance rashly, but only continued to advance after the remaining enemies were eliminated in an orderly manner.

As the battle situation developed, Zhu Jing'an had a bad feeling in his heart as he watched the Ming army's forward camp charge deeper and deeper and become more and more out of touch with the main force of the army.

At this moment, he felt fuzzy in his heart, always feeling like something was going to happen.

"Pass a military order to have our forward battalion slow down its advance and wait for the main force in the rear to catch up. Do not advance rashly..."

However, as soon as his voice fell, he saw the situation on the battlefield ahead changing.

The Qing army's ambushes hidden on both sides of the camp suddenly ambush.

First there were several cannon shots in succession, and the Qing army used black wrought iron cannons to blast several gaps in the Ming army's array.

Amidst the roar, several Ming soldiers were blasted into sieves by shotgun shells and died tragically on the spot.

Immediately, the Qing army ambushed!
The Zhengan soldiers and Weng Zhaolin's Tibiao immediately rushed out from both sides, heading towards the gap created by the artillery.

In an attempt to cut off the Ming army's array, encircle and annihilate the Ming army's vanguard, and rescue the Eight Banners prisoners of war who were driven in front of the array.


"Serve the Qing Dynasty, long live the emperor!"

"Your Majesty, kill the traitors!"


These Qing soldiers were rewarded by Fulong'an before the war, and now is the time when their morale is at its peak.

Therefore, even if they are facing the Ming army, they dare to fight.

Just for a moment, the two sides fought together.

The long and narrow array pulled by the Ming army was penetrated.

The Qing troops on both sides took advantage of the situation to complete the encirclement.The Ming army that went deep into the Qing camp was surrounded by the Qing army.

The Qing army, which was originally fleeing, also stopped. Under the leadership of Zhang Yong and Gao Sheng's admiral Superintendent Biao, they turned around and charged back, preparing to rescue the Eight Banners prisoners of war.

The Eight Banners prisoners of war who were driven in front of the formation were also excited when they saw this scene.

"Men of the Eight Banners, kill the Ming thieves and protect the Qing Dynasty!"

"Someone is here to save us, let's kill the thief!"


Many Eight Banners prisoners of war who had not given up yet began to resist. Even with their bare hands, they turned around and fought with the Ming army's forward camp.

Immediately afterwards, there was an encirclement from all sides by the Green Camp soldiers.

Those soldiers of the Ming Army's forward battalion who were still in high spirits and charged into the Qing Army's camp as if there was no one around them.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned on the spot.

They suddenly realized that they seemed to be surrounded.

Someone looked back and saw only layers upon layers of Qing troops, but not the main force of their own side.

You need to look far away to see that your main force is also advancing towards them.

"Damn it, Qinglu is despicable and set up an ambush to ambush us!"

"Hold on, soldiers. Ming reinforcements will arrive soon, and the Governor will send troops to rescue us."

"We have all cut off our pigtails and killed the Eight Banners. The Tatars will definitely not let us go. There is no way to survive if we surrender. Brothers, let's fight with the stupid Tatars."


Facing the encirclement of the Qing army, the Ming army who fell into the encirclement did not despair.

On the contrary, everyone is full of fighting spirit!

Because this is the confidence that the Ming army's consecutive victories in the past two days have given them.

They are confident that the Ming Dynasty will win this battle, and the imperial army will soon come with reinforcements.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that they have already surrendered to the Ming Dynasty with the blood of the Eight Banners, and there is no way to survive even if they surrender.

You know, they were the ones who used knives to force the Eight Banners to rush forward in the past two days.

The feud between them and the Qing court has really grown!
Otherwise, faced with the enemy's siege, some weaklings will inevitably choose to surrender to save their lives.

The fight has begun!

Faced with the encirclement of the Qing army, those Ming soldiers who advanced aggressively began to form formations and fight.

Fighting with the Qing army!
The two sides began to fight fiercely.

As soon as the battle started, it became intense.

Zhu Jing'an looked at the battlefield with a gloomy expression.

Although he was aware of the danger of rushing forward too quickly, he was still a step too late.

Let one's own offensive troops fall into a tight siege by the Qing army.

Fortunately, the forwards of the Ming army performed relatively tenaciously. Although they were surrounded by layers of siege, they did not collapse and continued to fight.

Otherwise, Zhu Jing'an's face would really look bad!

In fact, the terrain of the valley before Shaoguan is relatively special. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Qing army to lure the Ming army deep into the area.

If it was on the plains and the Qing army dared to play like this, the reinforcements of the Ming army would soon come up from the flanks!

The so-called ambush and siege by the Qing army was naturally easily solved.

However, the terrain of this valley is so special that if the Ming army wants to reinforce the forwards, they can only push forward from the front.

It also gave the Qing army an opportunity to block it at all levels!

Zhu Jing'an gave an order with a cold face.

"If the order is passed, the main force of our army will speed up the advance to meet the forward troops of our army who are trapped in the encirclement."

He could not accept that one of his troops was annihilated by the Qing army in an organic manner when he clearly occupied the entire battlefield.

Even if this unit is just a cannon fodder unit for the Ming army!

More importantly, Zhu Jing'an was reluctant to have those Eight Banners prisoners of war snatched back by the Qing army.

You know, those Eight Banners prisoners of war are now more powerful weapons in Zhu Jing'an's hands than those heavy siege artillery.

Once those Eight Banners prisoners of war were taken back by the Qing army, the number of casualties required by the Ming army if they wanted to capture Shaozhou City would probably continue to rise...

Zhu Jing'an issued the order, and the Ming army ordered the flag to be waved.

The attack speed of the main force of the Ming army was obviously accelerated.

If the terrain of the valley was not really suitable, Zhu Jing'an would have intentionally sent the Ming army's heavy armored cavalry to charge into the formation.


Unlike the Ming army, the atmosphere was depressing.

The Qing army fell into ecstasy as the plan came to fruition.

Fulongan clapped his thigh excitedly and said.

"Hahaha, a thief has entered the net. Hahaha, a thief has entered the net!"

Even the generals such as Weng Zhaolin, Zhang Yong, Gao Sheng and others on the side were full of joy.

Since the beginning of this war, the Qing army has been suppressed and beaten.

After having been frustrated for such a long time, they were able to win back a victory. How could the Qing army not be inspired by this?

Fulong'an's face turned red with excitement and he ordered loudly.

"Hurry up!"

"Send the order for our troops to press forward with the entire army and encircle and suppress the surrounded Ming thief as soon as possible!"

"The famous people will send the rescued Eight Banners nationalities to Shaozhou City for resettlement..."

Fulong'an ordered the troops of the Qing army to press forward and fight with the Ming army.

Especially the Zhengan soldiers are brave and good at fighting, and they are not afraid of death.

They held rattan waist knives and charged at the front in groups of three or two.

For a moment, the forward battalion of the Ming Army seemed to be suppressed.

All the Qing troops advanced hard and encircled and suppressed them layer by layer. The Ming army, which was trapped in a tight siege, was already at a disadvantage.

Because the Ming army advanced so rashly that the array was out of line, the force was naturally limited.

But in order to win back a city on the battlefield, the Qing army now used almost all its elite soldiers.

Contain the forward battalion of the Ming army!
The gap between the two sides is too great!
The main force of the Ming army wanted to go up for reinforcements, but was blocked by the Qing army at all levels.

The two sides fought fiercely, and the sound of gunfire was heard.

The Ming army even brought the field artillery to the front line, aiming at the Qing army's array and bombarding them with shotgun shells.

But even so, no breakthrough was achieved in a short period of time.

Zhu Jing'an looked at the stalemate on the frontline battlefield, his face darkened, and he finally made up his mind.

"Use rockets!"

"Carry out a saturation firepower delivery to the Qing army on the front line, and open the channel for our army to reinforce the front army as soon as possible!"

"Although the forward battalion is a newly surrendered soldier, it is also a soldier of our Ming Dynasty. We must not sit back and watch the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty being wiped out by the Qing captives and remain indifferent."

When Zhang Jin heard this, he cupped his fists and passed the order.

Not long after, Ming Army artillerymen were seen heading towards the front line carrying large boxes.

Get ready to set up a rocket launcher!

As the rocket launcher was set up, the boxes were also opened.

What was displayed in front of everyone were rockets of different diameters.

Numbers are painted with white paint on the rocket body, which represent the diameter number of the rocket.

There are three different calibers: 100, 150, and 200!

(End of this chapter)

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