Chapter 139 Assault on Longhu Pass

Li Qing weighed the three taels of silver in his hand and spat again at Ma Yuan, who was curled up on the ground.

"Bah, couldn't it have been better this way? I got this beating for nothing."

"What a fucking bitch!"

After saying this, Li Qing led the people towards the other people in the tent.

He swaggered up to another thin farmer and stretched out his hand.

Tell the man to be sensible and hand over the money himself!

This thin peasant husband looked bitter, thinking that the money he had paid for with his life was about to be taken away like this.

My heart is full of despair and unwillingness.

But seeing Ma Yuan being beaten so badly, he didn't dare to resist.

Since everyone had a tacit understanding just now and chose to turn a blind eye to Ma Yuan's experience, naturally no one will come to help him now.

He could only obediently reach into his arms and prepare to take out the money.

But because he was forced, his movements were somewhat reluctant, and the speed at which he took out the money was very slow.

When Li Qing saw this, he was ready to slap him.

But all they heard was a loud roar, like thunder that resounded in everyone's ears.

A ball of fire rose up from Lianhua Mountain, and a heavy cannonball cut through the night and shot towards the Qing army's camp.

With a bang, heavy artillery shells poured into the Qing army camp.

This shell ruthlessly tore through the Qing army's camp wall and overturned the Qing army's tents and barracks. Wood chips scattered everywhere where the projectile passed.

An unlucky man in the Qing army was hit by a cannonball, and his whole body was immediately torn apart.

It turned into a pile of broken limbs!
There was a pungent smell of blood in the air.

A cannonball hit the Qing army's bonfire.

In an instant, the bonfire was scattered, and burning wood was flying everywhere.

Military tents were ignited, flames and thick smoke rose up, and chaos quickly spread within the Qing army's camp.

The moment Li Qing heard the sound of the cannon, he subconsciously held his head and squatted down to avoid the bombardment.

The people around him suddenly became confused and swarmed towards the outside of the military tent.

Li Qing was kicked to the ground because he was squatting on the ground blocking the road, and someone even stepped on him.

The famous Blue Eyed Tiger usually established his majesty in front of everyone by bullying the weak.

The moment the Ming army's artillery sounded, it collapsed!

Although everyone is afraid of Li Qing's fists, they are obviously more afraid of the Ming army's heavy artillery...

There was a commotion in the Qing army's camp!
After everyone ran out of the military tent, Li Qing struggled to get up from the ground, gritted his teeth, cursed and chased outside.

"Damn, you are a bunch of bastards. They dare to push me or step on me. Don't let me find out who it is, or I will beat you to death."

As he ran outside, he cursed the person who pushed him.

When passing by Ma Yuan who was lying on the ground, he gave Ma Yuan a kick on the way, and then continued to curse.

"A bunch of unloyal bitches, they didn't care about me and ran away, fuck..."

Ma Yuan got up from the ground.

The blood on his forehead turned his face red.

From a distance, it doesn't look much different from the evil ghosts crawling out of hell.

At this time, Ma Yuan seemed to be in a daze.

Only Li Qing's staggering back was visible in his eyes, and his eyes quickly turned blood red.

Ma Yuan picked up a sharp knife that someone didn't know who dropped it on the ground, got up, and stumbled towards Li Qing's back...

Li Qing supported his waist, which was stinging from being hit just now, and strode out of the military tent.

He opened the curtain, and the cold moonlight outside shone on his face.

But at this moment, there was a pop, and Li Qing felt his heart go cold.

When he lowered his head, he saw a blood-stained tip of the knife.

In an instant, Li Qing felt as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

He turned his head with difficulty, wanting to see who stabbed him in the back.

As a result, he turned around and saw Ma Yuan's gray and blood-stained face.

Li Qing really couldn't figure out how Ma Yuan, a weakling, dared to swing a knife at him...

Ma Yuan was sprayed with blood all over his head and face, and his whole chest heaved violently like a bellows.

Looking at Li Qing's limp body in front of him, the reason he had lost due to anger and unwillingness was quickly returning to his body.

"Kill...kill someone, I kill someone..."

"I really killed someone!"

Ma Yuan murmured.

This was his first time to kill someone with blood, so his emotions were naturally quite complicated.

As the Ming army's harassing shelling began, considerable riots broke out in the Qing army's camp.

It's even evolving in the direction of Yingxiao!
The Qing soldiers who had always had a grudge against each other began to engage in chaos at night and began to attack and kill each other.

There were even some lunatics who killed people on sight. There was chaos everywhere in the entire Qing army camp.

Fulong'an wanted to send troops to suppress it, but he had no way of doing it. He was afraid that the suppressing troops would also be infected and start roaring.

The only option is to order people to seal off the military camp where the roar occurred, and wait until the roar subsides on its own.


Guangxi, Pinglefu, Longhu Pass!

After passing Longhu Pass, you will reach Yongzhou Prefecture in Hunan.

Liu Mingyou led his troops to hide in the mountains and forests outside Longhu Pass, and sent troops to explore in the direction of Longhu Pass.

Since receiving Zhu Jing'an's order, Liu Mingyou's troops have changed their direction.

From Wuzhou Prefecture, Guangxi, to Yongzhou.

And this Dragon Tiger Pass is the last obstacle currently standing in front of them.

As long as they break through the Longhu Pass, they can enter Yongzhou!
"Report to the General Soldier, there are about [-] Qing army defenders in Longhu Pass, all of them are Green Camp soldiers."

"If our army launches a surprise attack on Longhu Pass, we will definitely defeat it in one fell swoop!"

A soldier came to Liu Mingyou and reported.

The Ming army sentry who went to investigate in the direction of Longhu Pass came back.

The conclusion drawn is that because Longhu Pass is located in the rear, its defense is very lax.

For the Ming army, there may be an opportunity!

Liu Mingyou pondered for a while, and then spoke.

"Command the army to repair and restore their strength in place and prepare for battle, but they cannot camp or light open fires."

"Be prepared to raid Longhu Pass tonight!"

Due to long-term dietary supplements and exercise, the rate of night blindness in the Ming army is already very low.

Especially among the soldiers of the Ming Army, almost no night blindness existed.

Therefore, the current Ming army is capable of launching a night attack on Longhu Pass.

To take a step back, even if the night attack failed, Liu Mingyou was sure of safely withdrawing his troops.

The six hundred green battalions of the Qing army were completely vulnerable to the Ming army.

Following the order, the Ming army began to repair.

One by one, they silently ate dry food, polished their weapons, and made preparations.

It was night, the moon was dark, and the Ming army still did not move lightly, still waiting for the right opportunity.

When it was completely dark and the time was approaching midnight, the Ming army set off and headed towards Longhu Pass in the dark.


On the gate of Longhu Pass, the Qing army defending the city leaned on the wall and yawned.Since Longhu Pass is not considered a front line, but belongs to the rear area, the defenders have never been very vigilant.

At night, no outposts or secret sentries were arranged outside the Guan wall, but almost all of them retreated into the Guan city.

A few gatekeepers and foreign commission generals, holding women in their arms, huddled in the city gate building, drinking and gambling.

The generals above are not careful, and the soldiers below are naturally lazy when they can, and fish when they can.

When they reached the foot of Guancheng at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Qing army did not notice it at all.

Liu Mingyou stood in the darkness, looking at the tall Longhu Pass in front of him, and said.

"Give me the order and prepare to attack!"

As soon as these words came out, the Ming army was all excited.

The demolition team was the first to go forward and nail the explosive package to the gate of Guancheng, preparing to blast the gate of Longhu Pass.

The current Longhu Pass is not prepared for war, and naturally it will not block the city gate with bricks, stones and wood in advance.

Therefore, directly blowing up the city gate with explosives is definitely a very efficient way to siege the city.

"Hurry up!"

"Move quickly, don't delay."

The Qing army defenders on the city wall heard a clanging sound, and thought it was someone knocking on the door in the middle of the night to get through. A boss with a girl in his arms cursed at the top of his lungs.

"Damn it, that bastard is knocking on the door in the middle of the night?"

"That's it for now! Knock on me!"

However, before his curse could finish, he was covered up by the roar of an explosion.

Amidst the rumbling explosions, fire shot into the sky.

The firelight was extremely conspicuous in the dark night, and the city gate of Longhu Pass was instantly blown away.

Debris from the cracked city gate flew everywhere, and black smoke billowed in the gate hole.

The next moment, loud shouts of killing rang out, and the Ming army began to attack Longhu Pass City.

A Ming Army soldier rushed into Guancheng shouting to kill!

The Qing army on duty reacted and was about to come up to block the attack, but when he saw the dark Ming army siege troops.

In an instant, he made the wisest choice, dropped the weapon in his hand, turned around and ran away.

The city belongs to the imperial court, but life belongs to you.

Why risk your life for the military salary of three melons and two dates every month?

not worth it!

After the city gate was blown open, the Qing defenders almost collapsed at the first touch.

The Ming army, armed with muskets and bayonets, quickly seized important positions in Longhuguan City.

The city gates, city walls, barbicans... and other places were almost all demolished at once.

Almost all the Qing troops dispersed in a rush!

With the fall of Longhu Pass, the Ming army led by Liu Mingyou also opened the way to Yongzhou...


Outside Shaoguan City!

It's dawn, and the golden morning glow covers the earth.

The night fades!

In the Qing army camp, the roar that lasted for most of the night finally stopped.

The huge Qing army camp was full of corpses and blood.

The broken limbs and broken arms piled up into a mountain, and the blood gathered into a stream.

The smell of blood in the air was extremely pungent. A famous Qing soldier sat slumped on the ground, feeling the morning glow on his face and feeling like he was reborn.

Fulongan's eyes were red and bloodshot, and he stood in front of his tent, staring at his own camp in chaos with pain in his eyes.

"Weng Junmen, have you made statistics? How many people died in our army last night when the camp roared?"

Weng Zhaolin looked embarrassed and said.

"Sir, the general has just made a rough calculation and found that the number of casualties in our army's camp last night was probably more than [-]..."

This was still a critical moment. Fulongan ordered people to blockade the camp where the roar occurred.

Otherwise, this camp roar may directly collapse the Qing army's defense line in Shaoguan.

When Fulongan heard this, his vision went dark, and his heart was suddenly filled with despair.

Because he knew that there was a high probability that he would lose this battle.

The battle damage was accompanied by the casualties of Yingxiao. In just one day and one night, the Qing army lost more than [-] troops.

It’s almost two percent!

There is really no way to fight this battle!

If the Ming army attacks Shaoguan City again at this time, Shaoguan will be in danger.

Fulongan took a deep breath and made plans to simply abandon the positions outside Shaoguan and retreat to Shaoguan Guancheng.

However, reality does not change according to human will.

Just when Fulong'an was anxious, the Ming army had already taken up its stance and was preparing to attack the Qing artillery array on Furong Mountain.

After the Ming army captures Furong Mountain, they will launch an attack on the three Qing army camps between Furong Mountain and Lianhua Mountain.

The roar of heavy artillery resounded across the battlefield, and shells roared and fell towards the Qing artillery array on Furong Mountain.

Along with this, the Ming army drove the Eight Banners prisoners of war to launch an infantry attack towards Furong Mountain.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

Amid bursts of shouts of victory, the Ming army rushed the Eight Banners prisoners of war to Furong Mountain in one breath.

The Qing defenders on Furong Mountain threw rat weapons, but they had no artillery but could not fight back.

Facing the Ming army's charge, the Qing army could only retreat continuously, losing position after position.

It was not until the Qing army lost the entire Furong Mountain and the remaining troops retreated to the military camp that the war was temporarily suspended.

Of course, this pause was only for the Qing army.

The Ming army was still actively preparing for war, transporting artillery pieces to Furong Mountain and setting up artillery formations.

And turned the muzzle of the gun towards the Qing army's barracks, ready to launch firepower projection at any time.

After the preparations were completed, Zhu Jing'an immediately ordered the Ming army's artillery group to aim at the Qing army's camp and launch firepower projection.

The rumble of artillery fire echoed across the battlefield.

The artillery shells flew across the air, and then slammed into the Qing army camp.

The projectiles rolled and rotated, overturning the Qing army's tents one after another.

Watchtowers and general towers were destroyed one after another, and large holes were torn in the wooden walls of the camp.

The riots that had subsided in the Qing army's camp began to spread again as the Ming army continued to launch shelling.

Fulong'an's face was full of anger and helplessness, but facing the condescending shelling on the mountains on both sides, he had no good solution.

The only option is to order the Qing army to avoid it!
However, the camp was so large in total, where could the Qing army hide?

What's more, while launching artillery bombardments, the Ming army also launched an offensive against the Qing army's camps on the frontal battlefield.

"Brothers, kill the enemy and serve the country now!"

"Drive out the Tartars, restore China, brothers, kill, kill the Tartars, restore the Ming Dynasty!"

"The Ming Dynasty is victorious! Long live the Governor!",

Amid the shouts, Ming army troops formed a surging red tide, rushing towards the Qing army camp under the cover of their own artillery fire.

The morale is like a rainbow!

(End of this chapter)

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