Chapter 125

Chapter 125: Reinforcements arrive
Huang Yuande's words made Fang Kunzheng on the side barely calm down.

After calming down, Fang Kunzheng began to direct the civilians who were defending the city to help stabilize the situation in the city.

Huang Yuande was also the one who dispatched troops to sneak attack troops of the Qing army who entered the city through tunnels.

Fang Kunzheng came to the front of the peasants and spoke with determination in his voice.

"Fathers and fellow villagers, you are all from Xunzhou Prefecture."

"Your family, wives and children are all in the city of Xunzhou. I think everyone knows the military discipline of the Qing army."

"To be honest, if the capital city of Xunzhou is destroyed, how many of your wives, children, and family members will survive the Tatars' butcher's knife?"

"I'm afraid there won't be any!"

As soon as Fang Kunzheng said this, the expressions on the faces of everyone in front of him were visible to the naked eye.

However, before they could say anything more, Fang Kunzheng continued.

"Now, you have no choice!"

"In order to protect my homeland from being invaded, in order to prevent my family members from being massacred by the Tatar soldiers."

"You have and can only choose to hold on to the weapons in your hands, face those ferocious and brutal Tatar soldiers, use the weapons in your hands to fight, shed your blood, and form a Great Wall of flesh and blood to stand in front of your family. "

"Fathers and fellow citizens, let us take up arms and fight for our families!"

After Fang Kunzheng finished speaking, the shills he had arranged in advance among the crowd began to heighten the atmosphere.

"Defend the homeland and expel the Qing soldiers!"

"Defend the homeland and expel the Qing soldiers!"

"Defend the homeland and expel the Qing soldiers!"


Countless people were cheering.

The civilian men recruited by the Ming army in Xunzhou Prefecture were a little demoralized at first because of the riots in Xunzhou Prefecture, but they cheered up after Fang Kunzheng pointed out their interests for them.

One by one, they clenched the weapons in their hands and made up their minds to risk their lives and fight the Qing army for the sake of their families.

Everyone knows how bad the military discipline of the Qing army is.

If the Qing army really broke through the city, the consequences would be disastrous.

Under the command of Fang Kunzheng, the civilians began to move behind the Ming army and attacked the Qing army that entered the city through the tunnel.


"Kill the Tatars and protect our hometown!"

"Long live Daming!"



Outside the city of Xunzhou Prefecture, He Gui looked at the commotion in the direction of Xunzhou Prefecture, with a look of complacency on his face involuntarily.


"The fall of Xunzhou City will be today!"

"Send the order, the army will press forward in full force, cooperate with our troops entering the city, cooperate inside and outside, and capture the city of Xunzhou."

After He Gui finished speaking, the generals around him started chirping.

On the frontal battlefield, the Qing army's offensive became increasingly fierce.

The fierce attack on the frontal battlefield, coupled with the support of the Qing army that had sneaked into the city, made Xunzhou Fucheng suddenly in danger.

Seeing this scene, He Gui looked proud, stroking his beard on his chin, waiting for his subordinates to bring him a victory.

However, at this moment, a Qing army sentry rider suddenly came hurriedly from a distance.

" to the military, urgent military information!"

"Urgent military situation!"


The shout of this Qing army sentry rider attracted He Gui's attention, and he subconsciously cast his gaze over.

Then he saw the anxious expression on the face of this Qing army sentry rider.

Soon, the sentry rider ran all the way to He Gui and knelt down in front of him.

He Gui asked.

"Why are you so panicked?"

The Qing army sentry rider raised his head, took a deep breath, and spoke stutteringly.

"If you... go back to the military gate, the thieves will be killed. The thieves will have reinforcements to kill them!"

"It's less than ten miles away from Xunzhou Mansion!"

The face of this Qing soldier was full of fear and eagerness.

The distance of ten miles is still very far for an individual.

But for an army, being touched by the enemy only to find out within ten miles is no different from being kissed in the face.

The reason why the Ming army reinforcements were discovered by the Qing army only ten miles outside Xunzhou Prefecture was mainly because Guangxi was mountainous, the roads were winding, and the line of sight was severely limited.

If it were on the plains, Ming army reinforcements would probably be discovered twenty or thirty miles away.

He Gui couldn't help but look shocked when he heard this.

"The Ming thief reinforcements have arrived? Do you know how many soldiers and horses they have?"

When the Qing army sentry rider heard this, he said in an uncertain tone.

"If we return to the military gate, the reinforcements from the Ming thieves will probably number four to five thousand, and it seems that nearly half of them are elite old thieves."

Hearing this, the expression on He Gui's face changed from surprise to joy.

The invading thieves only had four to five thousand reinforcements, but the number of troops he had in hand reached nearly 2.

Twenty thousand versus five thousand, four times the strength difference, I have the advantage this time!

"Send the order and the siege troops will retreat immediately."

"Be prepared to meet the invading Ming thief reinforcements. Let us first defeat the Ming thief reinforcements and then attack the capital of Xunzhou!"

He Guidang made up his mind and made a decision quickly.

We must face the Ming army coming to aid Xunzhou head-on!


Liu Mingyou's troops had [-] soldiers from the headquarters and [-] sergeants from the forward battalion, plus the troops gathered from Wuxuan County.

About 5000 people were gathered together and rushed to Xunzhou Mansion for help!

Liu Mingyou was riding on horseback, galloping forward, and behind him were groups of Ming soldiers carrying swords, spears and muskets.

Among them, the thousand soldiers from his headquarters in his hands, as well as the troops supplemented by Wu Xuan, were mostly equipped with muskets and bayonets, and even wore single-sided breastplates and flying saucer helmets.

That is, the elite old thieves mentioned by the Qing army sentries!

The [-] green battalion soldiers of the forward battalion were mostly equipped with cold weapons such as swords and spears.

In the marching array of the Ming army, there were also artillery pieces accompanying the army.

Most of them are Type 65 field guns and Type 90 field guns.

In terrain like Guangxi, it is suitable for such light artillery to show its power.

On the contrary, the heavy artillery will be somewhat unable to be used!

"Sir General, the capital of Xunzhou is ten miles ahead."

"But our army's sentry cavalry came into contact with the Qing army's sentry cavalry, and the whereabouts of our army should have been exposed!"

A Ming army scout rode up to Liu Mingyou and reported.

Liu Mingyou nodded slightly when he heard this. "Send the order and prepare the entire army for war!"

"Slow down the marching speed and be prepared to engage the enemy at any time!"

Liu Mingyou has been with Zhu Jing'an for so long, and he has quite a lot of experience in leading troops in battle.

Now that he knows that his traces have been exposed, he will not let the army rush in again.

Although the war situation in Xunzhou Prefecture is urgent now, it is not far behind at this moment.

Besides, since the Qing army already knew that the Ming army reinforcements were not far from Xunzhou Mansion, could they still continue to attack Xunzhou Mansion without any scruples?
You are not afraid of the lively fight over there, but are you being taken advantage of by Ming Dynasty here?

The Qing army has withdrawn its troops from Xunzhou Prefecture and is preparing to face the reinforcements of the Ming army.

And Ming army reinforcements are constantly advancing towards Xunzhou Mansion.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and the contact between the sentinels and the probing horses is becoming more and more frequent.

He Gui was riding on horseback, looking towards the north.

I saw yellow sand rolling over there, and the red flags of the Ming Army appeared at the corner of the mountain col.

The bright Chinese characters "Dou Da" and the symbol of "the sun and the moon shining together" on the flag are extremely eye-catching.

But what is even more awe-inspiring is the Ming army array under the red flag.

The red-painted breastplate and flying saucer helmet were connected together. At a glance, it looked like a sea of ​​fire surging.

The musket with the bayonet attached was placed on the shoulder, the sharp bayonet pointed at the sky, each bayonet was bright, and under the reflection of the sun, it looked like a dazzling forest of bayonets.

At a glance, you can feel the momentum of a strong iron-blooded army coming towards you!

Behind these Ming troops with red helmets and red armor were more numerous soldiers from the forward battalion, their heads wrapped in red scarves but wearing green uniforms.

Now the Ming Army has not even uniformed its soldiers in uniforms. It just requires everyone to wear red clothes, dark trousers, and red headscarves as much as possible.

Not to mention the surrendered troops of the forward battalion!
Ming Dynasty only asked them to cut off their braids and put on the iconic red turban. Other than that, they were not required to change into military uniforms.

The Ming Dynasty has not even unified the military uniforms of its own soldiers, so it is naturally impossible to waste energy on helping a group of surrendered soldiers design and produce uniform military uniforms.

Therefore, a group of surrendered soldiers did not deliberately change their military uniforms, but still wore their previous green camp jackets.

From a distance, it looks quite neat!

Looking at the Ming army reinforcements who looked at the formation in the distance and knew they were quite elite, and then looking back at the loose formation on his own side, He Gui subconsciously took a breath of air and then spoke.

"The soldiers of Ming thieves are really elite, and they are not comparable to ordinary thieves."

"If it weren't for the strength advantage of our imperial army, I would not have fought with them in the wild."

Looking at the neat formation of the Ming army on the opposite side, He Gui actually felt a little regretful now.

I regret that I should not have led troops to fight against the Ming army!
However, now that the Ming army has pressed forward, it is already too late for him to lead his troops back to the camp and hold on.

The troops in He Gui's hands are now very chaotic. There are green battalions and militia groups, each with its own affiliation, and they are almost all a mob.

If they want to retreat safely when there is an enemy threat, this ragtag group cannot do it.

Once they were chased and killed by the Ming army during the retreat, the collapse of the army would only happen in an instant.

Now all He Gui can do is to bite the bullet and face the Ming army reinforcements.

He now only hopes that the Ming army in front of him is just a show, and its real combat effectiveness is far less than what they are showing now...

Otherwise, he is afraid that he will suffer a defeat!


The distance between the two sides keeps getting closer, 1000 meters, 800 meters, 500 meters...

The two sides are getting closer and closer!

Liu Mingyou raised his telescope and looked at the Qing army array outside Xunzhou City in the distance.

Looking at the loose formation of the Qing army, Liu Mingyou sneered disdainfully and said to Xie Gao beside him.

"The Qing army's array is loose, and most of them are militiamen who have trained bravely. If they retreat into the camp and stick to it, our army may have to use some hands and feet to wipe them out."

"But the generals of the Qing army chose to pull out their troops to fight with our army. Haha, this is asking for death."

The troops under his command have seen the world.

Both sides in the Ming and Qing Dynasties participated in several field battles involving tens of thousands of people!
The enemies they faced included elites like Du Biao and Fu Biao, and even the legendary "invincible" Eight Banners. They had all fought against them before.

Although the legendary Eight Banners soldiers are invincible, their actual combat effectiveness is very poor, and their performance is not even as good as that of the Green Camp soldiers...

It was once difficult to deal with the vast sea, but now that I have seen the elite of the Qing army.

So, the Ming army naturally looked down upon the army in front of them, which was composed of ordinary green battalions and militia groups.

Although the number of soldiers and horses of the Qing army in front of me seems to be far greater than that of the Ming army, the number of soldiers is better than that of the Ming army. This principle is universal in ancient and modern times.

Otherwise, what kind of war would we be fighting? It would just be a matter of counting heads!
Hearing this, Xie Gao also spoke.

"What the Marquis said is reasonable. Our army will definitely be able to defeat the Qing army in front of us in this battle, regain the lost territory of your county, and avenge General Han."

When talking about revenge for Han Sigu, Xie Gao's face was obviously excited.

Because among the current Ming army generals, the one with the best relationship with Han Sigu is Xie Gao.

Before the Ming Dynasty launched its army, the relationship between the two was quite close.

At that time, Han Sigu was the leader of the Zhu family's servants, and Xie Gao was his deputy.

The two of them are like brothers, and they often sleep together.

Therefore, this time Liu Mingyou led a team to reinforce Xunzhou Prefecture, Xie Gao took the initiative to ask for a battle and asked to lead troops to accompany the army.

Just to help Han Sigu take revenge!

Liu Mingyou nodded after hearing this.

"Good talk!"

After saying this, he gave instructions to the messenger on the side.

"Send an order to the artillery unit. The enemy is nearly 300 meters away. The artillery team presses forward and fires three rounds of rapid fire to attack the Qing army's array."

"Send the order to the forward battalion. After the bombardment is over, immediately launch a strong attack on the frontal battlefield and destroy the enemy's array. There must be no mistakes!"

When the ordering soldiers heard this, they clasped their fists and left.

The next moment, the rumble of artillery fire echoed across the battlefield.

Before the infantry of the Ming Army entered the scene, the artillery started roaring.

Type 65 field guns and Type 90 field guns were mounted on special artillery carts and pushed to the front line of the battlefield.

The muzzle began to spit out gunpowder smoke.

Thick smoke erupted from the muzzle and quickly spread, obscuring the view of both warring parties.

The black solid shells hit the ground heavily, throwing up clouds of smoke and dust.

Then he jumped forward and tore the bodies of three or four Qing soldiers to pieces. Only then did his strength run out and he fell to the ground spinning.

Li Quan, who was wearing a green camp coat and holding a spear in his hand, stood stunned on the spot.

Looking at the black cannonball that stopped at his feet, Li Quan's legs went limp and he fell to the ground, immediately stepping down into the warmth.

Just now, he watched helplessly as the shell smashed the heads of the first row of soldiers, and pink brains sprayed everywhere.

The necks of the second row of soldiers were torn open, and the yellow trachea and white vertebrae were unusually piercing.

It penetrated the chests of the third row of soldiers, and in the large translucent holes at the front and back, the colorful internal organs were still squirming...

The fourth row of soldiers' thighs were broken, and the white bone stubble, blood-red muscles, and yellow fat... looked shocking.

The soldier with the broken leg had not yet breathed his last. He just desperately covered the wound and let out bursts of heart-rending screams.

"Help! Help me! I don't want to die!"

"My leg, my leg is gone, please help me stop the bleeding. I won't be able to survive if the blood dries up..."


PS: There is one more chapter, but at night.

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(End of this chapter)

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