Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 124: Tunnel War in the Qing Dynasty

Chapter 124: Tunnel War in the Qing Dynasty
After listening to Agui's suggestion, Qianlong closed his eyes and began to think.

Helena is really good.

He is one of the most powerful Sauron warriors in the court!

If he can mobilize Sauron's troops to go south, the situation of the war between Guangdong and Guangxi will definitely be reversed.

The only problem is that the climate in Guangdong is hot and humid, and Suolun Bing grew up in a bitterly cold place outside the Pass. I wonder if he can adapt to the climate in Guangdong?
However, after a while, Qianlong finally made up his mind and gave instructions.

"Prepare to draft an edict to appoint Hailancha as the Imperial Envoy. He will lead Sauron's troops south to Guangdong and Guangxi, coordinate military affairs in Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, and prepare for the suppression of bandits..."

Seeing this, everyone bowed down one after another.

"My emperor is wise! I, my servants/slaves, obey your orders!"

Qianlong thought about it. In the battle of Burma, Sauron's soldiers were able to mobilize to participate in the war.

No matter how humid and hot the climate in Guangdong is, it is still better than that in Myanmar.

Solon Bing could withstand the climate in Myanmar back then, so there is no reason why he can't stand the climate in Guangdong now.

It’s nothing more than getting sick and killing a bunch of people!

But when did the Qing court care about the lives of Sauron soldiers?
The real foundation of the Qing Dynasty has always been the Eight Banners. There is actually no difference between the Sauron soldiers and the Green Camp. They are all cannon fodder.

No matter how many casualties there are, it will not damage the foundation of the Qing Dynasty, so it doesn't matter.


Guangxi, Xunzhou Prefecture!

He Gui, the Nanning commander of the Qing court, was organizing the Qing army to launch another attack on the capital city of Xuzhou.

Shouts of killing resounded across the battlefield!
Outside the city of Xuzhou Prefecture, the dark Qing army and the militia organized by the gentry of Xuzhou Prefecture, totaling about 2 people, were launching an attack on the city of Xuzhou Prefecture.


"Long live the Qing Dynasty!"

"Put down thieves and eliminate rebellion, and serve the emperor."


Stimulated by the huge rewards promised by the gentry, the militia soldiers rushed towards Xunzhou Mansion in a mighty manner.


Outside the Qing army camp, the sound of artillery rumbled.

Several wrought iron cannons were lined up in a row, pointing in the direction of Xunzhou Fucheng, spitting out thick smoke.

Listening to the rumble of artillery from behind, the morale of the militia at the front became even higher.

In this era, artillery is the courage of infantry. Listening to the roar of one's own artillery, even the weakest soldiers can muster the courage to fight.

But it is very obvious that although the artillery fire of the Qing army is lively, they are all firing blanks.

Only the sound of gunfire and gunpowder smoke were seen, but no projectiles were seen at all.

The city wall of Xunzhou Fucheng is not even damaged at all!

The reason for this is also very helpless, because the Qing army does not have heavy artillery for siege.

The wrought-iron cannons equipped by the green battalion soldiers had limited range and power. When used to attack the city, they were just fun at best.

The actual effect is almost completely non-existent!
But this did not prevent the militiamen from getting excited after hearing the sound of cannons, and rushed towards the capital of Xunzhou with roars.

However, the militiamen were only halfway through the charge when they saw several balls of fire and gunpowder smoke rising from the front and back of the city of Xunzhou Prefecture.

The rumbling sound of artillery shelling then rang in everyone's ears, and at the same time, several black artillery shells burst through the air, making waves of roars.

The heavy shells rolled and spun, passing among the militia's array.

In an instant, broken limbs were flying and blood was spilled.

Several militiamen were torn apart by flying shells.

In front of the heavy shells, the human body is like a delicate building block that falls apart at the touch of a touch. The scene is shocking.

The moment the Ming army's artillery sounded, twenty or thirty artillery shells poured into the Qing army's array.

Altogether, there were 80 casualties.

In an instant, the vigilante group that had been roaring and rushing towards Xunzhou Mansion collapsed.

It was difficult for these civilians, who had hardly experienced any military training before being incited by the gentry and landlords to rebel, to muster the courage to face the black muzzle of the gun.

Seeing the militia defeated again, He Gui was not angry.

Because, he has seen a scene similar to today's scene many times during this period of time.

Already used to it!

When one's own artillery fires, the militiamen rush forward screaming, but when the enemy's artillery fires, the militiamen retreat at the first touch...

Apart from the corpses left all over the ground, there were no other achievements.

Seeing the militia defeated, He Gui issued an order as if he had completed his mission.

"Send the order, withdraw the troops and return to camp, and fight again tomorrow!"

Seeing the commander-in-chief's order to withdraw the troops, the generals of the Qing army and the leaders of the militia groups, who would not obey, all responded to the order, and then turned around to withdraw the troops.

Soon, the Qing troops who were still in dense formation outside Xunzhou Prefecture withdrew their camp, and the outside of Xunzhou Prefecture became deserted.


In Xunzhou Prefecture City!
Ming army guard Huang Yuande watched the Qing army retreat outside the city, but he still frowned.

Because he doesn't know what kind of medicine is being sold in the gourd of the Qing army now!

It has been about ten days, and the Qing army has been like this every day.

They launched attacks on Xunzhou Mansion at regular intervals and retreated after encountering slight setbacks.

Wait until the same time the next day, and then continue to attack Xunzhou Mansion!

The Qing army fought like this, and there were not many casualties, but it was useless.

If the Qing army expected to rely on such a siege method to break through Xunzhou Prefecture, Huang Yuande could only say that they were overthinking.

With this kind of fighting method, even if the Qing army fought for ten or eight years, it was absolutely impossible to capture Xunzhou Mansion.

Therefore, Huang Yuande is now wondering what kind of medicine the Qing army is selling in the gourd.

What exactly is the Qing army trying to do with this style of play?

He Gui and his party returned to the military camp. As soon as He Gui entered the tent, he summoned the generals in the army and the leaders of various militia groups to discuss matters.

After everyone took their seats, He Gui asked.

"How is the tunnel digging of our army going? When will it be able to reach Xunzhou City?"

Just after arriving outside the city of Xunzhou Prefecture, He Gui organized a storm. After seeing that Xunzhou Prefecture was easy to defend and difficult to attack, He Gui gave up his plan to storm Xunzhou Prefecture.

After thinking for a long time, He Gui decided to attack Xunzhou Mansion by digging tunnels.

Well, it's just digging tunnels instead of using explosives to attack the city.

He Gui failed to think of this.

It just so happened that there were many miners in his militia.

Even if He Guidang decided to let the miners dig the tunnel, after the tunnel was dug, the army would directly enter Xunzhou City through the tunnel.

Use this to break through the fortified city of Xunzhou Prefecture!

During this period of time, the Qing army's attack on Xunzhou Fucheng was, to put it bluntly, a feint attack to attract the attention of the defenders.

To prevent the Ming army defenders in the city from discovering that the Qing army was digging tunnels.

After He Gui finished speaking, a Qing army general who was responsible for supervising and managing tunnel excavation matters spoke.

"If we go back to the military gate, our army's tunnel is almost dug!"

"I guess it will only be a matter of a day or two!"

Seeing this, He Gui nodded with satisfaction.

"If that's the case, then pass on the order and let the soldiers prepare to fight."

"Call the whole army, if they can capture Xunzhou Prefecture this time, I will allow them to plunder the city of Xunzhou Prefecture for three days as a reward."

When everyone in the tent heard this, they all clasped their fists in response.Everyone's faces were filled with joy and they couldn't help but cheer.

To be honest, in the Qing Dynasty, the life of the green camp soldiers was actually very difficult.

The royalties issued by the imperial court each year were limited, and the capital would be flooded, and the governors below would also have to profit from it.

In addition, the military leaders below are eating empty pay and drinking the blood of soldiers.

The days when I was a green camp soldier in the Qing Dynasty are not necessarily comparable to the guards soldiers in the late Ming Dynasty.

Especially in poor places like Guangxi, the income of the adults there is not as much as in wealthy places such as Jiangnan, Guangdong, so it is inevitable to take advantage of them, the miserable Green Camp soldiers.

As a result, the lives of the Green Camp soldiers were even more miserable.

Now that they heard that they could make a fortune after the war, the Qing army would be very excited.

Seeing this, He Gui also nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, okay, everyone, let's start preparing for war!"

"I believe that as long as we can achieve results here, the imperial court will not treat us badly."

Now He Ming is relatively content.

Now the Qing Dynasty's war situation in Guangdong and Guangxi is almost completely ruined.

Only He Gui gained a certain advantage in Xunzhou Prefecture and launched a beautiful counterattack against the Ming thieves.

Even if the Ming thief suffered few casualties, only a few hundred people.

But for the Qing court's war situation in Guangdong and Guangxi, He Gui's counterattack is definitely a standout!

The political significance is far greater than the practical significance!

With the war situation in Guangdong and Guangxi completely collapsed, no matter how small the victory He Gui achieved, it would be infinitely amplified and publicized by the Qing government.

Without him, even if it was to boost military morale, the Qing court would definitely do this.

He Gui felt that if he could break through Xunzhou Mansion, break into the hinterland of the Ming thieves, and make another breakthrough in the battle, his name might appear on the emperor's desk.

He Gui's performance is so outstanding, as long as he can be noticed by the emperor, his future future will be unlimited.

Thinking about his future as a general, He Gui was filled with excitement!

The next day, He Gui just woke up and received a piece of good news.

The tunnel leading to Xunzhou City has been dug!

From the Qing army's camp, it goes straight into Xunzhou City.

He Gui was immediately overjoyed and ordered.

"Send an order to the whole army to kill pigs and sheep and reward the whole army."

"Then, launch an attack on Xunzhou Mansion!"

"The success or failure of our army depends on this battle!"

Hearing this, the soldier next to him, Geshiha, clasped his fists and went to deliver the order.

Soon, the news spread throughout the entire army, and everyone in the Qing army began to get excited.

Get ready to make rice!

After breakfast, the Qing army left the camp and headed towards Xunzhou Mansion.

In order to protect his elite troops from entering the city of Xunzhou through tunnels, He Gui also arranged for men to launch a feint attack toward the city of Xunzhou as a routine matter.

However, this time it was no longer a feint attack, but a serious attack.

At the same time, He Gui also ordered his elite troops to enter the tunnel and search into the Xunzhou Mansion.

He attempted to take this opportunity to attack the capital of Xunzhou from both inside and outside.


"Kill the thieves and quell the rebellion, and serve the Qing Dynasty!"


The militiamen shouted to kill and headed towards the capital city of Xunzhou.

Along with it, there was the sound of artillery fire from both the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The black militia group rushed towards Xunzhou Fucheng, and the Ming army's artillery also started roaring as usual.

Amidst the rumbling sound of shelling, shells fell one after another towards the militia's array, plowing ravines in the militia's array.

It's just that this ravine is made up of broken internal organs, broken bodies, and countless broken limbs!
The scene is shocking!

After this round of shelling, the Ming army's gunners subconsciously stopped their movements and began to look at the Qing army outside the city of Xunzhou Prefecture.

Some people even started betting on how long it would take for the Qing army to retreat!
Some say a quarter of an hour, some say two cups of tea, and the atmosphere is more relaxed.

However, under the watchful eye of the Ming army, the Qing army's siege troops did not retreat directly after a round of shelling.

Instead of retreating directly, they began to move faster and faster, carrying the ladder and rushing towards Xunzhou Fucheng.

The Ming army was stunned for a while, but then they came to their senses.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"The Tatar soldiers are coming! This is a strong attack, not a feint attack."

"The shelling continues, quick, quick, quick, the shelling continues, the city defense artillery starts firing rapidly!"


Huang Yuande shouted at the top of his lungs, asking the Ming army's artillery to continue firing.

A black solid bullet flew in the air.

Everywhere they passed, lives were harvested to their heart's content. Facing the dense infantry array, the solid artillery shells almost formed a whole column at a time. The scene was extremely horrifying.

The rumbling sound of artillery fire continued. When the Qing army approached [-] steps below the city of Xunzhou City, the Ming army's artillery fire changed from solid bullets to shotgun shells.

Compared with solid bullets, shotgun shells have a more obvious killing effect on dense infantry arrays.

Thick volleys of projectiles passed through the infantry array, and the sound of cracking flesh was heard.

In the blink of an eye, the Qing army's array was cleared of a circle with a diameter of more than ten meters by shotguns.

Within this circle, there are almost no living people.

A famous Qing soldier was beaten into a sieve by densely packed shotguns...

For a time, the Qing army's offensive could not help but stagnate.

As long as the Qing army failed to change the cold weapon era and the infantry adopted a dense array combat mentality, their casualties in the face of firearms would not be reduced.

However, at this moment, a riot broke out in Xunzhou City.

A Qing soldier armed with a knife came out of the tunnel and killed people and looted things. While burning, killing and looting, these Qing soldiers continued to set fires and expand the commotion.

Huang Yuande turned his head and looked into the city. Seeing the raging fire and the spreading commotion in the city, the expression on his face was somewhat frozen.

Looking back at the Qing troops swarming outside the city, he couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

Fang Kunzheng on the side asked with a trembling voice.

" can this be good?"

"Tatar soldiers have entered the city, General Huang, what should we do?"

A clear layer of cold sweat broke out on Huang Yuande's forehead, but he forced himself to regain his composure.

Turning around, Fang Kunzheng roared.

"Prefect Fang, calm down!!"

"Calm down! Don't be afraid!!!"

"There are only a small number of Tatar soldiers sneaking into the city now. They will not affect the overall situation. I will send people to suppress them now. Everything will be fine."

"Prefect Fang, all you need to do now is to appease the people and control the spread of the riot. I will be in charge of the war, so you don't have to worry about it!"

"Believe me, Xunzhou Mansion cannot be lost!"


(End of this chapter)

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