Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 117 One person is full and the whole family is not hungry

Chapter 117

After Guangxi received the news that the Ming Army had won a great victory in the Eastern Expedition and Guangdong had changed hands.

Only three to five days had passed when Fulong'an, the Qing imperial minister who was in Yongzhou, Hunan, also received an urgent report from Guangdong on a fast horse.

Looking at the news in the emergency report that Guangzhou was defeated, the governor of Guangdong, the governor of Guangdong and other important officials were martyred, and all the eight banners of Guangzhou fell into the hands of Ming thieves, Fulongan's face was suddenly filled with panic.

"It's changed!"

"Now, things are going to change in the Southern Kingdom!"

Muttering something about how things were going to change, Fulongan slumped down on his chair, his face full of solemnity.

Because he could realize how significant the fall of Guangzhou and the Eight Banners of Guangzhou into the hands of Ming thieves would have a significant impact on the world situation.

You know, even during the San Francisco Rebellion that endangered the Qing Dynasty and almost forced the court to withdraw from the customs several times, there was no precedent for the Qing Dynasty to capture tens of thousands of bannermen at one time by Wu thieves.

Now, the invincible fig leaf of the Eight Banners is about to be torn off!
Once there is no threat from the invincible Eight Banners soldiers, among the tens of thousands of Han people in the world, who knows how many will be called orphans and how many will be called kings?

This rebellion that started in Guangxi might become another San Francisco Rebellion!

The imperial court needs to gather the best people from all over the world to pacify the situation.

"Lord Fu, the war situation in Guangdong is in ruins. How should we, the Qing Dynasty, deal with it next?"

The person who asked the question was Yan Xishen, the governor of Hunan in the Qing Dynasty.

(PS: I don’t know if it’s right to call Fulongan Master Fu. If I call him by his surname, he should be Master Fucha, but it’s a bit awkward. It’s the same as calling him Master Heshenhe, so I might as well call him Master Fu.)
Yan Xishen is from Guangdong, and he is the one who cares most about the war in Guangdong.

how to say?

Now Yan Xishen's mood is very tangled, he is afraid that his family will suffer, and he is also afraid that his family will not suffer.

The Qing Dynasty has always had a rule for officials to work in different places. Generally, the family members of officials will not be taken with them, but will be resettled in their hometown.

Yan Xishen, as the governor of Hunan, is naturally no exception.

Naturally, his family members cannot stay with him, but have to stay in their hometown in Guangdong.

Now there is a high probability that it will fall into the hands of Ming thieves.

Then, Yan Xishen is now in quite a dilemma.

If any of his family members surrender to thieves, the court will probably not spare him, the governor of Hunan, lightly.

But if his family members don't surrender to the thieves, then Yan Xishen may have to eat alone in the future, and the whole family will not be hungry.

Well, dead people don’t need to eat, so of course they won’t be hungry anymore.

Hearing this, Fulongan's face became even more tangled.

"The thieves in Guangdong are now arrogant. If I stand still and watch the thieves wreak havoc in Guangdong and Guangdong, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain to the court."

"However, if we want to send troops south to Guangdong and Guangxi to quell the bandits, I really have no guarantee of victory."

"If the provincial coalition forces led by this officer are defeated by the Ming thieves again, the thieves' power may become completely uncontrollable."

While Fulong'an was speaking, he looked at everyone in the hall with probing eyes, as if he was asking for everyone's opinions.

After hearing this, Weng Zhaolin, the admiral of Hunan, stood up and said.

"Your Excellency, or the general, it is best for you to write to the imperial court immediately and request the imperial court to issue an order to mobilize troops from Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other provinces to jointly attack Guangdong and Guangxi."

"Or we can simply dispatch the Eight Banners of the Capital and the elites of the Northwest Green Battalion to go south to suppress the bandits."

"Before the imperial edict to mobilize troops is issued, the most important thing you should do is to avoid unnecessary wars, guard the Shaoguan key road, and preserve your strength to prevent the spread of the thieves."

"When the Qing Dynasty mobilizes heavy troops to encircle and suppress Guangdong and Guangxi, the chaos in Guangdong and Guangxi will be quelled."

Weng Zhaolin is a veteran general who has participated in a series of battles to suppress the traitors, including pacifying Hezhuo and Zhuo, strangling the remnants of Zhungeer, and encircling and suppressing Jinchuan and Xiaojinchuan.

He accumulated merits along the way and reached the rank of admiral of a province.

An absolute veteran and battlefield veteran, Fulongan relied heavily on such a veteran.

Facing Weng Zhaolin's suggestion, Fulongan couldn't help but lower his head and ponder.

But after a moment, he raised his head and spoke firmly.

"I know that what Weng Junmen said is reasonable, but I cannot adopt Weng Junmen's strategy."

"Now there is only one choice before me, and that is to lead the army south, go to Guangdong and Guangxi, and quell the rebellion of the Ming thieves."

Weng Zhaolin is just a general, so when he considers problems, he only needs to consider them purely from a military perspective.

The outcome of the war is the most important thing in his eyes.

But Fulongan can't.

Fulong'an is an imperial envoy, and he also needs to consider the political influence.

You know, he was ordered by the emperor to join forces from several provinces and take charge of the suppression of bandits in Guangdong and Guangxi.

Suppressing thieves was the task assigned to him by the emperor.

It cannot be said that because the thieves were powerful, he did not go in to suppress them, but just sat back and watched Guangxi and Guangxi fall into the hands of the thieves.

Tens of thousands of nationalities sitting and watching the Eight Banners in Guangzhou were murdered by Ming thieves!

There is no such truth!
Therefore, there is actually only one choice before Fulongan.

That is to face the difficulties and send troops to suppress the thieves.

Otherwise, even if his aunt is the late Empress Fucha who is the most favored by the current emperor, the emperor may still use his head of Fulong'an to commemorate the murdered Eight Banners of Guangzhou.

After all, those are tens of thousands of bannermen!
If these tens of thousands of bannermen were really killed and brutally destroyed at the hands of Ming thieves, then the fate of the Qing Dynasty would really change.

The consequences are disastrous!
Hearing this, Weng Zhaolin thought for a while, then nodded with understanding.

"My lord is right!"

As a veteran who has been in the officialdom for most of his life, Weng Zhaolin can understand the choice Fulongan made.

If he were placed in Fulong'an's current position, he would probably have to make the same choice as Fulongan.

After pondering for a while, Weng Zhaolin asked.

"I wonder how your lord is going to fight this battle?"

Fulongan pondered for a while, and then said without any hesitation.

"The army marched straight in to recapture Guangzhou!"

From a purely military perspective, war should avoid the real and attack the weak.

According to the current situation in Guangdong and Guangxi, the Qing army should attack Guangxi where the Ming army is relatively empty.

Not Guangdong, where the main force of the Ming Army’s Eastern Expedition gathered!

However, the problem is that Fulongan cannot do things purely from a military perspective now.

Due to political considerations, if Fulong'an wanted to invade Guangdong and Guangdong with his army, his first choice would be to regain Guangzhou.

Because Guangzhou is now the capital of Guangdong and Guangxi, and its political significance is extremely important.

If Fulong'an could not regain Guangzhou, even if he could capture Xunzhou Prefecture, which was first occupied by the Ming army, he would not be able to restore the Qing government's weakness in Guangdong and Guangxi.The veteran Weng Zhaolin originally wanted to say something more, but in the end he fell silent because he knew that Fulongan actually had no choice.

All Fulongan can do now is to fight against Guangzhou!
If Guangzhou could be recaptured, the Qing Dynasty would be able to gain back a foothold in Guangdong and Guangxi.

If not, it will not only ruin the war situation in Guangdong and Guangxi.

Seeing this, Zhao Deshun, the commander-in-chief of Hengzhou, stood up and said.

"I would like to report to you, Your Majesty the Imperial Envoy, that I am willing to be the vanguard of the army, and take advantage of the Ming bandits' new occupation of Guangzhou and their unstable foothold to regain the lost territory for the imperial court."

Seeing this, Xu Tai, the commander-in-chief of Chenzhou, also spoke.

"The last general is also willing to be the vanguard of the army!"

Sanbao, the governor of Huguang, said.

"Master Fu, there is no rush to send out the army for the time being. The grain and grass that I previously transported from Hubei have arrived at Dongting Lake and will be transported to the front line soon."

"When the food and grass arrive, it will not be too late for the army to go on the expedition."

Hunan Governor Yan Yan Xishen also spoke.

"I have transferred a Zhengan soldier from Zhengan Town to Yongzhou. I hope that the elite soldiers from Zhengan Town can help the imperial court to quell the rebels."

Zhengan Town is located at the junction of Hunan and Guizhou and is a multi-ethnic area.

The local area has poor mountains and rivers, lack of resources, and complex ethnic composition. Therefore, the folk customs are fierce and large-scale armed fights often occur.

The Zhengan soldiers were elites trained in weapon fighting, and their quality may not be much worse than the Northwest Green Camp and the Sauron soldiers outside the pass, which the Qing government relied on as the Great Wall.

In the south, they are definitely a strong force that can be counted on!
When Fulongan heard this, he couldn't help but look happy, clapped his hands and laughed.

"Haha, if the imperial army can rely on the Zhengan soldiers in this battle, they will definitely be able to break the rebel army and reverse the situation in Guangdong and Guangxi."


Guangzhou City!
After several days of hard work, the Ming army finally cleared away the Qing rebels in Guangzhou.

After the Ming army posted notices to calm the people and sent troops to maintain order, public security in Guangzhou was gradually restored.

The hundreds of heads of green-skinned gangsters who wanted to take advantage of the chaos and disrupt public order in Guangzhou hanging on the city wall were the first gift from the Ming Dynasty to the people of Guangzhou.

This day was the day when the main force of the Ming army officially entered Guangzhou City.

Under the organization of the Tiandihui, the gentry and common people in Guangzhou came to both sides of the road, holding banners, waving small flags, carrying wine, meat and food, and preparing pots of wine to welcome Master Wang into the city.

Zhu Jing'an has always attached great importance to this sense of ritual that can boost the morale of the army.

Because he knows that many times a sense of ritual is actually quite necessary.

For example, when MLM organizations brainwash new victims, the most common method they use is the ritual of collective shouting.

For example, he organized people to gather on both sides of the road to eat pots of pulp to welcome the king. Zhu Jing'an would not let go of such a beneficial and cost-effective ritual.

Amid shouts of long live the mountain, the Ming army began to enter the city.

A famous sergeant raised his head and chest, enjoying the cheers of the people around him and the eyes full of awe and admiration.

Among the Ming army entering the city, a large number of prisoners of war were escorted.

A group of Eight Banners soldiers were tied up in groups of ten and walked into the city of Guangzhou under the gaze of countless Guangzhou people.

The cotton armor, flags, etc. that can prove the identity of these Eight Banners people are also placed on the carriage nearby and are publicly displayed for everyone to see.

Zhu Jing'an's intention was very clear. He wanted to tear off the Manchu Qing Dynasty's fake skin that "the Eight Banners are less than ten thousand, and the Manchus are invincible" in front of the world.

Let everyone in the world see what this invincible Eight Banners soldier is like.

On both sides of the road, the onlookers who came to watch the excitement looked at the scene in front of them. Looking at the Eight Banners soldiers who used to be proud but now looked disgraced, they began to point and talk.

"Hey, isn't this the Eight Banners Mandarin? Why are you acting like this now?"

"I thought how powerful the soldiers of the Eight Banners were, but I didn't expect that they were just like that. In one battle, the Ming Dynasty captured thousands of them alive."

"Now that the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers of the Manchus are no longer good, it is no longer their turn for the Manchus to take over the world."

"Yes, yes. From now on, we won't have to be his Manchurian slaves anymore."

"Resist the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty! Long live the Ming Dynasty!"


Of course, the reason why the people watching spoke so directly to the essence, there is no doubt that there are indeed shills arranged by Zhu Jing'an in the crowd to heckle and set the pace.

Otherwise, the topic would not be so smooth and would veer in the direction of opposing the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Jing'an rode into the city on a war horse, enjoying the awe-inspiring looks of the people around him and the cheers of the people in Guangzhou.

At this moment, the sense of honor that victory can bring directly swelled to its peak.

At this moment, Zhu Jing'an even felt as if he could control everything.


After the grand entrance ceremony, Zhu Jing'an entered the residence of the former Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in the Qing Dynasty, and changed the plaque of the Governor's Palace of Guangdong and Guangxi to the words "Dadu Governor's Palace".

After Zhu Jing'an settled down, the first order he issued was to confiscate his home and confiscate all the banner properties of the Eight Banners in Guangzhou.

The Ming army captured Guangzhou and was victorious in the Eastern Expedition. Naturally, it was necessary to reward the participating troops based on their merits.

Whether it's a reward of silver or a grant of land, it's all necessary.

As for explaining where the silver rewarded by the army and the acres of land came from?

Of course it is produced in Qitian Banner of the Eight Banners of Guangzhou!
Rebellion, to put it bluntly, is a process of redistribution of interests.

That is to say, the interests belonging to the original ruling class must be confiscated and distributed to the new ruling class that follows them in rebellion.

In this case, it is naturally impossible for Zhu Jing'an to let go of the Qitian Banner property of the Eight Banners in Guangzhou!
In addition, Zhu Jing'an's second order was to seal off the Thirteenth Line, so that no one in the Thirteenth Line could escape.

Before the Duck War, the Thirteen Industries monopolized [-]% of China's foreign trade.

In addition, China in this era has the largest trade surplus in the world.

Gold, silver and precious metals from all over Europe, and even the world, are flowing into China.

It is conceivable how much gold and silver the Thirteen Lines of this era has accumulated.

Even the operators of the Thirteenth Industry need to hand over a large portion of their annual profits to the nobles in the capital for protection.

Thirteen lines can definitely be called a rich sentence.

With such a fat sheep in front of him, Zhu Jing'an couldn't bear to let them run away.

If he really let the big fat sheep like Thirteen Lines get away, Zhu Jing'an might not be able to help but give himself a slap in the face.

In fact, Zhu Jing'an's plan for the Thirteenth Line was not just for their money.

Still plotting against their people!
In the current context of the Qing Dynasty's isolation from the country, the Thirteen Banks, which are chartered to do business with foreign countries, have a large number of talents who are extremely rare for China in this era and can master foreign languages...

(End of this chapter)

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