Chapter 116 Sugar-coated Cannonballs
When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he laughed heartily.

"In that case, then I will first give Hall Master Fang a title of Marquis, plus the title of Commander-in-Chief."

Hearing this, Fang Yuan looked excited and bowed down.

"I will finally thank you for your grace, Grand Governor!"

"The kindness of the Grand Governor will be unforgettable forever. In this life, I am willing to be the Grand Governor and fight for the great Ming Dynasty, even if I die."

Fang Yuan knew what being a general officer meant in the Ming army.

The current establishment of the Ming army is the largest one at the military level, and the chief officer is the chief military officer.

He can command tens of thousands of soldiers, and his position is absolutely high and powerful.

Fang Yuan never expected that Zhu Jing'an could give him a general military officer.

He thought that since he failed to win the battle of Guangzhou well, Zhu Jing'an could only give him a general at most.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Jing'an was so generous with his rewards!

How should I put it? To Zhu Jing'an, Fang Yuan was the kind of shareholder who brought capital into the group.

Naturally, he cannot be stingy with this kind of shareholder!

Not to mention, the current Ming Dynasty is still in the early stage of raising troops.

During this period, you must not be stingy with the official title you should give.

As for the matter of being unable to seal, that is not an issue that he needs to consider now.

What Zhu Jing'an needs to consider now is to win over Fang Yuan, the "shareholder", and let him play the role of buying horse bones for a thousand dollars.

We can talk about the rest later!
Don’t forget, Fang Yuan is a member of the Heaven and Earth Society.

If Zhu Jing'an valued him and rewarded him, he would definitely attract more heroes from the Heaven and Earth Society to come and vote.

The Tiandihui has a very deep mass base in the eighteen provinces of Han Dynasty.

Especially in the Guangdong, Guangxi, and Fujian areas in the south, the power of the Tiandi Society is even more deeply rooted. At least half of the men among the people are inextricably linked to the Tiandi Society.

For such an important person, Zhu Jing'an would not treat him badly.

If the Heaven and Earth Council can be used well, Ming Dynasty's wars in various parts of the south will definitely be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Thinking about this, Zhu Jing'an added.

"This governor has given General Fang the establishment of an army. Soldiers and officers can be recruited and appointed by General Fang on his own."

"The imperial court will issue the money, food and weapons needed for the army according to its establishment!"

"General Bing Fang doesn't have to worry about how to raise the money and food needed for the army."

Zhu Jing'an's meaning is very clear, the soldiers are yours, but the money, food and weapons needed for the army come from the Ming Dynasty.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan bowed down with even more excitement.

"I will finally thank you for your grace, Grand Governor!"

"I would like to serve as the great governor!"

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly, then helped Fang Yuan up again, and then spoke.

"You don't need to be polite, General Fang. You made great contributions in the Ming Dynasty's capture of Guangzhou. Naturally, the court will not treat you badly."

"Just accept the reward the imperial court has given you."

The Ming Dynasty provided money, food and weapons to help Fang Yuan raise his troops. On the surface, it seemed to be a reward from the imperial court to Fang Yuan.

But in fact, this is also a sugar-coated bullet.

Because Zhu Jing'an always understood that if an army cannot solve the problem of supplying money, food and weapons by itself, then it will always be under the control of the court.

Unless the situation in the world evolves into what happened in the late Ming Dynasty, the imperial court will only have Guan Ningjun, who can only fight.

Otherwise, no matter how domineering this army is, it can only be regarded as a mountain in the army, and will not become a warlord with a big tail.

What you need to know is that although the Liaodong generals in the early days of Chongzhen were domineering and respected their own interests, they were still obedient.

The imperial court's military orders can mobilize them!
It was not until the Songjin War in the 15th year of Chongzhen that the elites of the Ming Dynasty were wiped out and the Guan Ning Army became "indispensable", and they actually became warlords.

Before that, the Ming court used methods to control Guan Ning's army. To put it bluntly, it was the supply of money and food.


The Ming army began to control Guangzhou City and improve order in Guangzhou City.

A Qing army prisoner of war was put under centralized custody. After the Green Camp prisoners were frightened by being executed on the [-]th, the remaining prisoners had their braids cut off and were incorporated into the forward camp.

When the next war breaks out, the Ming army will drive them in front of the battle to lead the army and serve as cannon fodder.

The Eight Banners soldiers and their families were separately screened out!

The Eight Banners soldiers were counted one by one and prepared for subsequent disposal.

The families of the Eight Banners soldiers were imprisoned in a centralized manner. Later, people would be sent to identify the women of childbearing age and distribute them to meritorious soldiers as wives.

As for whether there are any hidden dangers in doing so...

It cannot be said that there is absolutely nothing wrong, but to be honest, the hidden dangers are really minimal.

Because, from a biological instinct point of view, most women have nothing to do with the country and the nation. It is women's instinct to rely on the strong to survive.

Just like a pride of lions on the grassland, if you encounter a more powerful lion king, the one who insists on fighting until the end will only be the male individual of the original group.

Lionesses may also resist for the sake of their cubs, but most lionesses will not resist to the end.

After the male individuals in the population are defeated, most of them will choose to surrender to the new lion king and give birth to offspring for the new lion king.

This is the nature of animals!
And humans, to put it bluntly, are just advanced animals.

The position of young and strong men is the same as that of the male lions in the pride. The survival of the country (population) is closely related to them.

Without a nation (population), young men cannot survive, let alone reproduce and pass on their genes.

Therefore, young and strong men are the foundation of a nation.

If all the young and strong males of a nation die, then the nation will also perish.

It is really easy for the remaining women to digest it.

As for the remaining infertile old, weak, women and children in the Eight Banners, Zhu Jing'an had other plans.

He planned to use these Eight Banners old and weak people to fill the Qing's trenches.

Just as the Manchus and Qing Dynasties drove Han people in front of the battle lines, filling trenches with earth and using them as cannon fodder, Zhu Jing'an would do the same to these bannermen.

It can be regarded as karma!

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief that our army has wiped out more than [-] bannermen in Guangzhou City."

"The number of Eight Banners soldiers is roughly more than [-], and the rest are old, weak, women and children."

"Among them, there are approximately 6000 bannermen women of childbearing age, all of whom have been relocated and prepared to reward meritorious soldiers after the war."

Zhang Jin came to report to Zhu Jing'an.

Zhu Jing'an nodded slightly and then asked.

"How many prisoners of war were captured in the Green Camp?"

Zhang Jin took out a report, opened it, and then spoke.

"Our army captured approximately [-] Green Camp soldiers in Guangzhou City."

"Raise the bid, raise the bid, Guangzhou's city defense camp is among them."

God Zhu Jing'an took a deep breath and nodded with satisfaction.

After this battle, the main force of the Qing army in Guangdong Province was defeated by him.

The remaining Qing troops are just a scattered mob!Not a threat!

Zhu Jing'an nodded, and then continued.

"Order people to continue cleaning up the order in Guangzhou City!"

"After the order in Guangzhou City is cleared up, I will enter the city again..."


Zhu Jing'an sent a flying pigeon message all the way west. Taking advantage of the pigeon's instinct to return home, it only took three days for the flying pigeon message to deliver the good news that the main force of the Ming army had captured Guangzhou City to Wuxuan.

At this time, Wuxuan County was in despair because of the war in the direction of Xunzhou Prefecture.

As soon as the war in Xunzhou broke out, it entered a fierce stage.

Although after the Ming Dynasty mobilized reinforcements from all parties, it successfully blocked the Qing army south of Xunzhou Mansion and stabilized the battle line.

The Qing army was not allowed to cross Xunzhou Prefecture and invade Wuxuan.

However, the war that was so close at hand still made the atmosphere at Wuxuan's side solemn and depressing.

What frightened the Ming Dynasty even more was that after the Qing army reached Xunzhou Mansion.

The counties under the jurisdiction of Xunzhou Prefecture, except for Wuxuan County, which was firmly controlled by the Ming Dynasty, basically all had more or less gentry rebellions.

Many gentry raised flags to respond to the Qing army in Xunzhou Prefecture, posing a huge threat to the Ming army.

Fortunately, after the Guixian incident, Ming Dynasty became more considerate of the local gentry.

Be prepared!
This prevented the conspiracy of those rebellious gentry from succeeding.

But even so, amid internal and external troubles, the atmosphere at Wuxuan was inevitably a little depressed.

If the Ming army had not been divided into fields, it is unclear whether the morale of the defenders on each line of defense could be stabilized.

Zhu Jianzhuo was sitting in his study, and in front of him was a sand table.

Looking at the situation map on the sand table, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Now, the battle situation in the direction of Xunzhou Mansion is not going well!"

"What's more important is that the Qing army has sent more troops to the guest, and the situation facing the guest has become tense."

"If the Qing government sends more troops to Dawei Mountain before our army's reinforcements arrive, our army will really have no troops to spare."

Zhu Jianzhuo looked at the sand table and couldn't help but sigh.

Before Zhu Jing'an led his troops to the eastward expedition, Wuxuan's remaining troops were less than 3000.

During this period, as the Ming army continued to expand, Wuxuan's remaining troops reached five thousand.

However, in the face of the continuous increase of troops by the Qing army, the Ming army dispersed its troops in Xunzhou Prefecture, Laibin, Daweishan, Wuxuan and other places.

Therefore, when facing the Qing army's attack, they were inevitably somewhat powerless.

On the front line of Xunzhou Prefecture, where the battle between the Ming and Qing Dynasties was fiercest, the defenders had asked Wu Xuan for help several times.

Wang Shun, the chief assistant on the side, heard the words and spoke to comfort him.

"Your Highness, don't worry. Haven't the Eastern Expedition Army sent troops to return for reinforcements? I believe the reinforcements will arrive soon."

"As long as our army's reinforcements arrive, Guangxi's dilemma will be solved immediately."

The problem that the Ming army is facing now is not only a shortage of troops, but also the lack of a mobile field force to serve as a firefighter to break the siege of the Qing army.

The key to breaking the situation lies in Liu Mingyou's troops who are returning reinforcements from Guangdong!
Zhu Jianzhuo sighed after hearing this, but still spoke.

"The Eastern Expedition army should not send troops to return for reinforcements. My son should still focus on the Eastern Expedition war."

"If we cannot capture Guangzhou as soon as possible and open up the situation in Guangdong, then our Ming Dynasty may be surrounded by the Qing court in Guangxi."

"Although the situation here in Wuxuan is dangerous, we can still persist. It's hard to say whether Jing'an's move to send troops back for reinforcements is right or wrong."

He Shou heard this and flattered him.

"The reason why the Grand Governor sent troops back to support was because he was concerned about the safety of His Royal Highness. After learning that Wuxuan was in danger, he immediately transferred troops from the front line where the troops were tight to support him. It is really a sign of filial piety."

Zhu Jiazhuo nodded slightly and then continued.

"Jing'an's filial piety is well known to Prince Gu."

"Let's discuss first how our army can break the Tatar encirclement after the reinforcements arrive..."

Hearing this, everyone nodded in response.

However, at this moment, there was a commotion outside.

"Great victory! Great victory!"

"Our army has won a great victory!"

When I pricked up my ears, it turned out that someone was shouting loudly for victory outside.

The expressions on the faces of Zhu Jianzhuo and others changed. Listening to the movement outside, all the faces were filled with incomprehensible surprise and surprise.

Soon, the shouts got closer and closer, and the calls became clearer.

"Great victory, great victory!"

"My army in the Eastern Expedition was victorious. The Commander-in-Chief of the Qing Dynasty defeated the Guangdong Commander-in-Chief in Sanshui County, and then the army moved eastward and swept across Guangzhou."

"In this battle, the main force of the Qing army in Guangdong was wiped out, and our army captured and killed tens of thousands. It can be said to be a great victory!"

When everyone heard this, their faces were full of joy from the bottom of their hearts.

Because, at this moment, the interests of everyone and Daming are highly consistent.

Only when the Ming Dynasty continues to develop and grow, can they, as Yuan Cong veterans of the Ming Dynasty, maintain their current wealth and even distribute more benefits.

No one hopes that Ming Dynasty can develop and grow more than them!

Soon, a messenger trotted in, knelt down in front of Zhu Jianzhuo and others, and presented a brief battle report sent by a flying pigeon.

Zhu Jianzhuo took the battle report and read it. After reading the battle report, he couldn't help but laugh out loud and said cheerfully.

"Hahaha, our army is victorious, and my son is very brave!"

"This is how you should give birth to a child, hahaha, this is how you should give birth to a child!"

Zhu Jianzhuo is in a very excited mood now. His son's great victory in Guangdong has allowed him to see the bright future of the Ming Dynasty.

Seeing this scene, everyone around him bowed down one after another.

"I congratulate the Ming Dynasty, congratulate the governor, and congratulate the governor!"

"I congratulate the Ming Dynasty, congratulate the governor, and congratulate the governor!"


After a moment, Zhu Jianzhuo stopped smiling and waved his hand.

"Haha, all of you, please be safe!"

"Originally, the lonely king was still worried that the war in Xunzhou Prefecture would affect the morale of the Ming army. But now, looking back, it is the lonely king who is overly worried."

"No, the Eastern Expedition army has already won back a city for our Ming Dynasty!"

Zhu Jianzhuo struck while the iron was hot and announced the urgent need to expand the army and prepare plans for a counterattack.

Since the Ming Dynasty had achieved such a big breakthrough in its Eastern Expedition, it would be extremely difficult for Wu Xuan to recruit troops again.

I believe the Ming army’s military expansion speed can reach a higher level!

In this world, victory is really the most inspiring thing!

After the Ming Dynasty achieved a decisive victory in the Eastern Expedition, it was given a strong shot in the arm from top to bottom.

(End of this chapter)

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