Chapter 109 Sanshui’s victory (12)

Old Pete believed that as long as the Ming army could be equipped with a sufficient number of advanced firearms, they would definitely be able to unleash an astonishing combat effectiveness.

Perhaps it will not be worse than the first-class army in Europe at this time!

Thinking of this, Old Peter couldn't help but look at the Ming army's central banner and the man under the Ming army's banner.

Perhaps this is why Zhu Jing'an mobilized the main force for the Eastern Expedition and fought with all his strength to Guangzhou...

If the Ming army can capture Guangzhou, a hole will be opened in the encirclement circle that the Qing government pressed on the Ming army. This game of chess will be revitalized, and the world will be wider with just one thought!

On the battlefield, the situation is still evolving.

Volleys fired, stacked shots, bayonet charges.

The Ming army crossing the river relied on these unique skills to quickly tear a hole in the Qing army's array, opening up the situation on the beachfront battlefield.

The shouts of killing, the sound of musketry firing, and the roar of artillery echoed throughout the battlefield.

Facing the bright bayonets that were stabbed neatly by the Ming army, the Qing army was forced to retreat continuously.

Jin Rong looked at the battle situation on the battlefield, his face full of anxiety visible to the naked eye.

The Ming army was pouring into the Qing army's formation through the torn hole in the Qing army's formation, expanding the results of the battle.

The soldiers and horses of the Qing army in various towns were being pressed back and retreated.

In the musket exchange just now, although the Qing army was at a disadvantage and had many more casualties than the Ming army, it could still persist.

However, when the Ming army launched a bayonet charge, the Qing army's performance could be described as collapse at the first touch.

In this battle, the Qing army's weakness in melee combat was once again exposed.

"Quick! Send an order to the entire army. Anyone who retreats without orders will be killed."

"Let Tibiao block the gap in our army's array that was torn apart by the Ming army. No matter what, the battle situation must be stabilized!"

Jin Rong opened his mouth and ordered.

The war situation was ruined, and the ordinary green camp soldiers seemed unable to withstand the Ming army's attack. Jin Rong could only raise his own bid.

Soon, the Guangdong Admiral's Ti Tiao rushed forward and started a hand-to-hand fight with the Ming army's crossing troops.

There were bursts of shouts of killing, bayonets against broadswords, and blood was seen from the swords. The two sides fought fiercely together.

The battle line between the two sides was filled with layers of corpses and rivers of blood. The scene was shocking.

However, the Ming army's offensive still did not stop!

On the front line of the battlefield, the sound of charging horns continued one after another.


"Soldiers, follow me!"

"Drive out the Tartars, restore China, fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, and divide the fields!"


The grassroots officers of the Ming army led the troops to attack again and again, trying to completely tear apart the Qing army's front.

From the perspective of the Qing army, the Ming army's charge was like a wave, rising one after another, almost never stopping.

The psychological pressure this kind of fighting method brings to the enemy is simply unimaginable.

The Qing army was forced to retreat continuously, and even raising the bid was a bit overwhelming.

Although the Ming army had few soldiers, it was brave and fearless, and its combat effectiveness far exceeded that of the Qing army in numbers.

Even if the bid is raised, it is far from being a match for the Ming army.

Just when the battle line was in a stalemate, the sword and shield fighters of the Ming army organized themselves and decisively attacked the flank of the Qing army.

In an attempt to disrupt the Qing army's military formation deployment by flanking the Qing army, they used this to open up the war situation.

"Kill, brothers, follow me!"

"With one head and five acres of fertile land, don't you fucking steal it from me!"

"Grenade, use a grenade to clear the way, quick! Quick! Quick!"


After the rumbling grenade explosion, followed by the ear-piercing charge horn and loud shouts of killing.

Under the Ming army's offensive, the Qing army's flanks were obviously dented.

As more and more Ming troops crossed the river, it became more and more difficult for the Qing troops to resist.

Various departments of the Ming army began to gradually take the initiative on the battlefield.

At this time, Zeng Yao and Liu Mingyou's troops, who had taken a detour by water, also arrived at the battlefield.


"Drive out the Tartars and serve the Ming Dynasty!"

"The Ming Dynasty will be victorious, and long live the Governor!"


Like tigers descending from the mountain, the Ming army launched a fierce attack on the Qing army's rear array.

In an instant, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, the Qing army's rear formation was retreating steadily and was on the verge of collapse.

Under the attack from three sides by the Ming army, the Qing army's already shaky array became increasingly shaken.

Especially the rear formation that was suddenly attacked was almost overwhelmed by a wave of Ming troops.

If it hadn't been for the critical moment when Jin Rong, the admiral of Guangdong, led his own soldiers to attack and let his Goshiha fight with the Ming army to stabilize the battle situation, the current Qing army would probably have been defeated and collapsed.

Zhu Jing'an held a telescope and looked at the battle situation on the east bank of the Xijiang River, laughing.

"Our army has won this battle, and the Qing army has no power to recover!"

On the east bank of the Xijiang River, on the frontal battlefield, the Ming army continued to increase its troops, compressing the Qing army's activity space.

On the flanks, the Ming army's sword and shield fighters almost tore through the Qing army's defense line.

In the rear formation, Zeng Yao, Liu Mingyou and the others were like tigers descending from the mountain, suppressing the Qing army and fighting again.

In these three aspects, the Qing army was almost always suppressed and the battle line was barely maintained. How could they make a comeback?

Zhu Jing'an pondered for a while, and then spoke.

"Continue to increase troops to the east bank of the Xijiang River, and while increasing troops, transport several Type 65 field guns there to provide battlefield fire support for our troops."

The range of the Type 65 field gun is a bit short, only 300 meters. It is placed on the west bank of the Xijiang River and cannot reach the east bank at all.

In this battle, it seems a bit useless.

In Zhu Jing'an's view, instead of leaving it on the west bank to continue making soy sauce, it is better to transport it to the east bank and use it to provide fire support for front-line troops.

Anyway, the mobility of the Type 65 field gun is quite good.

When the ordering soldier heard this, he cupped his fists and went to convey the order.

Soon, the Ming army began to transport artillery across the river.

The Type 65 field gun weighs only two to three hundred kilograms. A few people can lift it up and run around, although the range and power are a bit short.

But there is nothing to say about mobility!
It is really convenient to transport!

That is to say, the Ming army's war logistics now rely almost entirely on water transportation, which saves time and effort and does not require land transportation.

Otherwise, the Type 65 may be the most practical of all the artillery pieces of the Ming army.

As the Ming army transported artillery across the Xijiang River, shelling began to sound one after another on the other side of the Xijiang River.

Cannonballs erupted from the muzzle and shot towards the Qing army's array.

Amidst the rumbling sound of artillery fire, the artillery shells were poured into the Qing army's formation. Wherever the projectiles passed, people were turned upside down.

The arrival of these artillery pieces completely broke the balance of the battlefield.

The Qing army's front line on the frontal battlefield was fired at by artillery for several rounds, and then they could no longer hold on and collapsed.

Subsequently, Zeng Yao, Liu Mingyou and others also made a breakthrough, tearing apart the Qing army's rear line.

"Failed! Defeated! Everyone, run away!"

"The Ming thief is ferocious. The imperial court is no match for him. Run away for your life..."


Countless people in the Qing army were shouting to run for their lives.

Everyone abandoned their armor and rushed to run.Every face seemed to be filled with fear.

Shouting, screaming, wailing, begging for mercy...

The battlefield was in chaos.

Jin Rong looked at the battlefield situation where he was unable to look back, with a look of pain on his face.

"If God doesn't bless my Qing Dynasty, God will destroy me!"

Jin Rong rode on the horse and let out a painful roar.

Beside him, a soldier said.

"Let the army withdraw, brothers can't hold it anymore!"

"Yes, Junmen, you can keep the green hills and don't have to worry about having no firewood..."

Jin Rong said with pain on his face when he heard this.

"A certain soldier who has humiliated his country has caused tens of thousands of soldiers to shed blood on the battlefield. He has allowed the thieves to become powerful and threaten Guangzhou. How can he have the face to face the court?!"

"Even if we are lucky enough to escape today, we may not be able to escape the court's law in the future. Where else can this town go?"

After everyone heard this, they were still trying to persuade Jin Rong to order the withdrawal of troops.

"Junmen, you can't give up on yourself!"

"Junmen, the governor of Guangdong and Guangzhou and the general of Guangzhou are responsible for the deterioration of the war situation in Guangdong and Guangxi. It is not your turn no matter what."

"Yes, Junmen. Now the generals of Guangzhou have been captured by Ming thieves. Maybe he has surrendered to the Ming thieves because he was greedy for life and fear of death. If the court wants to pursue him, he should be pursued first. It is not Junmen's turn."

"Military Gate, I heard that the Imperial Envoy Fulong'an is gathering troops from several southwest provinces in Yongzhou, Hunan, and is preparing to wipe out the Ming thieves in one fell swoop."

"It is precisely when we need the help of veteran generals who have fought against Ming thieves. Instead of setting up the military gate on the battlefield of Sanshui for nothing, why not take the brothers to Yongzhou to perform meritorious service and continue to serve the court."


Everyone's persuasion seemed to have worked. Jin Rong's attitude towards dying in battle and for his country softened slightly, and he glanced around.

Looking at the expectant eyes, he could only nod and say.

"it is good!"

"Go down with the order and prepare to break out!"

"But we are not going to Yongzhou to seek refuge with the imperial envoy, but we are going back to Guangzhou!"

"Guangzhou is the first city in the south and the most important town of the imperial court in Lingnan. There are thousands of Eight Banners stationed there, so there will be no room for error."

"Otherwise, no one can afford this responsibility!"

Jin Rong has now figured it out, and the defeat of Sanshui County has become a reality.

If this is the case, then he must stop the loss in time for the court.

As long as Guangzhou is not lost, the imperial court's war situation in Guangdong will not be completely ruined.

There is still room for recovery in the situation in Guangdong!
Therefore, Jin Rong decisively decided to lead his troops to break through and return to Guangzhou.

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other and chatted in response.

Soon, the Qing army began to break through.

Jin Rong used his own bid as a spearhead, trying to penetrate the Ming army's encirclement network, and then headed towards Guangzhou.

The Ming army sent troops to block the attack and strangled them with the Qing army.

But in the end, due to limited troops, they still failed to stop the Qing army's breakthrough.

He was pushed out by Jin Rong's subordinates!

In addition, the Altai troops responsible for using artillery also began to break out.

Since everyone in the Eight Banners had horses, they ran faster than Jin Rong's troops. The Ming army sent troops to pursue them, but they were eventually withdrawn from the battlefield.

Zhu Jing'an looked a little gloomy as he watched the remnants of the Qing army successfully break through.

But at this time, he was really helpless about the battle situation on the other side of the Xijiang River.

The current Ming army is trapped in a small number of troops and cannot encircle the Qing army. It is normal for the remnants of the Qing army to break out after the defeat.

But then Zhu Jing'an's expression returned to normal, and he just waved his hand and said.

"Send the order and let the entire army cross the river!"

"I sent an order to all the ministries on the east coast to immediately recruit the defeated Qing troops..."

The current Ming army is suffering from a shortage of troops. Under the premise that the speed of its own recruitment and expansion cannot keep up with the army's combat rhythm, it is very necessary to make good use of the troops.

In the Battle of Zhaoqing, the actual performance of the Ming Army's forward battalion proved to Zhu Jing'an that it was feasible to use descending troops in combat.

The green camp was in ruins, but the Ming army's guard post at the end of the Ming Dynasty was also in terrible condition.

Aren’t you still very well trained by me, Da Qing?

In the same way, as long as the battle is properly supervised, the bad soldiers can also display considerable combat effectiveness.

Zhu Jing'an issued the order, and the Ming army began to build a pontoon bridge on the Xijiang River.

Large groups of the main force of the Ming army began to cross the river, and on the east bank of the Xijiang River, various departments of the Ming army also began to collect prisoners of war, expand the results of the war, and clean up the battlefield.


Night falls, and everything inside and outside Guangzhou is dark.

The elegant room on the second floor of Qiankun Tea House is brightly lit.

Fang Yuan, the master of Guangzhou Tiandi Hall, and the incense masters at each hall took their seats.

On the table in front of them is a floor plan of Guangzhou Fucheng.

Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes and stared at the floor plan, his eyes wandering around the cities, Fantai Yamen, Naitai Yamen, treasury, arsenal, the whole city and other places...

After a while, Fang Yuan looked away from the map and spoke.

"We are summoned here today to discuss how we should mobilize troops to assist the Ming Dynasty in seizing the city of Guangzhou."

When everyone heard this, they all clasped their fists in response.

"It is our mission to fight against the Qing Dynasty, restore the Ming Dynasty, and regain China. Please give me your instructions, sir!"

Although Tiandi is a gangster, this does not prevent them from having ideals and ambitions, and even having their own ideas.

When Fang Yuan saw this, he was not polite and spoke directly.

"If we want to control Guangzhou City, the key points lie in the following points."

"The first is the city gates and walls."

"Secondly, there are the vassal offices, the government offices in Guangzhou, as well as the treasury, arsenal and other important places in Guangzhou."

“Finally, it’s Guangzhou Mancheng!”

"As long as we can control the following places, then the city of Guangzhou can be considered captured."

"If we surrender to the Ming Dynasty, we can use a Guangzhou city as a certificate of surrender, and we will definitely be able to reuse it in the future."

After Fang Yuan finished speaking, a leader of the Tiandihui stood up and asked.

"Master, we understand what you are saying!"

"Just tell us what we should do next!"

Fang Yuan glanced at the leader of the Tiandihui, nodded slightly in greeting, and then spoke.

"If our Heaven and Earth Society wants to raise troops, we must first take down the city walls and gates and control the main transportation routes in and out of the city."

"In this case, it can ensure that I can advance and attack and retreat and defend after the incident."

"If things go well, the Qing army in Guangzhou can be cut off from receiving reinforcements from outside the city."

"If there is any disagreement, we can calmly withdraw from Guangzhou and retreat outside Guangzhou City to prepare to join the main force of the Ming Dynasty in the Eastern Expedition."

"Avoiding the risk of us being surrounded and annihilated in Guangzhou City!"

"It can be regarded as leaving a way out for ourselves!"


PS: One more chapter first, there will be more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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