Chapter 108 Roll Up
Fang Kunzheng is a little panicked now.

You know, ever since he followed Master Luo's suggestion and faked his death in Wu Xuan to escape.

Now he is with the Manchu Qing court, but he is a loyal minister who sacrificed his life for the country, and is a model example that is highly praised by the court.

If the Xunzhou Mansion was captured by the Qing army, his identity would definitely be exposed.

By then, his family may also be implicated by him.

The consequences are unimaginable!
The Ming general responsible for the defense of Xunzhou Prefecture was a general named Huang Yuande.

He was one of the veterans who followed the Zhu family and his son to fight against the Qing Dynasty starting from Zhujiazhuang.

Although he never made any great achievements from beginning to end, he still managed to get a general official position by virtue of his qualifications.

Now he is leading the troops to take charge of the defense in the direction of Xunzhou Prefecture!

Seeing that Fang Kun was so panicked, Huang Yuande's mood was quite stable and he just spoke calmly.

"Prefect, don't worry. With our general here, the defense of Xunzhou Prefecture will be foolproof."

"As long as we can hold on for a few days, I believe the imperial court will soon mobilize troops from other places to repel the invading Qing Tatars."

Huang Yuande was not panicked, or in other words, as long as the people in the Ming Dynasty understood military affairs, they were not panicked.

The only ones who were panicking were the civil officials who did not understand military affairs and some ignorant people.

Because everyone in the Ming army knew that the Ming Dynasty was constantly winning on the frontal battlefield.

Crown Prince Zhu Jing'an is leading the main force of the Ming army in the Eastern Expedition, constantly attacking cities and villages and advancing towards Guangzhou.

And decisive victories were achieved around Deqing Prefecture and Zhaoqing.

Almost defeated the main force of the Qing army in Guangdong!

The weakness of the Qing army was fully exposed in front of the Ming army.

As a result, the Ming army now has a huge psychological advantage after facing the Qing army.

In everyone's opinion, the defeat of Guixian County was only due to Han Sigu's recklessness, which caused the Ming Dynasty to be caught off guard by the Qing army.

Only then did the war situation in Guixian County deteriorate.

As long as the Ming Dynasty reacts and mobilizes troops for reinforcements, the war situation in Guixian County will soon be back under the control of the Ming Dynasty.

Hearing this, Fang Kunzheng took a deep breath and said.

"Don't worry, General Huang. If the military needs it, feel free to ask me."

"Officials from all levels of the Xunzhou Prefecture will do their best to meet the needs of the military to ensure the war situation."

When Huang Yuande heard this, he was not polite and spoke directly.

"Okay, if that's the case, please ask the prefect to first recruit a group of civilians to come to the city to help in the battle and help the army stabilize Xunzhou's defense..."


Sanshui County, on the bank of the Xijiang River!

Under the cover of heavy artillery fire, the Ming army's crossing troops successfully landed on the east bank of the Xijiang River.

And fought with the Qing army's blocking troops!
"End formation! Form formation!"

"Everyone is here, prepare for battle!"

After the landing was completed, the officers and soldiers of the Ming Army did not rush forward in vain, but began to organize the array on the beach under the cover of heavy artillery fire on the west bank.

The sword and shield man holds the armor and shield at the front.

Followed by groups of Ming army musketeers.

The Ming army's musketeers were preparing their array while preparing to fire volleys, line up to kill, and charge with bayonets.

The main purpose of the sword and shield bearer is to help the musketeers gain time to line up and sort out the queue.

After the musketeers have sorted out the array, the sword and shield men will withdraw to the wings of the army, ready to attack both sides of the Qing army at any time.

Boom!dong dong!dong dong dong!

The dull sound of war drums sounded, and Guangdong Admiral Jin Rong ordered the army to press forward and drive the Ming army back into the river after landing.


The deafening sound of artillery shelling sounded, and artillery shells passed through the air and slammed into the dense array of the Qing army.

Heavy solid shells passed by one after another, harvesting lives unscrupulously.

The Qing army's array was plowed by artillery shells, and the scene was shocking.

Many people have faces full of fear!

A large number of Qing soldiers' legs and feet were shaking and their faces were pale.

If there hadn't been someone holding the bid with a knife behind him, he wouldn't have dared to step forward.

Facing the dense infantry array, the lethality of artillery is simply too amazing.

A single artillery shell can easily plow out a passage of stumps and broken arms in a dense infantry array, killing and wounding dozens of people.

No matter how elite the troops are, they cannot withstand such a style of play.

Not to mention that the Qing army is not elite at all!

It was precisely because the Qing army could not withstand the bombardment and retreat that it was able to complete the cross-river operation, land on the east bank of the Xijiang River and gain a foothold.

"Hurry up!"

"The Tatar soldiers are pressing forward again, and the musketeers are in formation, ready to fire a volley!"

Pan Dazhu stood in the army array and directed the troops who had completed crossing the river to line up to meet the enemy.

Seeing the Qing army, which had been repelled by the Ming army's artillery fire, pressing forward again, Pan Dazhu shouted at the top of his lungs and urged his musketeers to prepare to meet the enemy.

Of course, despite shouting, Pan Dazhu did not panic.

Since he has been in the army for such a long time, he has accumulated merits all the way from a big soldier to the commander-in-chief. He has experienced at least dozens of battles, large and small.

He has already seen through the Qing army!

Those green soldiers of the Qing army were rotten in their bones. They would fall apart as soon as they were beaten and collapsed when they were charged. There is really nothing to say.

The Ming army quickly completed the formation, and the musketeers stood in three rows in front and back.

Each musket was placed on his shoulder, with the muzzle pointed at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

Be prepared to line up and be shot!

Pan Dazhu shouted loudly.

"When the enemy enters a hundred meters, all of them are there, with guns on your shoulders!"

When the Qing army advanced a hundred steps in front of the Ming army's formation, the Ming army commander ordered the muskets to be leveled and pointed forward.

In order to prevent musketeers from firing indiscriminately due to nervousness on the battlefield, Ming army musketeers were not allowed to level their muzzles before the enemy array entered a certain distance in front of the formation.

Behind these musketeers were the supervisors with stern faces and swords on their waists.

If someone shoots indiscriminately without order, or escapes from battle, the Supervisory Team will kill the person without mercy.

Pan Dazhu glanced at the supervising team behind his own formation and couldn't help but feel a little nervous, but that was all.

He was not prepared to run away before the battle, so there was no need to be afraid of supervising the team.

Pan Dazhu took a deep breath and continued to raise his telescope to look. Looking at the Qing army array approaching in the distance, Pan Dazhu shouted again.

"The enemy has advanced 50 meters, everyone is there, prepare to shoot!"

Logically speaking, 70 meters has already entered the musket shooting range in the Ming army's drill code.

Actually, the distance of [-] meters is the red line drawn by the Ming army for musket volleys in the drill.

In other words, if the enemy does not enter within a hundred meters, the Ming army is not allowed to fire.

But as soon as it enters the range of [-] meters, the commander can decide the timing of firing according to the battlefield conditions.

Originally, the Ming Army Musketeers were quite normal.Almost most of them opened fire when the enemy entered a hundred meters and started firing volleys.

Of course there are some who move closer, but most people follow the instructions honestly and start firing volleys when the enemy enters a hundred meters.

Try to play a few more rounds before the close combat!

However, Zhu Jing'an once sighed unintentionally at a banquet.

"The governor heard that there is a country in the west of Taizhou, called Yingjili. Its soldiers are very sharp and tougher than gold and iron. Every time the enemy soldiers are 20 meters away from the battle, they will fire a volley of rifles, and then charge with bayonets to defeat the enemy."

"On the basis of this, he will roam the world and proclaim that the sun never sets."

"Our Ming army has gone very far!"

Originally, Zhu Jing'an just sighed casually.

Because he knew that John Bull's lobster soldiers would use tactics such as placing the enemy at 20 meters to fire a volley. They would only use it when facing rookies such as the North American Militia Regiment and the Qing Green Battalion who could not even fire a volley.

It is a tactic specially used for the abuse of food!
Under normal circumstances, if the enemy they face is the elite of a powerful country like France, the British army will obediently start firing volleys from a distance of a hundred meters.

If someone starts firing a gun a hundred meters away, and you insist on getting closer to 20 meters before firing, wouldn't it look like you have nothing to do to stimulate yourself, insisting on going your own way and eating a few more rounds of gunfire in vain?

But unexpectedly, the Ming army took it seriously!

It started to roll up inexplicably in an inexplicable place.

You fired when the enemy was within a hundred meters of the enemy?
Well, I will shoot when the enemy is 80 meters away.

Oh, then I am 70 meters!
In this case, I will be 60 meters away...

Pan Dazhu is naturally the same as a commander.

Looking at the chaotic Qing army on the opposite side, he secretly made up his mind that this time he would put the Qing army 30 meters in front of the formation, and then fire a volley.

The Qing army's array continued to advance forward. As they advanced, the Qing army's bird gunners fired sporadically.

Looking from a distance, the Qing army's gunners were crackling and fighting lively, and the smoke-filled scene was also very intimidating.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that it just looks lively.

Because most of the Qing army's bird gunners fired indiscriminately rather than in volleys.

Therefore, the damage they can cause to the Ming army is quite limited.

Every time gunshots were fired from the Qing army, there would only be a few Ming soldiers shot and fell to the ground, screaming and being dragged down for treatment.

However, the Ming army's musket array was still as stable as a mountain.

Most of the musketeers had firm eyes, holding the muskets in their hands steadily, ready to meet the enemy at any time.

When the Qing army entered 30 meters in front of the Ming army's formation, Pan Dazhu shouted loudly.

"The enemy advances 30 meters, fire three volleys, let go!"

"After the salvo ends, start stacking and shooting!"

His voice fell, and the next moment, bang-bang-bang gunshots resounded throughout the battlefield.

A row of gunpowder smoke spurted forward...

A smoke screen formed on the battlefield, and the scene was somewhat terrifying.

Projectiles were also shot from the barrel of the gun, rolling and spinning forward.


This is the sound of projectiles tearing apart flesh and entering the human body.


"Help! The Ming thief's musket is so poisonous..."


This is the scream of the Qing soldiers.

At the moment when the Ming army's volley of artillery fire began, all the Qing soldiers in the front row fell down.

The wailing sounded immediately.

However, the Ming army showed no mercy at all.

The front row musketeers retreated to the rear and continued loading.

The second row and the third row of musketeers stepped forward and started shooting.


Another salvo.

After firing a volley, the second row of musketeers began to retreat.

Then the third bowel movement came up.

For a time, the Ming army formed a continuous barrage of firepower.

Moreover, the Ming army's musketeers were still advancing forward while shooting.

And in the process of advancing, they stacked shots and fired round after round of volleys.


On the west bank of the Xijiang River, Old Pete held a telescope while directing the gunners to load the artillery and suppress the Qing army on the opposite bank.

On the other hand, I am also paying attention to the battle situation on the east coast!

Seeing the three rows of Ming army musketeers firing in and out, Old Pete took a deep breath and couldn't help being shocked.

Originally, when he first arrived in Guangxi, Old Pete looked down on the Ming army.

From the perspective of a French Old Guard artilleryman who had participated in the Seven Years' War, the Ming army at that time was, to put it bluntly, just a group of civilians who had just put down their hoes and were illiterate.

They are just better than those braided soldiers of the Qing Empire, and they are not considered elite.

At that time, Old Peter's idea was very simple. Because Zhu Jing'an was generous, he was willing to work for Ming Dynasty.

But to say that he has any sense of belonging to the Ming army is nonsense.

If the Ming army's Restoration War failed and there was a risk of being annihilated by the Qing army, Old Pete would definitely be the first to escape without any hesitation.

However, as time passed, Old Pete began to change his views on the Ming army.

Because, he witnessed the progress of the Ming army.

Then, he was surprised by the speed of the Ming army's progress.

Too fast, the Ming army advanced too fast.

It took less than a year for the Ming army to go from a group of civilians who had just laid down their hoes to the current state of a well-organized formation, with orders and prohibitions, able to coordinate with infantry and artillery, and able to stack up and fire in rounds.

If his overall impression of the Ming Army was still a bit hazy, then the improvement in the quality of the Ming Army's artillery was something that happened under his nose.

Under his witness, it took only a few months for the Ming army gunners to complete the training from rookies who knew nothing and even needed to be taught tactical instructions.

It has transformed into an elite gunner who can calculate the shooting elements by himself, accurately complete artillery loading and shooting, use artillery tactics flexibly, and memorize various tactical instructions.

Old Pete was greatly shocked by the Chinese people's diligence, studiousness and intelligence...

You know, most of the gunners he taught were illiterate!
But even so, they still have extremely strong learning abilities, which is really amazing.

But what impressed Old Pete even more was actually the progress of coach Zhu Jing'an.

Regarding the application of artillery on the battlefield, the command of the army, the control of the battlefield situation, the control of the morale of the army, and the calculation of the food, grass and weapons needed for the army to fight, Zhu Jing'an made progress almost every day.

In the eyes of old Pete, this was a military genius like Alexander the Great. In the words of the Orientals themselves, it was "the reincarnation of Wei Huo".

Now the old Pete really has a sense of belonging to Ming Dynasty and begins to recognize this group!

In Old Peter's view, the current Ming army already has the style of a second- or third-rate European army.

Compared with the elite troops of the first-class European powers such as Britain, France, Tsarist Russia, etc., the gap between the Ming army and them is only a lack of firearms.

(End of this chapter)

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