Anti-Qing: Starting from the Reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 104 No one understands the Eight Flags better than Tiandihui

Chapter 104 No one understands the Eight Banners better than the Tiandihui

If the Ming army cannot achieve a breakthrough on the frontal battlefield, they will cross the river and land on the east bank of the Xijiang River.

After Zeng Yao, Liu Mingyou and others launched an attack around the rear, there was a high probability that they would be surrounded and annihilated by the Qing army.

This is something Zhu Jing'an cannot accept!
In order to avoid such a thing from happening, Zhu Jing'an must grasp the rhythm of the battle.

The key is that the main force of the Ming army must make a breakthrough on the frontal battlefield and complete the cross-river battle before Zeng Yao, Liu Mingyou and others can move into place and launch a flank attack on the Qing army.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current situation is a race against time for Daming.


The roar of artillery fire sounded again, but this time it was not the artillery group of the Ming Army that fired, but the artillery array of the Qing Army.

The shells broke through the air one after another, and after exhaustion, they fell into the water of the Xijiang River, splashing up water columns.

The river was filled with mist. A Ming army ferry was hit by a heavy artillery shell. It disintegrated and exploded with a bang, turning into wood chips floating on the river.

The originally clear river water was stained red with blood, and a wounded soldier of the Ming Army was struggling in the river water.

Other boats near this boat rowed forward quickly, rescued the wounded who fell into the water, and then evacuated to the rear...

Fortunately, the ships of the Ming army were all small boats, which were flexible in turning around, highly maneuverable, and had small targets. Although the Qing army was firing cannons, their hit rate was actually not high.

It's just that occasionally a few ferries were too unlucky and would be hit by Qing artillery shells.

Therefore, the current casualty figures are still acceptable to the Ming army for the time being!

The Ming army quickly withdrew to the east bank of the Xijiang River. While repairing, they prepared for the next crossing of the river.


"Reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, the artillery positions have reported that our artillery has cooled down and is ready to fire at any time to continue delivering firepower."

A messenger came to Zhu Jing'an and reported.

When Zhu Jing'an heard this, he nodded slightly.

"Send the order and prepare the whole army for war. Prepare to cross the river again and destroy the Qing prisoners on the east bank."

"The artillery team opened fire with all its strength to cover the landing of the army on the east coast and quickly opened up the situation."

As he spoke, he kept raising his telescope and looking toward the northeast.

Because, he estimated that Zeng Yao, Liu Mingyou and others should be in place soon.

Boom!dong dong!

The dull sound of war drums resounded throughout the battlefield.

The drum beat became more and more urgent, and orders to urge the troops to march were constantly issued.

What sounded immediately was a military song that was extremely loud and full of powerful lyrics and tunes.

"Don't you see, the army at the end of the Han Dynasty, the weak crowned captives invite long tassels!"

"Don't you see, Ban Dingyuan, Jueyu Qingqi urges Zhanyun!"

"A man has a dangerous career, how can he let a scholar's crown ruin his life?"

"Kuang Nai's country is in dire straits, and the battle between the feathers will never stop!"

"Abandoning my old pen, I keep my wartime record, calling out more than one hundred thousand comrades, singing war songs and joining the army together."

"Clean the dust and swear to sweep away the Tartars regardless of your own safety!"


While the military songs were being sung, the Ming army's artillery also began to speak.

The deafening sound of shelling continued, and shells pierced the air one after another, shooting towards the Qing army array on the beach on the other side of the Xijiang River.

It seems to be accompaniment to military songs!

Soon, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty sang military songs loudly, embarked on the journey, and launched the cross-river battle again.


Jin Rong was riding on horseback, listening to the faint sound of military songs coming from the other side of the Xijiang River, his face looked a little gloomy.

The enemy marches into the battlefield singing "Oath to sweep away the Tartars regardless of his own safety". Doesn't this mean that he is a Tartar?

Jin Rong couldn't accept this humiliating word.

He was obviously a loyal man to the court, so why did he suddenly become a barbarian?
However, when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't refute it.

Because the Qing Dynasty is a barbarian!
He was loyal to the Qing Dynasty and fought against the Ming Dynasty. Isn't that a traitor who betrays his country and seeks glory?

Even if he paralyzes himself with the words "loyalty is the most important thing in being a minister", it still cannot change the fact that the Manchus are Tartars.

No matter how loyal he is, he is only a loyal minister of the Tartars...

The money rat tail on the back of the head and the long robe and mandarin jacket on the body are the most favorable evidence.

There's no way to argue about this!

Although sometimes, the righteousness seems very empty and unimportant.

But more often than not, righteousness actually represents the support of the people!

If you have a righteous name, even your enemies will involuntarily put themselves in the position of the villain.

Morale will naturally be low!

For example, in the uprising against the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty launched by Zhu Jing'an and his son, most officials of the Qing court and the gentry and common people in the world firmly stood on the side of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

However, if you analyze their inner thoughts, there are actually many who miss the previous Ming Dynasty in their hearts.

The reason why they are now siding with the Qing Dynasty is because it seems that the Ming Dynasty has no chance of success at this time.

Once Ming Dynasty builds a certain momentum, countless people will flock to vote.

Even the officials of the Manchu Qing Dynasty did not feel much psychological pressure when they surrendered to the Ming Dynasty.

Because they can use the reason that they surrender to the Ming Dynasty not to be a thief who is afraid of death, but to contribute to "driving out the Tartars and restoring China" as a reason.

If that's the case, wouldn't it be easy to accept it?

Jin Rong was obviously a little angry and immediately ordered.

"Command the army to prepare to block the Ming army's landing!"

"Don't let any Ming army come to the east bank. Give me a severe beating to let these Ming thieves know how powerful our Qing soldiers are."

After hearing this, the soldier Geshiha left with fists in his hands and trotted to deliver the order.


At the same time, the situation on the battlefield has reached fever pitch again.

The Ming army's heavy artillery roared, aiming at the Qing army array on the beach on the east bank of the Xijiang River, and began to deliver firepower rapidly.

The sound of cannonballs piercing the air was heard, and one after another the cannonballs landed on the beach and continued to roll and spin forward.

Then it dug hard into the Qing army's array. Wherever the shell passed, bones were broken and tendons were broken.

The smell of blood is in the air!

Even if the black shells are unloaded by the soft mud on the beach, they are still very lethal.

A round of twelve-pound long cannon shells penetrated five or six rows of Qing troops one after another, killing and wounding seven or eight people. Only then did their kinetic energy run out, and they fell to the ground and rolled.

The lethality of the shells fired by the 24-pound long cannon was even more astonishing. The shells passed over the array, and there was a wailing and screaming wherever they passed.

A Qing soldier was hit in the waist and abdomen by a cannonball. He was cut in half and his body was broken into two parts.

Only a trace of skin and flesh remained, and the internal organs, bones, etc. were crushed...

The scene was so shocking that people were paralyzed on the spot!

The fierce bombardment by the Ming army caused the Qing army array on the beach on the east bank of the Xijiang River to waver.

Countless people were screaming and wailing!
At the same time, the Ming army also sang war songs, boarded the ferry, and launched another cross-river battle.

"Expel the Tartars and restore China!"

"The Ming Dynasty will be victorious, the Governor will be victorious!"

"Kill the prisoners! Kill the prisoners! Kill the prisoners!" "..."

The Ming Army ferries were like stars in the Milky Way, densely packed and scattered everywhere.

A gust of west wind blew away the gunpowder smoke on the river, making the sails of the Ming army flutter, and the ferries headed toward the east bank of the Xijiang River menacingly!

In Guangzhou City!

At Qiankun Teahouse, Fang Yuan held a piece of paper in his hand, his face full of surprise.

Picking up the tea cup and taking a sip of the cooled tea, Fang Yuan handed the note in his hand to Li Mu opposite him and said.

"Li Shangshu, wait and see, the battle of Zhaoqing has come to an end."

Hearing this, Li Mu took the note from Fang Yuan and read it.

The note records the results of the Battle of Zhaoqing in detail!
Including the Qing Dynasty's Guangzhou generals who were captured alive and more than a thousand Guangzhou Eight Banners were wiped out.

After reading the note, Li Mu looked away from the note, turned to Fang Yuan, and said.

"The battle of Zhaoqing has already been decided. The soldiers of tomorrow will soon fight from Zhaoqing to Guangzhou."

"Hall Master Fang needs to act more quickly!"

"If you wait until the soldiers of tomorrow arrive at the gates of Guangzhou, your credit for raising troops and coordinating the attack will be greatly reduced."

Hearing this, Fang Yuan took a deep breath, then nodded.

"Don't worry, Li Shangshu, this hall master understands!"

"We have almost completed the preparations here. We are just waiting for a good opportunity to dispatch Guangzhou's city defense, and then raise troops to seize the city."

Now that the Ming Dynasty had achieved decisive victories in Deqing Prefecture and Zhaoqing, Fang Yuan was not prepared to delay any longer.

If he mobilizes troops as early as possible to assist Ming to capture Guangzhou City, he can take advantage of Ming's promise to him as soon as possible, and Ming can also capture Guangzhou City as soon as possible.

It really kills two birds with one stone!
Hearing this, Li Mu nodded with satisfaction.

"The hall master can make such a decision. I think if His Royal Highness and the Grand Governor know about it, they will be very satisfied."

Fang Yuan picked up the tea cup again and took a sip, then spoke.

"On the third day of July, the garrison camp inside Guangzhou City will adjust their posts with the garrison outside the city. At that time, the defense of Guangzhou City Gate will be the most lax."

"When the time comes, our Heaven and Earth Society will take the opportunity to raise troops to launch an uprising, and then seize control of Guangzhou in one fell swoop..."

Li Mu heard this and asked questions.

"What about the Eight Banners in Guangzhou? How to deal with it?"

There are at least [-] to [-] bannermen in Guangzhou. In Li Mu's view, if the uprising Tiandihui rebels want to seize control of Guangzhou City, these [-] to [-] bannermen will be the biggest obstacle.

When Fang Yuan heard this, he waved his hands with disdain.

"Don't worry, Li Shangshu, all the Eight Banners soldiers in Guangzhou have long been dead and are no threat..."

Tiandihui is essentially a gangster, and the business they do is inseparable from pornography, gambling and drugs.

As for the children of the Eight Banners in Guangzhou, if they want to be degenerate, eat, drink, whore, and gamble, they have a lot of contact with the Tiandi Society.

Therefore, no one knows better than the people of Tiandihui how bad the Eight Banners in Guangzhou really is!
When Li Mu heard this, he could only nod his head in confusion.

"As long as the hall master can make arrangements!"

"This minister is not familiar with military affairs, so I will not give instructions on military affairs..."

After the two discussed the matter, Li Mu said goodbye and left.

Because he is also responsible for continuing to purchase various urgently needed materials in Guangzhou City and transporting them to Guangxi.

There wasn't much time to discuss raising an army with Fang Yuan.

After Li Mu left, a close aide of Fang Yuan pushed open the door of the private room, walked in, came to Fang Yuan's side, leaned over and said.

"Hall Master, the brothers in each hall are ready to raise troops."

"Weapons, money and food were also distributed to the brothers in each church."

"As soon as the time comes, we can raise troops at any time to capture Guangzhou City!"

This close associate of Fang Yuan is called Zhao Xin. He is one of the incense masters under him. He is the kind of person who specializes in doing dirty work for the hall.

Deeply trusted by Fang Yuan.

Hearing this, Fang Yuan slowly exhaled a mouthful of turbid air and nodded slightly.

"Very good. Whether you and I can enjoy wealth and glory in the rest of our lives depends on this time."

When Zhao Xin heard this, he couldn't help showing hesitation and asked.

"Hall Master, have you really made your decision?"

"Do we really want to raise troops to help the Ming army capture Guangzhou City?"

"If this battle fails, the Qing court will definitely not forgive us, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

Hearing this, Fang Yuan explained in a calm tone.

"The Ming army defeated two battles in Deqing Prefecture and Zhaoqing Prefecture, killed the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and captured the general of Guangzhou alive."

"It is estimated that we will be able to penetrate half of Guangdong and reach the gates of Guangzhou soon."

"By then, Guangdong will change!"

"We, the Heaven and Earth Society, are already in the middle of the situation, so how can we stay out of it?"

After saying this, Fang Yuanjiang turned his eyes outside and took a deep breath.

"That's how the world is."

"Many times, when things come to an end, you can only choose to accept them actively or passively..."

"For us, active acceptance is better than passive acceptance!"

When Zhao Xin heard this, he nodded as if he understood, and then left.

Fang Yuan, on the other hand, stood in front of the window, looking out at the scenery, squinting his eyes and speaking in a faint tone.

"I have no choice..."

"As the saying goes, if one general succeeds, thousands of bones will be withered. If we want to restore the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty, how can we not die?"

Fang Yuan wanted to gain a fortune for himself in the changes in Guangdong, and become a wife and son.

Therefore, I have no choice but to say sorry to the brothers below...


The Ming Dynasty's defense center in Guixian was mainly located in Daling Village, south of Guixian.

The Ming army deployed defenses and built fortifications in the area of ​​Daling Village to resist the attack of the Qing army in the south.

Han Sigu was appointed to take charge of the war in Guixian area, and led [-] troops to garrison in Daling Village, guarding the southern gate of the Ming Dynasty.

On this day, Han Sigu got up early, holding a hot white steamed bun in his hand, eating breakfast and patrolling the battlefield.

Walking to the artillery position, Han Sigu picked up a telescope and looked at the Qing army camp in the distance.

After a moment, he sneered.

"Damn it, those Tatar soldiers were listless in the early morning. Did they not eat?"

"Send the order and tell the gunners to fire two damn shots to refresh the Tatar soldiers on the opposite side."

The gunner on the side heard this and responded with his fists clasped.

"Here, don't worry, Commander, I understand!"

The gunners' faces were full of joy, and they loaded the artillery skillfully, stuffing the gunpowder and shells into the artillery. They also compared the gun table to calculate and adjust the shooting elements.


PS: I will update one chapter first, and the next chapter will be in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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