Chapter 103 Fighting (22)


The crisp sound of gunfire rang out, and puffs of smoke rose.

The sailors of the Qing army raised their loaded shotguns, poked their heads out from the side of the ship, and took advantage of the height of their own ships to aim down at the Ming soldiers on the small boats and shoot.

When the trigger is pulled, the burning match ignites the gunpowder in the powder pool, and the gunpowder explodes, producing a large amount of gas.

The gunpowder gas pushed the iron sand in the gun chamber, mixed with fire and gunpowder smoke, and ejected from the muzzle, hitting the shield held by the Ming army on the boat.

When shot at close range, even a shotgun shot with iron sand still has considerable lethality.

The round shield held by the Ming sergeant above his head was penetrated at once.

The Ming soldier under the round shield was hit by iron sand, with bloody holes on his face and body.

Blood flows!

Screaming and falling to the ground.

Arrows were also shot through the air, drawing an arc in the air, and then falling downwards.

Benedict!Tuk Tuk!Tuk-tuk-tuk!

The arrow penetrated the buckler, and the sharp arrowhead penetrated from under the buckler.

However, the arrow shaft was stuck in the shield and failed to cause effective damage to the Ming army below.

It's just that someone was stabbed in the arm, and blood poured out from the wound.

"Withstand! Withstand!"

"Hold on, take the wounded soldiers down quickly!"

The grassroots officers of the Ming army quickly directed the battle.

Order people to take the wounded soldiers down, and then ask people to continue filling in to form a complete shield array.

At the same time, the Ming army's musketeers raised their muskets, aimed at the Qing army's bird gunners who poked their heads out, then pulled the trigger and fired a volley.

The archers bent their bows and nocked arrows, aimed at the Qing army's deck, and began to throw arrows.

Both sides were shooting back and forth, but because the Qing army occupied a favorable terrain, even if the Ming army was protected by shields, their casualties were still higher than that of the Qing army.

For a while, the screams continued.

At the same time, the Ming soldiers under the shield were facing the hail of bullets and nailed the explosive packets to the sides of the Qing ships.

After the explosive package is fixed.

A Ming sergeant took out a fire stick from his arms, blew it on, then approached the fuse in front of the explosive pack and lit the fuse.

There was a burning sound.

Seeing this, the Ming army officer immediately shouted.

"Quick! Quick!"

"Get back quickly, stay away, stay away immediately!"

When the explosive package explodes, it does not distinguish between friend and foe.

Now, they have lit the fuse of the explosive bag. If they don't hide away quickly, they will really explode together with them later.

Soon, a rumbling explosion sounded.

The violent air waves spread quickly and tore a large hole in the side of the Qing army's ship.

The wooden hull was torn apart by the shock wave, and broken wood chips flew everywhere.

A ball of fire expanded rapidly, destroying everything in its path.

The Qing soldiers on this ship all felt a sudden shock under their feet, followed by a rumbling explosion.

The ship's hull shook violently and then tilted.

A large amount of river water poured into the hull, causing the Qing army's ships to begin to sink.

The explosion caused the keel of the Qing warship to crack and break into two sections.

A wave came and hit the Qing army's warship.

The warship suddenly swayed from side to side, and then, under the gaze of countless people, it broke into two sections, and then each slowly sank.

The Qing soldiers on the boat fell into the river and struggled desperately.

Immediately, bursts of cheers like tsunami-like cheers from the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty rang out from the river.

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Ming Dynasty Wan Sheng!"

"Kill the prisoners to serve the country!"


As for the Qing army, after seeing this scene, they couldn't help but lose their momentum.

Zhang Benzhen, the admiral of the Guangdong Navy of the Qing Army, said with a face full of surprise and a trembling voice.

"How... how could this be?"

"Why is the Ming thief's gunpowder so powerful?"

The surprise and astonishment on Zhang Benzhen's face was quite obvious, and even cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

In his mind, the power of a gunpowder explosion should be far less than this.

But he didn't wait for him to make a decision.

On the battlefield, several more balls of fire exploded...

He watched helplessly as several Qing warships sank one after another and turned into pieces of wood floating on the water.

Some Qing soldiers were flopping on the water, trying to keep their mouths and noses above the water.

The battlefield suddenly fell silent!
Zhang Benzhen opened his mouth, suppressed the shock in his heart, and commanded the battle.

"Send an order to keep our ships away from the Ming pirate fleet!"

"We must keep a distance, and we can't let the thieves get close to us anymore!"

Explosive packs are blown up against the hull of the ship. This method is not to mention the small and medium-sized Guangdong ships of the Qing army.

Even the foreign sailing battleships still couldn't hold it.

Once it explodes, it will create a big hole.

If this big hole opens on the waterline, it will only be a matter of time before the ship sinks.

However, if the Qing army wanted to distance itself from the Ming army's warships, how could the Ming army allow them to do so?
He bit the Qing army's ships tightly and continued to attack with explosive packs.


There was an explosion, and several more Qing ships were damaged and sunk.

The Ming army's boats were dragged upstream on the river, killing Qing soldiers floating on the water, and expanding the results of the battle.

"Attack! Attack! Continue to attack!"

Zhang He took the lead and led his men onto the deck of a Qing warship. He slashed down a Qing soldier with his sword, and then shouted at the top of his lungs, calling on the Ming soldiers to move forward and fight for control of the ship.

Facing the Ming army sailors who jumped into gangs, like tigers rushing into the flock of sheep, the Qing army still performed poorly.

It almost collapsed at the touch of a button!
Not only infantrymen in the Qing army were afraid of hand-to-hand combat, but also sailors in the navy.

Facing the Ming army that rushed up to fight with them, the Qing army was completely defeated.

At this time, it was already too late for Zhang Benzhen to command his troops to respond.

"Military Gate, withdraw, brothers can't hold it anymore."

A navy general came to Zhang Benzhen and began to persuade him.

The others heard the words and also spoke.

"Yes, Junmen! The brothers really can't bear it anymore."

"Junmen, let's withdraw. Isn't there a fort downstream? Just use the power of the fort to block the waterway."


Everyone talked about persuasion.

They all had only one purpose, which was to persuade Zhang Benzhen to withdraw his troops.

Because they really couldn't hold on any longer.

Seeing this, Zhang Benzhen could only grit his teeth and say.

"Okay, give the order and prepare to retreat!"

"Then be prepared to cooperate with the fort to fight against the Ming thieves."


As Zhang Benzhen's order was issued, the Qing army began to retreat.But the Ming army took advantage of the situation and launched a pursuit.

The retreating Qing army and the pursuing Ming army mixed together and headed east.

The Qing army was preparing to retreat to the vicinity of the fort and use the power of the fort to retreat the enemy.

The Ming army was preparing to coerce the retreating Qing army, pass through the blockade of the fort, and then choose an opportunity to land and attack the flanks of the Qing army.

Cooperate with the army to achieve a breakthrough!


Jiang Yong looked uneasy when he heard the sound of gunfire coming closer and closer from the river in the distance, as well as the roar of explosions one after another.

"Master, the sound of artillery seems to be getting closer and closer. Do you think the imperial army can win this time? It won't be defeated again, right?"

Next to him, a young boy of seventeen or eighteen years old asked, with a faint fear on his face.

This boy's name is Liu Yu, a fellow countryman of Jiang Yong.

He was able to become a gunner instead of an ordinary green soldier, all thanks to Jiang Yong's support.

If Jiang Yong hadn't taught him how to handle artillery, Liu Yu would have been dragged to the battlefield to pad his sword and become cannon fodder.

Therefore, Liu Yu was very grateful to Jiang Yong and often followed Jiang Yong, calling him "Master" one after another.

When Jiang Yong heard this, he sighed heavily, then shook his head and said.

"It's hard to say!"

"The governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, the general of Guangzhou and other high officials were all defeated by the Ming thieves. It is hard to say whether the Jin Army Sect can defeat the Ming thieves..."

To be honest, Jiang Yong is not optimistic about whether the imperial court can win this battle.

Liu Yu let out a surprised sound, and then asked.

"Then the Ming thief won't come over, right? If the Ming thief comes over, what will we do?"

Jiang Yong curled his lips and said after hearing this.

"It's okay! Don't think about things that are there or not."

"Fight if you can beat them. If you can't beat them, surrender. Anyway, we gunners are very popular wherever we go. Whoever we go to has to give us a bite to eat."

These days, gunners are all high-level talents.

Even if you surrender and become a prisoner of war, the treatment will be the best and you will not be indebted to them.

No one would be willing to let a gunner go to the battlefield as cannon fodder.

However, as soon as Jiang Yong finished speaking, Liu Yu on the side let out a scream.

"Master...Master, look, look, it seems that our Qing navy has been defeated over there..."

Liu Yu pointed in the direction of the river, with a look of shock and disbelief on his face.

Jiang Yong turned his head and looked around, and saw the Qing navy fleeing in front of the river, followed closely by a small boat carrying the flag of the Ming army.

The flags of the sun and the moon are flying high!
The two naval forces, one behind the other, were tightly intertwined and headed towards the fort.

Jiang Yong took a deep breath, forced himself to regain his composure, and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Warning, go and warn and prepare for war!"

"Ming thief is here!"

Liu Yu on the side saw this and immediately shouted at the top of his voice.

"The Ming thief is coming, prepare for war, prepare for war quickly!"

While shouting, he ran outside.

There was a commotion on the fort immediately, and the Qing soldiers' warnings became more and more outrageous.

"The Ming thieves are coming and the imperial army has lost!"

"Jinjunmen has also been defeated, everyone, run away!"

"The Jin Army Gate was beheaded by Ming thieves. The entire imperial army was wiped out. Run quickly..."


The Qing troops on the fort began to flee.

Jiang Yong's original intention was to ask Liu Yu to warn Shangguan and prepare to fight the invading Ming army.

But unexpectedly, Liu Yu's warning was misinterpreted, and the rumors became more and more outrageous. From the invasion of Ming thieves to the defeat of the imperial army.

Even Jin Rong, the Admiral of Guangdong, was tragically killed in battle!

The spread of lies directly led to the collapse of the fort defenders.

Looking at the flying flags with clear characters and the flags of the sun and the moon, the Qing army was all frightened and could no longer muster the courage to resist.

The current Qing army in Guangdong is already a little scared by the Ming army!

In this way, the Ming army swept along the Qing army's navy, captured the forts in the Dongping Waterway, and continued to expand its results.


At the same time, the fighting in Jinli Town became increasingly fierce.

All departments of the Ming army rushed to launch cross-river operations.

The Qing army deployed defenses on the beach on the east bank of the Xijiang River, preparing to block the Ming army's landing.


The Qing army's bird gunmen formed an array on the beachhead on the east coast, aiming at the river landing on the Xijiang River. According to the officer's orders, they kept pulling the triggers.

Smoke filled the air, and iron shot from shotguns flew everywhere.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who were preparing to launch a landing operation were still suffering from casualties even if they were holding shields to cover their vital points.

The screams kept ringing!

The Ming army's musketeers' counterattack was not effective because they could not fire a volley.

In the Qing army's formation, only a few people fell to the ground occasionally.

On this battlefield where tens of thousands of people were fighting and fighting, such scattered casualties were like a wave in the sea, inconspicuous at all.

Even if the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were able to pass through the fire blockade of the Qing army and land on the shore, what greeted them would not be victory.

But it was a siege by a large number of Qing army melee soldiers!
The outcome is predictable.

Although the Qing army was generally timid in hand-to-hand combat, if the difference in strength between the two sides was really huge, the Qing army could still muster the courage to go forward and fight.

Facing the scattered Ming army landing troops, the Qing army would not collapse at the first touch.

The Ming army that successfully landed could only suffer from the encirclement and suppression by the Qing army with dozens of times its strength.

Even if the Ming army could successfully land, it would only cost them lives and increase casualties, and they would not be able to stand on the east bank of the Xijiang River.

The battle situation fell into a stalemate for a while!
Zhu Jing'an put down the telescope in his hand and urged Zhang Jin beside him.

"Our landing force is in urgent need of fire support!"

"When can the bombardment continue to provide fire support for our landing troops and suppress the Qing blocking troops on the beach?"

The Ming army was now facing a situation on the east bank of the Xijiang River. Apart from artillery fire support and providing fire cover for the landing troops in order to break the situation, Zhu Jing'an had no other solution.

Zhang Jin heard this and said with a troubled expression.

"Back to the Governor, our army's artillery unit has just sent people to report. Now the artillery barrel has obviously overheated and needs to be cooled down urgently."

"If we continue to fire at high intensity, the artillery may explode at any time..."

This is the experience of old Pete, an old artilleryman.

He could see that the Ming army's artillery was now on the verge of exploding.

If the fight continues, the consequences will be disastrous!
Hearing this, Zhu Jing'an suppressed the anxiety in his heart and took a deep breath.

"Pass the order, our troops crossing the river will slow down their offensive pace and wait for artillery support."

Although Zhu Jing'an arranged for Zeng Yao, Liu Mingyou and others to lead their troops to take a detour and raid the flanks of the Qing army.

But victory in the war cannot be achieved by side attacks alone!

It must be on the frontal battlefield, the Ming army must also achieve a breakthrough, and the main force of the army can press to the east bank of the Xijiang River.

Only when the frontal battlefield and the side battlefield cooperate with each other can the Ming army win this battle simply and beautifully.

Otherwise, Zeng Yao, Liu Mingyou and the others would not have flanked the Qing army and cooperated with the army to achieve a frontal breakthrough.

Instead, he threw himself into a trap, broke through all the obstacles, and then took the initiative to enter the encirclement of the Qing army and die.

 Chapter 2, today’s [-] words are complete, go to sleep, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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