"Nezha, it's starting to get windy. "

On the shores of the East China Sea, a circle of children play with each other on the beach.

I don't know when, waves of cool sea breeze swept in, and even the waves grew bigger.

Nezha glanced into the sea, his brows furrowed, he always felt that something lurked under the surface of the sea.

However, he didn't see what it was, so he could only say, "Let's go back to the shore first." "

His words seemed to have some kind of magic, as soon as the words fell, the waves that were originally just getting bigger suddenly became turbulent, without any warning, the terrifying wave rose out of thin air and rolled towards them, the waves were several feet high, stunned all the children, if there was no accident, they would be mercilessly swallowed by this wave.

Nezha snorted lightly, and his hand was already held by him, and the volley hit the waves, like a red light caressing the sky, and the terrifying wave was directly dispersed.

Nezha said loudly, "Go back to the shore." "

Needless to say, the children were already swimming briskly to the shore, and in the middle of the sea, an even bigger wave struck.

Nezha jumped out of the sea lightly, stepping directly on the sea with a pair of bare little feet, holding the Chaotian Aya and Qiankun Circle, and snorted coldly: "Who is the demon, dare to be presumptuous in front of the master." "

Only the sound of the waves was raging, and no one replied to his words.

Nezha was suddenly furious, shook Chaotian Aya up, and was like a red dragon on the sea, and the waves were easily dispersed again.

As soon as it was dispersed, a new wave appeared, this time layer upon layer, I don't know how many waves surged, and one wave was higher than the other.

But no matter how high the waves are, it is still impossible to escape the fate of being broken under the chaos of the sky.

After a few moments, the sea returned to calm, and it seemed that the thing under the sea had given up on making trouble.

Nezha scorned, like a rooster that had won a fight, and turned back to the shore.

On the shore, his group of friends were wet, and they were gasping for breath on the beach on their backs or lying down.

Nezha asked, "Are you all right?"

Everyone got up one after another and said, "It's okay, thanks to Nezha, we can escape back." "

"Nezha, you are so powerful, you are better than me. "

Ah Ye is the name of my father in this era.

Nezha had a smile on his face, he enjoyed the praise of these friends.

Suddenly, a person spoke, "Wait, why is Xiaomei missing?"

Only then did everyone realize that Xiao Mei, who had been following them, disappeared.

Someone immediately questioned someone: "Little silkworm husband, haven't you been with Xiaomei all the time, what about her?"

The little silkworm man is a five-year-old skinny little boy, because the family raises silkworms, his father is called silkworm husband, and his mother is silkworm mother, he is naturally a little silkworm husband.

Compared with other friends, his family is slightly better, at least two meals a day, can drink thin soup, and from time to time can eat a small piece of black nest.

In the face of everyone's questioning, his eyes dodged, and he resignedly: "I don't know, Xiaomei didn't go into the water before, she has been diving, I didn't care about her." "

Someone in the crowd shouted, "I saw her, and a shadow appeared in the sea and took her captive." "

Nezha's face sank when he heard this, and he looked at the person who spoke, who was the little friend who climbed the wall of his house before.

He took a deep breath, knowing that it might be the monster in the sea, and said expressionlessly: "Okay, I know, you go back first, I will save Xiaomei." "

Seeing this, some of the other friends wanted to say something, and some hurriedly got up and were about to leave: "In this case, please Nezha." "

The rest of the people also knew that they couldn't help, and they were frightened by the wave just now, so they told Nezha to be careful, and then went to Chentangguan together.

After they left, Nezha glanced at the sea that had calmed down, and jumped into the deep sea, where Chaotian Aya was held tightly by him and stirred into the sea below.

This time, he didn't keep his hand back.

With the agitation of Chaotian Aya, the entire sea surface set off an uproar, and suddenly there was a strong wind, lightning and thunder.

And the dark tide under the sea surged, an indescribable whirlpool of terror appeared, and the entire East China Sea shook.


A thunderbolt swept across the dark sky, and waves began to appear under the sea, Nezha looked at it with a cold face, and Chaotian Aya stopped temporarily.

For a moment, I saw a young man wearing silver armor and holding a Fang Tian painting halberd stepping on the turtle, and beside him was followed by a strange-looking aquatic monster, Nezha couldn't recognize it, a bit like a squid with human legs.

Behind him, there are three patrol yaksha who step out of the waves.

Young people appeared, the sky grew darker and darker, and the rain fell heavily.

He shouted: "Where did the hairy boy come from, he dared to make waves in the East China Sea, and he didn't want to die?"

Nezha looked at him contemptuously and sneered: "I am Nezha, the son of Li Jing, the chief soldier of Chentangguan, you acquaintances hurry up and hand over Xiaomei, otherwise don't blame Xiaoye for turning your East China Sea upside down?"

"Xiaomei?" the young man in silver armor was a little puzzled.

The squid spirit beside him said: "Third prince, it sounds like a girl's name, just now there is indeed a patrol of the sea for you to catch a little girl, you also know that three days later is the birthday of the dragon king, the dragon king usually likes to eat boys and girls, although there are many offerings in Chentangguan on weekdays, but after all, you will not be satisfied, if you offer this virgin this time, you will be able to please the dragon lord." "

The young man known as the third prince was overjoyed and praised: "Okay, Mr. Wu has a heart, if he can really please his father this time, this prince will be rewarded." "

He smiled, looked at Nezha again, and his face leaked fiercely: "Boy, you heard, that little girl is going to be presented to her father by the prince, and if you know each other, hurry up, otherwise you will also be caught, skinned and cramped to make snacks together." "

Nezha's face was cold, but he was already angry in his heart.

He didn't say anything more, and directly killed him with the Qiankun Circle in his hand.

Seeing this, the third prince of the East China Sea did not instigate him, and tread the waves to fight him. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Thunder fell from the sky, the sea was full of wind, and under the pouring rain, the third prince of the East China Sea was smashed on the head by Nezha with a Qiankun circle.

With a miserable scream, the third prince of the East China Sea could no longer maintain his human behavior and showed his dragon body.

He felt that the three souls were about to collapse, so he panicked and went into the sea, and at the same time shouted, "Stop him." "

Three hundred patrol sea yaksha tread the waves to kill, Nezha sneered, and looked at the Qiankun circle again.

Under the rainstorm, golden light was released from the Qiankun circle, and in an instant, one turned into two, two turned into four, and four turned into eight...... []

In just an instant, there were countless circles of Qiankun falling like rain, smashing fiercely on the heads of these patrol yakshas, and with a slight touch, the skulls cracked and the brains burst.

These three hundred patrol nakshatras didn't even last a breath.

The squid spirit who was following the third prince of the East China Sea was frightened when he saw this, and shouted strangely: "Lord Long, how can this little doll be a killing god?"

As he spoke, he slipped into the water.

He is fast, Nezha is faster than him, when manipulating the Qiankun circle, the Chaotian Aya in his hand has been shaken away by him, and the sky is full of scrolls, turning into a red light that crosses the distance of space, and fiercely wraps up the real body of the third prince who is about to flee into the sea, and then Chaotian Aya continues to extend, and the squid essence is also rolled.

With the force of his hand, Chaotian Aya tightened violently, and the third prince's dragon body was suddenly tightened, and the squid essence directly exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

There was a dragon groaning in the heavens and the earth, and the wailing continued.

The dragon body of the third prince of the East China Sea is constantly moving and changing under the chaotic sky.

But no matter what kind of magical powers he uses, Chaotian Aya firmly binds him, he is big and chaotic and follows the big, and he is small and small, and all kinds of supernatural powers are useless.

Nezha sneered, pulled the Tianya in his hand, and slammed the body of the third prince of the East China Sea on the shore like a whip, with a loud bang, and the shore of the East China Sea shook violently.

The third prince was thrown into a lot of meat, but he was still struggling instinctively, and at this time, a pair of small feet were stepping on his head, trampling him to death.

Quickly hand over the little eyebrows. Nezha said viciously.

The third prince dragon's eyes moved upward, and he complained bitterly in his heart, how could he be so unlucky to meet such a killing god.

He spoke: "It's useless for you to threaten me now, that little girl has been taken captive to the Dragon Palace, where it is in the deep sea, she is an ordinary little girl who can't bear the pressure at all, and she has died a long time ago." "


Nezha was stunned, the pestle was in place, and the appearance of the little girl praising him not long ago subconsciously came to mind.

"Nezha, you're so nice. "

Remain fresh in one's memory.

He took a deep breath, his face became colder and colder, and with a move of his left hand, the Qiankun circle on the sea surface merged with each other, turned into light and flew into his hand, and then raised it high.

The third prince of the East China Sea seemed to sense something, the dragon's eyes widened, and he exclaimed: "What do you want to do, wait, I am the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, you can't kill me, she is just (Li Zhaohao) an ordinary mortal, you ......"


The words came to an abrupt end.

Nezha held the Qiankun ring in his hand and smashed it heavily on his dragon's head, and in an instant, the dragon's head cracked and blood overflowed.

Slowly exhaling a breath of turbidity, Nezha still couldn't understand his hatred, and skinned the dragon and cramped, and even raised a fire on the shore of the East China Sea, took out the dragon's heart and dragon liver and put it on the fire to barbecue.

The quality of the dragon meat is extremely high, even if it is a little fishy because of the lack of spices, it is still difficult to hide the deliciousness of the taste.

Nezha's mouth was full of oil, and then he walked home.

It's just that in his heart, the little girl with a yellow face and thin muscles still appears from time to time.

Never to be seen again.

He was inexplicably depressed.

When he returned to the Li Mansion, he didn't tell anyone, and went directly to his room and slept beautifully.

When he woke up again, the sky was already dark, and there was a faint rumbling sound of thunder and lightning, and he rubbed his eyes and sat up.

Before he was fully awake, a rush of footsteps came, and then a subordinate rushed in in a panic: "The little young master is not good, the Dragon King of the East China Sea came to Xingshi to ask for the guilt, he said that you killed the third prince of the East China Sea, and also ate his heart and liver, and now you are confronting the master, and you want the master to hand you over, otherwise you will flood Chentangguan." "

Nezha woke up in an instant.

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