In this way, a child named Nezha was born in this world.

The people around him were laughing, but Nezha was not happy.

He didn't feel like he wanted to be here.

As for the reason, he forgot.

However, most things in the world are involuntarily, adhering to the idea that what comes is safe, Nezha still took a serious look at the man who seemed to be his father who lifted himself high.

He wore a beard and meticulous care, and wore a black and red official robe, which still had water stains and a slight smell of sea, and looked like he had just returned from the sea.

Although he has a happy smile on his face, for some reason, Nezha always feels that he doesn't like himself from the bottom of his heart, and there is always a hint of falsehood in his smile.

Nezha turned his head away, forget it, anyway, he doesn't like this father who wants to split himself.

He yawned, a little sleepy, and suddenly felt a little bloated, not at all controllable, and a water stain sprinkled in the air in a perfect arc, and it was falling on the face of the laughing man.

For a while, accompanied by astonishment and laughter, it was a mess again.

Nezha didn't care, he was already yawning and falling asleep.

In this way, Nezha lived in this world, like an ordinary child every day.

Soon after, he also knew his father's name, Li Jing!

Nezha always felt that he had heard this name before, but he couldn't remember it.

He simply didn't think about it, but calmly did his Li Nezha in the Li Mansion.

A month has arrived in the blink of an eye, this day is his 31st month wine, Li Jing, as the chief soldier of Chentangguan, naturally has a wide range of contacts in the city.

On this day, Li Mansion hung red colors, and people of some status in the city came to congratulate him, Li Jing greeted him in front of the door early, and the smile on his face has not disappeared since the morning.

On the contrary, it was Nezha, the protagonist, who was sitting on a table prepared in advance in a big red belly pocket and was left to dry.

He didn't care, he slept on his own and enjoyed himself.

He didn't know why, since he was born, he felt that he didn't get enough sleep, as if he had a kind of sleepiness from the depths of his soul, and he couldn't sleep enough.

At noon that day, Nezha, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up by the noise around him.

It turned out that there was an immortal who came riding a crane.

The immortal fell in the mansion, claiming to be the Taiyi Zhenren of the Jinguang Cave of Qianyuan Mountain, and said that he had a fate with him and wanted to accept him as an apprentice.

People from all around came to congratulate and congratulate Li Jing's son on worshipping immortals as teachers.

Then, the old Taoist who claimed to be Taiyi Zhenren came to Nezha and gave him two treasures, Chaotian Aya and Qiankun Circle, he liked it very much, and felt that this old Taoist was good, at least more pleasing to the eye than his father who had a righteous face on the surface.

So, Nezha still lives leisurely in the Li Mansion.

Three years passed in a flash, and he also grew up, faster than ordinary children, like six or seven years old.

Correspondingly, he understands more.

He learned that the place where he lived was Chentang Pass, located on the shore of the East China Sea, and there was an old dragon in the sea, who came to ask for tribute during the New Year's holidays, and if he was a little neglectful, he would deduct the rain and rain and bring disasters.

In addition, the country that rules this world is called Dashang, and the current king is called Di Xin, who is known as the King of Xu.

In addition, there are 800 large and small princes and kings to assist him in governing the world, the largest four princes are the four princes of the south, the east and the northwest, among which the Xibo Marquis is the most virtuous and respected by the world.

But all this is too far away from Nezha.

He didn't want to pay attention to these things, he just wanted to be a third young master who was eating and waiting for death in the Li Mansion quietly.

Therefore, he hadn't gone to Qianyuan Mountain to learn the Tao from Taiyi Zhenren for several months.

Every time I go, my cheap master has to sigh about his talent, and emphasize that he is the reincarnation of the spirit bead in Nuwa Palace, and he has the mission of being a god of warlords, and he must work hard.

Every time he arrived at this time, Nezha pouted and looked impatient.

However, he wrote these down in his heart, and secretly said that he was the reincarnation of the spirit bead, and the vague memories of his past life that came out when he accidentally panicked should be the spirit bead.

He thought so, but he felt that something was wrong.

If you can't figure it out, you just don't want to.

In the past three years, he has a wealth of experience in dealing with indirect schizophrenia.

Just like today, he was playing in his backyard, saying he was playing, but in fact he was staring at a well in the backyard without saying a word.

The water in the well was clear, reflecting his appearance like a mirror, but the person inside was not him, but a person he had never seen before, a young man who looked very young, with a warm face, like a delicate and gentle person, Nezha felt that he was not at all like himself.

"Hey, who are you?"

Nezha shouted into the well, and the sound reverberated continuously when it touched the walls of the well on all sides.

The people in the backyard of the mansion were already surprised when they saw this, and one of the old servants shook his head and sighed: "Young Master Nezha is sick again." "

The figure inside the well did not respond.

No, it's not accurate to say this, because Nezha clearly saw that when he spoke, the other party also spoke, but he couldn't hear what he said.

"What are you talking about, be louder, I can't hear you, are you my past life spirit bead?"

Nezha shouted into the well again, but no surprise, he still didn't get any response.

He has long been used to it, and he still shouted to himself: "You are a dumb person, if you can't speak, don't you disappear quietly, what's the point of pestering me all the time?"

"Nezha!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Suddenly, a voice came, which shocked Nezha, after so long, there was finally a response?

He was just overjoyed and about to communicate with the figure in the well, but suddenly realized that something was wrong, and raised his head to look at the wall.

I saw a little boy of four or five years old in tattered clothes climbing on the wall of his house, and when he saw him, he smiled innocently and said: "Nezha, everyone is waiting for you, this time we have made an appointment to go to the beach to take a bath, come quickly." "

He quickly disappeared into the wall.

Nezha pursed his lips and whispered, "Little brat." "[]

However, his body stood up very honestly, and as he was leaving, he looked into the well again and said, "I'm leaving, don't pester me in the future." "

He was about to turn around, but he saw the shadow in the well open its mouth again, and for the first time, he clearly heard the two words spoken by the other party.

"Mo Yu. "

Hearing these two words, Nezha suddenly became inexplicably irritable, kicked on the stone wall built at the wellhead, and with a bang, the entire wellhead was kicked and shattered by him.

He turned around and ran out without looking back, feeling an inexplicable tear in his heart.

He easily mixed out of the Li Mansion, and the subordinates who were in charge of taking care of him couldn't stop him at all, and any panicked person could let Nezha slip away.

After all, how can you expect mortals to look at the immortals.

Taiyi Zhenren said to Nezha before, don't look at you as only three years old, but you already have the power to surpass ordinary immortals.

Nezha has no doubt about this.

Ordinary immortals are considered farts, but they are the reincarnation of spirit beads, and they are born sacred.

Out of Li's mansion, he walked all the way out of the city, and soon he came to a wood, there were four or five children waiting for him, and when he saw him, his eyes were bright, and he shouted: "Nezha, Nezha, everyone is waiting for you." "

Nezha put his hands in his pants, walked with eight steps, and casually pulled the Tianya into his hand, and then spread it on the ground, and some delicate melons, fruits and pastries appeared in it.

He grinned, "This is what is left at noon today, let's divide it." "

The children were overjoyed, shouting "Long live Nezha" and reaching out to grab the food from the mess.

For a while, the friends were gobbling it up.

Nezha was also a lot of joy when he saw this, these children he met when he first sneaked out of the Li Mansion, and the family was all poor, and he was not in the same class.

Even later Li Jing found out and reprimanded him for not degrading his identity, if he wanted a playmate, the children of the powerful in the city could make friends.

Nezha scoffed at this, and he liked to play with these playmates.

However, the families of these friends are too poor, and many of them are unclothed, and it is difficult to guarantee food on weekdays.

Therefore, Nezha will often help them. 963

He swept his eyes around, suddenly found something, and wondered: "Xiaomei, why don't you eat it?"

Xiaomei is a four-year-old girl who appears thin due to malnutrition and has withered yellow hair.

She originally didn't have a name, because she was ranked ninth in the family, and everyone in the family called her Xiaojiu.

People like them naturally don't have surnames.

Nezha saw that her eyebrows were good-looking, so he named her Li Meimei.

He still remembers her reaction after naming her, stunned in place, and then cried with joy, cheering "I have a name" all over the mountains.

Nezha never figured it out, it's just a name, is it worth it?

Xiaomei raised her head, her eyebrows were very good-looking, like two curved crescents, Nezha always felt that if she could keep up with nutrition, she might look good if she grew up.

She said in a low voice: "My mother is sick, and my family has no money to get medicine, so I want to bring my share of snacks back to my mother." "

As she spoke, she found a few leaves and weeds to tie the snack on.

Her clothes were shabby, she didn't even have a pocket for her belongings, and she had to pack them with leaves and weeds.

Nezha became a little irritable, you let him fight, he was good at it, you let him heal, but he could only catch blind.

I had taught him pharmacology in Taiyi Zhenren in Qianyuan Mountain before, but he was not interested in it and did not learn it, and now he suddenly regretted it.

He turned his head and said, "Okay, you let your grandmother eat these first, if she is not well, I will let Lang Zhong at home take a look tomorrow." "

Li Mei's eyebrows were happy, and his curved eyebrows suddenly stretched, but then he thought of something, and said with a low expression: "I...... My family has no money. "

Nezha waved his hand angrily and said, "Cut, do you look down on me Nezha, don't worry, don't want money." "

Li Meimei finally rejoiced, looked at Nezha deadly, and said seriously: "Nezha, you are so good." "

Nezha's heart was suddenly happy, although he didn't know why.

However, he still pretended to be calm on the surface, and waved his hand: "Okay, let's go to the beach." "。

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