Although Nezha was sober, he didn't react much.

It's just the Dragon King of the East China Sea, what a big deal.

He learned the Tao in Qianyuan Mountain, and Taiyi Zhenren once told him that the Dragon Clan had been brilliant in the past, but it was too long, so far away that the Dragon Clan itself had forgotten it.

If it weren't for the fact that the Dragon King of the East China Sea had a good vision, he took refuge in the Heavenly Court founded by Haotian God before the complete decline of the Dragon Clan, and was named the righteous god of the Water Clan, at this moment, I am afraid that it would be difficult to retain even one acre and three points of land in the deep sea.

Nezha got up slowly and leisurely, preparing to go to the front yard of the Li Mansion.

His face was expressionless, whether it was his cheap dad or the so-called Dragon King of the East China Sea, he didn't take it to heart.

In the past three years of growth, he has always felt alienated from his surroundings, as if he did not belong to this time and space.

He prefers to play with the children of poor families outside to his cheap father.

He walked out of the room, and the sky was dark and stormy.

Stepping in the rain, there is a biting cold.

The subordinate who came to call him before looked at him with complicated eyes, opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't make a sound.

Nezha walked in the wind and rain, and after a while, he came to the front yard of the Li Mansion, and there was only one figure in the courtyard wearing the robe of the chief soldier 620 standing in the wind and rain, and the cold rain saw that he was wet all over, and there was an inexplicable loneliness.

There was no one in the courtyard except him, and the people had already run as far as they could.

In the sky, there was an old dragon in a yellow robe on the dark clouds, turning into a human body and glaring angrily, and a large number of shrimp soldiers and crab generals behind him, I don't know how many.

When Nezha saw this scene, not only did he not have any fluctuations in his heart, but he even wanted to laugh a little.

The sound of his footsteps attracted attention, and the man in the official robe turned around, and when he saw him, he shouted angrily at him: "Rebel, don't come to meet the Dragon King yet." "

Nezha stepped forward slowly and saluted Li Jing in an extremely perfunctory manner: "Father." "

As for the dragon king in the sky, he saw it, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

On the dark clouds, the dragon king smiled angrily: "What a crazy child, let me ask you, did you kill my son Ao Bing?"

Li Jing was a little flustered at this time, and wanted to say something before Nezha opened his mouth, but was angrily reprimanded by the Dragon King in advance: "Li Jing, you shut up." "

Li Jing suddenly didn't dare to speak.

Nezha raised his head, looked at the old dragon in the dim sky, and nodded indifferently: "(dbae) That's right, I killed a dragon, as for whether it's your son, I don't know." "

As soon as the words fell, Li Jing couldn't help but slap Nezha and said loudly: "Rebel, what nonsense are you talking about?"

This slap failed to fall, and Nezha stretched out a hand to hold his wrist, no matter how hard Li Jing exerted his strength, he couldn't move a bit.

Li Jing couldn't advance or retreat for a while, his whole body trembled with anger, and his face turned purple.

"Rebel, do you want to rebel?"

Li Jing was helpless, so he could only reprimand angrily, but his tone was a little weak no matter how he listened to it.

Nezha thought for a moment and let go of his hand.

The dragon king watched it in the air with relish, and sneered: "Disobedient to his biological father, what a little beast without ethics, no wonder he dares to commit such a heinous crime, Li Jing, you have also heard it with your own ears, Nezha has already admitted to killing my son, and this king will not embarrass you, hand over Nezha, and sacrifice three thousand boys and girls three days later, the matter will be stopped, otherwise this king will let you Chen Tangguan chicken and dog not stay." "

Li Jing stood trembling in the torrential rain, stunned by the conditions of the Dragon King.

Nezha didn't care, as early as when he was born, he didn't like this son who jumped out of the meat ball.

But he couldn't do it with 3,000 boys and girls.

Chentangguan is an important town in the East China Sea, but even so, the population is only tens of thousands, and it is difficult for all the boys and girls in the city to make up this number.

This dragon king is clearly here to take advantage of the opportunity to blackmail.

And even if he can make up enough three thousand, if he really dares to do it, it will definitely attract the dissatisfaction of the whole city, and there are many powerful people, if it spreads, it will be alarmed in Chaoge City, and his official career will be stopped.

The resentment in his heart was all caused by Nezha, a rebel, if it weren't for him, how could he be in the dilemma he is in today. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

On the contrary, Nezha looked coldly at the dragon king in the dark clouds, and suddenly said: "Old dragon king, there is a debtor who is wronged, your son was killed by my Nezha, why implicate others." "

The dragon king laughed on the dark clouds: "Haha, what a kind of little doll, if this king insists on being implicated, to tell you the truth, I want your little life, and I also want three thousand boys and girls, otherwise, the whole city will be buried with you." "

Nezha's gaze at him became colder and colder, and the Qiankun circle had been held in his hand by some time.

In that case, go and die!

The Qiankun circle turned into a golden light, illuminating the dim heaven and earth. []

No one expected Nezha to be so bold that he would dare to suddenly make a move against the Dragon King.

They didn't expect that Nezha would be so strong that even the Dragon King was not an opponent, and under the golden light of the Qiankun Circle, the invincible Dragon King was like an ordinary loach that was knocked down into the clouds with a blow.

Then Nezha waved the Qiankun circle and killed himself in the clouds.

Li Jing was shocked and lost his three souls and seven spirits, and shouted: "Nezha, no!"

How could Nezha pay attention to him, he just wanted to pinch the noisy old dragon in front of him to death.

A massacre, the dragon king had no power to fight back, and showed his original form under the Qiankun circle, and many shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were originally showing off their might also turned around and ran away, but they continued to fall in pieces under the Chaotian Aya and Qiankun circles.

A massacre.

The people in Chentang Guanzhong were originally closed, and suddenly many shrimps and crabs fell from the clouds, some fell on the road, and some fell into other people's homes.

These shrimps and crabs are unusually fat, half a person tall, and the people in Chentang Pass don't know why, and look up at the sky.

Why is there seafood in the world inexplicably? Isn't it that hateful skin-peeling old dragon who has a kind heart and wants to improve everyone's food?

In the sky, Nezha is like a god of war, cleaning up tens of thousands of shrimp soldiers and crabs, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea has been frightened, moving and changing in the clouds and mist, wanting to escape to the East China Sea.

But no matter how powerful he was, Chaotian Aya appeared in advance of his escape route like eyes, and his room for maneuver became smaller and smaller.

In a moment, Chaotian Aya had tightened more and more, and with Nezha's one-handed pull, Chaotian Aya completely restrained the old dragon, just like the third prince of the East China Sea yesterday.

Then, his gaze was cold.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was frightened, and he saw Nezha's cold gaze, this doll really wanted to kill himself.

The instinct to survive made him beg for mercy frantically: "Little hero, stop, I don't want a boy or a girl, I won't come to seek revenge, as long as you let me go, the grievances between us will be written off." "

Nezha was unmoved, and the Qiankun circle was even colder.

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