"What?"Bai Yutang's expression changed drastically. He was wrestling with Dongfang Bai at the moment. He was unable to avoid the blow and was hit from the front.

With a crisp sound, most of Bai Yutang's body exploded and turned into blood mist.

"Damn thing."Bai Yutang's face was ferocious, but his movements were methodical. He suddenly grabbed Qiao Feng with his other hand.

"On the surface, there is no trace of the coolness of a thief, but in fact, are you paving the way and preparing for stealing the opponent's ability?"A clear voice suddenly came from behind him.

"What?"Bai Yutang's body paused. His chest was penetrated from the back.

Chu Liuxiang's figure was elegant and his face was peaceful. There was a terrifying internal force gathering in his hand, condensing a half-empty and half-real sword,"The King's Sword Shaping Technique" The shaped sword... tastes pretty good, right?"

"You guy."Bai Yutang clenched his fists, fear lingering inside him, but before he could counterattack Chu Liuxiang. Endless needles fell from the sky, accompanied by Dongfang Bai's gentle voice.

"Fight with me and worry about other things! Do you really want to die?"

Bai Yutang's body exploded completely under these combos. He let out a low roar, and the terrifying internal force lingered, forcing him to reorganize his body in the distance.

"Three against one, are you proud? Bai Yutang's face was expressionless and his words were sarcastic,"Thanks to you, one of you is the leader of Dongfang Cult, one is the proud leader Qiao... and the other is Chu Liuxiang, the thief saint who claims to be unparalleled in splendor." Is this the only way?"

"If you, who are facing the destruction of a world, still insist on moral principles, that would be irresponsible for the souls who fell at your hands."

Qiao Feng's voice was low, he raised his hand and blasted out with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. This real dragon was like a sun coming down, possessing the ultimate destructive power.

"Oh shit."Bai Yutang saw that his words were useless and his face was ugly. He reluctantly raised his inner strength and made a palm print.

Su Han watched this battle with great interest. When he thought, black shadows appeared around him.

These black shadow ninjas were ready for Su Han. Tables and chairs. Su Han sat lazily on the chair, taking out various delicacies from the guild warehouse, eating and watching.

Su Han looked into the distance, glancing at the guild chat room from time to time, and found that at this moment inside It's very lively.

Sakuragihua said:"Six six six six."

Kirishima Touka:"Actually, I really want to know... what are the thoughts of those who are fighting when they see the president enjoying it so much."

Kayaba Akihiko:"President: You go and fight, I'll take care of the fun.

Hijikata Jushiro:"It's so true.""

Railgun:"I'm speechless.jpg"

Jackie Chan didn't want to archaeologically:"There's nothing we can do about it... After all, the president is now involved in the battle... the enemy will be killed instantly."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"In the final analysis, this is the president's consideration for everyone."

Tony is not the richest man:"What you said makes sense!"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"President: You believe me, even though I look like I'm enjoying it now! But I really do it for your own good."

Sakata Gintoki:"I believed your evil, you bad old man is very bad.jpg"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"But... Qiao Feng's combat power is terrifying. I feel that his strength is not inferior to Dongfang Bai."

Yukinoshita Yukino looked a little solemn.

Gudazi:"After all, he obtained the Beiming Heaven Technique before... he can swallow everything between heaven and earth and use it to strengthen himself... This is a well-deserved mythical technique!"

Gudazi was a little emotional.

Gudazi:"Although I am a little surprised...why he was able to cultivate this set of techniques to such an extent in such a short period of time, I can't say that it is completely incomprehensible."

Qiao Feng:"……"

Qiao Feng:"Have you forgotten that there is a time training room in the guild?"

Qiao Feng showed no expression as he fired another Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Needless to say, he seems to become stronger just by lying down. He was also in the guild training room, spent countless efforts, and also used guild points to strengthen himself... Now he has no points at all.


Hatsune Miku:"You're right, everyone in the guild probably hasn't used the training room for a long time."

I'm a Marquis:"In my current state, I can't even train. Use it."

The old Marquis was noncommittal, and everything he said was the truth.

Gui Yan Ye:"……"

Izumi Sagiri:"Shivering.jpg"

Edogawa Conan:"So the situation is very clear now... Those who were able to train hard in the time training house in the early days have basically become strong! Now they can no longer simply I became stronger through exercise, so I don't use it much anymore."

Conan adjusted his little suit and said the next sentence with a strange expression.

Edogawa Conan:"As for the weaker group of people who didn't like to practice in the early days... now it's naturally impossible to suddenly change their life philosophy and then rely on exercise to become stronger... Yes, they are still in a salty state.."

Yuan Dagu:"!!!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"What you said makes sense, I am speechless.jpg"

Kousaka Kirino:"I feel like you are hinting at me!"

Kousaka Kirino looked subtle.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Aren't there many newcomers in the guild using the time training room?"

Su Han raised his eyebrows.

Su Xiaoxiao:"For example, take the current Qiao Feng."

Gui Yanye:"Indeed."

Gudazi:"Actually... it's meaningless to discuss this."

Sirzechs:"Yes, everyone has his own Lifestyle. We just need to manage ourselves……"

Sirzechs:"If you want to become stronger, practice hard. If you want to live your daily life with peace of mind, then it's not a big problem to lie down. Anyway, if something happens, the guild will send people to rescue you! Then you will get points."

Gui Yanye:" It's a bit cruel...but it is indeed true."

Su Xiaoxiao:"It looks like this battle is almost over."

Su Han squinted his eyes and looked into the distance.

Qiao Feng's fighting ability is not inferior to Dongfang Bai. And Dongfang Bai was able to steadily suppress Bai Yutang at the beginning, plus Chu Liuxiang who made sneak attacks from time to time...

There is only one reason why Bai Yutang can survive until now, and that is that he once devoured all the internal energy of a world. As a result, his own foundation is so rich that ordinary people cannot imagine it. Even if he suffers fatal injuries, he can still survive by relying on his internal strength to heal himself.

But after all, he is not immortal, he has reached the end of his life

"You... these guys. Bai Yutang looked a little ferocious,"Since you have forced me to this point, let's die together.""

Bai Yutang's body is expanding, and he wants to detonate all the internal forces in his body.

In fact, most of the internal forces in his body are in a silent state and cannot be used, because these internal forces are beyond his control.

And if he uses them all If detonated, the lethality that explodes in an instant is far beyond what Dongfang Bai and Qiao Feng can withstand.

"Oops."Dongfang Bai's expression changed slightly. Just when she was thinking about whether to ask Su Han for help, Qiao Feng looked up to the sky and groaned, and instantly reached Bai Yutang with both hands in front of him and grabbed his arm,"Exposed yourself?"

Qiao Feng smiled boldly and activated the Beiming Heavenly Technique.

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