"What?"The ferocity on Bai Yutang's face froze, replaced by shock and disbelief. The huge internal force in his body continuously gathered towards Qiao Feng in front of him, and was easily swallowed by him.

"Let me go... you bastard?!"Fear and unwillingness appeared on Bai Yutang's face.

It would be fine if he failed and died, but if he died, he would also become a stepping stone for the enemy to go further? How could he accept such a thing!

However, no matter how Bai Yutang resisted, It was useless... In the end, he was sucked to death by Qiao Feng using Bei Ming Tian Kung.

Qiao Feng let go of his hand, and Bai Yutang, who had lost his breath of life, fell to the ground.

Qiao Feng let out a long breath, and this breath actually escaped After going out for several thousand meters, it remained frozen, and all the rocks and trees blocking the way forward were passively penetrated.

"What a terrifying internal force."Dongfang Bai landed next to Qiao Feng, looking him up and down, a look of solemnity flashed in her eyes. She had a hunch that if Qiao Feng finished digesting today's harvest, then Qiao Feng's strength would completely surpass hers. superior

"It's over."Su Han stood up, and the black shadow ninja collected all the tables and chairs beside him.

With the next breath, a clear mission prompt sounded in the ears of all the guild members present.

"Ding! The guild mission has been completed! Guild President Su Xiaoxiao received 15,000 points! Chu Liuxiang received 25,000 points! Dongfang Bai received 50,000 points. Qiao Feng received 60,000 points"

"A decent reward."Su Han nodded, and then he snapped his fingers.

Just like time flowing backwards, the mountains in the distance slowly returned to their original state. The collapsed Beggar Clan lobby also returned to its original state.

"President."Qiao Feng came to Su Han and looked at everything happening around him with emotion on his face,"Thank you for your help."

"This is my responsibility."Su Han smiled and turned to look at Dongfang Bai,"Now that the mission in this world has been completed, it's time for us to go back."

"I have no opinion."Dongfang Bai's expression was peaceful.

Su Han immediately closed his eyes and clicked on the official return. A brilliant brilliance lingered on him and Dongfang Bai. When the brilliance dissipated, the two disappeared. After being silent for a long time

, Chu Liuxiang suddenly spoke ,"By the way... Gang Leader Qiao, what are you going to do next?""

After Qiao Feng was silent for a moment, he said softly,"Of course it's cultivation, digesting all the internal energy absorbed in your body."

"Is that so?"Chu Liuxiang nodded thoughtfully.

"Of course," Qiao Feng walked slowly towards the distance,"Before that, let's complete the lottery... After all, my rapid improvement in strength this time is all thanks to the help of the guild's rewards."


When Su Han opened his eyes again, he had already appeared in his room. After lazily stretching his body, Su Han lay on the bed, closed his eyes and entered the guild to chat.

Tony is not the richest man:"Originally, I thought that the Thief Saint would use theft to steal Qiao Feng or Dongfang Bai's power.……"

Tony is not the richest man:"But who would have thought that he would die so easily."

Tony Stark's expression was subtle, and he didn't know what to say.

Let the world feel the pain:"Isn't this a normal thing?"

Let the world feel the pain:"Even if you want to steal other people's power, you must be in a specific state... For example, the other person has completely lost the ability to resist.."

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archaeology:"It makes sense."

Whitebeard dad:"Gu la la la, that guy stole all the power of the previous world... I thought that if it was in a world with all the internal power, its combat power would be It reached the point where I was shocked to the point of weeping ghosts and gods... As a result, I was a little disappointed."

Xia Shizi:"????"

Xia Shizi:"Old man, why are you disappointed? When you see the mission reward, shouldn't you be mentally prepared?"

Xiao Zhizhishu:"Terrible."

Xiao Zhizhishu:"Actually, this time traveler cannot be said to be weak......If there was only Dongfang Bai, the final victory or defeat would be debatable."

The Fourth Hokage said:"Even those of us in the guild did not expect that Qiao Feng would reach the sky in one step because of his previous set of mythical skills! Qiao

Feng:"It's too great to reach the sky in one step."

Qiao Feng was quite ashamed.

Qiao Feng:"In terms of pure strength, the gap between me and the top experts in the guild is beyond reason."

Symbol of peace:"……"

Kirishima Touka:"With all due respect...the top experts in the guild are not for comparison at all, okay?"

Kirishima Touka covered her face, not knowing what to say. king:"Indeed! These top experts either have their own unique settings...or they have extremely high power levels in their home world. After strengthening with the help of guild points, they directly rely on the world to become invincible."

Accelerator :"……"

I'm not bald:"……"

Saiki Kusuo:"……"

Ichigo Kurosaki:"Aizen spoke silently. He is completely different from the above cases." king:"Forget it...Aizen? Wasn't he strong before joining the guild?"

King was expressionless, but very concerned about this. not agree.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"What you said makes sense.jpg"

Qiao Feng:"……"

Qiao Feng:"But discussing this actually doesn't make much sense."

Helplessness appeared on Qiao Feng's face, and he thought

"Ding! Qiao Feng successfully obtained the ability upgrade card through the unlimited lottery. (Mythical level)"

"Ding! Qiao Feng successfully obtained the immortal golden body!"

Nakiri Erina:"!???"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"The Immortal Golden Body... This should be what the Thief Saint himself possesses. I saw him forcefully block Miss Dongfang Bai's needle before... I knew he must have the unique skill of protecting the body."

Tony is not The richest man:"I don't know why, but I always feel that this name sounds familiar."

Tony Stark fell into deep thought.

Weber:"Doesn't this sound familiar? Isn't the ancient holy body that covers the world next door also called the Immortal Golden Body?"

Whitebeard Dad:"!!!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Holy shit!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Yes... but the gap between these two immortal golden bodies is too big, isn't it?"

Kousaka Kyosuke's expression was subtle, he no longer knew where to start with this comment. Started to vomit.

Sakata Gintoki:"Indeed, Ye Hei's immortal golden body, after cultivating to the state of great achievement, can challenge the invincible ancient emperor of the wild universe... But this immortal golden body, emmm, even Miss Dongfang Bai's fist can't Can't stop it."

Dongfang Bai:"Do you have any objections to me?"

Dongfang Bai's eyes narrowed.

Sakata Gintoki:"……"

Sakata Gintoki:"I'm sorry! I was wrong."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Kneel down instantly! As expected of you, Sakata Gintoki."

Sakata Gintoki:"……Wait, I seemed to suddenly realize that I am stronger than Dongfang Bai."

Sakata Gintoki suddenly realized that something was wrong with this situation.

"Ding! Dongfang Bai successfully obtained the Nine Yang Magic through an unlimited lottery. (myth version)"

"Ding! Dongfang Bai successfully obtained the Baji Gangquan."

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