There was an uproar in the guild chat room.

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"!!!!"

Tony, who is not the richest man, asked:"Is this the legendary... Tathagata's feet?"

Tony, who is not the richest man, took a breath and subconsciously thought of Kung Fu.

Whitebeard dad:"……"

Whitebeard's father:"Although they are indeed somewhat similar, their differences are still huge, right?"

A hint of speechlessness appeared on Whitebeard's face. This name made him don't know where to start complaining.

Yuan Dagu:"That's true! If it is really the Tathagata's foot, Dongfang Bai should soar into the sky now, and then step down on it."

Yuan Dagu:"Now she steps down directly, and her internal strength will Condensing such a huge giant foot in mid-air... such a method."

Yuan Dagu frowned, saying that he could not understand it.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"This is really a strange question. Why don't you ask Mr. Zhang Sanfeng?"

Sakata Gintoki:"@道家真张三峰. Indeed, Dongfang Bai said that he learned all his martial arts from Zhang Sanfeng."

Taoist Master Zhang Sanfeng Zhang Sanfeng:"……"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"Although I helped Miss Dongfang integrate this technique, this technique was all created by Miss Dongfang herself from beginning to end."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed softly, his eyes deep.

Taoist master Zhang Sanfeng:"I have to say that Miss Dongfang's talent in martial arts is truly extraordinary."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……You don’t have to be humble anymore. Aisaka Taiga:"

Yes, everyone knows it." In this guild, the one with the most cheating talent in martial arts is you.

Gudazi:"More than just the most cheating person?" Excluding Sun Wukong's group of impostors, I'm afraid Mr. Zhang Sanfeng is the number one martial artist in the guild."


Hatsune Miku:"What's strange to me is... Sun Wukong in the Dragon Ball world, can it really be called martial arts? The energy in his world is beyond common sense no matter how you think about it."

Sun Wukong:"But our world is indeed called martial arts."

Sun Wukong was a little unconvinced.

Dr. Roman:"……That is indeed correct."

Doctor Roman's expression was subtle and he didn't know what to say.

Izumi Sagiri:"Look, the enemy doesn't seem to be injured at all."

The ground was shaking, gravel flew into the sky, Bai Yutang had no expression on his face, he straightened his waist and punched forward with a bang. The terrifying fists turned into afterimages at this moment, and a storm rolled up, and these fists gathered together to form The mark galloped towards Dongfang Bai.

"interesting."There was a smile on the corner of Dongfang Bai's mouth, and she gently flicked her sleeves.

One after another, the embroidery needles flew forward. The marks that penetrated these fists were like needles popping balloons. These All the marks exploded out of thin air.

"Are these your only means?"

Dongfang Bai stepped forward step by step. With each step she took, her body grew larger. In the end, she transformed into a giant standing tall.

She punched the sky with a bang, and this punch condensed a huge The mark crashed down, and the ground shook crazily. When the dust dispersed, a huge and clear fist mark was printed on the ground.

Izumi Sagiri:"!!!!"

Dr. Roman:"……So scary.

Ernesti:"It's hard to say about the previous one, but this one is definitely the Tathagata Palm!""

A Xing:"The concept is almost the same, but this should be called the Tathagata Divine Fist."

A Xing spoke with a sense of humor.

Suzumiya Haruhi:"Miss Dongfang Bai's body has become so huge. This should be the law of heaven and earth, right? Thinking of the huge footprints she had created when she stepped down before, I seemed to understand something."

Nan Xiaoniao:"Martial arts is not enough, so I will become an immortal."

The fourth generation Hokage:"The gambling game has begun."

The Fourth Hokage:"How long will it take Miss Dongfang Bai to deal with her opponent this time?""

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"If she is alone, even if she fights for three days and three nights, it is normal."

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard, and a flash of worry flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Sanfeng, a real Taoist:"And if she is careless and the other party steals some of her abilities...then the defeat of this battle is certain."

Tushan Honghong:"!!!!"

Natsume:"Mr. Zhang is pessimistic about this battle?"

Natsume frowned, feeling that he couldn't understand. It was obvious that Dongfang Bai had the absolute advantage at the scene.

Fuyujian:"No, no... I can probably understand what Mr. Dongfang means."

Lang Fanyun took a sip of wine, looking a little serious.

Rain-covering Sword:"On the surface, Dongfang Bai is the one attacking. The opponent can only parry... But in a martial arts battle, you can't just look at who attacks and think who has the advantage. Instead, you should look at the situation on the scene. Whose control is it?"

Rain Covering Sword:"Bai Yutang looks embarrassed, but this is mainly because he had a bad start... and from the fact that he directly hit the floor before, it can be seen that he should also have control over his own strength. Very bad."

Rain Covering Sword:"However, his defense and methods are very careful. Except for the absolute disadvantage in the opening move, all Dongfang Bai's attacks have now been blocked by Bai Yutang."

There was a brief silence in the guild, and then there was an uproar.

Suzune Horikita:" that so?"

Magical Girl Nanoha:"But I still think...offense is the best defense."

Ayumi Aikawa:"Who said the other side is just defensive?"

Ayumi Aikawa :"He is clearly looking for Dongfang Bai's flaw... just like a poisonous snake! One blow is fatal."

Tu Jianmi:"He is indeed a thief saint."

Chu Liuxiang:"……"

Chu Liuxiang:"I'm sorry! The best adjective for Thief Saint is not poisonous snake."

Chu Liuxiang's eyelids twitched. He always felt that these guys in the guild seemed to have some misunderstanding about Thief Saint.

Tsuchima Mi:"Wait a minute... That's right! Dongfang Bai is not the only one at the scene."

Tsuchima Mi suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up instantly.


Fujiwara Sawei:"But, back to the original topic. Can Qiao Feng and Chu Liuxiang really help now? Are they strong enough?……"

Fujiwara Zuo was a little worried, but when he saw Qiao Feng's actions in the guild's live broadcast, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Fujiwara Sawei:"The situation... seems a little wrong?"

Qiao Feng took action, and a terrifying and strange internal force erupted in his body.

His hair was flying, and his whole person had an inexplicable aura, like a black hole, swallowing everything between heaven and earth.

He walked through the woods, and the trees were all dead, as if their life force had been robbed by him. The sunlight also dimmed beside him... No! It should be said that he swallowed up all the power of the sun

"Bei Ming transforms into Kun."Qiao Feng looked into the distance and uttered four words.

He was exuding brilliant brilliance and truly evolved into a terrifying Kunpeng divine form. It came alive and soared forward, unleashing endless murderous intent.

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