21st Century Goguryeo

401 Season 2 - Part 16 The Second Northeast Asian War! - 3-3 Difficult!

November 25, 2023, 03:30 (New China time 02:30)

Office of the Communist Party of Beijing (President's Office), New China

President Wang Jing-wi`s laughter filled the presidential chamber. It has been a long time since he had laughed like this.

Their war to occupy Chongqing, which was supposed to be easy, lasted longer than expected, and even after three months, no results were obtained due to the Republic of China's persistence. The severe economic and military damage they sustained as a result of this, compelled the Communist Party Committee to propose that it should be discontinued.

Furthermore, the People's Liberation Army's Special Forces (PLA) sent in connection with the case of former Chairman of the National Defense Commission Kim Jong-un, were apprehended by the Korean National Intelligence Service and failed to produce any results. President Wang Jing-wi's mood had recently changed as a result of this.

"Hahaha! I feel like I'm getting ten years younger."

President Wang Jing-wi, who had a stunning smile, appeared pleased after finishing the report.

"Good! Good! I am really satisfied! This is enough. You did a great job."

"No, Mr. President! I was just doing my job."

Pudi Huqiao, the equipment director, who was trembling in front of the president, responded to President Wang Jing-wi's remarks. He was China's equipment director when Xi Jinping was president, and even after the country's state changed, he was one of the few Chinese officials who had managed to keep their position.

The report, read by President Wang Jing-yu, contained a list of research and development progress as well as advanced weaponry that could be developed following the completion of the plasma core technology that arrived in Beijing through the Black Tiger.

"Keeping you in this position was the right choice, hahaha. Wasn't it?"

"It was all thanks to the wise decision of the president."

Shin Baiqing, the captain of the Black Tigers, stood there listening to their conversation, with a sarcastic expression on his face.

In other words, it was like one sows and another reaps.

The Black Tigers were the ones who were behind stealing the Korean SSS-class confidential documents by risking their lives in Hong Kong for two years, and they were the ones who deserved the president's praise.

When President Wang Jing-wi saw Shin Baiqing's expression, he changed his subject of praise as he had a feeling he was making a mistake.

"Right! We owe this achievement to the Black Tigers' hard work as well!"

"Yes, that's right, Mr. President! We couldn't have done it without the assistance of the Black Tigers."

When Shin Baiqing, who is usually always dissatisfied, unexpectedly received the president's praise, he quickly relaxed his facial expression and responded modestly.

"For the sake of our president and our country, we will do our best to do anything you ask of us."

He was a stereotypical opportunist.

"Yes! You are so reliable! Why don't you leave the Black Tigers to your successor and work with us in the Presidential Office?"

"Huh! It would be my honor, Mr. President!"

"Mr. Vice president! Would you prepare a seat for him?"

"Yes, I'll arrange a seat for him at the presidential secretary's office."

The presidential secretary's office was made up of a group of talented individuals comprised entirely of influential figures. In other words, obtaining a seat there was akin to winning an election.

While General Shin Baiqing was smiling on the inside, President Wang Jing-wi turned his head and asked Pudi Huqiao, the equipment director.

"Before anything else, I would like to see the plasma bomb first."

During the last Northeast Asian War, he was rendered helpless by South Korea's plasma-amplified bullets, and he had tasted the bitterness of defeat as a result. Therefore, he had a strong desire for obtaining the plasma bombs.

"In the case of plasma bombs, prototypes will be available within the next three months, Mr. President!"

"Three months? Isn't that a bit too long? Try to make it as soon as you can. Would it be possible to make it within a month?"

"What? Oh! I don't think we would be able to finish it within a month."

"I'll provide you with any assistance you require. It doesn't matter what you require is money or people. Pudi Huqiao, you have a month to finish it."

"Oh, okay."

Pudi Huqiao, the equipment director, reluctantly responded with a troubled expression on his face.

"Great! Good! Now, not only is China's reunification imminent but the restoration of Manchuria and Kando as well, hahaha."

President Wang Jing-wi, who aspires to reunify China and restore Manchuria, smiled broadly as his heart almost burst at the thought of it.

Due to China's defeat in the war, all nuclear weapons in China had been abolished. As soon as the plasma bomb is completed, regardless of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, the three-month-long war with the Republic of China over Chongqing would end in an instant. In addition, he could wage war on Manchuria on an equal footing with the Republic of Korea.

At this moment, the intercom buzzed, and the secretary's voice was heard.

"Mr. President! The Minister of National Defense, Jang Yue Fung, is here to visit you."

"At this hour?"

"Yes, he is waiting outside right now."

"Let him come in."


Clank clank!

The door to the presidential office opened and the Minister of National Defense, Jang Yue Fung, entered.

"I apologize for arriving so late. However, there is an emergency."

"Well, it's okay. What's going on?"

"A formal request from Russia to invade the Republic of Korea under the mutual military treaty has just arrived."

"From Russia?"

"Yes, Mr. President!"

"Well, I didn't expect them to ask us this quickly."

President Wang Jing-wi already knew about Russia's massive invasion of Korea. He also expected the request for an invasion of the Republic of Korea under the guise of a military mutual protection treaty, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

"Is the situation in Russia bad?"

"Perhaps it's an operation to shake the western front with our New China at first, and then put pressure from all sides on Korea."

"The Russians are meticulous, too. Hmm!"

President Wang Jing-wi took a moment to think.

The situation in New China was clearly different from the time the treaty of mutual military protection with Russia was signed. This was due to the fact that not only plasma bombs but various high-tech weapons operated solely by Korea, could be obtained within a few months.

"Mr. President! Since it's a treaty between countries, why don't we give Russia a definite answer right away?"

Vice President Chan Wei Ting expressed his thoughts. Then, with a blank look on his face, President Wang Jing-wi asked.

"What kind of assurance are you talking about?"

"Of course, shouldn't we display a massive military operation along the Korean border?"

"Tsk tsk! I knew you'd say that."

"What? What does that mean?"

When Vice President Chan Wei Tin, who had not understood President Wang Jing-wi's callous remarks, asked with a puzzled look, Shin Baiqing, who had been quietly observing the situation, intervened.

"Russia seems to be trying to spread this. In other words, they would only try to use New China to shake the front."

"Right! How can the vice-president be less capable of assessing the situation than Xin Baiqing?"

"I'm sorry."

"It is my fault to put a fool like you in the vice president's seat."

Vice President Chan Wei Ting's face darkened quickly as he was openly reprimanded in front of several people.

"General Xin Baiqing! What do you think I should do?"

President Wang Jing-wi asked General Xin Baiqing, who always had a habit of saying what he wanted to hear.

"Rather than rushing and making a military move at Russia's request, I believe it would be better if we took our time preparing for a massive invasion of West Manchuria. Also, if the opportunity arises, I believe the Shandong Peninsula (Dongju) is worth a shot."

"That's right! That's right! That is precisely what I was thinking. What should I say to Russia to buy some time?"

President Wang Jing-wi looked for an excuse.

"Invading a country requires at least a few days of preparation. It will be beneficial to buy some time with this excuse."

General Xin Baiqing's responses were exactly what President Wang Jing-wi needed to hear.

"That's the answer. Correct! General Xin Baiqing! I like you so much."

President Wang Jing-wi, who looked satisfied, gave the final instructions to the Minister of National Defense, Jang Yue Fung.

"Tell the Russians that we intend to take military action immediately per the treaty, but that we will need some time to prepare. Also, inform them that we do not know when the preparations will be completed."

"Yes, I see. But will Russia believe it…"

"Minister of Defence! It doesn't matter if the Russians believe it or not!"

"Yes, I see."

Again, General Xin Baiqing intervened in the conversation.

"Mr. President! If we make good use of this opportunity, we will be able to reverse Russia's influence and weaken the power of both countries."

"That's right. Hahaha! Starting from today, you will be my chief adviser."

"Oh, thank you, Mr. President!"

General Xin Baiqing, who became President Wang Jing-wi's chief adviser, put on a serious front, however, on the inside, he was exhilarated.

* * *

November 25, 2023, at 03:30

B2 bunker in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Namju (Situation room of the Armed Forces Joint Command Control Center)

All the engagements currently taking place along the border with Russia were proceeding without problems according to the countermeasures prepared by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in advance.

However, because the Joint Chiefs of Staff were not God, they could not predict the future. As it happened, it was the 29th Army force of the Eastern Army that invaded through the Mongolian border.

In response, the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately confirmed the above facts with the Mongolian government, whose response was a denial of their acknowledgement of the Russian military action. They claimed that the Russians had illegally crossed the border without their permission and then crossed into Korean territory. They also stated that they had written a formal protest letter to the Russian government.

As in the past and during the First Northeast Asian War, several Chinese divisions on the defensive retreated to Mongolian territory without the approval of the Mongolian government. In other words, it was the misery of the weak country and the brutality of the powerful country that pushed ahead with illegal acts against the will of other countries for their benefit.

In such a situation of war, Mongolia, which lacks an army to guard its borders and with its insignificant military power, was an environment in which any country could move in and out of its territory at their leisure.

"Then there was a reason for the 36th Division to follow the 29th Division."

General Youn Gi-youn clenched his teeth as he watched a screen that displayed the current status of all Russian troops.

Before the invasion, when he had earlier checked on the movements of the Russian army individually, he had some reservations when he found out that the 36th Division was backing up behind the 29th Division of the Eastern Army, but he didn't give it much thought.

However, at present, the two motorized infantry divisions, the main units of the 29th Army, which illegally infiltrated Mongolian territory and bypassed them, finally broke through the border. They were rapidly deploying to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Federation.

As a result, the units of the Autonomous Federation Army, which were vigilant around the border, suffered a lot of damage.

"The Operations Center is responsible for missing out on this."

Lieutenant General Yang Min-choon, head of the operations center, lowered his head as he felt responsible for this situation.

"No, that isn't what I meant. I'm not attempting to debate accountability with you, Lieutenant General Yang. It was my mistake to say that. Please don't worry about it."

General Youn Gi-youn waved his hands and said.

"That's right. How could you say it is your responsibility? As chairman, I am solely responsible for everything."

General Youn Ki-youn was at a loss when Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Shin Sung-yong stated that it was his responsibility.

"Ah! What's wrong with the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? I'm sorry."

"General Youn! You did not say anything wrong for which you should apologize. Isn't that just the truth?"

"I didn't mean this. From now on, I'll keep my mouth shut. Anyway, we have prepared the second countermeasure."

Currently, the 65th Light Armored Infantry Division (sunset) and the 5th Panzer Division (the key) of the 6th Corps are advancing from top to bottom to clear the area as fast as possible to block the 29th Corps of Russia's Eastern Military District, which is currently advancing to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Federation.

Eventually, a large-scale battle will erupt between two motorized infantry divisions, including the 11th Panzer Division, which ranked first in the 29th Division. Furthermore, when the 29th Division was formed, its missile and artillery power were significant in comparison to other divisions. In other words, the 65th Light Armored Infantry Division and the 5th Panzer Division will face a significant threat of missile and artillery fire even before the engagement.

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