21st Century Goguryeo

400 Season 2 - Part 16 The Second Northeast Asian War! - 3-2 Difficult!

November 25, 2023, at 03:00

Underground bunker of the Blue House, National Crisis Operation Center in Jongno-gu, Seoul, Namju

Shortly after Russia's massive invasion, President Choo Un-hee issued a public declaration of war, condemning Russia's illegal military actions as if she had been waiting for it.

Despite the late hours, numerous people watched the president's speech. The public was deeply moved by the afternoon naval battle with the Far East Fleet, as well as the continuous information delivery from a Blue House spokesperson stating that Russia's military movements were unusual. Most of them accepted the threat of war calmly, whether or not they were aware of it in advance, and had prepared their minds accordingly.

Many factors contributed to their acceptance, the most important of which was their faith and trust in the Corean Armed Forces.

In the Northeast Asian War two years ago, the Corean Armed Forces defeated China and even occupied Japan, which contributed to the creation of this atmosphere of faith and trust.

Immediately following the announcement of the public statement, President Choo Un-hee went to the National Crisis Center to monitor the current situation of the war and then went to the conference room to receive a report on Professor Woo Jin-gil's case.

President Choo Un-hee, who received a brief report from the head of the National Intelligence Service for about 30 minutes, asked with a sad expression on her face, "I see. When will Professor Woo Jin-gil's body be returned to Corea?"

"I believe the body will arrive in Corea this morning after it is released by the Thai investigation authorities."

"That's good. It must have been very heartbreaking for the bereaved family, but I am glad that we were able to bring them back to Corea as soon as possible."

When President Choo Un-hee nodded and commented, Director Lee Young-jin carefully said, "The problem is that the bereaved family appeared to be involved in this confidential leak as well, so arresting them their arrest appears to be unavoidable."

"What do you mean by their arrest?"

"Under the current law, anyone found in possession of SSS-class confidential documents should be sentenced to life in prison. In the event of a national emergency, even the death penalty is…"

"Director Lee!" President Choo Eun-hee cut off Director Lee Young-jin's words in a firm tone.

"Yes, President!"

"For years, Professor Woo Jin-gil has sacrificed his life and put his family's safety in danger for the sake of our country. Why should his family have to go through this?"

"Umm… Madam President, you mean…?" Director Lee Young-jin, taken aback by the incomprehensible question, carefully asked.

"It's the responsibility of the country. National responsibility! Professor Woo Jin-gil dedicated his entire strength and effort to plasma research for the country, and his accomplishments helped shape our current Republic of Corea. Professor Woo Jin-gil would not have had to commit suicide if he had not done such a thing, and his daughter, Woo Jin-seo, and her children, a one-year-old child and a three-year-old child, who were held hostage by the vicious kidnappers for two years, would not have had to live in pain for two years. How can we prosecute them as criminals who have leaked sensitive information?"

Despite his usual benevolent look, Kang Hyun-soo, head of the security office, spoke on behalf of Director Lee Young-jin, who failed to respond to the angry president's reply, "Madam President! This time, the core plasma technology leaked is the sum of Corean science and technology. If the kidnappers reveal these secrets to other countries, the situation will deteriorate dramatically."

"Okay. What can the country that acquired the leaked plasma core technology do with the information?"

When President Choo Un-hee asked with a stiff expression, Director Lee Soo-jin, who was sitting still at the end like a sinner, spoke, "First of all, as the general manager of the institute, I'm really sorry about this."

"No, it's not Dr. Lee's fault. More than that, explain easily what the other countries can do with the leaked core plasma technology."

"Yes, Madam President! I'll tell you simply without using any technical terms. The first thing that they can make is the plasma ultra-photovoltaic generators. In addition, countries with high levels of science and technology can make photons and various plasma bombs, which are advanced weapons, based on applied technology. Laser weapons are also included."

The power plants and high-tech weapons that Dr. Lee Soo-jin simply listed were the weapons that could only be made by the Republic of Corea at that moment.

"You said if it was a country with a high level of science and technology. Can you give me an example?"

"Yes, Madam President! By current standards, most of the European countries, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, as well as China, India, Japan, and the United States."

"Good. Assuming that the countries have acquired core technologies, how many years will it take to build ultra-light power plants and various high-tech weapons?"

"As I previously stated, the level of science and technology may vary by country, but I expect that the United States and Russia will take only two years, while the rest may take two to three years."

"It's faster than what I thought." Recognizing that the problem was more serious than she expected, President Choo Un-hee leaned back in her chair and sighed.

"President! If you think of the core plasma technology as a building blueprint, you will be able to understand it quicker. "

"Building blueprint... I see. Now I have a better understanding. In that regard, are you able to determine the identity of the kidnapper?"

"All departments are mobilized and are currently investigating."

Simultaneously with Director Lee Young-jin's response, Chief of Staff Lim Jong-won expressed concern and said, "I'm worried that we might not be able to catch them before they sell it to other countries."

"Do you think that the kidnappers did it for money?" Kang Hyun-soo, head of the security office, asked the question out of the blue.


"Yes, I don't think so. Professor Woo Jin-gil's identity was an S-level secret. Normal kidnappers could never know such information. So, I think the kidnappers are special agents from other countries that are envious of our Republic of Corea. What do you think about it?"

At the words of Kang Hyun-soo, head of the security office, the president and other officials nodded.

"Yes, the security chief is right. The information analysis office also analyzed that the kidnappers are likely to be intelligence agents," Director Lee Young-jin supported Kang Hyun-soo's deduction.

"At the moment, Foreign Intelligence Agency agents dispatched to Hong Kong have been directed to investigate all intelligence organizations operating in Hong Kong."

"If, as the two of you suggested, it was organized by a foreign intelligence organization, then the problem could be more serious than I had imagined." All eyes were on Dr. Lee Soo-jin, who intervened in the conversation.

And Lee Young-jin's questions followed, "What do you mean more serious?"

"If the kidnappers were international criminal organizations, they would have kept the information stolen from Professor Woo Jin-gil and tried to sell it to other countries. However, if they had been agents from another country, that country would have continued the research and developed it using the stolen information."

"Dr. Lee! So, if a study that took two to three years in another country started research based on the stolen information, they would be able to produce something in the next year, right?" Director Lee Young-jin looked alarmed while talking.

"Yes, that's right. At the very least, plasma bombs can be made within three months."

At Dr. Lee Soo-jin's words, everyone in the conference room freaked out.

"Director Lee!"

"Yes, Madam President!"

"Make sure to identify whether the vicious kidnappers are from the intelligence organization from another country. You must locate them by any means. The core technologies must also be recovered." As it led to a more serious situation than expected, President Choo Un-hee spoke with a firm tone.

"Yes, I understand. I will definitely solve it."

Beep beep! Beep beep!

At this time, the conference room intercom rang, and the secretary's voice came through it, "Madam President! The Minister of National Defense asks to see you."

"Tell him to come in."

"Yes, madam."

After a while, the door to the conference room opened and Minister Kang Yi-sik entered.

Minister Kang Yi-sik, who had rushed out of the operating room, approached the president. As a result, everyone looked at Minister Kang Yi-sik, wondering what had gone wrong in the war with Russia.

"Did a big problem break out in the war with Russia?" Kang Hyun-soo, head of the security office, stood up in an ambiguous position and asked.

"Oh, no. It's not on the Russian side, but it's on the Kurdistan side."

"Kurdistan? What's wrong with them?"

"Currently, simultaneous suicide bombs are taking place in more than 30 cities in Kurdistan."

Surprised by the word suicide bombing, the president jumped up from her seat and asked additional questions, "What do you mean suicide bombing? Any casualties?"

"I'm not sure at the moment, but according to the information that I've received, there are as many as 5,000 casualties in the areas under the command of the Peace Unit."

"Oh, 5,000? Have there been any Peace Corps casualties?"

"Fortunately, there is not. Most of them are citizens of Kurdistan. To commemorate the occupation of Kirkuk, a large number of people came out to the square and the streets to hold various events and processions."

The president sat on the sofa and sighed for a long time. "Oh, my. I thought the independence of Kurdistan was just around the corner, then this happened."

While the president was sighing, Kang Hyun-soo, head of the security office, asked an additional question, "Did you find out who was behind the terror attack?"

"The Peace Corps intelligence unit has launched an investigation with the Kurdistan investigative authorities. Hasty judgment is prohibited, but in terms of terrorism, it seems to be the work of ISIS or armed groups. However, the Kurdistan government suspects the Iranian and Iraqi governments."

"Iran and Iraq?"

"Yes, Iran and Iraq have stopped making military movements externally. In other words, they decided that they could no longer beat our Peace unit with military threats. But that doesn't mean that they accept the independence of the Republic of Kurdistan. As a result, they are trying to postpone the hopeless war for a while and instead cause internal agitation by causing continuous terrorism."

"However, today is the time when the war broke out with Russia…"

When Lim Jong-won, the chief of staff, frowned and trailed off while voicing his concern, Director Lee Young-jin unknowingly spoke out, "Isn't this the work of Russia?"

At that moment, all eyes were on Director Lee Young-jin.

He explained why he thought so, "Oh! I just said that because the war with Russia began as if it was planned, and a suicide bomb attack broke out immediately."

"Come to think about it, Russia may be behind it." President Choo Un-hee nodded in agreement.

"In particular, Russia provided Iran with the latest weapons to cause confusion in Kurdistan externally so that we can't focus on the war against Russia." As Director Lee Young-jin's additional explanation continued, everyone looked convinced.

"If the Russian government is behind these suicide bombings, they have really prepared a lot for today. Oh, now I even think that the leakage of core plasma technologies might be related to them." Kang Hyun-soo, head of the security office, inferred that Russia might be behind all of these.

"Core plasma technologies? What does that mean?"

When Minister Kang Yi-sik, who had just arrived, asked with a curious face, Kang Hyun-soo, head of the security office, replied, "Oh, Minister Kang! I'll talk about that at the NSC meeting in the morning."

"Oh, yes, okay."

"During our war with Russia, it feels like a lot of difficulties will be piling up. First and foremost, let us assume that the plasma core technology and the Kurdistan issue will be discussed at the morning's NSC meeting. There are no other reports, right?"

"Yes, Madam President!"

"Okay, please keep reporting. Let's finish this and go to the operation room."

When President Choo Un-hee stood up again, the rest of the officials and Dr. Lee Soo-jin also stood up.

"Oh! And Minister Kang, when we go to the operation room, please briefly explain the current situation with Russia."

At this time, the chief of staff, who was worried about the president's health, intervened the and said, "Madam President! Please leave the war with Russia to the joint staff and rest for a while if you want to have an NSC meeting in the morning."

"Mr. Secretary! The people can't sleep because of the war. How can I rest? Not sleeping for a few days won't kill me. Don't worry."

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