21st Century Goguryeo

402 Season 2 - Part 16 The Second Northeast Asian War! - 3-4 Difficult!

November 25, 2023 03:30 (02:30 New China Time)

Headquarter of the Communist Party of Beijing, New China (President's Office)

President Wang Jing-yu's laughter filled the room. It had been a long time since President Wang Jingyu had such a good laugh.

Chongqing, which was expected to be easily occupied, had been in a civil war for three months in response to the relentless attack of the Republic of China. As it suffered economic and military losses, the Communist Party Committee even spoke of ending the war.

In addition, the People's Liberation Army Special Forces (PLA) dispatched in connection with the case of former National Defense Chairman Kim Jong-un did not produce any results, but instead was caught by the National Intelligence Service and provided only an excuse for the Republic of Corea to be caught.

"Hahaha! The ten-year-old congestion seems to be going down," Wang Jing-yu, who showed a wacky smile that took his breath away, read his report, and put on a satisfied expression on his face.

"Great! Good! I like it very much! You've worked hard."

"No. I was just being faithful to my job."

In front of Wang Jing-yu, the person who trembled with Abu and Ayang was Pudi Huqiao, the head of the general equipment department. Pudi Huqiao, who was the head of the general equipment department in China when Xi Jinping was president, was one of the few Chinese officials who maintained his position despite the change of state to a new country.

The report that President Wang Jing-yu was reading contained a list of advanced weapons to be developed and the progress of research and development so far according to the completed version of the plasma core technology that arrived in Beijing through the Black Tiger.

"It was worth leaving you there, wasn't it? Hahaha."

"It is all the wise decision of the President."

There was a man with a sarcastic expression on his face as he listened to their conversation. He was the captain of the Black Tigers, Shin Baiqing. He seemed dissatisfied that the president was giving credits to Pudi Huqiao for the success.

The Black Tiger members risked their lives in Hong Kong for two years to abduct Corea's SSS-class documents, but the president was praising the department that researched the confidential documents instead.

When President Wang Jing-yu saw Shin Baiqing's expression, his eyes widened and he immediately changed his speech. "Right! All these achievements are thanks to the performance of the Black Tigers!"

"Yes, that's right. Without the Black Tiger, such research and development would not have been possible."

When Shin Baiqing, who was full of dissatisfaction, suddenly received praise for his Black Tiger squad, he quickly relaxed his expression and took a modest stance and answered, "It is all for the sake of the President and the country. We will do our best to obey your orders wherever we are."

Shin Baiqing was a stereotypical opportunist.

"Okay! You are so reliable! Now, why don't you leave the Black Tiger to your successors and work together in the office?"

"It is my honor to do so. To glory!"

"Vice President! Can you come up with a position for him?"

"Yes, he can take a position in the president's secretary."

The president's secretary's office, a popular trend in New China, was a group of talents made up only of powerful people. In other words, it was a path to success similar to winning an election.

While Captain Shin Baiqing smiled satisfactorily, President Wang Jing-yu turned his head and asked a question to General Equipment Manager Pudi Huqiao, "More than anything, I want to see the plasma bomb first."

In the last Northeast Asian war, he was helpless by the plasma amplified bombs of the Republic of Corea and tasted the bitter taste of defeat. President Wang Jing-yu had the greatest desire for the plasma bomb above all else.

"In the case of the plasma bomb, you can see a prototype in the next three months."

"3 months? Isn't that too long? Try to rush it out as soon as possible. Is it possible to do so within a month?"

"Ah! One month seems a little tight."

"I will give you any support - money, people- so that the head of the general equipment department will unconditionally complete the plasma bomb within one month."

"Oh, I see. We will try our best," Pudi Huqiao, head of the equipment department, answered reluctantly with a troubled expression on his face.

"Great! Good! Now, not only the unification of China but also the restoration of Manchuria to China is not far away, hahaha." President Wang Jing Yu, who dreamed of the reunification of China and restoration of Manchuria, laughed just thinking about it.

In a situation where all nuclear weapons in China had been abolished due to the defeat of the war, if at least the nuclear weapons-level plasma bomb was completed, regardless of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, the war with the Republic of China over Chongqing, which had been dragging on for three months, would end in an instant. He also thought that they could fight for Manchuria on an equal footing with the Republic of Corea.

At this time, the intercom bell rang and the voice of his secretary-general was heard, "Sir, Minister of National Defense Zhang Ye-heung is here."


"Yes, he is waiting outside now."

"Tell him to come in."

"All right."

The door to the president's room opened and Defense Minister Zhang Ye-heung entered.

"Sorry. It was a bit urgent, so I came even though it's late."

"What's wrong? I'm in a meeting. What's going on?"

"We have just received a formal request from Russia to invade the Republic of Corea under a mutual military treaty."

"From Russia?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Well, I did not expect this to come so quickly." President Wang Jingyu knew in advance about the Russian invasion of Corea in 24 hours. He also knew that President Putin would request for China to join him in the invasion of the Republic of Corea under the pretext of a military mutual protection treaty, but he had no idea that he would do that so quickly.

"Is Russia's situation in the fight not good?"

"Probably in the beginning. This seems to be an operation to use our new country to shake the Western Front and pressurize Corea from all sides."

"The Russians are aggressive, too. Well!" President Wang Jing-yu took a moment to think.

The situation in New China at the time of the Mutual Military Protection Treaty with Russia was different. Of course, this was because the plasma bombs as well as various high-tech weapons operated only by Corea could be acquired in a few months by the new China.

"Sir! After all, it is an interstate treaty, so why not give Russia a confirmation right away?" Vice President Chen Weiting expressed his opinion.

Then, President Wang Jing-yu looked at Vice President Chen Weiting with a blank look and asked, "What kind of assurance are you talking about?"

"Shouldn't we show large-scale military action along the Corean border?"

"Ha! Yes, I knew you would say that."

"Sir? What do you mean?" Vice President Chen Weiting, who did not understand President Wang Jing-yu's callous remarks, asked with a bewildered expression.

Captain Shin Baiqing, who was watching closely, intervened, "Russia seems to be trying to play on both sides. In other words, they see our new country simply as a distraction for Corea."

"Right! How can the vice-president be less able to judge the situation than Shin Baiqing?"

"Sorry, I'm sorry."

"I'm an idiot who placed a friend like that as the vice-president, hehe!" Vice-President Chen Wei-ting, who was openly insulted in front of so many people, blushed.

"Captain Shin Baiqing! What do you think we should do?" President Wang Jing-yu asked General Shin Baiqing, a man who would say whatever he wanted him to.

"I would like to know how it would be like to make a massive invasion of Western Manchuria in the Republic of Corea by taking the time to look for an opportunity, rather than making a military move right now merely at the request of Russia. Also, I think Shandong Peninsula (Dongju) is worth a shot if the situation arises."

"Right! right! That's exactly what I think. But what should I say to Russia to buy time?" President Wang Jing Yu rubbed his chin while thinking of an excuse.

"Invasion of at least one country requires at least several to tens of days of preparation time. It would be a good idea to buy time from Russia with this reason." All of the words of Captain Shin Baiqing were the answers that President Wang Jing-yu wanted to hear and liked.

"That's right. That's the answer! Captain Shin Baiqing! I like you very much."

With a satisfied expression on his face, President Wang Jing-yu gave final instructions to Defense Minister Zhang Ye-heung, "Tell Russia that I want to take immediate military action according to the treaty, but I need time to prepare for internal warfare. Also, let them know that we don't know the exact date when the preparations will be finished."

"All right. But will Russia really believe it?"

"Minister of Defense! It doesn't matter if the Russians believe it or not!"

"All right."

Again, Captain Shin Baiqing interrupted in the conversation, "Sir! If we make good use of this opportunity, we will be able to weaken the national power of both Russia and Corea."

"That's right, you mean let the barbarians fight it out among themselves. Hahaha! From today on, just act as my chief aide."

"Oh, thank you, sir!"

Captain Shin Baiqing, who had just become President Wang Jingyu's chief aide with just some well-timed words, was outwardly proud, but inwardly excited.

November 25, 2023, 03:30

B2 bunker, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Namju (Corea Armed Forces Joint Command and Control Center Situation Room)

All the engagements currently taking place along the border with Russia were proceeding without any problems following the countermeasures prepared by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in advance.

However, unless if the Joint Chiefs of Staff were gods, they could not predict and defend everything.

This included the invasion of the 29th Army of the Eastern Military District through the Mongolian border. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately confirmed the above facts with the Mongolian government. The response from the Mongolian government was that they illegally crossed the border without their approval and then deployed the army to the Corean border. They said they had sent a formal protest letter to the Russian government.

In the past, during the First Northeast Asian War, several divisions of the Chinese army who were on the defensive retreated to Mongolian territory without the approval of the Mongolian government. In other words, this was the woe of a weak country and the atrocity of a powerful country who without hesitation even forced illegal acts against other countries for its benefit. Mongolia, which lacked an army to guard its borders due to its meager military power, was an environment in which any country could move in and out of its territory at will in such a situation.

"There must have been a reason that the 36th Army was behind the 29th Army." Yoon Gi-yoon, deputy commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, saw the screen showing the vacuum status of all units of the Russian army at a glance and ground his teeth.

Before the invasion, when the movements of the Russian army were confirmed one by one, there were some suspicions about the part of the 36th Army behind the 29th Army in the Eastern Military District, but they did not care much. However, at present, the two motorized infantry divisions, the main units of the 29th Army that illegally infiltrated Mongolian territory and bypassed them, finally broke through the border and were rapidly deploying to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture.

As a result, the units of the Autonomous Federation Army, which were vigilant around the border area, suffered a lot of damage.

"It is the responsibility of the Operations Center for missing that part," Lieutenant General Yang Min-choon, the head of the operations division, shook his head as if he felt responsible.

"No, no. I don't mean to discuss responsibility with Lieutenant General Yang. I'm just pointing out a concern. Don't worry about it," General Yoon Gi-yoon said, waving his hand.

"That's right. How can you say that it is your responsibility? Everything is my responsibility as chairman."

When Shin Sung-yong, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also tried to take responsibility, General Yoon Gi-yoon was at a loss for what to do. "Ah! Why is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff also apologizing?"

"Captain Yoon! I do mean it. Isn't it true that I am also responsible?"

"Please forget it. I'll just shut my mouth. Anyway, we have prepared a second countermeasure."

To block the 29th Army of the Eastern Military District of Russia, which was currently rapidly advancing to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture, the 65th Light Armored Infantry Division (sunset) of the 6th Corps at the top and the 5th Armored Division (the key) of the 6th Corps at the bottom were advancing at the highest speed possible in the field. There was a vacuum to the west. Sooner or later, a large-scale engagement would take place with the two motorized infantry divisions, including the 11th Panzer Division, which ranked first among the 29th Army. In addition, if one was to look at the formation of the 29th Army, the missile power and artillery power were considerable compared to other armies. In other words, the 65th Light Armored Infantry Division and the 5th Panzer Division were at great risk of receiving a large number of missiles and artillery fire before the engagement.

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