After a few days, Mu Jianxing happily ran to find Luo Chen, and said, "Luo Chen, guess how many levels of chaotic camp are there now?" (just brushed out is a level 1 chaotic camp).

Luo Chen replied: "Wooden sword, don't sell it." Look at your excitement, tell me, what's the good thing?".

Mu Jianxing took out something from his body at this time and handed it to Luo Chen, Luo Chen took it and asked excitedly: "Mu Jian, where did this thing come from?

Mu Jianxing nodded and said, "That's right, it was the humanoid NPC of the chaotic camp. How's that, it's a surprise, isn't it?".

Luo Chen replied: "It's so surprising that you can actually burst out the 'Archer Talisman', this is simply amazing! By the way, you just asked me how many levels the refugee camp is, has the refugee camp been upgraded?"

Mu Jianxing said, "Well, yes. Now the refugee camp is already a level 3 refugee camp, otherwise you wouldn't be able to explode such a good item!".

Luo Chen said: "Well, the level 3 refugee camp is enough, don't let it upgrade again, otherwise I'm afraid that if it is upgraded again, it will threaten the security of the territory." "

Mu Jianxing replied: "Well, wait for the players to level up a little higher, and then slowly level up." I'll hand over the talisman to you, you see how it's arranged, I'm going to patrol and have a look, so I'll go first. With that, Mu Jianxing left.

Luo Chen thought for a while, and then went to look for the old hunter Halib.

Luo Chen came to the martial arts arena, and after finding Hai Libu, he said to him: "Hai Libu, you have been in the territory for a long time, and you have been staying here to help in the martial arts arena, and I came here today to ask you, what are your plans for the future?"

The old hunter Halib hurriedly replied: "My lord, I don't know what arrangements you have? "

Luo Chen said: "I happened to get an archer talisman today, thinking that you are a hunter, you should be able to make hunting bows and bows and arrows, right?"

The old hunter Hai Libu replied: "Lord Hui, the old man does know how to make hunting bows and bows and arrows, but there is no bow and arrow workshop in our territory, and the old man has no way to make them even if he wants to!"

Luo Chen said again: "This is not a problem, as long as you know how to make it, I will immediately build a bow and arrow workshop for you to use." "


old hunter Halib said, "Then there is Lord Law!".

Luo Chen suddenly thought that he didn't know what kind of bow Hai Libu would make, so he asked, "Hai Libu, what kind of bow do you make?"

Halib replied, "My lord, the old man will make the bow that hunters often use. There are, level 10 short bow, level 15 wooden bow, level 20 hardwood hunting bow, level 25 reinforced hunting bow, and level 35 horn bow. The first three are relatively easy to make, and the latter two are probably impossible to make, because the materials required are relatively rare. (There are many more bow sets that can be made by non-hunters, so Halib doesn't mention it.) )

Luo Chen said: "I don't know what materials are needed for this level 25 strengthened hunting bow and level 35 horn bow, if you can go there, let's make these two bows!"

The old hunter Halib said: "My lord, the latter two kinds need to be made with high-quality horns, tendons, glue, silk, lacquer, etc. (Halib said several kinds in one breath). "

Luo Chen said: "Okay, don't worry. I'll prepare these things for you, so you can make them with peace of mind!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Chen left. He asked Chang Baicao to build a bow and arrow workshop first, and then asked him to collect materials according to the old hunter Halib's request.

Before, there were only spear soldiers, and hand-to-hand combat was okay, but there was no way to do it at long range. But now it's okay, now that you have the archer talisman, you can also create an archer, and now you have two classes. When the time comes, it will be perfect to form a cavalry unit!

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