During this time, there were no major events in the territory, and Luo Chen was basically inspecting the security situation in the city and the production of various workshops every day.

At noon, Luo Chen was on his way to the tavern. Suddenly, Chang Baicao came over and said to Luo Chen: "My lord, go back to the meeting hall quickly." The imperial court sent an envoy from Dunhuang City, saying that there was a report!".

Luo Chen asked, "Hey, how can there be an NPC envoy from the imperial court here? What are you doing here?"

Chang Baicao arched his hand and replied: "Lord Hui, I have asked." The messenger did not tell me, but only said that I should come and find the lord quickly. "

Luo Chen nodded, and went back to the council hall of the Lord's Mansion. When I came to the hall, I saw the NPC messenger of the court who was waiting.

When the MPC envoy sent by the imperial court saw Luo Chen, he arched his hand and said: "Lord Luo Chen, I am the special envoy of Dunhuang City, and I have come to visit Lord Luo Chen on the order of Lord Assassin Shi!"

Luo Chen replied, "Your Excellency, please take a seat." It's also troublesome for Lord Assassin to remember, let the envoy come so far, I really shouldn't have been, I should have gone to meet Master Assassin Shi first!".

The Assassin Envoy said, "Your Excellency is gracious. Today, I have come to the territory of Lord Shi to summon the decree on the orders of Lord Shi!".

Luo Chen hurriedly said, "I don't know what orders Master Thorn Shi has?"

I saw that the NPC messenger took out an edict from his bosom and read it out: "The edict of the Northern Wilderness Thorn History: The Northern Wilderness is desolate, but Los Angeles is born, and Los Angeles is built and prosperous." Here I congratulate 'Los Angeles' on becoming the first medium-sized building territory in the world, and it is an exemplary model for all parts of our northern wilderness. Special reward for Los Angeles, 1,000 catties of grain, and ten jars of high-grade barren state brewing (wine). In addition, Luo Chen, the lord of the 'Los Angeles City', was crowned as the eighth grade of Xuanyi Lang, and he admired this!".

Luo Chen thought to himself, although it is a positive eighth grade and the official position is not big, but this is also certified by the government. So he hurriedly arched his hand and said: "With more love from Lord Thorn Shi, I will definitely work harder in the next day!"

The NPC Assassin Envoy said, "Don't worry, my lord, there is another edict here, please listen carefully." "

Luo Chen was a little surprised, how could there be an edict? What kind of edict is this time? Before Luo Chen finished thinking about it, he listened to the NPC messenger read out: "Today, there are Hu people outside the Saiwai, who are guilty of rebellion, and this assassin history will exterminate the Hu people, so I issued the 'Kill Hu Order' to protect my Northern Wilderness, so Luo Chen was specially given the rank of guerrilla captain from the seventh grade, and he immediately took office on the same day." "

Luo Chen was shocked, why did I still let me go to war, I have no experience in fighting, and I only have a few soldiers under me, if I go out to fight, it won't be for nothing.

Luo Chen Luo Chen hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, I don't know anything, and I don't have a few soldiers, how can ......I go to war?"

Without waiting for Luo Chen to finish speaking, he heard the NPC envoy say, "Lord Luo Chen, don't worry. Soldiers are not a problem, there are still many players in your territory, you can lead them with you, and besides, Lord Thorn has arranged for 500 army soldiers to wait for you. Hurry up and prepare today, and we'll leave early tomorrow morning. "The NPC messenger, after saying these words, left the lord's mansion.

Luo Chen was depressed. Still fighting, playing a wool yarn, isn't it just giving away people's heads for nothing, no wonder it's the last item again, and it's the reward for the official position, it turns out that it's waiting for me here.

Then Tong Chang Baicao said: "Baicao, you heard what the envoy said just now, hurry up and find the four elders to come over." "

After Chang Baicao heard this, he quickly went to find the four elders.

Without much effort, Leng Yue, Mu Jianxing, Zhan Wushuang and Mei came to the council hall wearing underwear. As soon as Mei came in in her underwear, she shouted excitedly: "Big brother, I heard that you have become an official! Also, I heard that you are going to war, is it true? Great, take me, and I will go too!"

Luo Chen glanced helplessly and said, "It's true." Come on, all sit down, let's talk about it. "

Mu Jianxing asked Luo Chen: "Luo Chen, I heard that the government has come to envoy, what is going on?"

Afterwards, Luo Chen told everyone the edict that the NPC envoy had just announced.

Everyone frowned, and Mu Jianxing said: "Since this is the case, then go, if you don't go, it will be against the government, and it will not be good for our future development." Moreover, it is also possible that one of the parts of the game quest that I am building is going to. "

Luo Chen said: "Well, what shouldn't be avoided can't be hidden." Then let's do it, Mu Jian and Leng Yue, the two of you stay in the territory, you must supervise the construction and development of the territory, and now that we are ahead of other territories, we must seize this opportunity. Also, the security of the territory is all up to the two of you, so be sure to defend our territory. Wushuang and Mei wear the two of you to come with me, after all, both of you have rich combat experience, and you also have a player army under your command, and there are a lot of people, so you can help after you go. In addition, bring all 30 bloody soldiers with you, so that they can also experience on the battlefield. "

After Luo Chen finished speaking, the four of them had no objection to Luo Chen's arrangement, so they all went down to start arranging, after all, they were going to leave early tomorrow morning.

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