The first five days of the month have passed, and it's time to start a full upgrade of the city's buildings.

The first important task is definitely to expand the production of wood, because the wood consumed by medium-sized buildings is very huge, so Luo Chen asked Chang Baicao to send half of the residents in the city, almost more than 150 NPCs, to build a mid-level lumber yard at the same time, and increase the supply of wood.

Primary lumberyard: 1 unit 1 person per day, 2 copper coins per day. A junior lumberyard can accommodate up to 10 loggers at the same time.

Intermediate Lumberyard: Improve Logging Tools, +10 Logging Efficiency, and pay 2 Copper Coins per day. It can accommodate 50 lumberjacks working at the same time.

In one go, residents have built three intermediate logging farms in the nearby woods, cutting more than 160 units of timber per day. A 1000 unit grove is only enough for them to cut down 5~6 times before they are cut down.

Fortunately, the forest is a wild growth resource, and it only takes more than ten days for a forest that has been cut down into a bare forest to refresh it again. There were more than a dozen large and small forests near the territory, enough for them to cut down.

In addition to this part of the lumberjacks, the rest of the more than 150 NPC residents have been sent to build new buildings and update the buildings of the entire territory.

Around mid-March, all the buildings in the territory have been upgraded, and the foundations in the city are basically complete.

In the past two days, Luo Chen had nothing to do, so he found Chang Baicao. After Chang Baicao came over, Luo Chen asked, "Baicao, do you know what this chaotic camp is, what is it used for?"

Chang Baicao said with a blank face: "My lord, the old man doesn't know very well." The old man only knows how to build the basic building functions of the territory, but he doesn't know anything about these special buildings with side doors!".

Luo Chen nodded and did not speak. In fact, Luo Chen wanted to build this building to see what function this chaotic camp would have, but he was worried that something would happen, so he immediately asked Mu Jianxing to mobilize an army of nearly 100 players to prepare for a possible chaos. In case an NPC rebel comes out of here, everyone should hunt and kill them in time.

Everything was ready, and Luo Chen pressed OK on the jade pillar in the lord's mansion, ordering the chaotic private camp to build automatically.

This chaotic camp was automatically generated by the system, so Luo Chen couldn't be sure where it would appear.

After about five or six minutes, the jade pillar showed that the building had been built, and the construction of a chaotic camp had been completed.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the city's busiest player market, and countless players were shouting in surprise.

After Luo Chen and the others got the news, they immediately ran towards the place where the riot took place with Mu Jianxing and dozens of people.

A tattered NPC chaotic tent appeared in front of everyone, and it was actually refreshed in the most lively place in the city.

Many players gathered around to see the excitement, and they were very surprised. They are all wondering how there can be a hostile rebellion here. At this time, everyone saw the arrival of Luo Chen and the others, so they took the initiative to make way for them.

Luo Chen and the others waited here for a while, and there was no movement in the tent. Just when everyone was impatient to wait, a hostile NPC finally appeared, and I saw this NPC holding a big knife and looking at everyone with a fierce face.

I saw him look left and right, and then he chose the nearest level 20 warrior player to slash at it. The player was also shocked, he had never fought with a humanoid NPC, so he quickly drew his sword and slashed at the NPC rebel.

The other players in the vicinity didn't move, trying to see what was going to happen.

The two of you went back and forth, and after about half a minute of fighting, the NPC rebel was killed by the player.

Suddenly, a red turban and two copper coins burst out of the ground. (Black turban: Accessory.) +0 Defense. When worn, +1 charisma).


warrior player was overjoyed, hurriedly put on his turban, and said with a smug smile: "Haha, it's great that this can actually burst out equipment and copper coins." I earned it today!".

The onlookers couldn't help but shout, "Wow, it's a big deal!" and "If we knew there was such a good thing, we would have done it ourselves!" It was the envy of the onlookers.

Luo Chen and Mu Jianxing glanced at each other, and their eyes were shocked.

Humanoid NPCs burst out of equipment too little, they were out before, killed so many bandits, but only got some copper coins, almost never burst equipment, it is enough to see that the probability of humanoid NPCs bursting is extremely low.

But they didn't expect that this chaotic camp only swiped out a chaotic person and exploded a piece of equipment, which couldn't help but surprise them.

Now all the players are continuing to surround the rebels, and as long as the free rebels are refreshed, they will be killed by other players.

Luo Chen and the others didn't mix, and they kept watching the players kill the rebels.

After watching it for about half an hour, he said to Mu Jianxing on the side: "Mu Jian, you go and push away the chaotic campers, you can't let him be in such a lively place as the market, let him refresh it and go to a remote place." "

Mu Jianxing nodded and went to execute, and finally after Mu Jianxing was knocked down three times, the rebel camp refreshed in the northwest corner of the territory.

Luo Chen said: "That's it, this location is remote enough, let the players kill monsters directly in the city and explode equipment, although the refresh speed is not very fast, but it can also burst out a few pieces of good equipment." "

Mu Jianxing responded: "Luo Chen, I think we should organize a security patrol team to kill monsters here every day, so that the monsters will not hurt the residents of the city." "

Luo Chen replied: "Okay, just do as you say, you can arrange this matter." In addition, the bloody militia was also brought in, and let them upgrade with the monsters of the chaotic camp. "

Mu Jianxing nodded and didn't speak, and went to execute.


residents of Chang Baicao's territory who were standing on the side were extremely worried about their safety, but Luo Chen had no good way, because once the chaotic camp was established, there was no way to stop it. But fortunately, the monsters it spawned are near the chaotic camp, and as long as the residents don't get close, there are basically no safety problems.

Moreover, Luo Chen also arranged for the player team and the bloody militia to patrol on the side, so it was not a big problem.

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